Taber's Medical Dictionary
- a
- A
- Å
- ā
- a/A ratio
- A/B testing
- A/G ratio
- a.c.
- a.d.
- A2
- A4C
- aa
- AA
- AA amyloidosis
- AAb
- AAg
- A and B agglutinogens
- A angle
- Ab
- ab-, abs-
- abacavir
- abacterial cystitis
- A band
- abandonment
- abaptiston
- abarognosis
- abarthrosis
- abarticular
- abarticulation
- abasia
- abasia-astasia
- abasic
- abate
- abatement
- abatic
- abaxial, abaxile
- abaxile
- Abbe condenser
- Abbe-Wharton-McIndoe operation
- Abbe-Wharton-McIndoe operation, McIndoe operation
- abbreviated new drug application
- ABCD 2 score, ABCD score
- ABCD prediction rule
- ABCD score
- ABCDs of palliative care
- abciximab
- abdiction
- abdomen
- abdomin-
- abdominal
- abdominal adhesion
- abdominal angina
- abdominal aortic aneurysm
- abdominal bandage
- abdominal belt respirator
- abdominal binder
- abdominal cavity
- abdominal compartment syndrome
- abdominal crisis
- abdominal decompression
- abdominal delivery
- abdominal displacement ventilation
- abdominal effleurage
- abdominal ganglion
- abdominal gestation
- abdominalgia
- abdominal heart
- abdominal hernia
- abdominal hysterectomy
- abdominal hysterotomy
- abdominal inguinal ring
- abdominal line
- abdominal nephrectomy
- abdominal obesity
- abdominal pad
- abdominal paracentesis
- abdominal pool
- abdominal position
- abdominal pregnancy
- abdominal pulse
- abdominal raphe
- abdominal respiration
- abdominal ring
- abdominal section
- abdominal sponge
- abdominal thrust
- abdominal wound
- abdomino-, abdomin-
- abdominocardiac reflex
- abdominocentesis
- abdominocyesis
- abdominocystic
- abdominodiaphragmatic breathing
- abdominogenital
- abdominohysterectomy
- abdominohysterotomy
- abdominoperineal
- abdominoplasty
- abdominoscopy
- abdominoscrotal
- abdominothoracic
- abdominothoracic arch
- abdominouterotomy
- abdominovaginal
- abdominovesical
- abducens
- abducens muscle
- abducens oculi
- abducent
- abducent nerve
- abduct
- abduction
- abduction device
- abductor
- abductor digiti minimi muscle
- abductor muscle
- abductor pillow
- abductor pollicis brevis muscle
- aberrant
- aberrant conduction
- aberrant ductule
- aberrant goiter
- aberratio
- aberration
- aberrometry
- Abeta, Aβ
- Abeta42
- abetalipoproteinemia
- abevacuation
- abeyance
- abfraction
- ability
- ability bias
- abiogenesis
- abiogenetic
- abiogenous
- abiosis
- abiotic
- abiotrophic
- abiotrophy
- ablactation
- ablate
- ablatio
- ablation
- ablatio placentae
- ablatio retinae
- ablative
- ablative surgery
- ablepharia
- ablepharous
- ablepsia
- ablution
- abnl
- abnormal
- abnormal cardiac nociception
- Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale test
- abnormality
- abnormally
- abnormal occlusion
- abnormal psychology
- abnormal tooth mobility
- abnormal uterine bleeding
- ABO incompatibility
- aborad
- aboral
- aborally
- abort
- aborted systole
- abortifacient
- abortion
- abortionist
- abortive
- abortive medication
- abortive pneumonia
- abortive poliomyelitis
- abortus
- aboulia
- abrachia
- abrachiocephalia
- abradant
- abrade
- abrasion
- abrasive
- abreact
- abreaction
- abrin
- abruptio
- abruptio placentae
- abs
- abs-
- abs. feb.
- abscess
- abscissa
- abscission
- abscopal
- absence
- absence seizure
- absent breath sounds
- absenteeism
- absentia epileptica
- absent respiration
- Absidia
- absinth
- absinthe, absinth
- absinthism
- absinthium
- absolute
- absolute accommodation
- absolute agraphia
- absolute alcohol
- absolute benefit increase
- absolute contraindication
- absolute glaucoma
- absolute granulocyte count
- absolute humidity
- absolute hyperopia
- absolute neutrophil count
- absolute phagocyte count
- absolute risk increase
- absolute scale
- absolute scotoma
- absolute sterility
- absolute temperature
- absolute threshold
- absolute zero
- absorb
- absorbable dusting powder
- absorbable surgical suture
- absorbance
- absorbed dose
- absorbefacient
- absorbent
- absorbent dressing
- absorbent point
- absorptiometer
- absorptiometric
- absorptiometry
- absorption
- absorption atelectasis
- absorption line
- absorption lines
- absorption spectrum
- absorptive
- absorptively
- absorptiveness
- abstinence
- abstinence effects
- abstinent
- abstract
- abstraction
- abstract thinking
- abterminal
- abulia, aboulia
- abuse
- abuse-deterrent
- abuse-deterrent analgesic
- abuse liability
- abutment
- abzyme
- Ac
- AC
- -ac
- acacia
- acacia gum
- academic dishonesty
- academic health center
- academic skills disorder
- Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine
- acalculia
- ACAM2000
- acampsia
- acanth-
- acantha
- acanthamebiasis
- Acanthamoeba
- Acanthaster planci
- acanthesthesia
- acanthion
- acantho-, acanth-
- Acanthocephala
- acanthocephaliasis
- Acanthocheilonema perstans
- acanthocyte
- acanthocytosis
- acanthoid
- acanthokeratodermia
- acantholysis
- acantholysis bullosa
- acanthoma
- acanthoma adenoides cysticum
- acanthopelvis
- acanthopelyx
- acanthosis
- acanthosis nigricans
- acanthosis palmaris
- acanthotic
- acapnia
- acapnial
- acarbia
- acarbose
- acardia
- acardiac
- acardiacus, acardius
- acardiotrophia
- acardius
- acariasis
- acaricidal
- acaricide
- acarid, acaridan
- Acaridae
- acaridan
- acaridiasis
- Acarina
- acarinosis
- acarodermatitis
- acaroid
- acarology
- acarophobia
- acarus
- Acarus
- Acarus folliculorum
- Acarus scabiei
- acatalasemia
- acatalasia
- acataphasia
- acatastasia
- acathexis
- accelerated death benefit
- accelerated drug approval
- accelerated hypertension
- accelerated idioventricular rhythm
- accelerated living benefit
- accelerated respiration
- acceleration
- acceleration-deceleration injury
- acceleration injury
- accelerator
- accelerator fiber
- accelerator nerve
- accelerometer
- accelerometry
- acceptable daily intake
- acceptable risk
- acceptance
- acceptance and commitment therapy
- acceptance limit
- acceptible macronutrient distribution range
- acceptor
- access
- access code
- accessible
- accession
- accessional tooth
- accessorii
- accessorius
- accessory
- accessory cell
- accessory chromosome
- accessory gland
- accessory hemiazygos vein
- accessory joint motion
- accessory ligament
- accessory lobe of parotid
- accessory meningeal artery
- accessory motion
- accessory movement
- accessory muscle of respiration
- accessory muscle of ventilation
- accessory nasal sinus
- accessory nerve
- accessory oculomotor nucleus
- accessory olivary nucleus
- accessory olive
- accessory organ
- accessory pancreas
- accessory pancreatic duct
- accessory placenta
- accessory protein
- accessory receptor
- accessory spleen
- accessory symptom
- accessory thymus
- accident
- accidental
- accidental host
- accidental hypothermia
- accidentally
- accidental parasite
- accidental symptom
- accident-prone
- accipiter
- acclimate
- acclimation
- acclimatization
- acclimatization to heat
- acclimatize
- accommodation
- accommodation phosphene
- accommodation reflex
- accommodative/convergence accommodation ratio
- accommodative asthenopia
- accommodative excess
- accommodative insufficiency
- accommodative iridoplegia
- accommodative strabismus
- accoucheur
- accoucheuse
- account
- accountability
- account payable
- account receivable
- accreditation
- Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
- Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools
- accrementition
- accretio
- accretio cordis
- accretion
- accretionary
- acculturate
- acculturation
- acculturational
- acculturative
- accumulate
- Accupril
- accuracy
- ACD sol
- -aceae
- acedia
- A cell
- acellular
- acenesthesia
- acentric
- acephalgic migraine
- acephalia, acephalism
- acephalism
- acephalobrachia
- acephalocardia
- acephalochiria
- acephalocyst
- acephalogastria
- acephalopodia
- acephalorhachia
- acephalostomia
- acephalothoracia
- acephalus
- acervulus
- acesulfame-K
- acesulfame potassium, acesulfame-K
- acet-
- aceta
- acetabular
- acetabular fossa
- acetabular notch
- acetabulectomy
- acetabuloplasty
- acetabulum
- acetal
- acetaldehyde
- acetamide
- acetaminophen
- acetaminophen poisoning
- acetanilid, acetanilide
- acetanilide
- acetanilid poisoning
- acetarsol, acetarsone
- acetarsone
- acetate
- acetazolamide
- acetic
- acetic acid
- acetic acid bacteria
- acetic acid test
- acetic aldehyde
- acetic fermentation
- acetify
- aceto-, acet-
- acetoacetic acid
- Acetobacter
- acetoin
- acetone
- acetone in urine, test for
- acetonemia
- acetone test
- acetonitrile
- acetonuria
- acetophenazine maleate
- acetophenetidin
- acetous
- acetowhite test
- acetum
- acetyl
- acetylacetic acid
- acetylation
- acetylcholine
- acetylcholine chloride
- acetylcholine-receptor binding antibody
- acetylcholinesterase
- acetylcholinesterase inhibitor
- acetyl CoA
- acetylcoenzyme A
- acetylcysteine
- acetylene
- acetyl fentanyl
- acetyl-fentanyl
- acetylfentanyl, acetyl-fentanyl, acetyl fentanyl
- acetylL-carnitine
- acetylsalicylic acid
- acetylsalicylic acid poisoning
- acetyltransferase
- Ac globulin
- ACh
- achalasia
- ache
- AChE
- acheilia
- acheiria, achiria
- acheiropodia
- achievement age
- achievement quotient
- Achillea millefolium
- Achilles bursa
- Achilles reflex
- achillobursitis
- achillodynia
- achillorrhaphy
- achillotenotomy
- achillotomy
- achiria
- achlorhydria
- achlorhydric anemia
- acholuria
- acholuric jaundice
- achondrogenesis
- achondroplasia
- achondroplastic dwarf
- AChR
- achroma
- achromasia
- achromate
- achromatic
- achromatically
- achromatic erythrocyte
- achromatic lens
- achromatic objective
- achromatic vision
- achromatin
- achromatism
- achromatocyte
- achromatolysis
- achromatophil, achromophil
- achromatopsia
- achromatosis
- achromatous
- achromaturia
- achromia
- achromic
- Achromobacter
- Achromobacter xylosoxidans
- achromocyte, achromatocyte
- achromophil
- achromotrichia
- achylia, achylosis
- achylia gastrica
- achylia pancreatica
- achylosis
- achylous
- acicular
- acid
- acidaminuria
- acid-ash diet
- acid-base balance
- acid burn
- acid-citrate-dextrose
- acid dyspepsia
- acidemia
- acid etching
- acid-fast
- acid-fast bacillus
- acid-fast stain
- acid hemolysin test
- acid hydrolase
- acidifiable
- acidification
- acidifier
- acidify
- acidity
- acidity of the stomach
- acid lipase deficiency
- acid lipase disease
- acidophil, acidophile
- acidophil adenoma
- acidophile
- acidophil granule
- acidophilic
- acidophilic cell
- acidophilic leukocyte
- acidophilus milk
- acidoresistant
- acidosis
- acidotic
- acidotic breathing
- acid phosphatase
- acid phosphate
- acid poisoning
- acid-proof
- acid radical
- acid rain
- acid-reflux disorder
- acid reflux test
- acid salt
- acid stain
- acid tide
- acidulate
- acidulated phosphate fluoride
- acidulation
- acidulous
- acidum
- aciduria
- aciduric
- acinar
- acinar adenocarcinoma
- acinar cell
- acinar gland
- Acinetobacter
- aciniform
- acinitis
- acinose
- acinotubular gland
- acinous, acinose
- acinous gland
- acinus
- AC joint
- ackee
- acladiosis
- aclasia
- aclasis, aclasia
- acleistocardia
- acme
- acne
- acne atrophica
- acne ciliaris
- acne conglobata
- acne excorie
- acneform
- acne fulminans
- acnegenic
- acneiform, acneform
- acne indurata
- acne keloid
- acne keloidalis nuchae
- acne keratosa
- acnemia
- acne neonatorum
- acne papulosa
- acne pustulosa
- acne rosacea
- acne urticaria
- acne varioliformis
- acne vulgaris
- aconite
- aconitine
- acorea
- acoria
- acormus
- acous-
- -acousia, -acusis
- acousmatamnesia
- acoust-
- acoustic
- acoustic agraphia
- acoustic apparatus
- acoustic area
- acoustic blink reflex
- acoustic center
- acoustic cluster therapy
- acoustic ganglion
- acoustic glare
- acoustic hyperesthesia
- acoustic impedance
- acoustic meatus
- acoustic nerve
- acoustic neuroma
- acousticophobia
- acoustic organ
- acoustic output
- acoustic radiation
- acoustic radiation force impulse imaging
- acoustic reflectometry
- acoustic reflex threshold
- acoustics
- acoustic trauma
- acoustic trauma deafness
- acoustic tubercle
- acousto-, acoust-, acous-
- ACPeds
- acquired
- acquired centric occlusion
- acquired characteristic
- acquired cuticle
- acquired cutis laxa
- acquired deafness
- acquired epileptiform aphasia
- acquired hernia
- acquired hypogammaglobulinemia
- acquired immunity
- acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
- acquired narcolepsy
- acquired obesity
- acquired reflex
- acquired resistance
- acquired stuttering
- acquired teratism
- acquired trait
- acquisition
- acquisition rate
- acquisitus
- acral
- acrania
- Acremonium
- acrid
- acridine
- acrimony
- acritical
- acro-
- acroagnosis
- acroanesthesia
- acroasphyxia
- acroblast
- acrobrachycephaly
- acrocentric
- acrocephalia
- acrocephalic
- acrocephalosyndactylia, acrocephalosyndactyly
- acrocephalosyndactyly
- acrocephaly, acrocephalia
- acrochordon
- acrocyanosis
- acrocyanotic
- acrodermatitis
- acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans
- acrodermatitis continua
- acrodermatitis enteropathica
- acrodermatitis hiemalis
- acrodermatitis perstans
- acrodermatosis
- acrodynia
- acrodynic
- acrodysesthesia
- acroesthesia
- acrofacial
- acrogeria
- acrognosis
- acrohyperhidrosis
- acrohypothermia
- acrohypothermy, acrohypothermia
- acrokeratosis verruciformis
- acrokinesia
- acromacria
- acromastitis
- acromegalic gigantism
- acromegaly
- acromelalgia
- acromelic
- acrometagenesis
- acromial
- acromial angle
- acromial process
- acromial reflex
- acromicria
- acromioclavicular joint
- acromioclavicular ligament
- acromioclavicular separation
- acromioclavicular sprain
- acromioclavicular traction test
- acromiocoracoid
- acromiohumeral
- acromion
- acromion process
- acromioplasty
- acromioscapular
- acromiothoracic
- acromyotonia
- acromyotonus
- acroneurosis
- acro-osteolysis
- acropachyderma
- acroparalysis
- acroparesthesia
- acropathology
- acrophobe
- acrophobia
- acrophobic
- acroposthitis
- acroscleroderma
- acrosclerosis
- acrosomal
- acrosomal reaction
- acrosome
- acroteric
- acrotism
- acrotomophilia
- acrotrophoneurosis
- acrylamide
- acrylate
- acrylic acid
- acrylic resin
- acrylonitrile
- acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene
- act
- ACTHoma
- ACTH stimulation test
- actigraphy
- actin
- actin-
- acting out
- actinic
- actinically
- actinic burns
- actinic cheilitis
- actinic conjunctivitis
- actinic dermatitis
- actinic keratosis
- actinic radiation
- actinic ray
- actinic retinitis
- actinide
- Actinidia
- actinism
- actinium
- actinium emanation
- actino-, actin-
- Actinobacillus
- Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans
- actinodermatitis
- actinogenic
- Actinomyces
- Actinomyces antibioticus
- Actinomyces bovis
- Actinomyces israelii
- Actinomycetales
- actinomycete
- actinomycetic
- actinomycetin
- actinomycetoma
- actinomycetous
- actinomycin
- actinomycin A
- actinomycin B
- actinomycin D
- actinomycoma
- actinomycosis
- actinomycotic
- actinon
- actinoneuritis
- actinophytosis
- actinotherapy
- action
- actionable
- action learning
- action letter
- action potential
- action tremor
- activate
- activated lymphocyte
- activated protein C
- activated protein C resistance ratio assay
- activating enzyme
- activation
- activation-induced cell death
- activator
- activator protein
- active addict
- active algolagnia
- active anaphylaxis
- active assistive range of motion
- active carrier
- active-comparator trial
- active congestion
- active drainage
- active error
- active eruption
- active exercise
- active expiration
- active heat and moisture exchanger
- active hyperemia
- active imagery
- active immune suppression
- active immunity
- active immunization
- active incontinence
- active insufficiency
- active labor
- active metabolite
- active motion
- active movement
- active phase arrest
- active principle
- active range of motion
- active scopophilia
- active sensitization
- active shooter
- active site
- active surveillance
- active surveillance culture
- active transport
- active treatment
- active trigger point
- activin
- activities of daily living
- activity
- activity analysis
- activity coefficient
- activity configuration
- activity demand
- activity intolerance
- activity intolerance, risk for
- activity limitation
- activity measure for postacute care
- activity theory
- activity therapist
- actomyosin
- Actos
- ACTs
- actual
- actual cautery
- actuator
- act utilitarianism
- acu-
- acuity
- acuminate
- acupoint
- acupressure
- acupuncture
- acupuncture point
- acupuncturist
- -acusis
- acustimulation
- acute
- acute abdomen
- acute abdomen series
- acute abscess
- acute adrenocortical insufficiency
- acute alcoholic hallucinosis
- acute alcoholism
- acute angle
- acute anicteric hepatitis
- acute anterior poliomyelitis
- acute appendicitis
- acute ascending myelitis
- acute aseptic meningitis
- acute bacterial endocarditis
- acute bacterial prostatitis
- acute bronchitis
- acute cardiorenal syndrome
- acute care nurse practitioner
- acute chest syndrome
- acute chorea
- acute confusion
- acute confusional state
- acute contagious conjunctivitis
- acute corneal hydrops
- acute coronary syndrome
- acute delirium
- acute diarrhea
- acute diffuse peritonitis
- acute disseminated encephalitis
- acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
- acute diverticulitis
- acute effect
- acute esophageal necrosis
- acute exposure
- acute fatigue
- acute gastritis
- acute glossitis
- acute goiter
- acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis
- acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis
- acute HIV infection
- acute hydrocele
- acute hyponatremia
- acute idiopathic polyneuritis
- acute infection
- acute inflammation
- acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
- acute inflammatory polyneuropathy
- acute intermittent porphyria
- acute ischemic hepatocellular injury
- acute kidney failure
- acute laryngitis
- acute lead encephalopathy
- acute lead poisoning
- acute liver failure
- acute lobar pneumonia
- acute lung injury
- acute lymphoblastic leukemia
- acute lymphocytic leukemia
- acute mountain sickness
- acute myelitis
- acute myelogenous leukemia
- acute myeloid leukemia
- acute myocardial infarction
- acute nephritic syndrome
- acute nephritis
- acute nicotine poisoning
- acute nongonorrheal vulvitis
- acute nonlymphocytic leukemia
- acute otitis media
- acute pain
- acute pancreatitis
- acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis
- acute parenchymatous tonsillitis
- acute pharyngitis
- acute pharyngoconjunctival fever
- acute phase protein
- acute phase reactant
- acute phase reaction
- acute phase response
- acute polyarthritis rheumatica
- acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy
- acute rejection
- acute renal failure
- acute respiratory distress syndrome
- acute retinal necrosis
- acute retroviral syndrome
- acute rhinitis
- acute spinal cord injury
- acute stress disorder
- acute substance withdrawal syndrome
- acute substance withdrawal syndrome, risk for
- acute suppurative arthritis
- acute suppurative sinusitis
- acute symptomatic seizure
- acute tonsillitis
- acute transverse myelitis
- acute tubular necrosis
- acute urethral syndrome
- acyanotic
- acyclic
- acyclovir
- acyl
- acylate
- acylation
- acystia
- acystinervia
- acystineuria
- ad
- AD
- ad-
- Adacel
- adactylia, adactylism, adactyly
- adactylism
- adactyly
- -ad
- Adair-Dighton syndrome
- adalimumab
- Adam's apple
- adamantine
- adamantinoma
- adamantoblastoma
- Adams forward bend test
- Adams-Stokes syndrome
- Adams test
- ADAMTS13 deficiency-mediated thrombotic microangiopathy
- adapalene
- adaptation
- adaptational
- adaptationally
- Adaptation Model
- adapted clothing
- adapter, adaptor
- adapter protein
- adaptive capacity, decreased intracranial
- adaptive device
- adaptive equipment
- adaptive functioning
- adaptive hypertrophy
- adaptive immunity
- adaptive pain
- adaptive seating device
- adaptive sport
- adaptive support ventilation
- adaptive technology
- adaptive therapy
- adaptogen
- adaptometer
- adaptor
- adaxial
- add
- add.
- adde
- addict
- addiction
- addiction ministry
- addictionologist
- addiction psychiatry
- addiction severity index
- Addis count method
- Addison's disease
- addisonian crisis
- addisonism
- addition
- additional risk
- addition silicone impression material
- additive
- additive effect
- add-on code
- add-on therapy
- adducent
- adduct
- adduction
- adductor brevis muscle
- adductor canal
- adductor longus muscle
- adductor magnus muscle
- adductor muscle
- adductor pollicis muscle
- adductor reflex
- adductor tubercle
- adelomorphic
- adelomorphous, adelomorphic
- A-delta nerve fiber
- aden-
- adenalgia
- adenase
- adendric, adendritic
- adendritic
- adenectomy
- adenectopia
- adenia
- Adenia digitata
- adeniform
- adenine
- adenitis
- adenization
- adeno-, aden-
- adenoacanthoma
- adenoameloblastoma
- adeno-associated virus
- adenoblast
- adenocarcinoma
- adenocarcinoma in situ
- adenocarcinomatous
- adenocele
- adenocellulitis
- adenocyst
- adenocystoma
- adenodynia
- adenoepithelioma
- adenofibroma
- adenofibrosis
- adenogenous
- adenohypophyseal
- adenohypophysial
- adenohypophysis
- adenoid
- adenoidal
- adenoidectomy
- adenoid facies
- adenoid hypertrophy
- adenoiditis
- adenoids
- adenoid vegetation
- adenolipoma
- adenolymphocele
- adenolymphoma
- adenoma
- adenoma detection rate
- adenomas
- adenoma sebaceum
- adenomata
- adenomatoid odontogenic tumor
- adenomatome
- adenomatosis
- adenomatous
- adenomatous goiter
- adenomatous polyp
- adenomectomy
- adenomere
- adenomyoma
- adenomyometritis
- adenomyosarcoma
- adenomyosis
- adenopathy
- adenopharyngitis
- adenosarcoma
- adenosclerosis
- adenose, adenous
- adenosine
- adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate
- adenosine deaminase
- adenosine deaminase conjugated with polyethylene glycol
- adenosine diphosphate
- adenosine diphosphate antagonist
- adenosine diphosphate receptor antagonist
- adenosine monophosphate
- adenosine stress test
- adenosine triphosphatase
- adenosine triphosphate
- adenosis
- adenosquamous
- adenotome
- adenotonsillectomy
- adenous
- adenoviral
- adenovirus
- adenyl
- adenylate cyclase
- adenyl cyclase
- adenylic acid
- adequate intake
- adequate stimulus
- adermia
- adermogenesis
- adherence
- adherent
- adherent pericardium
- adherent placenta
- adhesin
- adhesio interthalamica
- adhesiolysis
- adhesion
- adhesiotomy
- adhesive
- adhesive bandage
- adhesive capsulitis
- adhesive capsulitis of shoulder
- adhesive inflammation
- adhesive pericarditis
- adhesive peritonitis
- adhesive phlebitis
- adhesive pleurisy
- adhesive pylephlebitis
- adhesive tape
- adiadochokinesia, adiadochokinesis, adiadokokinesis
- adiadochokinesis
- adiadokokinesis
- adiaphoresis
- adiaspiromycosis
- adiastole
- Adie, William John
- Adie syndrome
- adip-
- adipectomy
- adipic
- adipo-, adip-
- adipocele
- adipocellular
- adipocere
- adipocerous
- adipocyte
- adipocytokine, adipokine
- adipofibroma
- adipogenic
- adipogenous, adipogenic
- adipoid
- adipokine
- adipokinesis
- adipokinetic action
- adiponecrosis
- adiponectin
- adipose
- adipose cell
- adipose tissue
- adiposis
- adipositis
- adiposity
- adiposity rebound
- adiposogenital dystrophy
- adiposogenital syndrome
- adiposuria
- adipsia
- aditus
- aditus ad antrum
- aditus laryngis
- adjudicate
- adjudication
- adjudicator
- adjunct
- adjust
- adjustable gastric banding
- adjusted occlusion
- adjuster
- adjustment
- adjustment, impaired
- adjustment disorder
- adjustment sleep disorder
- adjuvant
- adjuvant analgesic
- adjuvant arthritis
- adjuvant chemotherapy
- adjuvant therapy
- Adler, Alfred
- ad lib
- ad libitum
- adluminal
- administration
- Administration on Aging
- administrative law
- administrative order
- admission
- admission of fact
- admittance
- admitting privilege
- admix
- ad nauseam
- adneural
- adnexa
- adnexal
- adnexal pain
- adnexa oculi
- adnexitis
- -adol
- adolescence
- adolescent
- adolescent turmoil
- adoption
- adoption triad
- adoptive immunotherapy
- adoptive parent
- adoral
- adren-
- adrenal
- adrenal-
- adrenal androgen
- adrenal artery
- adrenal cortex
- adrenal crisis
- adrenalectomy
- adrenal gland
- adrenaline
- adrenalinemia
- adrenal insufficiency
- adrenalinuria
- adrenalitis, adrenitis
- adrenal medulla
- adrenalo-, adrenal-, adreno-, adren-
- adrenal vein
- adrenarche
- adrenergic
- adrenergic agonist
- adrenergically
- adrenergic blockade
- adrenergic nerve
- adrenergic nerve fiber
- adrenergic neuron-blocking agent
- adrenergic receptor
- adreno-
- adrenoceptive
- adrenochrome
- adrenocortical
- adrenocortical hormone
- adrenocorticosteroid
- adrenocorticotropic
- adrenocorticotropic hormone
- adrenocorticotropin
- adrenogenital
- adrenogenital syndrome
- adrenoleukodystrophy
- adrenolytic
- adrenomedullary hormone
- adrenomedullin
- adrenomegaly
- adrenomimetic
- adrenomyeloneuropathy
- adrenopathy
- adrenosterone
- adrenotoxin
- adrenotropic
- Adson, Alfred Washington
- Adson forceps
- Adson maneuver
- adsorb
- adsorbate
- adsorbed anthrax vaccine
- adsorbent
- adsorption
- adsorption chromatography
- adsternal
- adterminal
- adult
- adult day care
- adult day care center
- adult entertainment
- adulteration
- adult foster care
- adult height
- adult nurse practitioner
- adult-onset asthma
- adult-onset gangliosidosis
- adult-onset obesity
- adult polycystic kidney disease
- adult polyglucosan body disease
- adult respiratory distress syndrome
- adult rickets
- adult stem cell
- advance
- advanced
- advanced airway management
- Advanced Cardiac Life Support
- Advanced Emergency Medical Technician
- advanced glycation end product
- advance directive
- advanced liver disease
- advanced maternal age
- advanced nurse practitioner
- advanced practice nurse
- advanced practice nursing
- Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
- advanced sleep-phase syndrome
- advanced trauma life support
- Advanced Trauma Life Support
- advancement
- adventitia
- adventitial cell
- adventitial neuritis
- adventitious
- adventitious breath sounds
- adventitious bursa
- adventitious cyst
- adventitious lung sounds
- adverse drug event
- adverse drug reaction
- adverse event
- adverse reaction
- advisory
- AdvLD
- advocacy
- adynamia
- adynamic
- adynamic ileus
- AE
- Aeby plane
- Aedes
- Aedes aegypti
- Aedes albopictus
- Aedes triseriatus
- aegeline
- -aemia
- aer-
- aerated
- aeration
- aerial
- aero-, aer-
- aeroallergen
- aerobe
- aerobic
- aerobic exercise
- aerobic respiration
- aerobic training
- aerobiosis
- aerobiotic
- aerobiotically
- aerocele
- aerocoly
- aerocystoscopy
- aerodigestive tract
- aerodontalgia
- aerodontalgic
- aerodynamic
- aerodynamically
- aerodynamics
- aeroembolism
- aerogenesis
- aerogenic
- aerogenous
- aerometer
- Aeromonas
- Aeromonas hydrophilia
- aero-otitis
- aeroparotitis
- aeroperitoneum, aeroperitonia
- aeroperitonia
- aerophagia, aerophagy
- aerophagy
- aerophilic, aerophilous
- aerophilous
- aerophobia
- aerophobic
- aerosinusitis
- aerosol
- aerosol generator
- aerosolization
- aerosol mask
- aerosol therapy
- aerosol-transmitted disease
- aerospace medicine
- aerothermotherapy
- aerotitis, aero-otitis
- aerotolerance
- aerotolerant
- aerotropism
- aerourethroscope
- aerourethroscopy
- Aesculapius
- Aesculus hippocastanum
- aesthesi-
- aesthetics, esthetics
- aesthetic surgery
- aetio-
- AF
- afebrile
- affect
- affection
- affective
- affective bias
- affective disorder
- affectively
- affective melancholia
- affective psychosis
- affective release
- affectivity
- afferent
- afferent fiber
- afferent loop syndrome
- afferent lymphatic
- afferent nerve
- afferent neuron
- afferent pathway
- afferent tract
- affidavit
- affiliation
- affinity
- affinity maturation
- affix
- Affordable Care Act
- afibrinogenemia
- aflatoxicosis
- aflatoxin
- African plum
- African sleeping sickness
- African trypanosomiasis
- afteraction
- afterbirth
- afterburn
- aftercare
- aftercataract
- after-coming head
- aftercurrent
- afterdamp
- afterdepolarization
- afterdischarge
- afterdrop
- aftereffect
- afterhearing
- afterimage
- afterimpression
- afterload
- afterloading
- aftermarketing surveillance
- aftermovement
- afterpain
- afterperception
- after potential
- afterpotential wave
- afterpressure
- aftersensation
- aftertaste
- after-touch
- aftertreatment
- Ag
- against medical advice
- against-the-rule astigmatism
- agamic
- agammaglobulinemia
- agamogenesis
- agamogenetic
- agamogenetically
- aganglionic megacolon
- agape
- agar, agar-agar
- agar-agar
- agaric
- agaricus bosporus
- agastria
- agastric
- Agatson score
- AgCl
- age
- age-associated memory impairment
- aged
- age discrimination
- Age Discrimination Act
- ageism, agism
- ageist
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- agenesia, agenesis
- agenesis
- agenitalism
- agent
- Agent Orange
- agent prevention study
- age of consent
- agerasia
- age-related hypogonadism
- age-related macular degeneration
- age-related tauopathy
- age retardation
- age-specific
- age spot
- ageusia, ageustia
- ageustia
- agglomerate
- agglomeratio
- agglutin-, agglutino-
- agglutinant
- agglutination
- agglutination test
- agglutination titer
- agglutinative
- agglutinin
- agglutino-
- agglutinogen
- agglutinogenic
- agglutinophilic
- agglutogenic
- aggrecan
- aggregate
- aggregate anaphylaxis
- aggregate nodules
- Aggregatibacter
- Aggregatibacter aphrophilus
- aggregation
- aggregometry
- aggression
- aggressive
- aggressive periodontitis
- agile
- agility
- aging
- aging in place
- aging society
- agism
- agitated depression
- agitation
- agitographia
- agitophasia
- Agkistrodon
- Agkistrodon contortrix
- Agkistrodon piscivorus
- aglossia
- aglossostomia
- aglutition
- aglycemia
- aglycon, aglycone
- aglycone
- aglycosuric
- agminate, agminated
- agminated
- agnathia
- agnatic
- agnea
- Agnew splint
- AgNO3
- agnogenic
- agnosia
- agnostic
- agnosticism
- AgNP
- -agogue
- agonad, agonadal
- agonadal
- agonal
- agonal clot
- agonal thrombus
- agonist
- agonist muscle
- agony
- agoraphobe
- agoraphobia
- agoraphobic
- -agra
- agrammatism
- agranular leukocyte
- agranulocyte
- agranulocytic
- agranulocytosis
- agranuloplastic
- agranulosis
- agraphesthesia
- agraphia
- agraphic
- agreeableness
- agrichemical
- agrimony
- Agrobacterium radiobacter
- agrochemical, agrichemical
- agrypnocoma
- agrypnotic
- agyria
- agyric
- AH50
- ahiflower oil
- AI
- Aicardi-Goutières syndrome
- Aicardi syndrome
- aichmophobia
- aid
- aide
- aid in dying
- AIDS-defining cancer
- AIDS dementia
- AIDS peripheral neuropathy
- aid station
- AIDS wasting syndrome
- ailment
- ailurophobe
- ailurophobia
- AIMS test
- ainhum
- air
- air bed
- air block
- airborne concentration
- airborne infection
- airborne isolation
- airborne precaution
- airborne transmission
- air bronchogram sign
- air cell
- air compressor
- air conduction
- air contrast enema
- aircraft diversion
- air crescent sign
- air displacement plethysmography
- air dose
- air douche
- air embolism
- air embolus
- air-fluidized bed
- air hunger
- air kerma
- airlock
- air medical services
- air medical transportation
- air myelography
- airplane splint
- air pump
- air-purifying respirator
- air sac
- airsick
- airsickness
- air sinus
- air splint
- air swallowing
- air syringe
- air trapping
- airway
- airway clearance
- airway clearance, ineffective
- airway conductance
- airway opening pressure
- airway pressure release ventilation
- airway remodeling
- airway resistance
- airway stent
- aisle wheelchair
- Ajellomyces
- Ajellomyces capsulatus
- Ajellomyces dermatiditis
- AK
- akaryocyte
- akaryote, acaryote
- akasha
- akathisia
- akee, ackee
- akinesia, akinesis
- akinesia algera
- akinesis
- akinetic
- akinetic apraxia
- akinetic mutism
- Akkermansia
- Al
- ala
- ala cinerea
- alacrima
- ala cristae galli
- alae
- Alagille syndrome
- -al
- alalia
- ala major ossis sphenoidalis
- ala minor ossis sphenoidalis
- AL amyloidosis
- ala nasi
- alanine
- Al-Anon
- ala of ilium
- alar
- alar artery
- alar cartilage
- alar lamina
- alar lamina of neural tube
- alar ligament
- alar ligament test
- alarmin
- alarm reaction
- alarm symptom
- alarm therapy
- alarplasty
- alar plate
- alar process
- alar rim
- alar spine
- alastrim
- Alateen
- ala-tragus line
- ala vomeris
- alb-
- alba
- albedo
- Albers-Schönberg disease
- Alberta Infant Motor Scale
- Albert disease
- albicans
- albinism
- albino
- albinotic
- albinuria
- Albright disease
- albuginea
- albuginea corporum cavernosorum
- albuginea oculi
- albuginea ovarii
- albuginea testis
- albugineotomy
- albugineous
- albuginitis
- albumen
- albumin
- albuminate
- albuminaturia
- albumin dialysis
- albumin excretion rate
- albumin-globulin ratio
- albuminiferous
- albuminimeter
- albuminiparous
- albuminocholia
- albuminogenous
- albuminoid
- albuminolysis
- albuminometer, albuminimeter
- albuminorrhea
- albuminose
- albuminosis
- albuminous, albuminose
- albuminous gland
- albuminous granule
- albuminous periostitis
- albuminous swelling
- albumin reaction
- albumin test
- albuminuretic
- albuminuria
- albuminuric
- albuminuric retinitis
- albuminuric retinopathy
- albus
- albuterol
- Alcaligenes
- Alcaligenes faecalis
- Alcaligenes xylosoxidans
- alcapton
- alcaptonuria
- Alcock canal
- alcohol
- Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration
- alcohol bath
- alcohol dehydrogenase
- alcohol-dependent sleep disorder
- alcohol group
- alcoholic
- alcoholic ataxia
- alcoholic blackout
- alcoholic cardiomyopathy
- alcoholic cirrhosis
- alcoholic coma
- alcoholic delirium
- alcoholic dementia
- alcoholic dyspepsia
- alcoholic extract
- alcoholic fermentation
- alcoholic hepatitis
- alcoholic ketoacidosis
- alcoholic pancreatitis
- alcoholic paralysis
- alcoholic paraplegia
- alcoholic psychosis
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- alcoholic tremor
- alcoholism
- alcohol radical
- alcohol-related birth defect
- alcohol septal ablation
- alcohol thermometer
- alcohol unit
- alcoholuria
- Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
- alcohol withdrawal
- alcohol withdrawal delirium
- alcohol withdrawal syndrome
- aldehyde
- aldolase
- aldopentose
- aldose
- aldose reductase
- aldosterone
- aldosterone antagonist
- aldosteronism
- aldrin
- alecithal ovum
- alemmal
- alendronate
- Aleppo boil
- alert fatigue
- aleukemia
- aleukemic leukemia
- aleukocytosis
- aleurone
- Aleve
- Alexander disease
- alexia
- alexic
- alexithymia
- alfacalcidol
- alfalfa sprout
- algae
- algefacient
- algesia
- -algesia
- algesic
- algesthesia
- algetic
- -algia, -algesia
- algicidal
- algicide
- algid
- algid stage
- alginate
- alginate slime
- algiomotor
- algiomuscular
- alglucerase
- algodystrophy
- algolagnia
- algolagniac
- algolagnic
- algometer
- algometry
- algophobia
- algorithm
- algorithmic
- algorithmically
- algor mortis
- aliageusia
- aliasing
- Alice in Wonderland syndrome
- alicyclic
- alicyclic hydrocarbon
- alienate
- alienation
- alien hand syndrome
- alien limb phenomenon
- aliform
- aliform process
- aligner
- alignment, alinement
- aliment
- alimentary
- alimentary bolus
- alimentary canal
- alimentary duct
- alimentary glycosuria
- alimentary lipemia
- alimentary system
- alimentary tract
- alimentation
- alimentotherapy
- alinasal
- alinement
- aliphatic
- aliphatic hydrocarbon
- aliphatic series
- aliquot
- alisphenoid
- alizarin, alizarine
- alizarine
- alkalemia
- alkali
- alkali-ash diet
- alkali burn
- alkali denaturation test
- alkalimetry
- alkaline
- alkaline bath
- alkaline earth
- alkaline phosphatase
- alkaline reserve
- alkaline tide
- alkalinity
- alkalinization
- alkalinize
- alkalinuria
- alkali poisoning
- alkali reserve
- alkalis, alkalies
- alkalization
- alkalize, alkalinize
- alkaloid
- alkaloidal
- alkalosis
- alkalotherapy
- alkalotic
- alkalotic tetany
- alkapton, alcapton
- alkaptonuria, alcaptonuria
- alkaptonuric
- alkene
- Alkhurma hemorrhagic fever
- alkyl
- alkylate
- alkylating agent
- alkylation
- alkylator
- all-
- allachesthesia
- allantochorion
- allantoic
- allantoic fluid
- allantoic sac
- allantoic vesicle
- allantoid
- allantoides
- allantoin
- allantoinuria
- allantois
- allay
- all-cause mortality
- allegiance bias
- Allegra
- allele
- allelic
- allelic gene
- allelomorph
- allelotaxis
- Allen Cognitive Level Screen
- Allen-Doisy test
- Allen test
- allergen
- allergenic
- allergenicity
- allergen-specific immunotherapy
- allergen unit
- allergic
- allergic alveolitis
- allergic arthritis
- allergic asthma
- allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis
- allergic contact dermatitis
- allergic fungal sinusitis
- allergic laryngitis
- allergic otitis media
- allergic purpura
- allergic reaction
- allergic rhinitis
- allergic salute
- allergist
- allergoid
- allergology
- allergy
- allergy reaction, risk for
- allergy response, latex
- allesthesia, alloesthesia
- alleviate
- alleviation
- alliaceous
- allicin
- allied health professional
- allied reflex
- alliesthesia
- alligator forceps
- alligator skin
- Allis, Oscar
- alliteration
- Allium sativum
- allo-, all-
- alloantigen
- alloantigenic
- allocation
- allocation bias
- allocative efficiency
- allocheiria
- allochesthesia
- allochetia
- allochezia, allochetia
- allochiria, allocheiria
- allochroism
- allochromasia
- allocinesia, allokinesia
- allodiploidy
- allodynia
- alloerotic
- alloeroticism, alloerotism
- alloerotism
- alloesthesia
- allogeneic, allogenic
- allogeneic antigen
- allogeneic blood transfusion
- allogeneic graft
- allogeneic transplantation
- allogenic
- allograft
- alloimmune
- Alloiococcus otitidis
- Alloiococcus otitis, Alloiococcus otitidis
- allokinesia
- allokinesis
- allokinetic
- allolalia
- allomerism
- allomorphism
- allopath
- allopathic
- allopathically
- allopathy
- allophasis
- alloplasia
- alloplasty
- alloploidy
- allopolyploidy
- allopregnanolone
- allopsychic
- allopurinol
- alloreactive
- all-or-none law
- allostasis
- allosteric
- allosteric enzyme
- allosteric modulator
- allostery
- allotransplant
- allotransplantation
- allotriogeustia
- allotriophagy
- allotriosmia
- allotropic
- allotropism, allotropy
- allotropy
- allotype
- allotypic
- allotypically
- allow natural death
- alloxan
- alloy
- allozyme
- allspice
- allyl
- allylic
- Alma-Ata Declaration
- alochia
- aloe
- alogia
- aloin
- alopecia
- alopecia areata
- alopecia capitis totalis
- alopecia congenitalis
- alopecia follicularis
- alopecia liminaris
- alopecia medicamentosa
- alopecia pityroides
- alopecia prematura
- alopecia symptomatica
- alopecia totalis
- alopecia toxica
- alopecia universalis
- alpha
- alpha-2 antiplasmin
- alpha-2 delta ligand
- alpha-2 macroglobulin
- alpha-2 plasmin inhibitor
- alpha-adrenergic receptor
- alpha agonist
- alpha angle
- alpha blocker
- alpha cell
- alpha-d-galactosidase
- alpha-fetoprotein
- alpha-fetoprotein antigen
- alpha-fetoprotein kit
- alpha-gal
- alpha-globulin
- alpha-glucosidase inhibitor
- alpha granule
- alpha granule deficiency syndrome
- alpha-hemolytic streptococci
- alpha lipoprotein
- alpha livetin
- alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase
- alpha-methyltryptamine
- alpha motor neuron
- alpha particle
- alpha particles, alpha rays
- alpha-PHP
- alpha ray
- alpha rays
- 5-alpha reductase
- alpha-reductase inhibitor
- alpha rhythm
- alpha-rhythm
- alpha-thalassemia
- alpha-tocopherol
- Alphavirus
- alpha wave
- alpha-wave
- Alport syndrome
- alprazolam
- alprostadil
- Alstrom syndrome
- alt. hor.
- altered level of consciousness
- alternans
- Alternaria
- alternate host
- alternating attention
- alternating current
- alternating fluency test
- alternating mydriasis
- alternating personality
- alternating pulse
- alternating strabismus
- alternation of generations
- alternative communication
- alternative complement pathway
- alternative dispute resolution
- alternative inheritance
- alternative medicine
- alternator
- alternobaric vertigo
- Althaea
- Althaea officinalis
- altitude alkalosis
- altitude chamber
- altitude hypoxia
- altitude insomnia
- altitudinal hemianopia
- altitudinal neglect
- altretamine
- altricious
- altruism
- altruist
- altruistic
- alum
- alum bath
- aluminosis
- aluminum
- aluminum acetate
- aluminum ammonium sulfate
- aluminum chloride
- aluminum phosphate gel
- aluminum phosphide
- aluminum potassium sulfate
- aluminum sulfate
- alum-precipitated toxoid
- Alvarado score
- alvei
- alveoalgia, alveolalgia
- alveobronchiolitis, alveobronchitis
- alveobronchitis
- alveolalgia
- alveolar
- alveolar/arterial gradient
- alveolar abscess
- alveolar adenocarcinoma
- alveolar air
- alveolar angle
- alveolar arch
- alveolar artery
- alveolar bone
- alveolar canal
- alveolar-capillary block
- alveolar cavity
- alveolar cell
- alveolar cell carcinoma
- alveolar cleft
- alveolar crest
- alveolar cyst
- alveolar dead space
- alveolar duct
- alveolar foramen
- alveolar gingiva
- alveolar gland
- alveolar hydatid disease
- alveolar index
- alveolar infiltrate
- alveolar mucosa
- alveolar nerve
- alveolar periosteum
- alveolar periostitis
- alveolar pore
- alveolar pressure
- alveolar process
- alveolar proteinosis
- alveolar ridge
- alveolar sac
- alveolar socket
- alveolar ventilation
- alveolate
- alveolation
- alveolectomy
- alveoli
- alveoli-, alveolo-
- alveoli of the breast
- alveoli pulmonis
- alveolitis
- alveolo-
- alveolocapillary membrane
- alveoloclasia
- alveolocondylar plane
- alveolodental
- alveololingual
- alveololingual sulcus
- alveoloplasty
- alveolotomy
- alveolus
- alveolus dentalis
- alveus
- alveus hippocampi
- alymphia
- alymphocytosis
- alymphoplasia
- Alzheimer, Alois
- Alzheimer disease
- Am
- ama
- amaas
- amacrinal
- amacrine, amacrinal
- amacrine cell
- amalgam
- amalgamate
- amalgamation
- amalgamator
- amalgam tattoo
- amanita
- amantadine hydrochloride
- amastia
- amastigote
- amatoxin
- amaurosis
- amaurosis fugax
- amaurotic
- amazia
- amber codon
- ambi-
- ambidexterity
- ambidextrous
- ambidextrously
- Ambien
- ambient
- ambient noise
- ambient temperature
- ambient temperature and pressure, saturated
- ambiguous
- ambiguous genitalia
- ambilateral
- ambilaterally
- ambilevous
- ambisexual
- ambisexuality
- ambisinister
- ambitendency
- ambivalence
- ambivalent
- ambiversion
- ambivert
- ambly-
- amblyacousia
- amblychromasia
- amblychromatic
- amblyo-, ambly-
- Amblyomma
- amblyopia
- amblyopia ex anopsia
- amblyopic
- amblyoscope
- amboceptor unit
- ambos
- Ambrosia
- ambulance
- ambulance drone
- ambulant, ambulatory
- ambulate
- ambulation
- ambulation aid
- ambulatory
- ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
- ambulatory care-sensitive condition
- ambulatory care sensitive condition, ambulatory care-sensitive condition
- ambulatory difficulty
- ambulatory endoscopy center
- Ambulatory Payment Classification
- ambulatory plague
- ambulatory surgery
- Ambystoma mexicanum
- amebacidal
- amebacide
- amebapore
- amebiasis
- amebic
- amebic abscess
- amebic carrier state
- amebic colitis
- amebic dysentery
- amebic hepatitis
- amebicidal
- amebicide, amebacide
- amebiform
- amebocyte, amoebocyte
- ameboid
- ameboidism
- ameboid movement
- ameboma
- ameburia
- amelanotic
- amelia
- amelification
- ameliorate
- amelioration
- ameloblast
- ameloblast cell
- ameloblastic
- ameloblastic fibroodontoma
- ameloblastic fibro-odontoma, ameloblastic fibroodontoma
- ameloblastic layer
- ameloblastic odontoma
- ameloblastoma
- amelodentinal
- amelodentinal junction
- amelogenesis
- amelogenesis imperfecta
- amelus
- amenity
- amenorrhea
- amenorrheic
- amentia
- American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
- American Academy of Nursing
- American Academy of Sleep Medicine
- American Association for Clinical Chemistry
- American Association for Respiratory Care
- American Association of Blood Banks
- American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
- American Association of Diabetes Educators
- American Association of Retired Persons
- American Botanical Council
- American cockroach
- American College Health Association
- American College of Nurse-Midwives
- American College of Rheumatology
- American College of Sports Medicine
- American College of Toxicology
- American Federation for Aging Research
- American Geriatrics Society
- American ginseng
- American Health Information Management Association
- American Heart Association diet
- American Heart Association diet, Step II
- American Holistic Medical Association
- American Holistic Nursing Association
- American leishmaniasis
- American Medical Records Association
- American Nurses Association
- American Nurses Association Network
- American Occupational Therapy Association
- American Occupational Therapy Foundation
- American Physical Therapy Association
- American Psychiatric Nurses Association
- American Red Cross
- American Respiratory Care Foundation
- American Sign Language
- American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- American Society for Clinical Pathology
- American Society of Clinical Oncology
- American Society of Hematology
- American Speech-Language Hearing Association
- American Standard Safety System
- American Stroke Association
- Americans with Disabilities Act
- American trypanosomiasis
- American Type Culture Collection
- americium
- Ameslan
- Ames test
- ametria
- ametropia
- ametropic
- amicrobic
- amidase
- amide
- amidin
- amido-
- amidulin
- amikacin sulfate
- amimia
- amine
- amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation cell
- amino-
- aminoacetic acid
- aminoacidemia
- aminoacidopathy
- amino acid pool
- aminoaciduria
- aminobenzene
- aminobenzoic acid
- aminocaproic acid
- aminoglutaric acid
- aminoglutethimide
- aminoglycoside
- aminohippuric acid sodium salt
- aminolysis
- aminolytic
- aminophylline
- aminopterin
- aminopurine
- aminopyrine
- aminosalicylic acid
- aminosuccinic acid
- aminotransferase
- aminuria
- amiodarone
- Amish lethal microcephaly
- amitosis
- amitotic
- amitriptyline hydrochloride
- amlodipine
- amma therapy
- ammeter
- Ammi visnaga
- ammoaciduria
- ammonemia
- ammonia
- ammoniacal
- ammonia intoxication
- ammoniated
- ammoniated mercury
- ammonia toxicity
- ammonia water
- ammoniemia, ammonemia
- ammonium
- ammonium alum
- ammonium carbonate
- ammonium chloride
- ammonium hydroxide
- ammonium thiosulfate
- ammoniuria
- amnemonic agraphia
- amnesia
- amnesiac, amnesic
- amnesic
- amnesic amimia
- amnesic aphasia
- amnesic apraxia
- amnesic shellfish poisoning
- amnestic
- amnestic disorder
- amnestic syndrome
- amniocentesis
- amniochorial, amniochorionic
- amniochorionic
- amniodrainage
- amniogenesis
- amniography
- amnioinfusion
- amnion
- amnionitis
- amnion nodosum
- amniorrhea
- amniorrhexis
- amnioscope
- amnioscopy
- amniote
- amniotic
- amniotic band disruption sequence syndrome
- amniotic fluid
- amniotic fluid embolism
- amniotic fold
- amniotic sac
- amniotic septostomy
- amniotitis
- amniotome
- amniotomy
- amnitis
- amobarbital
- amobarbital sodium
- A-mode
- A-mode (amplitude modulation) display
- A-mode ultrasound
- amodiaquine hydrochloride
- Amoeba
- amoeba, ameba
- amoebapore, amebapore
- amoebas, amoebae, amebas, amebae
- amoebic
- amoebocyte
- amok, amuck
- amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate
- amotivational syndrome
- amotosalen
- amoxicillin
- Amoxil
- amperage
- ampere
- amph-
- amphetamine
- amphetamine sulfate
- amphi-, amph-
- amphiarthrodial
- amphiarthrosis
- amphiaster
- Amphibia
- amphibian
- amphibious
- amphiblastic
- amphiblastula
- amphibolism
- amphichroic, amphichromatic
- amphichromatic
- amphicyte
- amphidiarthrodial joint
- amphipathic
- amphitheater
- amphitrichate, amphitrichous
- amphitrichous
- ampho-
- amphocyte
- ampholyte
- ampholytic
- amphophil
- amphophil granule
- amphophilic
- amphophilic cell
- amphoric
- amphoric echo
- amphoricity
- amphoric resonance
- amphoric respiration
- amphoric voice
- amphoteric, amphoterous
- amphoteric compound
- amphoteric electrolyte
- amphotericin B
- amphoteric reaction
- amphoterism
- amphoterous
- ampicillin
- amplicon
- amplification
- amplifier
- amplifying host
- amplitude
- amplitude modulation
- amplitude of accommodation
- ampule
- ampulla
- ampulla ductus deferentis
- ampullae
- ampulla of fallopian tube
- ampulla of lacrimal duct
- ampulla of rectum
- ampulla of semicircular canal
- ampulla of semicircular ducts
- ampulla of uterine tube
- ampulla of vas deferens
- ampulla of Vater
- ampullar pregnancy
- ampullitis
- ampullula
- amputating ulcer
- amputation
- amputation flap
- amputation in contiguity
- amputation in continuity
- amputation neuroma
- amputation-stump bandage
- amputee
- Amsler grid
- Amsterdam criteria
- amuck
- amusia
- amychophobia
- amyelencephaly
- amyelia
- amyelinic
- amyelinic neuroma
- amyelus
- amygdala
- amygdalae
- amygdalin
- amygdaline
- amygdaloid
- amygdaloid complex
- amygdaloid nucleus
- amygdalolith
- amygdalopathy
- amyl
- amyl-
- amylaceous
- amylase
- amylasuria
- amylin
- amyl nitrite
- amylo-, amyl-
- amylodextrin
- amylodyspepsia
- amylogenesis
- amylogenic
- amyloid
- amyloid angiopathy
- amyloid beta peptide
- amyloid degeneration
- amyloid disease
- amyloid infiltration
- amyloid kidney
- amyloid liver
- amyloid nephrosis
- amyloidosis
- amyloid polyneuropathy
- amyloid precursor protein
- amylolysis
- amylolytic
- amylolytic enzyme
- amylolytic fermentation
- amylopectin
- amylophagia
- amylopsin
- amylose
- amylosuria
- amyluria
- amyoplasia
- amyosthenia
- amyosthenic
- amyotonia
- amyotonia congenita
- amyotrophia
- amyotrophic
- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- amyotrophy, amyotrophia
- amyxia
- amyxorrhea
- An
- an-
- an- (1), a-
- an- (2)
- ana
- ana-, an-
- Anabaena
- anabiosis
- anabolic
- anabolin
- anabolism
- anabolite, anabolin
- anacamptometer
- anacardiaceae
- anacatesthesia
- anacidity
- anaclasis
- anaclastic
- anaclisis
- anaclitic
- anaclitic depression
- anacrotic
- anacrotic limb
- anacrotic pulse
- anacrotism
- anacusia, anacusis, anakusis
- anacusis
- anadicrotic
- anadicrotic pulse
- anadicrotism
- anadidymus
- anadipsia
- anadrenalism
- anadromous
- anaerobe
- anaerobic
- anaerobic exercise
- anaerobic respiration
- anaerobic threshold
- anaerobiosis
- Anaerococcus
- anagen
- anagenesis
- anakatadidymus
- anakré
- anakusis
- anal
- anal atresia
- anal canal
- anal characteristic
- anal column
- anal crypt
- anal dynamic graciloplasty
- anal dysplasia
- analeptic
- anal eroticism
- anal erotism
- anal fascia
- anal fissure
- anal fistula
- analgesia
- analgesic
- analgesic ladder, World Health Organization analgesic ladder
- analgesic nephritis
- analgesic nephropathy
- analgesic-rebound headache
- analgetic
- analgia
- anal gland
- analgosedation
- anal groove
- anal incontinence
- analog
- analogous
- analogue, analog
- analogy
- anal orifice
- anal Pap smear
- anal pit
- anal reflex
- anal sinus
- anal squamous intraepithelial lesion
- anal transition zone
- anal triangle
- anal verge
- anal wink
- analysand
- analyses
- analysis
- analysis of occupational performance
- analysis of variance
- analyst
- analyte
- analytic
- analytical balance
- analytical chemistry
- analytically
- analytical reading
- analytical tonometry
- analytical treatment interruption
- analytical ultracentrifugation
- analytical validity
- analytic psychology
- analyze
- analyzer
- anamnesis
- anamnestic
- anamnestic reaction
- anamniotic
- anamorph
- anamorphic
- anancastic
- anandamide
- anangioplasia
- anangioplastic
- anankastic, anancastic
- anankastic conditional
- anaphase
- anaphoresis
- anaphoria
- anaphrodisia
- anaphrodisiac
- anaphrodite
- anaphylactically
- anaphylactic reaction
- anaphylactic shock
- anaphylactogenic
- anaphylactoid purpura
- anaphylactoid reaction
- anaphylatoxin
- anaphylaxis
- anaplasia
- Anaplasma phagocytophilum
- anaplasmosis
- anaplastic
- anaplastic astrocytoma
- anaplastic large cell lymphoma
- anaplastic thyroid carcinoma
- anaplastology
- anapnea
- anapneic
- anapophysis
- Anaprox, Anaprox DS
- Anaprox DS
- anapyrexia
- anarchic hand
- anarthria
- anasarca
- anasarcous
- anasarcous sound
- anaspadias
- anastole
- anastomose
- anastomoses
- anastomosis
- anastomosis stapler
- anastomotic
- anatomic, anatomical
- anatomical
- anatomical age
- anatomical crown
- anatomical dead space
- anatomically
- anatomical neck of the humerus
- anatomical occlusion
- anatomical position
- anatomical shunt
- anatomical snuffbox
- anatomical transfer function
- anatomic pathology
- anatomic snuffbox, anatomical snuffbox
- anatomist
- anatomy
- anatomy scan
- anatoxic
- anatoxin
- anatricrotic
- anatricrotism
- anaxon, anaxone
- anaxone
- ancestor
- ancestry
- anchor
- anchorage
- anchor splint
- ancient DNA
- ancillary
- anconad
- anconal, anconeal
- anconeal
- anconeus
- anconeus muscle
- ancrod
- Ancylostoma
- Ancylostoma braziliense
- Ancylostoma caninum
- Ancylostoma duodenale
- Ancylostomatidae
- ancylostomiasis, ankylostomiasis
- ancyroid, ankyroid
- Andersen disease
- Andersen syndrome, Andersen-Tawil syndrome
- Andersen-Tawil syndrome
- AND order
- andr-
- andragogy
- andro
- andro-, andr-
- androblastoma
- androgalactozemia
- androgen
- androgen deprivation
- androgenetic
- androgenetic alopecia
- androgen excess
- androgenic
- androgenic hormone
- androgen insensitivity syndrome
- androgenism
- androgen receptor antagonist
- androgen-receptor antagonist
- androgen-signaling targeting inhibitor
- androgen suppression
- androgen suppression therapy
- andrographis paniculata
- androgyne
- androgynous
- androgynus
- android
- android obesity
- android pelvis
- andrology
- andromimetic
- andromorphous
- andropause
- androphobia
- androstane
- androstenedione
- androsterone
- -ane, -an
- anecdotal
- anecdotal evidence
- anecdotal records
- anecdote
- anechoic
- anechoic room
- anejaculation
- anembryonic gastritis
- anemia
- anemia of chronic inflammation
- anemia of inflammation
- anemia of prematurity
- anemia of the newborn
- anemic
- anemically
- anemic hypoxia
- anemic infarct
- anemic murmur
- anemic necrosis
- anemometer
- anemophobia
- anencephalic
- anencephalus
- anencephaly
- anephric
- anephrogenesis
- anergasia
- anergastic reaction
- anergia
- anergic
- anergy
- aneroid
- anerythroplasia
- anerythroplastic
- anesthecinesia, anesthekinesia
- anesthekinesia
- anesthesia
- anesthesia dolorosa
- anesthesia shock
- anesthesiologist
- anesthesiology
- anesthetic
- anesthetist
- anesthetization
- anesthetize
- anetoderma
- aneuploid
- aneuploidy
- aneuploidy screening
- aneurism
- aneurysm, aneurism
- aneurysmal
- aneurysmal cough
- aneurysmal murmur
- aneurysmal thrill
- aneurysmal varix
- aneurysmectomy
- aneurysm needle
- aneurysmoplasty
- aneurysmorrhaphy
- aneurysmotomy
- angel's trumpet
- angel dust
- Angelica sinensis
- Angelman syndrome
- Angelucci syndrome
- anger
- angi-
- angiasthenia
- angiectomy
- angiectopia
- angiemphraxis
- angiitis
- angina
- angina decubitus
- angina inversa
- anginal
- angina of effort
- angina pectoris
- anginoid
- anginophobia
- anginose, anginous
- anginous
- angio
- angio-, angi-
- angioaccess
- angioataxia
- angioblast
- angioblastoma
- angiocardiogram
- angiocardiographic
- angiocardiography
- angiocardiopathy
- angiocarditis
- angiocavernous
- angiocentric
- angiocholecystitis
- angiocholitis
- angiodysplasia
- angioectasia
- angioedema
- angioembolization
- angioendothelioma
- angioendotheliomas, -mata
- angiofibroma
- angiofollicular lymph node hyperplasia
- angiogenesis
- angiogenic
- angioglioma
- angiogram
- angiograph
- angiographic
- angiographically
- angiography
- angiohyalinosis
- angiohypertonia
- angiohypotonia
- angioid
- angioinvasion
- angiokeratoma
- angiokinetic
- angioleukitis
- angiolipoma
- angiolith
- angiology
- angiolymphitis
- angiolysis
- angioma
- angioma cavernosum
- angiomalacia
- angioma simplex
- angiomatosis
- angiomatous
- angioma venosum racemosum
- angiomyocardiac
- angiomyolipoma
- angiomyoma
- angiomyoneuroma
- angiomyosarcoma
- angioneurectomy
- angioneuromyoma
- angioneurotic edema
- angioneurotomy
- angionoma
- angioparalysis
- angioparalytic
- angiopathology
- angiopathy
- angiophacomatosis, angiophakomatosis
- angiophakomatosis
- angioplasty
- angiopoiesis
- angiopoietic
- angiopoietin
- angiopressure
- angiorrhaphy
- angiorrhexis
- angiosarcoma
- angiosclerosis
- angioscope
- angioscopy
- angioscotoma
- angiosis
- angiospasm
- angiospastic
- angiostatin
- angiostenosis
- angiosteosis
- angiostomy
- angiostrongyliasis
- Angiostrongylus
- angiotelectasis
- angiotensin
- angiotensin amide
- angiotensin-converting enzyme
- angiotensin I
- angiotensin II
- angiotensinogen
- angiotherapy
- angiotitis
- angiotome
- angiotomy
- angiotonic
- angiotrophic
- angle
- angle of convergence
- angle of incidence
- angle of inclinication (of the hip)
- angle of jaw
- angle of mandible
- angle of refraction
- angle of Treitz
- angor
- angor animi
- angstrom unit
- anguidine
- angular
- angular acceleration
- angular artery
- angular blepharitis
- angular cheilitis
- angular cheilosis
- angular conjunctivitis of Morax-Axenfeld
- angular curvature
- angular gyrus
- angular movement
- angular nucleus
- angular vein
- angulation
- anhedonia
- anhedonic
- anhidrosis, anidrosis
- anhidrotic, anidrotic
- anhidrotic dysplasia
- anhydrase
- anhydration
- anhydride
- anhydrochloric
- anhydrous
- anhydrous lanolin
- anianthinopsy
- anicteric
- anidian monster
- anidrosis
- anidrotic
- aniline
- aniline blue
- anilingus
- anilinism, anilism
- anilism
- anima
- animal
- animal efficacy rule, animal rule, FDA animal efficacy rule
- Animalia
- animal inoculation
- animal model
- animal pole
- animal psychology
- animal rule
- animal starch
- animation
- animatism
- animi agitatio
- animism
- animist
- animistic
- animus
- anion
- anion channel
- anion exchange
- anion-exchange resin
- anion gap
- anionic
- anionic detergent
- aniridia
- anisakiasis
- Anisakis simplex
- anise
- aniseikonia
- aniseikonic
- anismus
- aniso-
- anisocoria
- anisocytosis
- anisogamous
- anisogamy
- anisognathous
- anisokaryosis
- anisomastia
- anisomelia
- anisometrope
- anisometropia
- anisometropic
- anisonormocytosis
- anisophoria
- anisopia
- anisotonic
- anisotropic, anisotropous
- anisotropic band
- anisotropic disk
- anisotropism
- anisotropous
- anisotropy
- ankle
- ankle bandage
- ankle-brachial index
- ankle clonus reflex
- ankle dislocation
- ankle-foot orthosis
- ankle jerk
- ankle joint
- ankle reflex
- ankyl-
- ankylo-, ankyl-
- ankyloblepharon
- ankylochilia
- ankylodactylia
- ankyloglossia
- ankylopoietic
- ankyloproctia
- ankylosed
- ankylosing spondylitis
- ankylosis
- Ankylostoma
- ankylostomiasis
- ankylotia
- ankylotome
- ankylurethria
- ankyrin
- ankyroid
- anlage
- anneal
- annectant, annectent
- annectent
- annelid
- Annelida
- annexitis
- annual bleed rate
- annular
- annular hymen
- annular ligament
- annular pancreas
- annular placenta
- annular scleritis
- annular sclerosis
- annular scotoma
- annular stricture
- annular tendon
- annular thrombus
- annuli
- annuloplastic
- annuloplasty
- annulorrhaphy
- annulus
- annulus, anulus
- annulus of Zinn
- anococcygeal
- anococcygeal ligament
- anodal
- anode
- anoderm
- anodmia
- anodontia
- anodyne
- anodynia
- anogenital
- anogenital ratio
- anoikis
- anomalad
- anomaloscope
- anomalous
- anomaly
- anomia
- anomic
- anomic aphasia
- anomie, anomy
- anomy
- anonychia
- anonymization
- anonymize
- anonymous
- anonymous testing
- anoperineal
- Anopheles
- Anopheles koliensis
- Anopheles stephensi
- anophoria
- anophthalmia
- anopia
- anoplasty
- Anoplura
- anopsia
- anorchia
- anorchidism, anorchia, anorchism
- anorchism
- anorectal
- anorectal abscess
- anorectal flexure
- anorectal stricture
- anorectic, anoretic
- anoretic
- anorexia
- anorexia athletica
- anorexia mirabilis
- anorexia nervosa
- anorexiant
- anorexic
- anorexigenic
- anorgasmia, anorgasmy
- anorgasmic
- anorgasmy
- anorthopia
- anoscope
- anoscopic
- anoscopy
- anosigmoidoscopy
- anosmatic
- anosmia
- anosmic
- anosmous
- anosognosia
- anosognosic
- anosphrasia, anosphresia
- anosphresia
- anospinal
- anostosis
- anotia
- anotropia
- anovaginal
- anovarism
- anovesical
- anovular
- anovulation
- anovulatory, anovular
- anovulatory androgen excess
- anovulatory cycle
- anovulatory menstruation
- anoxemia
- anoxia
- anoxic
- anoxic hypoxia
- anoxygenic
- ansa
- ansa cervicalis
- ansae
- ansa lenticularis
- ansamycin
- ansa nervorum spinalium
- ansa peduncularis
- ansa sacralis
- ansa subclavia
- anserine bursitis
- ANSER system
- ansiform
- ant
- ant.
- Antabuse
- antacid
- antagonism
- antagonist
- antagonistic action
- antagonistic reflexes
- antagonist muscle
- antalgic gait
- antalkaline
- antaphrodisiac
- antasthenic
- antatrophic
- antazoline phosphate
- ante-
- antebrachial
- antebrachial cutaneous nerve
- antebrachium, antibrachium
- antecedent
- antecedent cause
- ante cibum
- antecollis
- antecubital
- antecubital fossa
- antecurvature
- antefebrile
- anteflect
- anteflexion
- antegonial notch
- antegrade
- antelocation
- antemortem
- antemortem clot
- antemortem statement
- antemortem thrombus
- antenatal
- antenatal diagnosis
- antenatal surgery
- antepartal, antepartum
- antepartum
- antepartum hemorrhage
- antepartum stillbirth
- antepyretic
- anterior
- anterior asynclitism
- anterior cardiac vein
- anterior cerebral artery
- anterior chamber
- anterior chamber angle
- anterior chamber intraocular lens
- anterior chamber paracentesis
- anterior column
- anterior commissure
- anterior communicating artery
- anterior condyloid foramen
- anterior cord syndrome
- anterior cranial fossa
- anterior cruciate ligament
- anterior deformity
- anterior drawer sign
- anterior drawer test
- anterior elastic lamina
- anterior facial vein
- anterior fontanel
- anterior hip dislocation
- anterior horn
- anterior inferior cerebellar artery
- anterior interosseous artery
- anterior interventricular artery
- anterior jugular vein
- anterior limb of internal capsule
- anterior lobe
- anterior lobe of hypophysis
- anterior lobe of pituitary gland
- anterior longitudinal ligament
- anterior median fissure
- anterior nasal spine
- anterior norma
- anterior olfactory nucleus
- anterior perforated substance
- anterior perineorrhaphy
- anterior pituitary
- anterior pituitary gonadotropin
- anterior pituitary hormone
- anterior poliomyelitis
- anterior ramus
- anterior rhinoscopy
- anterior rhizotomy
- anterior root
- anterior sacral foramen
- anterior scleritis
- anterior sclerotomy
- anterior segment
- anterior spinal artery
- anterior spinocerebellar tract
- anterior staphyloma
- anterior superior polioencephalitis
- anterior synechia
- anterior talofibular ligament
- anterior thalamic nucleus
- anterior tibial artery
- anterior tibial vein
- anterior tibiofibular ligament
- anterior tibiotalar ligament
- anterior tooth
- anterior triangle of neck
- anterior urethritis
- antero-
- anterograde
- anterograde amnesia
- anterograde memory
- anterograde memory loss
- anteroinferior
- anteroinferiorly
- anterolateral
- anterolaterally
- anteromedial
- anteromedially
- anteroposterior
- anteroposterior diameter of pelvic cavity
- anteroposterior diameter of pelvic inlet
- anteroposterior diameter of pelvic outlet
- anteroposteriorly
- anteroposterior position
- anterosuperior
- anterosuperiorly
- anteversion
- antevert
- anteverted
- anthelix
- anthelminthic
- anthelmintic, anthelminthic, antihelmintic
- Anthemis
- Anthemis nobilis
- anthemorrhagic
- anthocyanin
- anthophobia
- anthrac-, anthraco-
- anthracene
- anthraco-
- anthracoid
- anthracosilicosis
- anthracosis
- anthracotic
- anthracycline
- anthralin
- anthrax
- anthrax immune globulin
- anthrax toxin
- anthropo-
- anthropobiology
- Anthropocene era
- anthropogenic
- anthropoid
- anthropoid pelvis
- anthropological baseline
- anthropologist
- anthropology
- anthropometer
- anthropometric
- anthropometry
- anthropomorphic
- anthropomorphically
- anthropomorphism
- anthroponosis
- anthropophagy
- anthropophilic, anthropophilous
- anthropophilous
- anthroposophic medicine
- anthropozoonosis
- anti-, ant-
- antiactin antibody
- antiadrenergic
- antiagglutinin
- antiamebic
- antiaminoacyl tRNA synthetase antibody
- antianaphylaxis
- antiandrogen
- antiandrogenic
- antianemic
- antianginal
- antiangiogenesis
- antiantibody
- antiantitoxin
- antianxiety agent
- antiarrhythmic
- antiarthritic
- antiasthmatic
- antibacterial
- antibacterial envelope
- antibacterial soap
- antiberiberi vitamin
- antibiogram
- antibiosis
- antibiotic
- antibiotic-associated colitis
- antibiotic-associated diarrhea
- antibiotic-impregnated polymethacrylate beads
- antibiotic lock therapy
- antibiotic nonsusceptibility
- antibiotic stewardship
- antibody
- antibody-coated bacterium
- antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity
- antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity
- antibody-secreting cell
- antibody therapy
- antibody titer
- antibody to deamidated gliadin peptide
- antibrachial
- antibrachium
- antibromic
- anti-burn scar garment
- anticancer
- anticarcinogenic
- anticardiolipin antibody
- anticariogenic
- anticarious
- anti-CCP
- anticholinergic
- anticholinesterase
- antichrist delusion
- anticipate
- anticipated disease
- anticipated regret
- anticipated systole
- anticipation
- anticlinal
- anticlinal vertebra
- anticoagulant
- anticoagulant therapy
- anticoagulate
- anticoagulation
- anticoagulation management service
- anticoagulation monitoring service
- anticodon
- anticonvulsant
- anticytosolic 5' nucleotidase 1A antibody
- anticytotoxin
- antideformity position
- antidepressant
- antidiabetic
- antidiarrheal
- antidiuretic
- antidiuretic hormone
- antidiuretic principle
- anti-DNase B antibody
- antidotal
- antidote
- antidromic
- antidromically
- antidromic vasodilatation
- antidrug antibody
- antiembolism
- antiemetic
- antiendomysial antibody
- antiendothelial cell antibody
- anti-endothelial cell antibody
- antiendothelial cell antibody, anti-endothelial cell antibody
- antienzyme
- antiepileptic
- antiestrogen
- antifebrile
- antifibrillarin antibody
- antifibrinolysin
- antifibrinolytic
- antifibrotic
- antiflatulent
- antifungal
- antigalactic
- antiganglioside antibody
- antigen
- antigen-antibody reaction
- antigenemia
- antigenic
- antigenically
- antigenic determinant
- antigenic drift
- antigenicity
- antigenic shift
- antigenic specificity
- antigen-presenting cell
- antigen receptor
- antigen-specific immunotherapy
- antigen unit
- antigliadin antibody
- antiglobulin
- antiglobulin test
- antiglomerular basement membrane disease
- antigoitrogenic
- antigranulocyte antibody
- antigravity muscle
- anti-G suit
- anti-HAV
- anti-HBc
- anti-HCV
- anti-HDV
- antihelices
- antihelix, anthelix
- antihelixes
- antihelmintic
- antihemolysin
- antihemophilic factor plasma
- antihemophilic globulin
- antihemorrhagic, anthemorrhagic
- antihidrotic
- antihistamine
- antihistaminic
- antihormone
- anti-Hu antibody
- antihypercholesterolemic
- antihyperglycemic
- antihyperprolactinemic
- antihypertensive
- antihypnotic
- anti-icteric
- anti-infective
- anti-inflammatory
- anti-inflammatory diet
- anti-integrin
- antiketogenesis
- antiketogenetic
- antiketogenic
- anti-kickback statute
- antilactase
- antilipemic
- antilithic
- anti-LKM
- antilymphocyte globulin
- antilymphocyte serum
- antilysin
- antilysis
- antilyssic
- antilytic
- antimalarial
- antimanic
- antimannan antibody
- antimelanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 antibody
- antimere
- antimetabolite
- antimetropia
- anti-Mi-2 antibody
- antimicrobial, antimicrobic
- antimicrobial blue light therapy
- antimicrobial drug
- antimicrobial-impregnated central catheter
- antimicrobial prophylaxis in surgery
- antimicrobial resistance
- antimicrobial sensitivity test
- antimicrobial stewardship
- antimicrobic
- antimicrosomal antibody
- antimitotic
- antimonial
- antimony
- antimony poisoning
- anti-Mullerian hormone
- antimuscarinic
- antimutagenic
- antimyasthenic
- antimycotic
- antimyeloperoxidase antibody
- antinarcotic
- antinatriuresis
- antinauseant
- antineoplastic
- antinephritic
- antineuralgic
- antineuritic
- antineuritic vitamin
- antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
- anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate encephalitis
- antinociceptive
- antinuclear
- antinuclear antibody
- antinutrient
- antiobsessive
- antioncogene
- antiovulatory
- antioxidant
- antioxidant enzyme
- antiparallel
- antiparalytic
- antiparasitic
- antiparkinsonian
- antipathic
- antipathy
- antipedicular
- antipellagra vitamin
- antiperistalsis
- antiperistaltic
- antiperistaltic anastomosis
- antiperspirant
- antiphagocytic
- antiphospholipase A2 receptor antibody
- antiphospholipid antibody
- antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
- antiplastic
- antiplatelet
- antipodal
- antiporter
- antiproliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) antibody
- antiproliferative
- antiprostaglandin
- antiprostatitis
- antiprotease
- antiproteinase-3 antibody
- antiprotozoal
- antipruritic
- antipsoriatic
- antipsychotic
- antipyresis
- antipyretic
- antipyrotic
- antirachitic
- antirachitic vitamin
- antireceptor antibody
- antireflux surgery
- antirejection therapy
- antiresorptive
- antiretroviral
- anti-Rh agglutinin
- antirheumatic
- antiribosomal P antibody
- antiscabietic
- anti-scl-70 antibody
- antiscorbutic
- antiscorbutic vitamin
- antiseborrheic
- antisecretory
- antiself
- antisense
- antisense compound
- antisense drug
- antisepsis
- antiseptic
- antiseptic dressing
- antiseptic gauze
- antiserum
- antishock garment
- antisialagogic
- antisialagogue
- antisialic
- antisignal recognition particle antibody
- antismooth muscle antibody
- antisocial
- antisocial personality disorder
- antispasmodic
- antistaphylococcal
- antistaphylococcal penicillin
- antistaphylococcic, antistaphylococcal
- antistreptococcal
- antistreptococcic, antistreptococcal
- antistreptolysin
- antistreptolysin O
- antisudorific
- antisynthetase syndrome
- antisyphilitic
- antithenar
- antithrombin
- antithrombin III
- antithrombin-III deficiency
- antithrombotic
- antithymocyte globulin
- antithyroid, antithyroidal
- antithyroidal
- antithyroperoxidase antibody
- antititin antibody
- antitopoisomerase I antibody
- antitoxic
- antitoxigen
- antitoxin
- antitoxinogen
- antitoxin unit
- antitragicus
- antitragus
- antitrichomonal
- antitrismus
- antitrypsin
- antitryptic
- anti-tTG
- antitubercular, antituberculous
- antituberculotic
- antituberculous
- antitumor
- antitumor vaccination
- antitumor vaccine
- antitussive
- antiulcer agent
- antiurolithic
- anti-vaxxer
- antivenene
- anti-venereal
- antivenereal, anti-venereal
- antivenin, antivenene, antivenom
- antivenom
- antivenomous
- antiviral
- antiviral resistance
- antivitamin
- antivivisection
- antivivisectionist
- anti-Xa assay
- antixerophthalmic vitamin
- antixerotic
- antizymotic
- Antley-Bixler syndrome
- Anton syndrome
- antr-
- antral
- antrectomy
- antritis
- antro-, antr-
- antroatticotomy
- antrobuccal
- antrocele
- antrochoanal
- antrochoanal polyp
- antroduodenal
- antroduodenectomy
- antronasal
- antroscope
- antrostomy
- antrotomy
- antrotympanic
- antrotympanitis
- antrum
- anuclear
- anulus
- anulus, annulus
- anulus conjunctivae
- anulus fibrosus
- anuresis
- anuretic
- anuria
- anuric
- anus
- anvil
- anxiety
- anxiety disorder
- anxiety hysteria
- anxiety neurosis
- anxiety reaction
- anxiety state
- anxiolysis
- anxiolytic
- any willing doctor
- AoA
- aort-, aorto-
- aorta
- aortae
- aortalgia
- aortarctia
- aortas
- aortectasia
- aortectomy
- aortic
- aortic aneurysm
- aortic angiogram
- aortic angiography
- aortic arch
- aortic arch syndrome
- aortic atresia
- aortic body
- aortic branch disease
- aortic bulb
- aortic incompetence
- aortic insufficiency
- aortic isthmus
- aortic murmur
- aortic notch
- aortic obstruction
- aortic obstructive murmur
- aortic opening
- aorticorenal ganglion
- aortic regurgitant murmur
- aortic regurgitation
- aortic septal defect
- aortic sinus
- aortic stenosis
- aortic thrill
- aortic valve
- aortic valve insufficiency
- aortic valve stenosis
- aortic vestibule
- aortic window
- aortitis
- aorto-
- aortocaval compression
- aortoclasia
- aortocoronary
- aortocoronary bypass
- aortoenteric fistula
- aortogram
- aortographic
- aortography
- aortoiliac
- aortolith
- aortomalacia
- aortopathy
- aortoplasty
- aortopulmonary window
- aortorrhaphy
- aortosclerosis
- aortostenosis
- aortotomy
- AoV
- aP
- ap-
- A-P
- AP, A-P
- apallesthesia
- apallic syndrome
- apancreatic
- APAP acetaminophen
- APAP with codeine
- aparalytic
- apareunia
- aparthrosis
- apathetic
- apathetically
- apathetic hyperthyroidism
- apathism
- apathy
- apatite
- apatite crystal
- ape hand
- apelin
- apellous
- apepsia
- apepsinia
- aperient
- aperiodic
- aperistalsis
- apéritif
- aperitive
- Apert syndrome
- apertura
- aperturae
- aperture
- apex
- apex beat
- apexcardiogram
- apexes
- apex murmur
- apex of the heart
- apex of the lung
- Apgar score
- aphacia
- aphacic
- aphagia
- aphakia, aphacia
- aphakic
- aphakic eye
- aphalangia
- aphanisis
- aphasia
- aphasiac
- aphasic
- aphasiologist
- aphasiology
- aphemia
- aphephobia
- aphereses
- apheresis
- aphonia
- aphonia paranoica
- aphonic
- aphonic pectoriloquy
- aphonic speech
- aphonogelia
- Aphonopelma
- aphrasia
- aphrasic
- aphrodisiac
- aphtha
- aphthae
- aphthic
- aphthoid
- aphthong
- aphthongia
- aphthosis
- aphthous
- aphthous stomatitis
- aphthous ulcer
- Apiaceae
- apical
- apical abscess
- apical ballooning syndrome
- apical crowding
- apical cyst
- apical foramen
- apical four-chamber view
- apical granuloma
- apical heave
- apical impulse
- apical infection
- apical pericementitis
- apical periodontitis
- apical pulse
- apicectomy
- apicitis
- apicoectomy
- apicolysis
- Apicomplexa
- apicotomy
- apinealism
- apiphobia
- apitherapy
- aplanatic
- aplanatic lens
- aplasia
- aplasia axialis extracorticalis congenita
- aplasia cutis congenita
- aplastic
- aplastic anemia
- Apley, Alan Graham
- Apley compression/distraction test
- Apley scratch test
- apnea
- apnea alarm mattress
- apnea-hypopnea index
- apnea monitor
- apnea monitoring
- apnea of prematurity
- apnea test
- apneic oxygenation
- apneumatic
- apneumatosis
- apneumia
- apneusis
- apneustic breathing
- apneustic center
- apneustic respiration
- apo-, ap-
- apochromatic
- apochromatic lens
- apochromatic objective
- apocrine
- apocrine gland
- apocrine miliaria
- apocrine secretion
- apocrine sweat gland
- apodal, apodous
- apodia
- apodization
- apodize
- apodous
- APOE genotype
- apoenzyme
- apoferritin
- apogee
- apolar
- apolipoprotein
- apolipoprotein B-apolipoprotein A-I ratio
- apolipoprotein E
- apolipoprotein J
- apolipoprotein L1
- apomorphine
- apomorphine hydrochloride
- aponeurology
- aponeurorrhaphy
- aponeuroses
- aponeurosis
- aponeurositis
- aponeurotic
- aponeurotic fascia
- aponeurotome
- aponeurotomy
- apophyseal
- apophyses
- apophysial
- apophysis
- apophysis of Ingrassia
- apophysis raviana
- apophysitis
- apoplectic
- apoplectic coma
- apoplectic dementia
- apoplectic retinitis
- apoplectiform
- apoplectoid
- apoplexia
- apoplexy, apoplexia
- apoprotein
- apoptosis
- aporepressor
- apotemnophilia
- apothecaries' weight
- apothecaries' weights and measures
- apothecary
- apotripsis
- apovitellin
- apparatus
- apparent
- appeal
- appearance
- appellant
- appendage
- appendages of the eye
- appendages of the fetus
- appendages of the skin
- appendectomy
- appendical
- appendiceal
- appendiceal, appendical
- appendiceal neuroma
- appendicectasis
- appendices
- appendicitis
- appendicoenterostomy
- appendicolysis
- appendicopathy
- appendicostomy
- appendicular
- appendicular abscess
- appendicular artery
- appendicular muscle
- appendicular skeleton
- appendix
- appendix epididymidis
- appendix epiploica
- appendixes
- appendix testis
- appendix vermiformis
- apperception
- apperceptive
- apperceptively
- apperceptive personality test
- appestat
- appetite
- appetite suppression
- appetitive
- appetizer
- applanate
- applanation
- applanation tonometer
- applanation tonometry
- applanometer
- applause sign
- apple core sign
- apple jelly nodule
- apple picker's disease
- apple sorter's disease
- appliance
- application
- application area
- application of heat
- application site
- applicator
- applied anatomy
- applied psychology
- applied research
- applied science
- appointment
- apposition
- apposition suture
- apprehension test
- approach
- appropriate
- appropriate for gestational age
- approved amount
- approximal
- approximate
- approximation suture
- apractagnosia
- apractic
- aprataxin
- apraxia
- apraxic
- aprismatic enamel
- aproctia
- aproctous
- apron
- aprosody
- aprosopia
- aprotes
- aprotinin
- APTA Code of Ethics
- aptamer
- aptitude
- aptitude test
- Apt test
- aptyalia, aptyalism
- aptyalism
- APUD cell
- apudoma
- apulmonism
- apus
- apyknomorphous
- apyogenous
- apyretic
- apyrexia, apyrexy
- apyrexial
- apyrexy
- apyrogenetic, apyrogenic
- apyrogenic
- aq
- AQ
- aqua
- aquae
- aquagenic
- aquagenic pruritus
- aquagenic urticaria
- aquaphobia
- aquaporin
- aquapuncture
- aquaresis
- aquaretic
- aqua running
- aquatic
- aquatic exercise
- aquatic rehabilitation
- aquatic therapy
- aque-, aqueo-
- aqueduct
- aqueductal stenosis
- aqueductus
- aqueductus cerebri
- aqueductus cochleae
- aqueductus Fallopii
- aqueductus vestibuli
- aqueo-
- aqueous
- aqueous extract
- aqueous flare
- aqueous humor
- aqueous phase
- aqueous solubility
- aqueous solution
- aquiparous
- Ar
- AR
- ara-A
- arabinose
- arabinosuria
- Ara-C
- arachidonic acid
- arachnid
- Arachnida
- arachnidan
- arachnidism
- arachnitis
- arachnodactyly
- arachnoid
- arachnoid cyst
- arachnoidea
- arachnoidea encephali
- arachnoidea spinalis
- arachnoid granulation
- arachnoidism
- arachnoiditis
- arachnoid mater
- arachnoid membrane
- arachnoid villus.
- arachnolysin
- arachnophobia
- Ara h2
- Aran-Duchenne disease
- Arantius, Julius Caesar
- Arantius body
- arbitration
- arbor
- arborescence
- arborescent
- arborization
- arbor virus
- arbor vitae
- arbovirus
- arc
- arcade
- arcana
- Arcanobacterium haemolyticum
- arcanum
- arcate
- arch
- arch-
- Archaebacteria, Archaeobacteria
- Archaeobacteria
- arche-
- archenteron
- archetypal
- archetype
- arch form
- archi-, arche-, arch-
- archiblast
- archiblastic
- archiblastoma
- archicerebellum
- archinephron
- archipallium
- architectural barrier
- architectural distortion
- architis
- archival
- archival data
- archive
- archivist
- arch of foot
- arch width
- arch wire
- arciform
- Arcobacter
- ARC syndrome
- arctation
- Arctium lappa
- arcuate
- arcuate artery
- arcuate eminence
- arcuate fasciculus
- arcuate ligament
- arcuate line
- arcuate nucleus
- arcuate scotoma
- arcuation
- arcus
- arcus alveolaris mandibulae
- arcus alveolaris maxillae
- arcus dentalis
- arcus juvenilis
- arcus senilis
- ardor
- area
- Area Agency on Aging
- area of rescue assistance
- area pellucida
- areata, areatus
- areatus
- area under the curve
- areca nut
- arecoline
- areflexia
- areflexic
- arenaceous
- arenation
- Arenaviridae
- arenavirus
- arenaviruses
- arenoid
- areola
- areolae
- areola mammae
- areola papillaris
- areolar
- areolar choroiditis
- areolar gland
- areolar tissue
- areola umbilicalis
- areolitis
- arevareva
- Argasidae
- argentaffin, argentaffine
- argentaffin cell
- argentaffine
- argentaffinoma
- argentum
- arginase
- arginase deficiency
- arginine
- arginine glutamate
- arginine hydrochloride
- arginine vasopressin
- argininosuccinic acid
- argininosuccinicaciduria
- argon
- argon beam coagulator
- argon laser
- argyria
- argyric
- argyrophil, argyrophilic, argyrophile
- argyrophile
- argyrophilia
- argyrophilic
- argyrosis
- arhinencephaly
- arhinia
- ArI
- Arias-Stella reaction
- ariboflavinosis
- aripiprazole
- Aristolochia
- aristolochic acid nephropathy
- Aristotelia chilensis
- arithmetic mean
- arm
- armamentarium
- armature
- Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application
- Armed Forces Radiobiological Research Institute
- arm ergometer
- Armillifer
- Armillifer moniliformis
- arm lift
- arm muscle
- armored heart
- armpit
- arm ratio
- arm trough
- Arneth, Joseph
- Arneth's formula
- Arneth formula
- arnica
- Arnold, Friedrich
- Arnold bundle
- Arnold canal
- Arnold nerve
- aroma
- aromatase inhibitor
- aromatherapeutic
- aromatherapy
- aromatic
- aromatic bath
- aromatic compound
- aromatic elixir
- aromatic hydrocarbon
- aromatic series
- aromatization
- aromatize
- arousal
- arousal index
- arousal level
- arraignment
- arrectores pilorum
- arrector pili
- arrector pili muscle
- arrest
- arrested caries
- arrested labor
- arrhenoblastoma
- arrhinia, arhinia
- arrhythmia
- arrhythmic
- arrhythmogenic
- arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
- arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia
- arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy
- arsenal
- arseniasis
- arsenic
- arsenical
- arsenicalism
- arsenic trioxide
- arsenium
- arsine
- arsphenamine
- artefact
- Artemisia
- Artemisia absinthium
- Artemisia annua
- Artemisia vulgaris
- arterectomy, arteriectomy
- arteri-
- arteria
- arteriae
- arterial
- arterial bleeding
- arterial calcification
- arterial capillary
- arterial catheter
- arterial circulation
- arterial desaturation
- arterial disobliteration device
- arterial duplex ultrasonography
- arterial embolization
- arterial hemorrhage
- arterial hyperemia
- arterialized blood
- arterial line
- arterial lipidosis
- arterial lipoidosis
- arterial murmur
- arterial nephrosclerosis
- arterial occlusion
- arterial oxygen tension
- arterial palpitation
- arterial plexus
- arterial puncture
- arterial pyemia
- arterial rete
- arterial sclerosis
- arterial spider
- arterial switch
- arterial switch procedure
- arterial switch repair
- arterial switch surgery
- arterial systole
- arterial tension
- arterial thrill
- arterial thrombosis
- arterial ulcer
- arterial varix
- arteriectasia
- arteriectasis, arteriectasia
- arteriectomy
- arteries
- arterio-, arteri-
- arteriocapillary
- arteriocapillary fibrosis
- arteriofibrosis
- arteriogram
- arteriographic
- arteriographically
- arteriography
- arteriol-, arteriolo-
- arteriola
- arteriolae
- arteriola macularis inferior
- arteriola macularis superior
- arteriola nasalis retinae inferior
- arteriola nasalis retinae superior
- arteriolar
- arteriola recta
- arteriolar nephrosclerosis
- arteriolar sclerosis
- arteriola temporalis retinae inferior
- arteriola temporalis retinae superior
- arteriole
- arteriolith
- arteriolitis
- arteriolo-
- arteriolonecrosis
- arteriolopathy
- arteriolosclerosis
- arteriolosclerotic
- arteriomotor
- arteriomyomatosis
- arterionecrosis
- arteriopathy
- arterioplasty
- arteriopressor
- arteriorrhaphy
- arteriorrhexis
- arteriosclerosis
- arteriosclerosis obliterans
- arteriosclerotic
- arteriosclerotic retinopathy
- arteriospasm
- arteriospastic
- arteriostenosis
- arteriostosis
- arteriostrepsis
- arteriosympathectomy
- arteriotomy
- arteriovenous
- arteriovenous access
- arteriovenous anastomosis
- arteriovenous aneurysm
- arteriovenous fistula
- arteriovenous malformation
- arteriovenous oxygen difference
- arteriovenous shunt
- arterioversion
- arteritic
- arteritis
- arteritis nodosa
- arteritis obliterans
- artery
- artery forceps
- artery of the pterygoid canal
- arthr-
- arthral
- arthralgia
- arthralgic
- arthrectomy
- arthresthesia
- arthritically
- arthritides
- arthritis
- arthritogenic
- arthritogenicity
- arthro-, arthr-
- arthrocele
- arthrocentesis
- arthrochalasia
- arthroclasia
- arthroconidia
- arthrodesis
- arthrodia
- arthrodial joint
- arthrodynia
- arthrodysplasia
- arthrofibrosis
- arthrogram
- arthrographic
- arthrography
- arthrogryposis
- arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
- arthrokinematic
- arthrokinematics
- arthrolith
- arthrology
- arthrolysis
- arthrometer
- arthropathology
- arthropathy
- arthroplasty
- arthropneumoradiography
- arthropod
- Arthropoda
- arthropyosis
- arthrosclerosis
- arthroscope
- arthroscopic
- arthroscopic wand
- arthroscopy
- arthrosis
- arthrospore
- arthrosteitis
- arthrostomy
- arthrosynovitis
- arthrotome
- arthrotomy
- arthrotropic
- arthroxesis
- Arthus phenomenon
- Arthus reaction
- artichoke
- articular capsule
- articular cartilage
- articular cavity
- articular crescent
- articular disk
- articular eminence of the mandibular fossa
- articular fossa of mandible
- articular fossa of temporal bone
- articular head
- articular muscle
- articular process of vertebra
- articular rete
- articular tubercle
- articulate
- articulated arm
- articulating
- articulating paper
- articulatio
- articulation
- articulation disorder
- articulator
- articuli
- articulo mortis
- articulus
- artifact
- artifactual hypercalcemia
- artificial
- artificial airway-associated pneumonia
- artificial alimentation
- artificial ankylosis
- artificial anus
- artificial cardiac pacemaker
- artificial digestion
- artificial eye
- artificial fecundation
- artificial feeding
- artificial heart
- artificial hibernation
- artificial hyperemia
- artificial impregnation
- artificial insemination
- artificial insemination by donor
- artificial insemination donor
- artificial intelligence
- artificial kidney
- artificial labor
- artificial leech
- artificial life
- artificial liver
- artificially
- artificially paced beat
- artificial menopause
- artificial palate
- artificial pneumothorax
- artificial pupil
- artificial radioactivity
- artificial respiration
- artificial rupture of membranes
- artificial saliva
- artificial selection
- artificial semination
- artificial skin
- artificial sweetener
- artificial tears
- artificial tetanus
- artificial vagina
- artificial vision
- artisan's cramp
- arts medicine
- art therapy
- aryepiglottic
- aryepiglottic fold
- aryl-
- arylomycin
- arytenoid
- arytenoidectomy
- arytenoiditis
- arytenoid muscle
- arytenoidopexy
- As
- AS
- asafetida, asafoetida
- asafoetida
- asana
- asanguineous, asanguinous
- asanguinous
- asaphia
- asbestiform
- asbestos
- asbestosis
- ascariasis
- ascaricidal
- ascaricide
- ascarid
- ascarides
- ascaris
- Ascaris
- Ascaris lumbricoides
- ascend
- ascending cervical artery
- ascending colostomy
- ascending degeneration
- ascending frontal convolution
- ascending limb of renal tubule
- ascending lumbar vein
- ascending myelopathy
- ascending neuritis
- ascending neuropathy
- ascending parietal convolution
- ascending pharyngeal artery
- ascending poliomyelitis
- ascending tetanus
- ascending tract
- ascending urography
- ascertainment bias
- Aschner phenomenon
- Aschoff, Ludwig
- Aschoff body
- Aschoff cell
- Aschoff nodule
- Aschoff nodules
- ascia
- ascites
- ascites chylosus
- ascitic
- ascitic fluid
- Ascoli, Alberto
- Ascoli reaction
- Ascoli test
- Ascomycetes
- Ascomycotina
- ascorbic acid
- ascospore
- ascosporic
- ascus
- -ase
- asemia
- asepsis
- aseptic
- aseptic-antiseptic
- aseptic gauze
- aseptic meningitis
- aseptic necrosis
- aseptic peritonitis
- aseptic surgery
- asepto syringe
- asexual
- asexual dwarf
- asexual generation
- asexuality
- asexualization
- asexually
- asexual reproduction
- ash
- Asherman syndrome
- ash-leaf spot
- Ashurst splint
- ashwagandha
- ashy dermatosis
- ASIA Impairment Scale
- asialia
- Asian ginseng
- Asian influenza
- Asian lady beetle
- Asiatic cholera
- asiderosis
- asIgE
- -asis
- Askin tumor
- as low as reasonably achievable, as low as reasonably practicable
- as low as reasonably practicable
- AsMA
- asocial
- asoma
- asonia
- asparaginase
- asparagine
- Asparagus
- aspartame
- aspartic acid
- aspartoacylase deficiency
- aspastic
- aspecific
- aspect
- Asperger disorder
- aspergillin
- aspergillosis
- Aspergillus
- Aspergillus clavatus
- Aspergillus concentricus
- Aspergillus flavus
- Aspergillus fumigatus
- Aspergillus glaucus
- Aspergillus nidulans
- Aspergillus niger
- Aspergillus ochraceus
- Aspergillus terreus
- Aspergillus versicolor
- aspermatogenesis
- aspermia
- aspermic
- aspersion
- aspheric, aspherical
- aspherical
- asphyctic, asphyctous
- asphyctous
- asphyxia
- asphyxial
- asphyxial encephalopathy
- asphyxial stage
- asphyxia neonatorum
- asphyxiant
- asphyxia pallida
- asphyxiate
- asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy
- asphyxiation
- asphyxiator
- asphyxiophilia
- aspidium
- aspidium oleoresin
- aspirate (1)
- aspirate (2)
- aspirating needle
- aspiration
- aspiration, risk for
- aspiration biopsy
- aspiration pneumonia
- aspirator
- aspirin
- aspirin burn
- aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease
- asplenia
- asplenia syndrome
- asplenic
- asporin
- asporogenic, asporogenous
- asporogenous
- asporous
- assailant
- assassin bug
- assault
- assault weapon
- assay
- assent
- assertive community treatment
- assertiveness training
- assessment
- Assessment of Motor and Process Skills
- Assessment of Occupational Functioning
- assessor
- assident symptom
- assignment
- assignment bias
- assimilability
- assimilable
- assimilate
- assimilation
- assimilation limit
- assimilation pelvis
- assistance animal
- assistant
- assist-control ventilation
- assisted breathing
- assisted circulation
- assisted delivery
- assisted hatching
- assisted living, assisted living facility, assisted living residence
- assisted living facility
- assisted living residence
- assisted reproduction
- assisted reproductive technology
- assistive exercise
- assistive listening system
- assistive technology device
- assistive technology model
- Assistive Technology Professional
- assistor
- associated movement
- associated reaction
- association
- association area
- association center
- Association for Driver Rehabilitation
- Association for Gerontology in Higher Education
- Association for Perioperative Practice
- association test
- association time
- associative neuron
- associative stage
- assonance
- assonant
- assortative mating
- assumption
- assumption of risk
- astasia
- astasia-abasia
- astatine
- asteatosis
- asteatosis cutis
- asteatotic eczema
- aster
- astereognosis
- asteria
- asterion
- asterixis
- asternal
- asternal rib
- asternia
- asteroid
- asteroid hyalitis
- asteroid hyalosis
- asthenia
- -asthenia
- asthenic
- asthenic type
- asthenobiosis
- asthenocoria
- asthenometer
- asthenope
- asthenopia
- asthenopic
- asthenospermia
- asthma
- asthmagenic, asthmogenic
- asthmatic
- asthmatic breathing
- asthmatic bronchitis
- asthmogenic
- astigmatic
- astigmatic dial
- astigmatism
- astigmatometer, astigmometer
- astigmia
- astigmometer
- -astine
- astomatous, astomous
- astomia
- astomous
- astragalar
- astragalectomy
- astragalus
- Astragalus membranaceus
- astraphobia
- as-treated analysis
- astriction
- astringent
- astringent bath
- astringent douche
- astro-
- astrobiologic
- astrobiologist
- astrobiology
- astroblast
- astroblastic
- astroblastoma
- astrocyte
- astrocytic
- astrocytoma
- astroglia
- astroglial
- astroglial cell
- astrogliopathy
- astrogliosis
- astrophobia
- astrosphere
- astrostatic
- Astroviridae
- astrovirus
- asx
- asyllabia
- asymbolia
- asymmetric
- asymmetrical
- asymmetrical dimethylarginine
- asymmetrically
- asymmetrical radial pulse
- asymmetrical tonic neck reflex
- asymmetric cell division
- asymmetric crying facies
- asymmetry
- asymphytous
- asymptomatic
- asymptomatically
- asymptomatic bacteriuria
- asymptomatic hypoglycemia
- asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction
- asymptomatic neurosyphilis
- asynchronism
- asynchronous
- asynchronous learning
- asynchronous pacing
- asynchronous ventilation
- asynclitism
- asyndesis
- asynechia
- asynergia, asynergy
- asynergic
- asynergy
- asyntaxia
- asystematic
- asystole, asystolia
- asystolia
- asystolic
- At
- at. wt.
- atactalia
- atactic
- atactiform
- ataque de nervios
- ataractic, ataraxic
- ataraxia, ataraxy
- ataraxic
- ataraxy
- atavism
- atavistic
- atavistically
- ataxaphasia
- ataxia
- ataxiagram
- ataxiagraph
- ataxiameter
- ataxiamnesia
- ataxiaphasia, ataxaphasia
- ataxia-telangiectasia
- ataxic
- ataxic breathing
- ataxic dysarthria
- ataxic gait
- ataxic paramyotonia
- ataxic paraplegia
- ataxic speech
- ataxophobia
- -ate
- atelectasis
- atelectotrauma, atelectrauma
- atelectrauma
- atelencephalia, ateloencephalia
- atelia
- ateliosis
- ateliotic
- atelo-
- atelocardia
- atelocephaly
- atelocheilia
- atelocheiria
- ateloencephalia
- ateloglossia
- atelognathia
- atelomyelia
- atelopodia
- ateloprosopia
- atelorhachidia
- atelostomia
- atenolol
- athelia
- ather-
- atherectomy
- athermic
- athero-, ather-
- atherogenesis
- atherogenic
- atherogenicity
- atheroma
- atheromata
- atheromatosis
- atheromatous
- atheromatous plaque
- atheronecrosis
- atherosclerosis
- atherosclerotic
- atherosclerotic aneurysm
- atherothrombosis
- atherothrombotic
- atherothrombotic brain infarction
- athetoid
- athetosis
- athetotic
- athlete's heart
- athletica nervosa
- athletic bradycardia
- athletic pubalgia
- athletic trainer
- athletic type
- at-home tooth bleaching
- athrepsia, athrepsy
- athrepsy
- athreptic
- athyroidemia
- athyroidism
- Ativan
- Atlanta Classification of Acute Pancreatitis
- atlantad
- atlantal
- atlanto-
- atlantoaxial
- atlantodidymus
- atlantooccipital
- atlanto-occipital, atlantooccipital
- atlanto-occipital membrane
- atlas
- atloaxoid
- atlodidymus
- atm
- atmosphere
- atmosphere-supplying respirator
- atmospheric
- atmospheric temperature and pressure, saturated
- atom
- atomic
- atomic mass unit
- atomic nucleus
- atomic number
- atomic weight
- atomization
- atomize
- atomizer
- atonia
- atonic
- atonic constipation
- atonic impotence
- atonicity
- atonic ulcer
- atony, atonia
- atony of bladder
- atopen
- atopic
- atopic allergy
- atopic dermatitis
- atopic pleat
- Atopobium vaginae
- atopognosis
- atopy
- atorvastatin
- atoxic
- ATPase
- ATPase stain
- ATP synthase
- atraumatic
- atraumatic needle
- atresia
- atresiaplasty
- atresic
- atresic teratism
- atretic
- atretic follicle
- atrial
- atrial appendage
- atrial appendix
- atrial arrhythmia
- atrial blanking period
- atrial extrasystole
- atrial fibrillation
- atrial flutter
- atrial natriuretic hormone
- atrial natriuretic peptide
- atrial septal defect
- atrial septum
- atrial standstill
- atrial systole
- atrial tachycardia
- atrichia
- atrichosis
- atrichous
- atrionector
- atriopeptin
- atrioseptopexy
- atriotome
- atrioventricular
- atrioventricular block
- atrioventricular bundle
- atrioventricular canal
- atrioventricular dissociation
- atrioventricular furrow
- atrioventricular groove
- atrioventricular heart block
- atrioventricular interval
- atrioventricularis communis
- atrioventricular junction
- atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia
- atrioventricular node
- atrioventricular orifice
- atrioventricular rhythm
- atrioventricular septum
- atrioventricular sequential pacemaker
- atrioventricular sulcus
- atriplicism
- at-risk drinking
- atrium
- atrium of the ear
- atrium of the heart
- atrophic
- atrophic cirrhosis
- atrophic excavation
- atrophic gastritis
- atrophic laryngitis
- atrophic pharyngitis
- atrophic rhinitis
- atrophic vaginitis
- atrophie blanche
- atrophoderma
- atrophy
- atropine sulfate
- atropine sulfate poisoning
- atropinism, atropism
- atropinization
- atropinize
- atropism
- ATR syndrome
- attached gingiva
- attachment
- attachment, risk for impaired
- attachment apparatus
- attachment cuticle
- attachment inhibitor
- attack
- attack rate
- attendant
- attending
- attending physician
- attending staff
- attention
- attentional bias
- attentional set shifting
- attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
- attention reflex
- attention span
- attenuate
- attenuated
- attenuated virus
- attenuation
- attenuation coefficient
- attic
- attic disease
- atticitis
- atticoantrotomy
- atticotomy
- attitude
- atto-
- attolens
- attollens, attolens
- attraction
- attraction sphere
- attrahens
- attributable fraction
- attributable risk
- attribute
- attrition
- attritional
- attrition bias
- attrition rupture
- atypia
- atypical
- atypical antipsychotic
- atypical depression
- atypical glandular cell
- atypical glandular cell of undetermined significance
- atypical glandular cells
- atypically
- atypical mole
- atypical pneumonia
- atypical squamous cells of uncertain significance
- atypical verrucous endocarditis
- Au
- AU
- Au.D.
- Aub-Dubois table
- audi-, audio-
- audibility
- audibility limit
- audible
- audibly
- audile
- audio-
- audio-analgesia
- audioanalgesia, audio-analgesia, audio analgesia
- audioanesthesia
- audio clip
- audiogenic
- audiogram
- audiologist
- audiology
- audiometer
- audiometric
- audiometrist
- audiometry
- audioscope
- audit
- audit-, audito-
- audit circle
- audition
- audito-
- audito-oculogyric reflex
- auditory
- auditory agnosia
- auditory amnesia
- auditory aphasia
- auditory area
- auditory artery
- auditory brainstem implant
- auditory bulb
- auditory capsule
- auditory center
- auditory defensiveness
- auditory dysesthesia
- auditory eminence
- auditory field
- auditory ganglion
- auditory hair
- auditory hallucination
- auditory imagery
- auditory massage
- auditory muscle
- auditory nerve
- auditory neuropathy
- auditory nucleus
- auditory ossicle
- auditory perception
- auditory pit
- auditory placode
- auditory plate
- auditory radiation
- auditory receptor
- auditory reflex
- auditory sand
- auditory threshold
- auditory tube
- auditory tubercle
- auditory vertigo
- auditory vesicle
- audit trail
- Auer bodies
- augmentation
- augmentation mammaplasty
- augmentation of labor
- augmentative
- augmentative and alternative communication
- augmentative device
- augmented diastolic blood pressure
- augmented intelligence
- augmented labor
- Augmentin
- augnathus
- aur-, auro-
- aura
- aural
- aural acoustic admittance
- aural acoustic immittance
- aural aspergillosis
- aurally
- aural nystagmus
- aural polyp
- aural surgery
- aurantiasis cutis
- aures
- auriasis
- auric
- auricle
- auricul-, auriculo-
- auricula
- auriculae
- auricular
- auricular appendage
- auricular artery
- auriculare
- auricular fissure
- auricular ganglion
- auricularia
- auricular ligament
- auricular nerve
- auricular point
- auricular therapy
- auriculectomy
- auriculo-
- auriculobregmatic line
- auriculocervical nerve reflex
- auriculocranial
- auriculopalpebral reflex
- auriculotemporal
- auriculotemporal nerve
- auriculotemporal syndrome
- auriculotherapy
- auriform
- auris
- auris dextra
- auris externa
- auris interna
- auris media
- auris sinistra
- auro-
- aurotherapy
- aurum
- auscultate
- auscultation
- auscultatory
- auscultatory gap
- auscultatory percussion
- aushadhi, aushadi
- aushadi
- Australia antigen
- Australian cockroach
- Australian encephalitis
- Australian redbacked spider
- Australian X disease
- autacoid, autocoid
- autecious
- authentication
- authoring tool
- authorization
- authorization to request or release information
- authorized generic drug
- autism
- autism spectrum disorder
- autistic
- auto-
- autoactivation
- autoagglutination
- autoagglutinin
- autoamputation
- autoanalysis
- autoantibody
- autoantigen
- autoantitoxin
- autobiographical memory
- autocatalysis
- autocatalytic
- autocatheterization
- autochthonous
- autochthonous idea
- autochthonously
- autocinesia, autocinesis
- autocinesis
- autoclasis
- autoclave
- autocoid
- autocrine
- autocrine factor
- autocrine motility factor
- autocrine regulation
- autocrine signaling
- autocystoplasty
- autocytolysis
- autodermic
- autodigestion
- autodiploid
- autodrainage
- autoecholalia
- autoecious, autecious
- autoecism
- autoeczematization
- autoerotic
- autoerotically
- autoerotic asphyxia
- autoerotic hypoxia
- autoeroticism
- autoerotism, autoeroticism
- autoerythrocyte sensitization
- autoexamination
- autofluorescence
- autofluorescence bronchoscopy
- autofundoscope
- autogenesis
- autogenetic
- autogenic drainage
- autogenic facilitation
- autogenic training
- autogenous
- autogenously
- autogenous vaccine
- autograft
- autohemagglutination
- autohemic
- autohemolysin
- autohemolysis
- autohemolysis test
- autohemotherapy
- autohypnoses
- autohypnosis
- autohypnotic
- autoimmune adrenalitis
- autoimmune disease
- autoimmune endocrine failure syndrome
- autoimmune enteropathy
- autoimmune gastritis
- autoimmune hemolytic anemia
- autoimmune hepatitis
- autoimmune hypophysitis
- autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome
- autoimmune pancreatitis
- autoimmune polyglandular syndrome
- autoimmune-related pancreatitis
- autoimmunity
- autoinduction
- autoinfarction
- autoinflammatory disease
- autoinflammatory syndromes
- autoinfusion
- autoinjector
- autoinoculation
- autointoxication
- autoisolysin
- autokeratoplasty
- autokinesis
- autokinetic
- autologous
- autologous blood transfusion
- autologous bone marrow transplantation
- autologous endometrial coculture
- autologous fat transfer
- autologous graft
- autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
- autologous transplantation
- autolysate
- autolysis
- autolysosome
- autolytic
- autolytic debridement
- autolytic enzyme
- autolytic fermentation
- automated analyzer
- automated decision support system
- automated dispensing cabinet
- automated drug dispenser
- automated external defibrillator
- automatic
- automatically
- automatic collimator
- automatic defibrillator
- automatic drug dispenser
- automatic exposure control
- automatic implantable cardioverter
- automatic implanted cardioverter defibrillator
- automatic implanted ventricular defibrillator
- automaticity
- automatic medication dispensing system
- automatic movement reaction
- automatic obedience
- automatic plugger
- automatic reaction
- automatic transport ventilator
- automation
- automation bias
- automatism
- autonomic
- autonomically
- autonomic center
- autonomic dysreflexia
- autonomic dysreflexia, risk for
- autonomic ganglion
- autonomic imbalance
- autonomic movement
- autonomic nerve
- autonomic nervous system
- autonomic plexus
- autonomic reflex
- autonomous
- autonomous bladder
- autonomously
- autonomous stage
- autonomy
- AutoPap
- auto-PEEP
- autophagia, autophagy
- autophagic
- autophagic vacuole
- autophagocytosis
- autophagy
- autophil
- autophilia
- autophobia
- autophony
- autoplasmotherapy
- autoplastic
- autoplastic transplantation
- autoplasty
- autopolyploid
- autopolyploidy
- autoprecipitin
- autopsy
- autopsychic
- autoradiogram
- autoradiograph
- autoradiographic
- autoradiography
- autoreactive
- autoreactive lymphocyte
- autoreactivity
- autoreceptor
- autoregulate
- autoregulation
- autoreinfusion
- autoresuscitate
- autoresuscitation
- autosensitization
- autosepticemia
- autoserodiagnosis
- autoserotherapy
- autoserum
- autosite
- autosmia
- autosomal
- autosomal aneuploidy
- autosomal dominant
- autosomal dominant gene
- autosomal recessive
- autosomal recessive gene
- autosomatognosis
- autosome
- autosplenectomy
- autostimulation
- autosuggest
- autosuggestibility
- autosuggestible
- autosuggestion
- autotelic
- autotemnous
- autotomography
- autotopagnosia
- autotoxemia
- autotoxin
- autotransfusion
- autotransplantation
- autotransporter protein
- autotrophic
- autovaccination
- autovaccine
- autumn crocus
- aux-
- auxiliary
- auxin
- auxo-, aux-
- auxology
- auxotroph
- auxotrophic
- auxotype
- AV
- A-V, AV
- A-V access
- availability
- availability cascade
- availability heuristic
- avalanche theory
- avalvular
- Avandia
- avascular
- avascular graft
- avascularization
- avascular necrosis
- A-V block
- Avellis syndrome
- average
- averaged electroencephalic audiometry
- average gradient
- aversion
- aversion therapy
- aversive conditioning
- aversive training
- avert
- avian
- avian flu
- avian influenza
- avian tuberculosis
- Aviation Medical Assistance Act
- aviation medicine
- avidin
- avidity
- aviophobia
- aviremia
- aviremic
- avirulent
- avitaminosis
- avitaminotic
- avivement
- A-V nicking
- Avogadro, Amedeo
- avoidable
- avoidable bias
- avoidable decline
- avoidance
- avoidant personality disorder
- avoirdupois measure
- avoirdupois pound
- avoirdupois weight
- avulse
- avulsion
- avulsion fracture
- awake craniotomy
- award
- awareness
- awareness with recall
- a wave
- ax-
- axanthopsia
- Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome
- axenic
- axes
- axi-
- axial
- axial artery
- axial filament
- axial gradient
- axial hyperopia
- axial illumination
- axial light
- axial line
- axial mesenchyme
- axial mesoderm
- axial muscle
- axial myopia
- axial neuritis
- axial plate
- axial position
- axial skeleton
- axial spondyloarthritis
- axifugal, axofugal
- axilemma
- axilla
- axilla bandage
- axilla conformer
- axillae
- axillary
- axillary abscess
- axillary arch
- axillary artery
- axillary bubo
- axillary fold
- axillary fossa
- axillary line
- axillary nerve
- axillary node dissection
- axillary temperature
- axillary vein
- axillofemoral bypass graft
- axio-
- axiolabiolingual plane
- axiolingual
- axiomesiodistal plane
- axioocclusal
- axio-occlusal, axioocclusal
- axioplasm
- axiopulpal
- axipetal, axopetal
- axis
- axis corpuscle
- axis cylinder
- axis deviation
- axis traction
- axis-traction forceps
- axo-, ax-, axi-
- axodendritic synapse
- axodendrosomatic synapse
- axofugal
- axoid
- axolemma, axilemma
- axolotl
- axolysis
- axometer
- axon
- axonal
- axoneme
- axon hillock
- axonometer
- axonotmesis
- axon reflex
- axon sheath
- axoplasm
- axoplasmic
- axosomatic synapse
- ayahuasca
- Ayurveda
- Ayurvedic
- Ayurvedic medicine
- az-
- azadirachta indica
- azalein
- azalide
- azathioprine
- azidothymidine
- azithromycin
- azo-, az-
- azo compound
- azo compounds
- azo group
- azole
- azoospermia
- azoospermic
- Azorean disease
- azotemia
- Azotobacter
- azoturia
- azure lunulae
- azurophil(e)
- azurophilia
- azurophilic
- azurophilic granule
- azygography
- azygos
- azygos lobe
- azygous
- azymia
- Aβ