Diseases and Disorders
- Salfinamide, for Parkinson disease
- Salicylic acid, for human papillomavirus
- Saline-filled implants, in breast reconstruction surgery
- Saline wet mount, in vaginitis
- Salivary gland biopsy, in Sjögren syndrome
- Salmonella infection
- Salpingectomy, for ectopic pregnancy
- Salpingostomy, for ectopic pregnancy
- Salpingotomy, for ectopic pregnancy
- SAMPLE mnemonic, in trauma assessment
- Sarcoidosis
- SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2)
- SARS-CoV-2 reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction assay, in COVID-19
- Scalds
- Schwannoma
- Sclerotherapy, endoscopic, for bleeding esophageal varices
- Sclerotherapy, for varicose veins
- SCOFF screening questionnaire, for bulimia nervosa
- Seaweed pads, for pressure injury
- Secondary polycythemia
- Segmental arterial pressure monitoring, in arterial occlusive disease
- Segmentectomy, for lung cancer
- Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, for Alzheimer disease
- Selegiline, for Parkinson disease
- Sengstaken-Blakemore tube, for Mallory-Weiss syndrome
- Sensitivity tests, for epididymitis
- Septic shock
- Sequestration crisis
- Serotonic receptor stimulant, for migraine headache
- Serotonin-ht-receptor agonists, for migraine headache
- Serum, drug screens of, in psychoactive substance abuse
- Serum beta-2 microglobulin (B2M), for multiple myeloma
- Serum magnesium, in hypermagnesemia
- Sevelamer hydrochloride (Renagel), for hyperphosphatemia
- Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2)
- Severe persistent asthma
- Shigellosis
- Shingles
- Sickle cell anemia
- Sickle cell crisis
- Sickle cell disease (SCD)
- SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)
- Sildenafil (Revatio), for pulmonary hypertension
- Silent ischemia
- Silver sulfadiazine, for burns
- Sinus arrhythmia
- Sinus rhythm
- Skeletal muscle relaxants, for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A)
- Small cell lung cancer (SCLC)
- Smoking cessation
- Sodium nitroprusside, for hypertension
- Sodium phosphate, for hypophosphatemia
- Solifenacin succinate (VESIcare), for neurogenic bladder
- Somatostatin (Zecnil), for hypovolemic/hemorrhagic shock
- Somatostatin analog, for acromegaly
- Sotrovimab, for COVID-19
- Spastic colon
- Spatula test, for tetanus
- Speculum examination, in premature rupture of membranes
- Speech, after laryngectomy
- Sphincterotomy, endoscopic, for pancreatitis
- Spinal fusion, for herniated disk
- Spleen, trauma to
- Sputum analysis, cytological, in lung cancer
- SRS-A (Slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis)
- St. Louis encephalitis
- St. Vitus dance
- Stable (typical) angina
- Stanford V, for Hodgkin lymphoma
- Starvation, in anorexia nervosa
- Statins, for hyperlipoproteinemia
- Status epilepticus
- Stereotactic surgery, for brain cancer
- Stillbirth
- Stimulants, signs and symptoms of withdrawal
- Stones, kidney
- Streptokinase, for hemothorax
- Streptomycin, for tuberculosis
- Streptozocin, for pancreatic cancer
- Subactam, for urinary tract trauma
- subarachnoid
- Subcutaneous implant, for endometriosis
- Subfulminant hepatic failure
- Subluxation
- Substance abuse, psychoactive
- Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
- Sugar supplement, for hypermagnesemia
- Sulfadiazine, for toxoplasmosis
- Sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, for diverticular disease
- Sumatriptan, for migraine headache
- Surfactants, for ARDS
- Sweat electrolyte test, in cystic fibrosis
- Swine flu (H1N1 influenza virus)
- Syme procedure
- Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH)
- Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)
- Systemic lupus erythematosus