Davis's Lab & Diagnostic Tests
- O 2 saturation
- Obligate cell parasites
- Obstetric complications, fibrinogen degradation products
- Obstetric ultrasound
- Obstructive jaundice, vitamin K levels in
- Obstructive tracheal conditions, bronchoscopy
- Obstructive uropathy, renogram of
- Occipital horn syndrome, copper (Cu)
- Ocular hemorrhage, gonioscopy
- Ocular hypertension, nerve fiber analysis of
- Ocular pressure, intraocular pressure (IOP)
- OKT3 antibodies
- Oligoclonal banding, cerebrospinal fluid analysis
- Oligomenorrhea, prolactin levels in
- Oncotype DX breast cancer recurrence score
- Ophthalmoscopy
- Opiates (heroin), drug screening for
- Oral contraceptives
- Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
- OraQuick
- Orchiectomy, testosterone, total and free, in
- Organ failure, procalcitonin levels in
- Organic acid disorders, newborn screening for
- Organomegaly, kidney, ureter, and bladder study
- Orthopedic x-rays
- Osmolality, Blood and Urine
- Osmotic Fragility
- Ossification
- Osteitis deformans, calcium, blood, total and ionized
- Osteoblastic metastases, calcium, blood, total and ionized
- Osteoblasts
- Osteochondral fractures, arthrogram of
- Osteochondroma, magnetic resonance imaging of
- Osteoclasts
- Osteocytes
- Osteogenesis imperfecta, bone turnover markers in
- Osteolytic bone metastases, calcium, blood, total and ionized
- Osteoma
- Osteopenia, bone x-rays
- Osteoporosis
- Osteosarcoma
- Otoscopy
- Ovarian cancer, cancer markers
- Ovulation, progesterone levels in
- Oxalate, Urine
- Oxalic acid, kidney stone evaluation
- Oxygenation