Taber's Medical Dictionary
- d
- D
- d-
- D/A
- d/c
- 2,3-D.P.G.
- D*
- D1
- 2,4-D
- d4T
- Da
- daboia, daboya
- daboya
- dacarbazine
- dacrocyte
- dacry-
- dacryadenoscirrhus
- dacryagogatresia
- dacryagogue
- dacrycystalgia
- dacryelcosis
- dacryoadenalgia
- dacryoadenectomy
- dacryoadenitis
- dacryoblennorrhea
- dacryocele
- dacryocyst
- dacryocystalgia, dacrycystalgia
- dacryocystectomy
- dacryocystitis
- dacryocystoblennorrhea
- dacryocystocele
- dacryocystography
- dacryocystoptosis
- dacryocystorhinostenosis
- dacryocystorhinostomy
- dacryocystorhinotomy
- dacryocystosyringotomy
- dacryocystotome
- dacryocystotomy
- dacryogenic
- dacryohelcosis, dacryelcosis
- dacryohemorrhea
- dacryolithiasis
- dacryoma
- dacryon
- dacryopyorrhea
- dacryopyosis
- dacryorrhea
- dacryosolenitis
- dacryostenosis
- dacryosyrinx
- dactinomycin
- dactyl
- dactyl-
- dactyledema
- -dactylia, -dactylism, -dactyly
- dactylion
- -dactylism
- dactylitis
- dactylo-, dactyl-
- dactylogryposis
- dactylology
- dactylolysis
- dactylomegaly
- dactylospasm
- dactylus
- -dactyly
- Dahl sign
- daily rounds
- daily wake up
- Dale reaction
- dalton
- dam
- damage-control resuscitation
- damages
- damp
- damped sinusoidal waveform
- damping
- danazol
- dance movement therapy
- dance therapy, dance movement therapy
- dancing disease
- dancing eyes, dancing feet syndrome
- dancing eyes-dancing feet syndrome, dancing eyes, dancing feet syndrome
- dancing mania
- D and C
- D and E
- dandelion
- dander
- dandruff
- dandy fever
- Dandy-Walker syndrome
- dangerous abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols
- dang gui
- Danon disease
- danshen
- danshen root
- D antigen
- dantrolene sodium
- Danysz phenomenon
- dapsone
- Daptacel
- dardarin
- Darier, Ferdinand Jean
- Darier disease
- dark adaptation
- dark-adapted eye
- dark-field illumination
- dark-field microscope
- dark reactions
- darkroom
- Darling disease
- Darmstadtium
- dartoid
- dartos
- dartos muliebris
- dartrous
- Darvon
- Darwinism
- data and safety monitoring board
- database
- data censoring
- data mining
- data modeling
- data repository
- data safety monitoring board, data and safety monitoring board
- dataset
- data warehouse
- date rape
- datum plane
- Datura
- Daubert test
- daughter
- daughter, DES
- daughter cell
- daughter cyst
- daughter product
- Daugiradas formula
- daunorubicin hydrochloride
- Davis law
- dawn phenomenon
- Dawson disease
- day 0
- day blindness
- day care
- daydream
- daylight processing
- day nursery
- day sight
- day surgery
- daytime drowsiness
- day vision
- dazzle
- db
- dB, db
- DC
- dc, d/c
- D cell
- ddc
- DDD pacemaker
- DDD pacing
- ddI
- D-dimer
- DDI pacemaker
- de-
- deacidification
- deactivation
- dead
- deadly nightshade
- deadman switch
- dead pulp
- dead tooth
- deaf
- deafferentation
- deaf mute
- deaf-mute
- deaf-mutism
- deaf point of the ear
- deamidase
- deamidation
- deamidizing enzyme
- deaminase
- deamination, deaminization
- deaminization
- DEA number
- dearterialization
- dearticulation
- death
- death anxiety
- deathbed statement
- death by brain criteria
- death instinct
- death investigation
- death phase
- death rate
- death rattle
- death-to-case ratio
- death trance
- death with dignity
- debanding
- debarment
- debilitant
- debilitate
- debility
- debonding
- débouchement
- debranching enzyme
- debride
- débride
- débridement
- debridement, débridement
- debrief
- debriefing
- debris
- debt
- debulking
- début
- debut, début
- dec-
- deca-, dec-
- decagram
- decalcification
- decalcify
- decaliter
- decameter
- decannulation
- decanormal
- decant
- decantation
- decapitation
- decapsulation
- decarboxylase
- decarboxylating enzyme
- decarboxylation
- decatastrophize
- decay
- decay chain, decay series
- decay product
- decay series
- deceased
- deceased donor
- decedent
- decel
- deceleration
- decennial
- decerebrate
- decerebrate rigidity
- decerebration
- dechallenge
- dechlorination
- deci-
- decibel
- decidophobia
- decidua
- decidua basalis
- decidua capsularis
- deciduae
- decidual
- decidual endometritis
- decidual membrane
- decidua menstrualis
- decidua parietalis
- decidua serotina
- deciduate
- deciduate placenta
- deciduation
- deciduitis
- deciduoma
- deciduosarcoma
- deciduous
- deciduous skin
- deciduous tooth
- decigram
- deciliter
- decimeter
- decinormal
- decipara
- decision aid
- decisional capacity
- decisional conflict
- decision analysis
- decision fatigue
- decision instrument
- decision making
- decision making, readiness for enhanced
- decision-making capacity
- decision rule
- deck plate
- Declaration of Geneva
- Declaration of Hawaii
- Declaration of Helsinki
- Declaration of Istanbul
- declarative memory
- de Clérambault syndrome
- declination
- declination form
- declination statement
- decline
- declivis cerebelli
- decoction
- decode
- decolonization
- decolonize
- decoloration
- decolorize
- decompensate
- decompensated shock
- decompensation
- decomposer
- decomposition
- decompress
- decompression
- decompressive colostomy
- deconditioning
- decongestant
- decongestive physiotherapy
- decongestive therapy
- decontamination
- decontamination spot
- decontamination therapy
- decorin
- decorticate rigidity
- decortication
- decoy
- decoy cell
- decoy receptor
- decreased cardiac output
- decreased fetal movement
- decreased respiration
- decrement
- decrepitate
- decrepitation
- decrepitude
- decrescendo
- decriminalization
- decriminalize
- decrudescence
- dectin-1
- decubation
- decubital
- decubitus
- decubitus paralysis
- decubitus position
- decubitus projection
- decussate
- decussation
- decussation of the brachium conjunctivum
- decussation of the pyramids
- decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncles
- dedicated reagant
- dedifferentiation
- deductible
- deduction
- de-efferented state
- deep
- deep bite
- deep brachial artery
- deep brain stimulation
- deep cervical artery
- deep cervical fascia
- deep circumflex iliac vein
- deep coma
- deep crural arch
- deep dermatophytosis
- deepening
- deep fascia
- deep femoral artery
- deep fibular nerve
- deep heating, deep heat
- deep hypothermic circulatory arrest
- deep inguinal ring
- deep lamellar endothelial keratoplasty
- deep learning
- deep neck infection
- deep neck muscle
- deep origin
- deep palmar arch
- deep percussion
- deep peroneal nerve
- deep petrosal nerve
- deep reflex
- deep-seated
- deep-seated epithelioma
- deep sedation
- deep sensibility
- deep sequencing
- deep sleep
- deep space
- deep temporal artery
- deep temporal nerve
- deep tendon reflex
- deep transverse friction
- deep vein thrombosis
- deer fly fever
- deer tick
- de-escalate
- defamation
- defatted
- default
- default from treatment
- default surrogate
- defecation
- defecation center
- defecation syncope
- defecography
- defect
- defective
- defective virus
- defendant
- defense
- defense attitude
- defense mechanism
- defense reaction
- defensin
- defensive
- defensive injury
- defensively
- defensive medicine
- defensiveness
- defer (1)
- defer (2)
- deferens
- deferent
- deferentectomy
- deferential
- deferentitis
- deferoxamine, deferoxamine mesylate
- deferoxamine mesylate
- deferred shock
- defervescece
- defervescence
- defibrillation
- defibrillation threshold test
- defibrillation threshold testing, defibrillation threshold test
- defibrillator
- defibrinated blood
- defibrination
- deficiency
- deficiency anemia
- deficiency disease
- deficiency of sweating
- deficient
- deficit
- deficit syndrome of schizophrenia
- defined daily dose
- defined medium
- definition
- definitive
- definitive callus
- definitive host
- deflection
- defloration
- deflorescence
- defluvium
- defocus
- defog
- deformability
- deformation
- deformational
- deformity
- defurfuration
- defuse
- deg
- DeGangi-Berk Test of Sensory Integration
- deganglionate
- degeneracy
- degenerate
- degeneration
- degenerative
- degenerative arthritis
- degenerative disease
- degenerative joint disease
- degenerative lesion
- degenerative neuritis
- deglutition
- deglutition apnea
- deglutition center
- deglutition syncope
- deglutitive
- Degos disease
- degradation
- degranulation
- degree
- degree of freedom
- degustation
- dehalogenation
- dehiscence
- dehumanization
- dehumidifier
- dehydrate
- dehydrated alcohol
- dehydration
- dehydration cramp
- dehydroandrosterone
- dehydrocholesterol
- 7-dehydrocholesterol
- 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase deficiency
- dehydrocholic acid
- dehydrocorticosterone
- dehydroepiandrosterone
- dehydrogenase
- dehydrogenate
- dehydroisoandrosterone
- deidentification
- deinstitutionalization
- deinstitutionalize
- deiodinase
- deionization
- deionized water
- Deiters, Otto F.C.
- Deiters cell
- Deiters nucleus
- déjà entendu
- déjà vu
- dejecta
- dejection
- Dejerine, Joseph Jules
- Dejerine-Roussy syndrome
- Dejerine-Sottas disease
- Dejerine syndrome
- dek-
- deka-, dek-
- dekaliter
- delacrimation
- delaminate
- delamination
- Delaney clause
- de Lange syndrome
- de la Tourette
- de la Tourette, Georges Gilles
- delayed childbearing
- delayed cord clamping
- delayed cyanosis
- delayed development
- delayed endolymphatic hydrops
- delayed eruption
- delayed graft
- delayed graft function
- delayed health effect
- delayed hypersensitivity reaction
- delayed-onset muscle soreness
- delayed puberty
- delayed reaction
- delayed recall
- delayed reflex
- delayed sensation
- delayed sequence intubation
- delayed transfusion reaction
- delead
- deleterious
- deletion
- Delhi boil
- Delhi sore
- delicate
- delimitation
- delinquent
- deliquescence
- deliquescent
- délire de toucher
- deliriant
- delirium
- delirium cordis
- delirium of negation
- delirium of persecution
- delirium tremens
- deliver
- delivery
- delivery catheter
- delivery device
- delivery rate
- delivery room
- dellen
- delomorphous
- delouse
- delousing
- delta
- delta cell
- deltacortisone
- delta F-508
- delta fornicis
- delta granule
- delta hepatitis virus
- delta neutrophil index
- delta rays
- delta rhythm
- delta V
- delta wave
- deltoid
- deltoid ligament
- deltoid muscle
- deltoid ridge
- deltoid tubercle
- deltopectoral groove
- delusion
- delusional
- delusional disorder
- delusional jealousy
- delusional misidentification syndromes
- delusional parasitosis
- delusion of control
- delusion of grandeur
- delusion of negation
- delusion of persecution
- delusion of substitution
- demand
- demand pacemaker
- de Man-Rogosa-Sharpe agar
- de Man-Rogosa-Sharpe médium
- de Man-Rogosa-Sharpe medium, de Man-Rogosa-Sharpe médium
- demarcation
- demarcation potential
- demasculinization
- Dematiaceae
- dematiaceous
- dematiaceous fungus
- demecarium bromide
- demeclocycline hydrochloride
- demented
- dementia
- dementia of the Alzheimer type
- dementia paralytica
- dementia pugilistica
- dementia with Lewy bodies
- demi-
- demibain
- demifacet
- demigauntlet bandage
- demilune
- demineralization
- demineralize
- demise
- demi span
- demi-span
- demispan, demi-span, demi span
- demobilization
- demobilize
- demodectic
- demodectic acariasis
- Demodex
- Demodex folliculorum
- demographer
- demographic
- demographically
- demographics
- demography
- demoniac
- demonstration program
- demorphinization
- de Morsier syndrome
- demotivate
- demucosation
- demulcent
- demyelinate
- demyelination
- denaturation
- denature
- denatured
- denatured alcohol
- denatured protein
- dendr-, dendro-
- dendraxon
- dendric
- dendriform
- dendrimer
- dendrite
- dendritic
- dendritic cell
- dendritic cell vaccine
- dendritic keratitis
- dendritic spine
- dendritic synovitis
- dendro-
- dendroid
- dendron
- dendrophagocytosis
- denervation
- denervation atrophy
- dengue
- dengue fever
- Dengvaxia
- denial
- denial and isolation
- Denis Browne splint
- denitrify
- denitrogenation
- Dennie line
- Dennie-Morgan fold
- de novo
- dens bicuspidus
- dens caninus
- dens deciduus
- dense deposit disease
- dense granule
- densely granulated
- densimetric analysis
- dens incisivus
- dens in dente
- dens invaginatus
- densitometer
- densitometry
- density
- dens molaris
- dens permanens
- dens premolaris
- dens serotinus
- dent-
- dental
- dental abscess
- dental adnexa
- dental amalgam
- dental ankylosis
- dental apparatus
- dental arch
- dental articulation
- dental aspirator
- dental assistant
- dental auxiliary
- dental calculus
- dental canal
- dental caries
- dental casting gold alloy
- dental casting investment
- dental cavity
- dental ceramics
- dental chart
- dental consonant
- dental crown
- dental crypt
- dental cuticle
- dental cyst
- dental dam
- dental disk
- dental dysfunction
- dental emergency
- dental engine
- dental engineering
- dental erosion
- dental ethics
- dental examination
- dental excavation
- dental explorer
- dental fissure
- dental floss
- dental follicle
- dental forceps
- dental formula
- dental germ
- dentalgia
- dental granuloma
- dental hammer
- dental handpiece
- dental history
- dental hygiene
- dental hygiene instruction
- dental hygienist
- dental identification
- dental implant
- dental inclusion
- dental index
- dental instrument
- dental jurisprudence
- dental laboratory technician
- dental lamina
- dental malposition
- dental material
- dental medicine
- dental mirror
- dental nerve
- dental nurse
- dental occlusion
- dental operculum
- dental osteoma
- dental pain
- dental papilla
- dental pathology
- dental plaque
- dental plaster
- dental plate
- dental plexus
- dental probe
- dental prosthesis
- dental prosthetics
- dental pulp
- dental quadrant
- dental radiograph
- dental retraction
- dental ridge
- dental sac
- dental sealant
- dental stain
- dental stone
- dental tape
- dental technician
- dental treatment
- dental tubercle
- dental unit
- dental vacuum
- dentate
- dentate convolution
- dentate gyrus
- dentate ligaments
- dentate line
- dentate nucleus
- dentate suture
- dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy
- Dent disease
- denti-
- dentia
- dentia praecox
- dentia tarda
- dentibuccal
- denticle
- denticulate
- dentification
- dentiform
- dentifrice
- dentigerous
- dentigerous cyst
- dentilabial
- dentilingual
- dentin, dentine
- dentinal
- dentinal tubule
- dentine
- dentine hypersensitivity
- dentin mantle
- dentinocemental junction
- dentinoclast
- dentinoenamel junction
- dentinogenesis
- dentinogenesis imperfecta
- dentinoid
- dentinoma
- dentinosteoid
- dentist
- dentistry
- dentition
- dento-, denti-, dent-
- dentoalveolar
- dentoalveolar abscess
- dentoalveolitis
- dentofacial
- dentogingival junction
- dentoid
- dentolabial, dentilabial
- dentolegal
- dentulous
- denture
- denture base
- denture base material
- denture cushion
- denture edge
- denture foundation
- denture reliner
- denture repair kit
- denture stomatitis
- denture ulcer
- denturist
- denucleated
- denudation
- Denver Developmental Screening Test
- Denver shunt
- Denys-Drash syndrome
- deodorant
- deodorize
- deodorizer
- deodorizing douche
- deontological imperative
- deontology
- deorsum
- deorsumduction
- deorsum vergens
- deorsumversion
- deossification
- deossify
- deoxidation
- deoxidizer
- deoxy-
- deoxycorticosterone
- 11-deoxycorticosterone
- 17-deoxycortisol
- deoxygenation
- deoxyhemoglobin
- deoxypyridinoline
- deoxyribonuclease
- deoxyribonucleic acid
- deoxyribonucleoprotein
- deoxyribonucleoside
- deoxyribose
- deoxyribozyme
- deoxyuridine suppression test
- department of health
- Department of Health and Human Services
- dependant
- dependence, dependency
- dependency
- dependent (1)
- dependent (2), dependant
- dependent adult
- dependent care
- dependent edema
- dependent variable
- dependoparvovirus
- Dependovirus
- depersonalization disorder
- depersonalize
- dephosphorylation
- depigmentation
- depigmented
- depilate
- depilation
- depilatory
- deplete
- depleted uranium
- depletion
- deploy
- Deployable Rapid Assembly Shelter
- deployment
- depolarization
- depolarizing electrode
- depolymerization
- deponent
- depopulation
- deposit
- deposition
- depot
- depot injection
- depravation
- deprescribing
- depressant
- depressed
- depressed fracture
- depression
- depression-associated dementia
- depressive delusion
- depressive disorder
- depressive psychosis
- depressomotor
- depressor
- depressor nerve
- deprivation
- deprivation amblyopia
- deprogram
- depth
- depth electrode
- depth perception
- depulization
- depurant
- depuration
- depurative
- depurator
- de qi
- de Quervain, Fritz
- de Quervain disease
- deradelphus
- derangement
- Dercum disease
- derealization
- dereism
- dereistic
- derencephalus
- derepress
- derepression
- derivation
- derivative
- derive
- derived protein
- derm-
- derma
- dermabrasion
- Dermacentor
- Dermacentor andersoni
- Dermacentor variabilis
- dermad
- dermadrome
- dermal
- dermal bone
- dermalgia
- dermal graft
- dermal papilla
- dermal plexus
- dermal ridge
- dermal sinus
- dermamyiasis
- Dermanyssus gallinae
- dermat-
- dermatalgia, dermalgia
- dermatan sulfate
- dermatatrophia
- dermatitides
- dermatitis
- dermatitis calorica
- dermatitises
- dermatitis herpetiformis
- dermatitis hiemalis
- dermatitis infectiosa eczematoides
- dermatitis medicamentosa
- dermatitis multiformis
- dermatitis papillaris capillitii
- dermatitis seborrheica
- dermatitis venenata
- dermatitis verrucosa
- dermato-, dermat-, derm-
- dermatoautoplasty
- Dermatobia
- Dermatobia hominis
- dermatobiasis
- dermatocele
- dermatocelidosis, dermatokelidosis
- dermatocellulitis
- dermatochalasis
- dermatoconiosis
- dermatocyst
- dermatofibroma
- dermatofibrosarcoma
- dermatogen
- dermatogenous
- dermatoglyphics
- dermatographism
- dermatoheliosis
- dermatoheteroplasty
- dermatokelidosis
- dermatologist
- dermatology
- dermatolysis
- dermatoma
- dermatome
- dermatomere
- dermatomucosomyositis
- dermatomycoses
- dermatomycosis
- dermatomyoma
- dermatomyositis
- dermatopathic lymphadenopathy
- dermatopathology
- dermatopathy
- dermatophagoides
- dermatophiliasis
- dermatophilosis
- dermatophobia
- dermatophyte
- dermatophytic folliculitis
- dermatophytid
- dermatophytosis
- dermatoplastic
- dermatoplasty
- dermatoporosis
- dermatorrhexis
- dermatosclerosis
- dermatoscope
- dermatoscopy
- dermatoses
- dermatosis
- dermatosis papulosa nigra
- dermatosome
- dermatosparaxis
- dermatotherapy
- dermatotome
- dermatotropic
- dermatozoon
- dermatozoonosis
- dermic
- dermis
- dermoblast
- dermographia
- dermographism
- dermography, dermographia
- dermoid
- dermoid cyst
- dermoidectomy
- dermolipoma
- dermomycosis
- dermonecrotic toxin
- dermonosology
- dermopathy
- dermoskeleton
- dermosynovitis
- dermovascular
- derodidymus
- desalination
- desaturase
- desaturation
- Desault apparatus, Desault bandage
- Desault bandage
- descemetitis
- descemetocele
- Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty
- descend
- descendens
- descendens hypoglossi
- descending colostomy
- descending degeneration
- descending limb of renal tubule
- descending myelitis
- descending myelopathy
- descending neuritis
- descending neuropathy
- descending palatine artery
- descending tetanus
- descending tract
- descending urography
- descensus
- descensus testis
- descensus uteri
- descensus ventriculi
- descent
- descent of testis
- descriptive anatomy
- descriptive psychiatry
- desensitization
- desensitize
- desert fever
- desert sore
- desexualize
- desferrioxamine, desferrioxamine mesylate
- desferrioxamine mesylate
- desiccant
- desiccate
- desiccation
- designated infection (and exposure) control officer
- designer drug
- designer enzyme
- desipramine hydrochloride
- -desis
- deskilling
- desktop medicine
- desktop video computing
- deslanoside
- desmepithelium
- desmitis
- desmo-
- desmocranium
- desmocyte
- desmocytoma
- desmogenous
- desmoglein
- desmoid
- desmoid tumor
- desmoma
- desmoneoplasm
- desmopathy
- desmoplasia
- desmoplastic
- desmoplastic melanoma
- desmopressin acetate
- desmopyknosis
- desmorrhexis
- desmosis
- desmosome
- desmoteric medicine
- desmotologist
- desmotology
- desmotomy
- desomorphine
- desoximetasone
- desoxy-
- desoxycorticosterone, deoxycorticosterone, 11-deoxycorticosterone
- desoxycorticosterone acetate
- despair
- desquamate
- desquamation
- desquamative
- desquamative inflammatory vaginitis
- desquamative interstitial pneumonia
- desquamative vulvitis
- dessicocytosis
- DES syndrome
- destain
- destination therapy
- destructive
- destructive distillation
- destructive metabolism
- destructive thrombocytopenia
- desulfhydrase
- desynchronized sleep
- desynchronosis
- Desyrel
- det
- detachment
- detail
- detectable
- detector
- deter
- detergent
- deterioration
- determinant
- determinant of health
- determination
- determined
- determining cause
- determinism
- deterministic effect
- detersive
- detorsion
- detox
- detoxicant
- detoxification
- detoxify
- detritic synovitis
- detrition
- detritus
- detrusor hyperactivity with impaired contractility
- detrusor muscle
- detrusor overactivity
- detrusor urinae
- detumescence
- deturgescence
- deuter-
- deuteranomalopia
- deuteranomaly
- deuteranopia, deuteranopsia
- deuteranopsia
- deuterate
- deuterium
- deuterium oxide
- deutero-, deuter-
- Deuteromycotina
- deuteron
- deuteroplasm
- deutoplasm, deuteroplasm
- deutoscolex
- devascularization
- developer
- development
- developmental age
- developmental anatomy
- developmental apraxia
- developmental articulation disorder
- developmental coordination disorder
- developmental delay
- developmental disability
- developmental dysplasia of the hip
- developmentally appropriate care
- developmental milestone
- developmental obesity
- developmental phonological disorder
- Developmental Test of Visual Motor Integration
- deviance
- deviant
- deviant behavior
- deviate
- deviated septum
- deviation
- deviation of tongue
- device
- Devil's claw
- devil's grip
- deviometer
- devitalization
- devitalize
- devitalized
- devitalized pulp
- deworm
- dexamethasone
- dexamethasone suppression test
- DEXA scan
- dexbrompheniramine maleate
- dexchlorpheniramine maleate
- dexter
- dexterity
- dextr-
- dextrad
- dextrad writing
- dextral
- dextrality
- dextran
- dextranomer beads
- dextrase
- dextraural
- dextrin
- dextro-, dextr-
- dextroamphetamine sulfate
- dextrocardia
- dextrocular
- dextrocularity
- dextroduction
- dextrogastria
- dextromanual
- dextromethorphan
- dextropedal
- dextrophobia
- dextroposition
- dextroposition of the great vessels
- dextropropoxyphene
- dextrorotatory
- dextrose
- dextrose-nitrogen ratio
- dextrosinistral
- dextrosuria
- dextrotropic
- dextroversion
- dg
- DH
- dhobie itch
- di-
- di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate
- dia-
- diabetes
- diabetes distress
- diabetes educator
- diabetes insipidus
- diabetes mellitus
- diabetes resolution
- diabetic
- diabetic acidosis
- diabetic center
- diabetic coma
- diabetic dermopathy
- diabetic ear
- diabetic enteropathy
- diabetic foot care
- diabetic foot infection
- diabetic foot ulcer
- diabetic gangrene
- diabetic glomerulosclerosis
- diabetic glycosuria
- diabetic hand
- diabetic macular edema
- diabetic nephropathy
- diabetic neuroarthropathy
- diabetic neuropathy
- diabetic osteoarthropathy
- diabetic osteopathy
- diabetic polyneuritis
- diabetic polyneuropathy
- diabetic puncture
- diabetic remission
- diabetic retinitis
- diabetic retinopathy
- diabetic tabes
- diabetic vulvovaginitis
- diabetic xanthoma
- diabetogenic
- diabetogenous
- diabetologist
- diabetology
- diabulimia
- diacele
- diacetate
- diacetemia
- diacetic acid
- diacetonuria, diaceturia
- diacetoxyscirpenol
- diaceturia
- diacetyl
- diacetylmorphine
- diacidic
- diaclasis
- diaclast
- diacrinous
- diaderm
- diadochokinesia
- diagnose
- diagnoses
- diagnosis
- diagnosis of exclusion
- diagnostic
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
- diagnostic error
- diagnostician
- diagnostic laparoscopy
- diagnostic medical sonographer
- diagnostic odyssey
- diagnostics
- diagnostic specificity
- diagnostic test
- diagonal band
- diagonal band of Broca
- diagonal conjugate
- diagonal conjugate diameter of pelvis
- diakinesis
- dial
- dialectical behavior therapy
- dial pack
- dialy-
- dialysance
- dialysate
- dialyses
- dialysis
- dialysis dementia
- dialysis disequilibrium
- dialysis dose
- dialysis encephalopathy
- dialysis shunt
- dialysis technician
- dialytic
- dialyzable
- dialyze
- dialyzer
- diameter
- Diameter Index Safety System
- diameter of pelvis
- diamide
- diamidine
- diamine
- diaminobenzidine
- diaminuria
- diamondback rattlesnake
- Diamond-Blackfan anemia
- Diamond-Blackfan anemia, Blackfan-Diamond syndrome
- diamond knife
- diamond wheel
- diapause
- diapedesis
- diaper dermatitis
- diaper rash
- diaphane
- diaphanography
- diaphanometer
- diaphanometry
- diaphanoscope
- diaphanoscopy
- diaphemetric
- diaphorase
- diaphoresis
- diaphoretic
- diaphragm
- diaphragmatic
- diaphragmatic breathing
- diaphragmatic excursion
- diaphragmatic hernia
- diaphragmatic pacing
- diaphragmatic peritonitis
- diaphragmatic pleurisy
- diaphragmatic respiration
- diaphragmatocele
- diaphragmitis
- diaphragm muscle
- diaphragm pessary
- diaphyseal
- diaphyseal aclasis
- diaphyseal-epiphyseal fusion
- diaphyseal medullary stenosis
- diaphysectomy
- diaphysis
- diaphysitis
- diaplexus
- diapophysis
- diarrhea
- diarrheagenic, diarrheogenic
- diarrheal
- diarrheal syndrome
- diarrheogenic
- diarthric
- diarthrodial joint
- diarthrosis
- diarticular
- diary
- diaschisis
- diascope
- diascopy
- diastalsis
- diastaltic
- diastase
- diastases
- diastasis
- diastasis recti
- diastatic fracture
- diastema
- diastemata
- diastematocrania
- diastematomyelia
- diastematopyelia
- diaster
- diastole
- diastolic
- diastolic blood pressure
- diastolic dysfunction
- diastolic heart failure
- diastolic murmur
- diastolic thrill
- diastology
- diataxia
- diatela, diatele
- diatele
- diaterma
- diathermal
- diathermic
- diathermy
- diathermy heat
- diathesis
- diathetic
- diatom
- diatomaceous
- diatomaceous earth
- diatomic
- diatomite
- diatrizoate meglumine
- diatrizoate sodium
- diaxon, diaxone
- diaxone
- diaz-
- diazepam
- diazo-, diaz-
- diazo reaction
- diazotize
- diazoxide
- dibasic
- dibasic potassium phosphate
- dibasicsodium phosphate
- diblastula
- Dibothriocephalus
- dibucaine hydrochloride
- dicalcic, dicalcium
- dicalcium
- dicalcium phosphate
- dicentric
- dicephalus
- dichlorphenamide
- dichorionic
- dichotic
- dichotic listening
- dichotomization
- dichotomous
- dichotomous variable
- dichotomy
- dichroic
- dichroism
- dichromate
- dichromatic
- dichromatic vision
- dichromatism
- dichromatopsia
- dichromic
- dichromophil
- dichromophilism
- Dickeya dadantii
- Dick test
- dicoelous
- dicopac test
- dicophane
- dicoria
- dicoumarol
- Dicrocoelium dendriticum
- dicrotic
- dicrotic notch
- dicrotic pulse
- dicrotism
- dictyosome
- dicumarol
- dicyclic
- dicyclomine hydrochloride
- didactic
- didactylism
- didanosine
- didelphic
- didymalgia
- didymitis
- didymus
- die
- dieldrin
- dielectric
- dielectric interaction
- diencephalon
- dienestrol
- Dientamoeba
- Dientamoeba fragilis
- diepoxybutane
- dieresis
- dieretic
- diestrus
- diet
- dietary
- dietary amenorrhea
- Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet
- dietary fiber
- Dietary Guidelines for Americans
- dietary portfolio
- Dietary Reference Intakes
- dietary thermogenesis
- dietetic
- dietetic food
- dietetics
- dietetic technician
- dietetic treatment
- diethylcarbamazine citrate
- diethylene glycol
- diethylpropion hydrochloride
- diethylstilbestrol
- diethyltoluamide
- diethyltryptamine
- dietician
- dietitian, dietician
- diet therapy
- Dieulafoy, Georges
- difference limen
- difference threshold
- differential
- differential amplifier
- differential blood count
- differential diagnosis
- differential display
- differential gene expression
- differential stain
- differential thermometer
- differential threshold
- differentiation
- differentiation syndrome
- differentiation therapy
- difficult intubation
- difficult mask ventilation
- difficulty initiating and maintaining sleep
- diffraction
- diffraction grating
- diffusate
- diffuse
- diffuse abscess
- diffuse axonal injury
- diffuse choroiditis
- diffused light
- diffuse idiopathic pulmonary neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia
- diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis
- diffuse lesion
- diffuse lipoma
- diffusely cytoplasmic anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
- diffuse periostitis
- diffuse peritoneal adenomucinosis
- diffuse peritonitis
- diffuse phlegmon
- diffuse reflectance
- diffuse reflection
- diffuse sclerosis
- diffuse spasm
- diffuse toxic goiter
- diffuse trachoma
- diffuse uveitis
- diffusible
- diffusing capacity
- diffusion
- diffusion capacity of the lung
- diffusion coefficient
- diffusion deposition
- diffusion stasis
- diffusion weighted imaging
- Diflucan
- difluprednate
- digastric
- digastric fossa
- digastric muscle
- digastric triangle
- Digenetica
- digenic
- DiGeorge syndrome
- digest
- digestant
- digestibility
- digestible
- digestion
- digestive
- digestive albuminuria
- digestive enzyme
- digestive hormone
- digestive system
- digestive tract
- digestive tract gas
- digit
- digital
- digital addiction
- digital amniotome
- digital artery
- digital block
- digital certificate
- digital compression
- digital dilatation
- digital eye strain
- digital furrow
- digital imaging
- Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
- digitalis
- digitalization
- digital nerve
- digital pathology
- digital phenotyping
- digital portfolio
- digital pulp
- digital radiography
- digital rectal examination
- digital reflex
- digital signature
- digital subtraction angiography
- digital subtraction imaging
- digital tonometry
- digitate
- digitation
- Digitek
- digitiform
- digitoxin
- digits backward test
- digit span
- digit span test
- digit symbol substitution test
- digit symbol test, digit symbol substitution test
- digitus
- diglossia
- diglyceride
- dignathus
- digoxin
- digoxin immune Fab (ovine) for injection
- dihydrate
- dihydric
- dihydrocodeinone bitartrate
- dihydroergotamine mesylate
- dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase
- dihydrosphingosine
- dihydrotachysterol
- dihydrotestosterone
- dihydroxyaluminum aminoacetate
- dihydroxyaluminum sodium carbonate
- dihydroxycholecalciferol
- 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine
- 4,8-dihydroxyquinaldic acid
- di-iodohydroxyquin
- diisocyanate
- diktyoma
- dilaceration
- Dilacor XR
- dilatant
- dilatation
- dilated compound odontoma
- dilation
- dilation and curettage
- dilation and evacuation
- dilation of the heart
- dilator
- dildo, dildoe
- dildoe
- dill
- Diltia XT
- diltiazem
- diluent
- diluted alcohol
- diluted ethanol
- dilution
- dimenhydrinate
- dimension, vertical
- dimer
- dimercaprol
- dimethicone
- 2,5-dimethoxy-4-(n)-propylthiophenethylamine
- dimethylamine
- 4-dimethylaminopyridine
- dimethylmercury
- dimethyl phthalate
- dimethyl sulfoxide
- dimethyltryptamine
- dimethyl-xanthine
- dimetria
- dimidiate hermaphroditism
- dimidiate placenta
- diminished breath sound
- diminutive polyp
- dimorphic
- dimorphic fungus
- dimorphous, dimorphic
- dimple
- dimple veiling
- dimpling
- dinitrogen monoxide
- 2,4-dinitrophenol
- dinner-fork deformity
- dinner pad
- Dinoflagellata
- dinoprostone
- dinucleotide
- Dioctophyma
- dioctyl calcium sulfosuccinate
- dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate
- diode laser
- Diogenes syndrome
- diopter
- dioptometer
- dioptometry
- dioptric
- dioptrics
- Dioscorea
- Dioscorea villosa
- diotic
- Diovan
- diovulatory
- dioxide
- dioxin
- dioxybenzone
- dipalmityl lecithin
- dipeptidase
- dipeptide
- dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor
- Dipetalonema perstans
- diphallus
- diphasic
- diphenhydramine hydrochloride
- diphenoxylate hydrochloride
- diphenylhydantoin sodium
- diphonia
- diphosphatidylglycerol
- 2,3-diphosphoglycerate
- diphtheria
- diphtheria antitoxin
- diphtherial
- diphtherial cough
- diphtheria toxin
- diphtheria toxoid
- diphtheria vaccine
- diphtheritic croup
- diphtheritic laryngitis
- diphtheritic membrane
- diphtheritic neuritis
- diphtheritic paralysis
- diphtheritic pharyngitis
- diphtheritic proctitis
- diphtheritic stomatitis
- diphtheritic vaginitis
- diphtheroid
- diphthongia
- Diphyllobothrium
- Diphyllobothrium cordatum
- Diphyllobothrium erinacei
- Diphyllobothrium latum
- diphyodont
- diphyodont dentition
- diplacusis
- diplegia
- diplegic
- diplo-
- diploalbuminuria
- diplobacillus
- diplobacterium
- diploblastic
- diplocardia
- diplocephaly
- diplococcemia
- diplococci
- diplococcus
- Diplococcus
- Diplococcus pneumoniae
- diplocoria
- diploë
- diploetic
- diplogenesis
- diploic vein
- diploid
- diploid nucleus
- diploidy
- diplokaryon
- diplomyelia
- diploneural
- diplopagus
- diplophonia
- diplopia
- diploscope
- diplosomatia, diplosomia
- diplosomia
- diplotene
- dipolar ion
- dipole
- dipping
- diprosopus
- diprotic
- dipsophobia
- dipsosis
- dipstick
- Diptera
- dipteran
- dipterous
- dipygus
- dipylidiasis
- Dipylidium
- Dipylidium caninum
- diquat
- direct-acting antiviral
- direct agglutination
- direct antiglobulin test
- direct bilirubin
- direct care worker, direct service worker
- direct cerebellar tract
- direct contact
- direct current
- directed diet
- directed differentiation
- directed donor
- directed pushing
- directed verdict
- direct emetic
- direct emmenagogue
- direct examination
- direct excitation
- direct fluorescein-conjugated antibody
- direct fluorescent antibody
- direct fracture
- direct illumination
- direct image
- direct immunofluorescence test
- direct inguinal hernia
- direction, direct medical
- directionality
- direct laryngoscopy
- directly observed therapy
- direct measurement of blood pressure
- direct ophthalmoscopy
- director
- director of nursing
- direct percussion
- direct radiography
- direct respiration
- direct service worker
- direct thrombin inhibitor
- direct-to-consumer advertising
- direct transfusion
- direct transmission
- dirigomotor
- Dirofilaria
- Dirofilaria immitis
- dirty bomb
- dirty-infected
- dirty lung
- dis- (1)
- dis- (2)
- disability
- disability-adjusted life year
- disability analysis
- Disability Assessment for Dementia Scale
- disability discrimination
- disabled lifespan
- disaccharidase
- disaccharide
- disallowance
- disarticulation
- disassimilation
- disaster
- disaster medical assistance team
- disaster medicine
- Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team
- disaster nursing
- disaster planning
- disbarment
- discard rate
- discharge
- discharge abstract
- discharge destination
- discharge failure
- discharge lounge
- discharge planning
- discharge summary
- discharging
- discharging lesion
- disci
- disciform
- disciform retinitis
- discipline
- discission
- discission needle
- discitis, diskitis
- discoblastic, diskoblastic
- discoblastula
- discocyte
- discogenic
- discogenic pain
- discography
- discoid
- discoid lupus erythematosus
- discoid placenta
- disconjugate gaze
- disconnection syndrome
- discoplacenta
- discordance
- discordant
- discordant couple
- discovery
- discrepancy
- discrete
- discrete analysis
- discrete analyzer
- discrimination
- discus
- discus articularis
- discus proligerus
- disdiaclast
- disdiadochokinesia
- disease
- disease burden
- disease-free survival
- disease marker
- disease-modifying antirheumatic drug
- disease of meaning
- disease phobia
- disease progression
- disease-specific mortality
- Disease State Management Program
- disease surveillance
- disease trajectory
- Disease X
- diseasome
- disembarkment syndrome
- disenfranchisement
- disengagement
- disenrollment
- disentanglement
- disequilibrium
- disequilibrium syndrome
- disfigure
- disfigurement
- disharmony
- disinfect
- disinfectant
- disinfection
- disinfection of field of operation
- disinfection of thermometer
- disinfestation
- disinhibited social attachment disorder
- disinhibition
- disinsertion
- disintegration
- disintegration of consciousness
- disintegration time
- disintegrative disorder
- disjoint
- disjunction
- disk, disc
- disk at risk
- disk diffusion induction test
- diskectomy, discectomy
- diskiform, disciform
- diskitis
- diskoblastic
- diskography, discography
- dislocated patella
- dislocation
- dislocation fracture
- dislocation of clavicle
- dislocation of jaw
- dislocation of knee
- dislocation of shoulder
- dislocation of the hip
- dislocation of the toe
- dislodge
- dislodgement, dislodgment
- dislodgment
- dismember
- dismiss
- dismissal
- dismissal bias
- dismutase
- disobliteration
- disocclusion
- disomus
- disopyramide phosphate
- disorder
- disorder of sex development, disorder of sexual development
- disorder of sexual development
- disorder of written expression
- disorganization
- disorientation
- disparate
- disparate impact (rule)
- disparate points
- dispatch
- dispatcher
- dispatcher-assisted bystander CPR
- dispatcher-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- dispatcher-assisted CPR
- dispensary
- dispensatory
- dispense
- dispensing tablet
- dispersant
- dispersate
- disperse
- disperse dye
- disperse phase
- dispersion
- dispersion medium
- dispersive electrode
- dispersoid
- displaced person
- displaced testis
- displacement
- displacing activity
- disposable
- disposable contact lens
- disposition
- disproportion
- disruptive
- disruptive behavior disorder
- disruptive discharge
- disruptive dysregulation mood disorder
- dissect
- dissecting aneurysm
- dissection
- dissection electrode
- dissemble
- disseminated
- disseminated gonococcal infection
- disseminated myelitis
- disseminated neuritis
- disseminated neurodermatitis
- disseminated trophoneurosis
- dissemination
- dissipation
- dissocial personality disorder
- dissociated nystagmus
- dissociation
- dissociation of personality
- dissociation symptom
- dissociative amnesia
- dissociative anesthesia
- dissociative identity disorder
- dissociative reaction
- dissociative sedation
- dissociative seizure
- dissolution
- dissolution time
- dissolve
- dissonance
- distad
- distal
- distal clot
- distal colon
- distal embolic protection device
- distal intestinal obstruction syndrome
- distally
- distal myopathy
- distal pancreatectomy
- distal phalanx
- distance
- distance acuity
- distance ceptor
- distance education
- distance learning
- distance receptor
- distance vision test
- distant metastasis
- distant recurrence
- distemper
- distend
- distensibility
- distensible
- distension
- distention, distension
- distention cyst
- distichiasis
- distill
- distillate
- distillation
- distilled water
- distinct part
- distobuccal
- distoclusion
- distogingival
- distolabial
- distolingual
- distome
- distomer
- distomia
- disto-occlusal
- distortion
- distracted driving
- distractibility
- distracting injury
- distraction
- distraction osteogenesis
- distraction therapy
- distraught
- distress
- distress thermometer
- distribution
- distributive justice
- distributive shock
- districhiasis
- disturbance
- disulfate
- disulfide bond
- disulfide bridge
- disulfiram
- disulfiram poisoning
- disuse atrophy
- disuse syndrome, risk for
- dithiooxamide
- Dittrich plugs
- diurese
- diuresis
- diuretic
- diuretic-resistant ascites
- diurnal
- diurnal enuresis
- diurnal rhythm
- divagation
- divalent
- diver's palsy
- diver's paralysis
- divergence
- divergent
- divergent dislocation
- divergent lens
- divergent squint
- divergent strabismus
- diversion
- diversional activity, deficient
- diverticula
- diverticular
- diverticular disease
- diverticulectomy
- diverticulitis
- diverticulosis
- diverticulum
- diverticulum of the colon
- diverticulum of the duodenum
- diverticulum of the jejunum
- diverticulum of the stomach
- divided dose
- diving medicine
- diving reflex
- divulsion
- divulsor
- Dix, Dorothea Lynde
- dizygotic twins
- dizziness
- Dk
- Dk/t
- dl
- DL
- D-lactate acidosis
- dl-glyceraldehyde
- D log E curve
- DM
- DMF index
- DMSA renogram
- DN
- DNA fingerprint
- DNA ladder
- DNA laddering
- DNA melting temperature
- DNA microarray
- DNA probe
- DNA vaccine
- DNA virus
- DNAzyme
- DO
- Dobell solution
- Dobhoff tube
- Dobie globule
- dobutamine hydrochloride
- dobutamine stress echocardiography
- docking
- docosahexaenoic acid
- doctor
- doctorally prepared
- Doctor of Nursing Practice
- doctor-patient relationship
- doctor shopping
- doctrine
- documentation
- docusate
- DoD
- doff
- dog bite
- dog-ear
- dog flea
- dogmatic
- dog rose
- dog tapeworm
- Döhle bodies
- dol
- dolich-
- dolicho-, dolich-
- dolichocephalic
- dolichocephalism
- dolichocephaly, dolichocephalism
- dolichocolon
- dolichoectasia
- dolichofacial
- dolichohieric
- dolichomorphic
- dolichopellic
- dolichopellic pelvis
- dolichosigmoid
- dolichuranic
- doll's eye maneuver
- doll's eye movement
- dolor
- dolores
- dolorimeter
- dolorogenic
- domain
- domatophobia
- dome
- dome magnifier
- domestic
- domestic abuse
- domestic violence
- domestic water
- domiciliary
- domiciliary care facility
- dominance
- dominant
- dominant artery
- dominant characteristic
- dominant eye
- dominant gene
- dominant hemisphere
- dominant idea
- dominant laterality
- dominant negative
- dominant optic atrophy and deafness
- dominate
- domino transplantation
- don
- donation rate
- donation service area
- donee
- donepezil hydrochloride
- dong quai, dang gui
- Don Juan
- Donohue syndrome
- donor
- donor artificial insemination
- donor card
- donor deferral tracking
- donor-derived cell-free DNA
- donor lymphocyte infusion
- donor milk
- do not attempt resuscitation
- do not hospitalize
- do not resuscitate
- donovanosis
- donut sign, doughnut sign
- DOOR syndrome
- door-to-balloon time
- door-to-needle time
- door-to-puncture time
- dopa, DOPA
- dopamine
- dopamine agonist
- dopamine dysregulation syndrome
- dopamine receptor
- dopaminergic
- dopa-oxidase
- dope
- doping
- Doppler, Christian Andreas
- Doppler effect
- Doppler measurement of blood pressure and fetal heart rate
- Doppler ultrasonography
- Doppler velocimetry
- doraphobia
- dormancy
- dormant
- dornase
- dornase alfa
- dors-
- dorsa
- dorsabdominal
- dorsad
- dorsal
- dorsal artery of the penis
- dorsal blocking splint
- dorsal cavity
- dorsal cochlear nucleus
- dorsal column
- dorsal decubitus
- dorsal elevated position
- dorsal flexure
- dorsal funiculus
- dorsalgia
- dorsal horn
- dorsal hump
- dorsalis
- dorsalis pedis artery
- dorsalis pedis pulse
- dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
- dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
- dorsal nerve
- dorsal nerve of the clitoris
- dorsal nerve of the penis
- dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus
- dorsal nucleus of the spinal cord
- dorsal nucleus of the vagus
- dorsal pancreas
- dorsal plate
- dorsal ramus
- dorsal raphe nucleus
- dorsal recumbent
- dorsal recumbent position
- dorsal reflex
- dorsal rigid posture
- dorsal root
- dorsal root ganglion
- dorsal sacral foramen
- dorsal scapular artery
- dorsal scapular nerve
- dorsal spinocerebellar tract
- dorsal striatum
- dorsal tegmental decussation
- dorsal vein of the penis
- dorsi-
- dorsiduct
- dorsiduction
- dorsiflect
- dorsiflection
- dorsiflexion, dorsiflection
- dorsimesal
- dorsimeson
- dorsispinal
- dorso-, dorsi-, dors-
- dorsocephalad
- dorsocervical fat pad
- dorsodynia
- dorsolateral
- dorsolateral fasciculus
- dorsolateral tract
- dorsolumbar
- dorsoplantar
- dorsosacral
- dorsosacral position
- dorsoventral
- dorsum
- dosage
- dosage calculation for children
- dose
- dose area product
- dose-dense chemotherapy
- dose dump
- dose dumping
- dose equivalent
- dose escalation
- dose length product
- dose rate
- dose-response curve
- dosha
- dosimeter
- dosimetric
- dosimetrist
- dosimetry
- dotage
- double
- double "H" therapy
- double-armed suture
- double-barrel colostomy
- double-blind, double-blinded
- double-blinded
- double-channel catheter
- double chin
- double-contrast examination
- double cortex syndrome
- double decomposition
- double depression
- double effect
- double exposure
- double-flap amputation
- double fracture
- double glove
- double image
- double innervation
- double lip
- double penis
- double placenta
- double pneumonia
- double quartan malaria
- double reading
- double refraction
- double salt
- double simultaneous stimulation
- double stain
- double step gait
- double stethoscope
- double-T binder
- doublet chemotherapy
- double transplantation
- double vision
- double-voided urine
- doubling time
- douche
- doughnut sign
- Douglas, James
- Douglas cul-de-sac
- douglasitis
- Douglas line
- doula
- dowager's hump
- dowel
- down
- downcode
- downer
- downlow
- down low, downlow
- downregulate
- downsizing
- downstaging
- downstream
- Down syndrome
- Down syndrome disintegrative disorder
- downtime
- doxapram hydrochloride
- doxazosin
- doxorubicin hydrochloride
- doxycycline
- doxylamine succinate
- DP
- DPP-4 inhibitor
- DPT vaccine
- dr
- DR
- Dr.
- Dr. Strangelove syndrome
- drachm
- dracontiasis
- dracotoxin
- dracunculiases
- dracunculiasis
- dracunculosis
- Dracunculus
- Dracunculus medinensis
- draft, draught
- drag-to gait
- drain
- drainage
- drainage tube
- draining sinus
- dram
- dramatism
- drape
- drapetomania
- drastic
- Dravet syndrome
- Draw-a-Person test
- drawer test
- draw sheet
- dream
- dream enactment
- dreaming sleep
- dream state
- drench
- drepanocyte
- drepanocytemia
- drepanocytic
- dressing
- dressing apraxia
- dressing forceps
- dressing station
- dressing stick
- dressing wand
- Dressler syndrome
- dried yeast
- drift
- drill
- Drinker respirator
- drip
- drip chamber
- drive
- drive control
- driver mutation
- driver rehabilitation
- driver rehabilitation therapist
- driving while intoxicated
- dromomania
- dromotropic
- dromotropy
- dronabinol
- -dronate
- drooling
- droop
- drooping eyelid
- drop
- drop arm test
- droperidol
- drop hand
- droplet
- droplet infection
- droplet isolation
- droplet nuclei
- droplet precaution
- droplet transmission
- dropout
- dropped beat
- dropped head syndrome
- dropper
- drop phalangette
- drop seizure
- dropsy
- Drosophila
- Drosophila melanogaster
- drowning
- drownproofing
- drowsiness
- drug
- drugability
- drugable
- Drug Abuse Warning Network
- drug action
- drug administration
- drug adoption
- drug allergy
- drug antagonist
- drug approval
- drug companion
- drug compatibility
- drug contract
- drug delivery, new methods of
- drug dependence
- drug development, computer-assisted
- drug-eluting stent
- drug embolism
- drug eruption
- drug-fast
- drug fever
- Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988
- druggability
- druggable, drugable
- druggist
- drug handling
- drug holiday
- drug idiosyncrasy
- drug-in-adhesive patch
- drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome
- drug-induced maculopathy
- drug-induced mania
- drug-induced pancreatitis
- drug-induced systemic lupus erythematosus
- drug latentiation
- druglikeness
- drug liking
- drug monitoring
- drug monograph
- drug mule, mule
- drug of abuse
- drug overdose
- drug product
- Drug Product Problem Reporting Program
- drug profile
- drug psychosis
- drug rash
- drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms
- drug reaction
- drug receptor
- drug repositioning
- drug repurposing, drug repositioning
- drug resistance
- drug-resistant
- drug-resistant hypertension
- drug rotation
- drug screen
- drug shortage
- drug substitution
- drug suspension
- drug tolerance
- drug withdrawal
- drum
- Drummond syndrome
- drunkalogue
- drunkenness
- drusen
- dry
- dry abscess
- dry birth
- dry catarrh
- dry cough
- dry distillation
- dry dressing
- dry eye
- dry field
- dry friction
- dry gangrene
- dry heat
- dry heat sterilization
- dry ice
- dry joint
- dry labor
- dry measure
- dry mouth
- dry mouth, risk for
- dry necrosis
- Dryopteris filix-mas
- dry orgasm
- dry pack
- dry papule
- dry pleurisy
- dry socket
- dry synovitis
- dry tap
- dry tongue
- Dryvax
- dry vomiting
- DS
- dsRNA
- DT
- DTaP
- DTaP vaccine
- D-test
- DTPA renogram
- DTwP
- DU
- dual-chamber pacemaker
- dual control ventilation
- dual diagnosis
- dual eligibility
- dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry
- dualism
- dual language learner
- dual protection
- dual tropic virus
- Duane syndrome
- Dubini disease
- Dubin-Johnson syndrome
- dubnium
- duboisine
- Dubowitz score
- Dubowitz tool, Dubowitz score
- Duchenne, Guillaume B. A.
- Duchenne-Aran disease
- Duchenne disease
- Duchenne paralysis
- duck-bill speculum
- duck walk
- duckwalk, duck walk
- duct
- duct-, ducto-
- ductal lavage
- ductile
- duction
- ductless
- ductless gland
- ducto-
- duct of the epoöphoron
- duct of Wirsung
- ductogram
- duct tape occlusion therapy
- ductule
- ductus
- ductus arteriosus
- ductus choledochus
- ductus cochlearis
- ductus deferens
- ductus epoöphori longitudinalis
- ductus hepaticus
- ductus hepaticus dexter
- ductus hepaticus sinister
- ductus prostaticus
- ductus reuniens
- ductus utriculosaccularis
- ductus venosus
- due date
- duet reading
- Duffy system
- Dugas test
- Duhring's disease
- Dukes disease
- Dukoral
- dull
- dullness
- dull pain
- dumb
- dumbness
- dumping
- dumping syndrome
- duoden-
- duodenal
- duodenal antrum
- duodenal atresia
- duodenal bulb
- duodenal cap
- duodenal delay
- duodenal digestion
- duodenal gland
- duodenal regurgitation
- duodenal ulcer
- duodenectasis
- duodenectomy
- duodenitis
- duodeno-, duoden-
- duodenocholecystostomy
- duodenocholedochotomy
- duodenocystostomy
- duodenoenterostomy
- duodenogram
- duodenography
- duodenohepatic
- duodenoileostomy
- duodenojejunal flexure
- duodenojejunostomy
- duodenopancreatic neuroendocrine tumor
- duodenorrhaphy
- duodenoscope
- duodenoscopy
- duodenostomy
- duodenotomy
- duodenum
- duplex
- duplex Doppler ultrasound
- duplex ileum
- duplex imaging
- duplex transmission
- duplication, duplicature
- duplicature
- duplicitas
- dupp
- Dupuytren, Baron Guillaume
- dura
- durable medical equipment
- durable power of attorney for health care
- durable response
- dural
- dural ectasia
- dural membrane
- dural sheath
- dural sinus
- dural venous sinus
- dura mater
- duramatral
- Durand-Nicolas-Favre disease
- duraplasty
- duration
- duration of response
- duration tetany
- durematoma
- duritis
- Durkan test
- duroarachnitis
- duropleural
- Duroziez' murmur
- Duroziez murmur
- dust
- dust-free room
- dusting powder
- dust mite
- Dutchman's pipe
- duty
- duty hour
- duty of care
- duty to warn
- Duverney, Joseph G.
- Duverney gland
- DVd
- dwarf
- dwarf pelvis
- dwarf tapeworm
- dwell time
- dwindles
- dx
- Dy
- dyad
- dyadic
- dyclonine hydrochloride
- dye
- dye-dilution curve
- dye laser
- dynamic
- dynamic compliance
- dynamic equilibrium
- dynamic gait index
- dynamic ileus
- dynamic mechanics
- dynamic psychiatry
- dynamic psychology
- dynamic refraction
- dynamics
- dynamic splint
- dynamic stabilization
- dynamic stabilization exercise
- dynamic stretch
- dynamic traction
- dynamin-related protein-1
- dynamization
- dynamo-
- dynamogenic
- dynamograph
- dynamometer
- dynamometry
- dynamoscope
- dynamoscopy
- dyne
- dynein
- dynorphin
- dys-
- dysacousia
- dysacousma
- dysacusis, dysacousia, dysacousma
- dysadaptation
- dysadrenalism
- dysantigraphia
- dysaphia
- dysaptation, dysadaptation
- dysarthria
- dysarthrosis
- dysautonomia
- dysbarism
- dysbasia
- dysbiosis
- dyscalculia
- dyscephaly
- dyschezia
- dyschiria
- dyschondroplasia
- dyschroa, dyschroia
- dyschroia
- dyschromatopsia
- dyschromia
- dyschronism
- dyscognitive seizure
- dyscompetence
- dyscontrol syndrome
- dyscoria
- dyscrasia
- dysdiadochokinesia, dysdiadokokinesia
- dysdiadokokinesia
- dyseidesia
- dysembryoplasia
- dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor
- dysembryoplastic neuro-epithelial tumor
- dysenteric
- dysenteric diarrhea
- dysenteric proctitis
- dysentery
- dysentery toxin
- dyserythropoiesis
- dyserythropoietic
- dysesthesia
- dysesthesia pedis
- dysexecutive syndrome
- dysferlin
- dysferlinopathy
- dysfibrinogenemia
- dysfluency
- dysfunction
- dysfunctional labor
- dysfunctional uterine bleeding
- dysgammaglobulinemia
- dysgenesis
- dysgenic
- dysgenitalism
- dysgerminoma
- dysgeusia
- dysglobulinemia
- dysglycemia
- dysgnathia
- dysgonesis
- dysgonic
- dysgraphia
- dyshemoglobin
- dyshidrosis, dysidrosis
- dyshidrotic eczema
- dysidrosis
- dyskaryosis
- dyskeratosis
- dyskeratosis congenita
- dyskinesia
- dyskinesia intermittens
- dyskinetic
- dyslalia
- dyslexia
- dyslipidemia
- dyslogia
- dysmasesis
- dysmaturity
- dysmegalopsia
- dysmelia
- dysmenorrhea
- dysmetabolic syndrome
- dysmetria
- dysmetropsia
- dysmimia
- dysmnesia
- dysmorphic
- dysmorphologist
- dysmorphology
- dysmorphophobia
- dysmotility
- dysmyotonia
- dysnomia
- dysodontiasis
- dysontogenesis
- dysontogenetic
- dysopia, dysopsia
- dysopsia
- dysosmia
- dysostosis
- dysoxia
- dysoxidizable
- dyspancreatism
- dyspareunia
- dyspepsia
- dyspeptic
- dyspermasia
- dyspermia
- dysphagia
- dysphagia constricta
- dysphagia diet
- dysphagia lusoria
- dysphagia paralytica
- dysphagia spastica
- dysphasia
- dysphonesia
- dysphonia
- dysphonia clericorum
- dysphoria
- dysphrasia
- dysphylaxia
- dyspigmentation
- dyspituitarism
- dysplasia
- dysplasminogen
- dysplastic
- dysplastic nevus
- dyspnea
- dyspneic
- dyspoieses
- dyspoiesis
- dyspoietic
- dyspraxia
- dysprosium
- dysprosody
- dysraphia
- dysraphism, dysraphia
- dysreflexia
- dysrhythmia
- dysstasia
- dyssynchrony
- dyssynergia, dyssynergy
- dyssynergic
- dyssynergy
- dystaxia
- dystectia
- dysthanasia
- dysthymia
- dysthymic
- dysthymic disorder
- dysthymic mood disorder
- dysthyreosis
- dysthyroid
- dysthyroidism
- dysthyroid orbitopathy
- dystocia
- dystonia
- dystonia musculorum deformans
- dystonic
- dystopia
- dystopia canthorum
- dystopic
- dystrophia
- dystrophic
- dystrophic calcification
- dystrophin
- dystrophinopathy
- dystrophoneurosis
- dystrophy
- dysuria
- dyszoospermia