Taber's Medical Dictionary
- F
- F.D.
- f.m.
- FA
- Fab
- fabella
- fabellae
- FABERE maneuver
- FABERE test, FABER test
- FABER test
- Fab fragment
- fabism
- fabrication
- Fabry disease
- face
- faceblind
- facebow
- face-lift
- facepiece
- face presentation
- face shield
- facet
- facetectomy
- facet joint
- face validity
- facial
- facial angle
- facial artery
- facial bone
- facial canal
- facial cleft
- facial droop
- facial expression
- facial hemiplegia
- facial lipoatrophy syndrome
- facial motor nucleus
- facial nerve
- facial nerve palsy
- facial nerve paralysis
- facial neuralgia
- facial palsy
- facial paralysis
- facial rejuvenation
- facial sensory neuropathy
- facial tic
- facial triangle
- facial trophoneurosis
- facial vein
- -facient
- facies
- facies abdominalis
- facies Hippocratica
- facilitate
- facilitated angioplasty
- facilitated diffusion
- facilitation
- facilitator
- facing
- facio-auriculo vertebral syndrome
- faciobrachial
- faciocardiomelic syndrome
- faciocervical
- faciolingual
- facioplasty
- facioscapulohumeral
- facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
- factitial dermatitis
- factitious
- factitious diarrhea
- factitious disorder
- factitious fever
- factor
- factor H
- factor VII deficiency
- factor V Leiden mutation
- factor Xa inhibitor
- fact sheet
- fact witness
- facultative
- facultative aerobe
- facultative anaerobe
- facultative hyperopia
- facultative parasite
- faculty
- faculty development
- fading
- Faecalibacterium
- Fagales
- Fahr, Karl Theodor
- Fahr disease
- Fahrenheit, Daniel Gabriel
- Fahr syndrome
- failed back surgery syndrome
- fail-first requirement
- fail-safe
- failure
- failure mode and effect analysis
- failure mode and effects analysis, failure mode and effect analysis
- failure of artificial pacemaker
- failure of compensation
- failure to progress
- failure to rescue
- failure to thrive
- faint
- faintness
- fairness
- Fairweather lodge model
- Fairweather Lodge model, Fairweather lodge model
- faith-based
- falcate
- falcial
- falciform
- falciform ligament
- falciform ligament of liver
- falciform process
- falciparum malaria
- falcular
- fall
- fallectomy
- fallen arches
- fallophobia
- fallopian canal
- fallopian ligament
- fallopian tube
- fallopian tube cancer
- falloposcopy
- fallotomy
- fallout
- falls, risk for
- false ankylosis
- false diverticulum
- false eye
- false ganglion
- false hermaphroditism
- false hypertrophy
- false image
- false imprisonment
- false joint
- false knot
- false labor
- false lumen
- false membrane
- false memory
- false mole
- false-negative
- false-negative rate
- false-negative ratio
- false-negative reaction
- false neuroma
- false pain
- false pelvis
- false-positive
- false-positive rate
- false-positive ratio
- false-positive reaction
- false pregnancy
- false rib
- false suture
- false tumor
- false vertebra
- falsification
- falsified medicinal products
- falx
- falx cerebelli
- falx cerebri
- falx inguinalis
- falx ligamentosa
- famciclovir
- fames
- familial
- familial aggregation
- familial amyloiditic polyneuropathy
- familial amyloidosis
- familial amyloidotic neuropathy
- familial benign chronic pemphigus
- familial cancer syndrome
- familial disease
- familial hypercalcemia with nephrocalcinosis and indicanuria
- familial hypercholesterolemia
- familial hyperchylomicronemia
- familial hypokalemia-hypomagnesemia
- familial interstitial pneumonia
- familial myoclonic epilepsy
- familial nonhemolytic jaundice
- familial osteochondrodystrophy
- familial renal glycosuria
- familial tremor
- family
- Family and Medical Leave Act
- family balancing
- family care leave, family leave
- family-centered care
- family-centered rounds
- family health history
- family history
- family leave
- family medicine
- family nurse practitioner
- family of origin
- family physician
- family planning
- family processes, dysfunctional
- family processes, interrupted
- family processes, readiness for enhanced
- family psychoeducation
- family therapy
- famine
- famotidine
- Fanconi syndrome
- fang
- fango
- fangotherapy
- Fannia
- fanning of toes
- fantast
- fantasy, phantasy
- farad
- faraday
- Faraday cage
- faradic
- faradism
- faradization
- faradotherapy
- Farber disease
- farcy
- far field
- farina
- farinaceous
- farpoint
- far point
- Farre tubercles
- far sight
- farsighted
- farsightedness
- fartlek exercise
- fartlek training
- fas
- fasci-, fascio-
- fascia
- fascia dentata
- fasciae
- fascia graft
- fascial
- fascia lata femoris
- fascial hernia
- fasciaplasty
- fascia transversalis
- fascicle
- fascicular
- fascicular graft
- fascicular heart block
- fascicular keratitis
- fascicular ventricular tachycardia
- fasciculation
- fasciculi
- fasciculus
- fasciculus cuneatus
- fasciculus gracilis
- fasciculus retroflexus
- fasciculus solitarius
- fasciectomy
- fasciitis
- fascio-
- fasciodesis
- fasciola
- Fasciola
- fasciola cinerea
- fasciolae
- Fasciola hepatica
- fasciolar
- fasciolopsiasis
- Fasciolopsis buski
- fascioplasty
- fasciorrhaphy
- fasciotomy
- Fas ligand
- fast (1)
- fast (2)
- fast food
- fastidious
- fastidium
- fastigial nucleus
- fastigium
- fasting
- fasting blood draw
- fasting blood sample
- fasting blood test
- fasting-mimicking diet
- fastness
- fast pain
- fast-track
- fast-track surgery
- fat
- fat absorption
- fatal
- fatal dose
- fatal familial insomnia
- fatalism
- fatalistic
- fatality
- fat cell
- fat client
- fate map
- fat embolism
- fat emulsion
- fat emulsion infusion
- fat-free mass
- fat gram
- father, biological
- fatigability
- fatiguable weakness
- fatigue
- fatigue fracture
- fatigue index
- fatigue state
- fat maldistribution
- fat mass
- fat metabolism
- fat necrosis
- fat overload syndrome
- fat pad
- fat pad syndrome
- fat reduction
- fat replacement
- fat replacer
- fat substitute
- fat tide
- fat transfer
- fat transplantation
- fatty
- fatty acid
- fatty cast
- fatty change
- fatty degeneration
- fatty degeneration of the heart
- fatty diarrhea
- fatty hernia
- fatty infiltration
- fatty infiltration of the heart
- fatty kidney
- fatty liver
- fatty series
- fatty stool
- fatty tissue
- fauces
- faucial
- faucial tonsil
- fault
- fauna
- faun tail nevus
- faveolate
- faveolus
- favism
- favus
- F cell
- Fc fragment
- f channel
- FDA animal efficacy rule
- FDG imaging
- Fe
- Fe(C3H5O3)2
- fear
- fear of recurrence
- feature
- febrifacient
- febrifugal
- febrifuge
- febrile
- febrile convulsion
- febrile delirium
- febrile neutropenia
- febrile seizure
- febrile state
- fecal
- fecal abscess
- fecal electrolytes
- fecal fat test
- fecal fistula
- fecal immunochemical test
- fecal incontinence
- fecalith
- fecally
- fecal marker
- fecal microbiota transplant
- fecal occult blood test
- fecaloid
- fecaloma
- fecal osmolality
- fecal transplant
- fecaluria
- feces
- FeCl2
- FeCl3
- FeCO3
- fecula
- feculent
- fecund
- fecundability
- fecundate
- fecundation
- fecundity
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Federal Employees Health Benefits Program
- Federal False Claims Act
- federal government hospital
- Federal Register
- Federal Torts Claims Act
- feedback
- feedback cycle
- feeder
- feedforward
- feeding
- feeding center
- feeding pattern, ineffective infant
- fee-for-service
- feeling
- Feer disease
- fee schedule
- fee sheet
- fee splitting
- fel
- Fel d 1
- feline
- Felis domesticus
- fellate
- fellatio, fellation
- fellation
- fellator
- fellatrice
- fellatrix, fellatrice
- fellow
- fellowship
- felon
- felony
- feltwork
- Felty syndrome
- female
- female athlete triad
- female castration
- female catheter
- female circumcision
- female condom
- female genital cutting
- female genitalia
- female genital mutilation
- female genital mutilation, risk for
- female intersex
- female pseudohermaphroditism
- female sexual arousal disorder
- female sterility
- feminine
- feminism
- feminization
- feminize
- feminizing genitoplasty
- femora
- femoral
- femoral anteversion
- femoral artery
- femoral canal
- femoral hernia
- femoral length
- femoral nerve
- femoral pulse
- femoral retroversion
- femoral ring
- femoral septum
- femoral sheath
- femoral spur
- femoral testis
- femoral triangle
- femoral vein
- femorotibial
- femto-
- femur
- femur length
- femur length measurement
- fencing reflex
- fenestra
- fenestra cochleae
- fenestrae
- fenestral
- fenestra rotunda
- fenestrated
- fenestrated hymen
- fenestrated membrane
- fenestrated tracheostomy tube
- fenestration
- fenestra vestibuli
- fenfluramine hydrochloride
- feng shui
- fennel
- fentanyl citrate
- fenugreek
- feral
- ferment
- fermentable fiber
- fermentation
- fermentation tube
- fermented dairy product
- fermented milk
- fermenting enzyme
- fermium
- ferning, fern pattern
- fern pattern
- -ferous
- ferri-
- ferric
- ferric chloride
- ferric subsulfate
- ferritin
- ferro-
- ferrochelatase
- ferrokinetics
- ferromagnet
- ferromagnetic
- ferromagnetism
- ferropexia
- ferroportin
- ferroprotein
- ferrotherapy
- ferrous
- ferrous fumarate
- ferrous gluconate
- ferrous sulfate
- ferroxidase
- ferruginous
- ferrule
- ferrum
- fertile
- fertile interval
- fertile period
- fertility
- fertility awareness
- fertility preservation
- fertility rate
- fertilization
- fertilization nucleus
- fester
- festinant
- festinating gait
- festination
- festoon
- festooned
- fetal
- fetal (vibratory) acoustic stimulation
- fetal abdominal circumference
- fetal acoustic stimulation
- fetal activity diary
- fetal adenocarcinoma
- fetal akinesia deformation sequence
- fetal alcohol effects
- fetal alcohol syndrome
- fetal anatomic survey, fetal anatomy survey, fetal survey
- fetal anatomy survey
- fetal asphyxia
- fetal attitude
- fetal biophysical profile
- fetal blood sample
- fetal bradycardia
- fetal circulation
- fetal death
- fetal demise
- fetal development
- fetal distress
- fetal dysmaturity syndrome
- fetal echogenic bowel
- fetal femoral length
- fetal fibronectin assay
- fetal growth
- fetal growth restriction
- fetal heart rate acceleration
- fetal heart rate monitoring
- fetal heart sound
- fetal hemoglobin
- fetal hypoxia
- fetal inclusion
- fetal intervention
- fetal lung maturity
- fetal macrosomia
- fetal maturation
- fetal meconium aspiration
- fetal membrane
- fetal monitor
- fetal monitoring in utero
- fetal mortality rate
- fetal movement
- fetal origins hypothesis
- fetal overgrowth
- fetal placenta
- fetal position
- fetal reduction
- fetal respiration
- fetal rotation
- fetal scalp electrode
- fetal scalp stimulation
- fetal souffle
- fetal survey
- fetal tachycardia
- fetal uterus
- fetal version
- feticide
- fetid
- fetid sweat
- fetish
- fetishism
- fetochorionic
- feto-fetal transfusion
- fetoglobulin
- fetography
- fetology
- fetometry
- fetopelvic disproportion
- fetoplacental
- fetoprotein
- fetor
- fetor hepaticus
- fetor oris
- fetoscope
- fetoscopy
- fetotoxic
- fetotoxin
- fetus
- fetus amorphus
- fetus in fetu
- fetus papyraceus
- FEV1
- fever
- feverfew
- fever of unknown origin
- fever therapy
- fexofenadine
- fFN
- ffNA
- FG
- FH4
- FHx
- fiat
- fiber
- fibercolonoscope
- fibergastroscope
- fiberglass, fiber glass
- fiber-optic
- fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing
- fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing with sensory testing
- fiberoptics
- fiber optics
- fiberscope
- fibr-
- fibra
- fibrae
- fibrate
- fibremia
- fibric acid derivative
- fibril
- fibrilla
- fibrillae
- fibrillar, fibrillary
- fibrillarin
- fibrillary
- fibrillary astrocytoma
- fibrillary glomerulonephritis
- fibrillary tremor
- fibrillated
- fibrillation
- fibrillin
- fibrillization
- fibrillogenesis
- fibrin
- fibrin-fibrinogen degradation products
- fibrin glue
- fibrinocellular
- fibrinogen
- fibrinogenic, fibrinogenous
- fibrinogenolysis
- fibrinogenopenia
- fibrinogenous
- fibrinoid
- fibrinoid change
- fibrinoid material
- fibrinolysin
- fibrinolysis
- fibrinolytic
- fibrinolytic hemorrhage
- fibrinolytic purpura
- fibrinopenia
- fibrinopeptide
- fibrinosis
- fibrinous
- fibrinous cast
- fibrinous inflammation
- fibrinous necrosis
- fibrinous pericarditis
- fibrinous pleurisy
- fibrinous polyp
- fibrinous rhinitis
- fibrin sealant
- fibrin split products
- fibrinuria
- fibro-, fibr-
- fibroadenia
- fibroadenoma
- fibroadipose
- fibroangioma
- fibroareolar
- fibroblast
- fibroblastoma
- fibrocalcific
- fibrocalculous pancreatic diabetes
- fibrocarcinoma
- fibrocartilage
- fibrocaseous peritonitis
- fibrocellular
- fibrochondroma
- fibrocyst
- fibrocystic breast change
- fibrocystic disease of the breast
- fibrocystic disease of the pancreas
- fibrocystoma
- fibrocyte
- fibrodysplasia
- fibroelastic
- fibroelastosis
- fibroenchondroma
- fibroepithelial papilloma
- fibroepithelial polyp
- fibroepithelioma
- fibroepithelioma of Pinkus
- fibroid
- fibroid degeneration
- fibroidectomy
- fibroid heart
- fibroid of uterus
- fibroid tumor
- fibrolipoma
- fibroma
- fibroma of breast
- fibromata
- fibromatosis
- fibromatosis colli
- fibromatous
- fibromectomy
- fibromembranous
- fibromuscular
- fibromuscular dysplasia
- fibromyalgia
- fibromyalgia impact questionnaire
- fibromyoma
- fibromyomas
- fibromyomata
- fibromyomectomy
- fibromyositis
- fibromyotomy
- fibromyxoma
- fibromyxosarcoma
- fibronectin
- fibroneuroma
- fibro-odontoma
- fibro-osteoma
- fibropapilloma
- fibroplasia
- fibroplastic
- fibropurulent
- fibrosarcoma
- fibrose
- fibroserous
- fibrosis
- fibrosis uteri
- fibrositis
- fibrotic
- fibrotic contracture
- fibrous
- fibrous ankylosis
- fibrous cap
- fibrous capsule of the liver
- fibrous cartilage
- fibrous dysplasia
- fibrous glass
- fibrous hyperplasia
- fibrous joint
- fibrous membrane
- fibrous myxoma
- fibrous pericardium
- fibrous plaque
- fibrous pneumonia
- fibrous thyroiditis
- fibrous tissue
- fibrous tubercle
- fibula
- fibulae
- fibular
- fibular artery
- fibularis brevis muscle
- fibularis longus muscle
- fibularis tertius muscle
- fibulocalcaneal
- FICA spiritual history assessment tool
- ficin
- Fick, Adolf Eugen
- Fick equation
- fictive
- fictive kin
- fidelity
- fiducial markers
- field
- field analyzer
- field block
- field carcinogenesis
- field effect
- field effect transistor
- field hospital
- field of fixation
- field of Forel
- field of view
- field of vision
- field potential
- fieldwork
- fifth cranial nerve
- fifth disease
- fifth-generation cephalosporin
- fifth pathway
- fifth ventricle
- FIGlu
- FIGLU excretion test
- FIGO staging system
- figurate
- figure
- figure-ground
- figure-ground discrimination
- figure-of-eight bandage
- figure-of-eight suture
- fila
- filaceous
- filament
- filamentous
- filamentous actin
- filamentous fungus
- filar
- filaria
- Filaria
- Filaria bancrofti
- filariae
- filarial
- filarial abscess
- Filaria loa
- Filaria medinensis
- Filaria sanguinis hominis
- filariasis
- filaricidal
- filaricide
- filarioid
- Filarioidea
- filbert
- filgrastim
- filial generation
- filiform
- filiform papilla
- filiform pulse
- filler
- fillet
- filling
- filling agent
- filling defect
- filling time
- film
- film badge
- film dressing
- film speed
- filopodia
- filovaricosis
- Filovirus
- filter
- filterable
- filtering
- filtering facepiece half-mask respirator
- filter paper
- filtrable virus
- filtrate
- filtration
- filtration of x-ray photons
- filtration slits
- filum
- filum coronarium
- filum terminale
- fimbria
- fimbriae
- fimbria ovarica
- fimbriate, fimbriated
- fimbriated
- fimbria tubae
- fimbriocele
- fimbrioplasty
- final height
- final host
- final impression
- financial incentive
- finasteride
- fine crackles
- Finegoldia magna
- fine motor skill
- fine needle aspiration biopsy
- fine-needle capillary sampling
- fine-needle nonaspiration biopsy
- fineness
- fine particulate matter
- fine tremor
- finger
- finger agnosia
- finger bandage
- finger cot
- finger ladder
- fingernail
- finger oximeter
- finger percussion
- fingerprint
- finger rolling test
- finger separator
- finger spelling
- finger splint
- finger spring
- finger-stall
- finger stick blood glucose
- finger sweep
- fingertip
- finger-to-finger test
- finger-to-nose test
- finger trapping
- fingolimod
- finite
- Finkelstein test
- Fio2
- fire
- fire ant
- fire ant bite
- firearm
- fire-damp
- firewall
- fireworks burn
- first aid
- first cranial nerve
- first-degree atrioventricular block
- first-degree heart block
- first-degree relative
- first-degree relatives
- first disease
- first-dollar coverage
- first-generation antipsychotic
- first-generation cephalosporin
- first-hand smoke
- first intention
- first-intention healing
- first intention healing, first-intention healing
- first language
- first-line therapy
- first-line treatment
- first-listed diagnosis
- first-pass metabolism
- first responder
- first trimester
- Fishberg concentration test
- Fisher exact test
- fishhook wound
- fishskin disease
- fish tapeworm
- fission
- fissiparous
- fissura
- fissurae
- fissural
- fissure
- fissured fracture
- fissured pelvis
- fissured tongue
- fissure of Sylvius
- fistula
- fistulatome
- fistulectomy
- fistulization
- fistuloenterostomy
- fistulogram
- fistulotomy
- fistulous
- fit
- fitness
- fitness activity tracker
- fitness ball
- fit test
- fit-testing
- FITT principle of exercise
- Fitzgerald factor
- five-elements theory
- five-factor model
- five-point auscultation
- five stages of grief
- fix
- fixating eye
- fixation
- fixation muscle
- fixation nystagmus
- fixation of eyes
- fixation point
- fixative
- fixed
- fixed bridgework
- fixed delusion
- fixed-dose combination
- fixed drug eruption
- fixed idea
- fixed oils
- fixed partial denture
- fixed pupil
- fixed-rate pacemaker
- fixed torticollis
- fixed vertebra
- fixed virus
- fixer
- fixing agent
- Fixott-Everett grid
- Fl
- fl. dr.
- fl. oz.
- FLACC behavioral pain assessment scale
- flaccid
- flaccid dysarthria
- flaccid paralysis
- flagellant
- flagellate
- flagellation
- flagelliform
- flagellum
- flail arm splint
- flail chest
- flail joint
- flail mitral valve leaflet
- flame cell
- flame ionization detector
- flammable
- flange
- flank
- flannelmouth
- flap
- flap and zap
- flapping tremor
- flap surgery
- flare
- flaring, nasal
- flash
- flashback
- flash burn
- flash freezing
- flash keratoconjunctivitis
- flash point
- flash sterilization
- flask
- flat
- flat affect
- flat angle
- flat chest
- flat cornea
- flat field image detector
- flatfoot
- flat-footed
- flat-footedness
- flatness
- flat panel image detector
- flat pelvis
- flatplate
- flat screen, flat screen display, flat screen monitor
- flat screen display
- flat screen monitor
- flatulence
- flatulent
- flatus
- flatus tube
- flatworm
- flavescent
- Flavimonas oryzihabitans
- flavin
- flavin adenine dinucleotide
- flavism
- Flavivirus
- Flavobacterium
- flavone
- flavonoid
- flavoprotein
- flavor
- flaxseed
- flea
- flea bite
- flea-bitten kidney
- flea-borne typhus
- flea infestation
- flecainide acetate
- Flechsig area
- fleece of Stilling
- Fleming, Sir Alexander
- flesh
- flesh-eating bacterium
- flesh fly
- fleshy mole
- fleshy polyp
- Fletcher factor
- fletcherism
- Fletcher-Suit system
- flex
- Flexeril
- flexibilitas cerea
- flexibility
- flexibility exercise
- flexibility training
- flexible
- flexible collodion
- flexible sigmoidoscope
- flexicurve
- flexile
- flexion
- flexion-teardrop fracture
- flexitarian diet
- flexor
- flexor carpi radialis muscle
- flexor carpi ulnaris muscle
- flexor digitorum longus muscle
- flexor digitorum profundus muscle
- flexor digitorum superficialis muscle
- flexor hallucis longus muscle
- flexor pollicis brevis muscle
- flexor pollicis longus muscle
- flexor retinaculum of ankle
- flexor retinaculum of hand
- flexor retinaculum of wrist
- flexor tunnel
- flexor withdrawal reflex
- flexura
- flexurae
- flexural
- flexure
- flicker
- flicker phenomenon
- flight into disease, flight into illness
- flight into health
- flight into illness
- flight nurse
- flight of ideas
- Flinders island spotted fever
- Flinders Island spotted fever
- flip-flop
- flip-flop flap
- flittering scotoma
- float
- floatation therapy
- floater
- floating
- floating kidney
- floating liver
- floating patella
- floating ribs
- floating spleen
- floccillation, floccitation
- floccitation
- floccose
- floccular
- flocculence
- flocculent
- flocculi
- flocculonodular lobe
- flocculus
- flocked swab
- flock worker's lung
- Flonase
- flood
- flooding
- floor
- floor effect
- floor plate
- floppy infant syndrome
- floppy larynx
- floppy-valve syndrome
- flora
- Florence syndrome
- Flor-Essence
- florid
- Florida probe
- floss
- flotation therapy, floatation therapy
- flour
- Flovent
- flow
- flow chart
- flowchart, flow chart
- flow cytometer
- flow cytometry
- flower cell
- flow generator
- flowmeter
- flowmetry
- flow-restricted oxygen-powered ventilation device
- flow-sensitive alternating inversion recovery magnetic resonance imaging
- flow sheet
- flow state
- flow-volume loop
- floxuridine
- flozin
- flu
- Fluarix
- Flublok
- Flucelvax
- fluconazole
- fluctuant
- fluctuation
- flucytosine
- fludeoxyglucose
- fludrocortisone
- fludrocortisone acetate
- fluence
- fluency
- fluent
- fluent aphasia
- fluid
- fluid challenge
- fluid diet
- fluid expansion
- fluidextract, fluid extract
- fluid intelligence
- fluidized therapy
- fluid mosaic model
- fluidotherapy
- fluid ounce
- fluid overload
- fluidram
- fluid replacement
- fluid retention
- fluid therapy
- fluid volume, deficient [hyper/hypotonic]
- fluid volume, deficient [isotonic]
- fluid volume, excess
- fluid volume, risk for deficient
- fluid volume, risk for imbalanced
- fluke
- flumazenil
- flumina pilorum
- FluMist
- fluo-
- fluocinolone acetonide
- fluor-, fluoro-, fluo-
- fluor albus
- fluorapatite, fluoroapatite
- fluorbetapir
- fluorescein diacetate
- fluorescein-dilaurate test
- fluorescein sodium
- fluorescence
- fluorescence-activated cell sorting
- fluorescence in situ hybridization
- fluorescence quenching
- fluorescent
- fluorescent antibody
- fluorescent polarization immunoassay
- fluorescent screen
- fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption test
- fluorhydroxyapatite
- fluoridation
- fluoride
- fluoride dental treatment
- fluoride tablet
- fluorine
- fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose
- fluoro-
- fluoroacetate
- fluoroapatite
- fluorocarbon
- fluorochrome
- fluorodeoxyglucose, fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose
- fluoroketolide
- fluorometer
- fluorometholone
- fluorophores
- fluoropyrimidine
- fluoroquinolone
- fluoroscope
- fluoroscopy
- fluorosis
- fluorouracil
- fluoxetine hydrochloride
- fluoxymesterone
- fluphenazine enanthate
- fluprednisolone
- flurandrenolide
- flurazepam hydrochloride
- flush
- fluticasone
- flutter
- flutter-fibrillation
- flutter valve
- Fluvirin
- flux
- flux gain
- Fluzone
- fly
- fly blister
- Fm
- fMRI
- foam
- foam bath
- foam cell
- foam dressing
- foam stability test
- foamy liver
- foamy virus
- focal
- focal appendicular mononeuropathy
- focal aware seizure
- focal dermal hypoplasia
- focal disease
- focal distance
- focal dystonia
- focal-film distance
- focal illumination
- focal interval
- focal length
- focal lesion
- focal myelitis
- focal myelopathy
- focal necrosis
- focal plane
- focal point
- focal screening and treatment
- focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
- focal status epilepticus
- focal symptom
- focal trough
- focal unaware seizure
- focus
- focused abdominal sonography for trauma
- focused assessment with sonography for trauma
- focused attention
- focused cardiac ultrasound
- focused history and physical examination
- focus-film distance
- focus group
- fog
- fogging
- fogging effect
- fogo selvagem
- foil
- foil pellet
- folacin
- folate
- fold
- fold change
- folded cravat sling
- fold increase
- fold rise
- foliaceous
- foliate papilla
- folic acid
- folic acid deficiency anemia
- folie
- folie à deux
- folie du doute
- folie du pourquoi
- folie gémellaire
- folium
- folium vermis
- folk illness
- folk medicine
- follicle
- follicle cell
- follicle mite
- follicle-stimulating hormone
- follicle-stimulating hormone releasing hormone
- follicular abscess
- follicular adenoma
- follicular atresia
- follicular cell
- follicular conjunctivitis
- follicular cyst
- follicular fluid
- follicular hyperkeratosis
- follicular lymphoma
- follicular odontoma
- follicular oophoritis
- follicular tonsillitis
- follicular tuberculid(e)
- follicular tumor
- follicular ulcer
- follicular vulvitis
- folliculi
- folliculitis
- folliculitis barbae
- folliculitis decalvans
- folliculoma
- folliculose
- folliculosis
- folliculostatin
- folliculostellate cell
- folliculotropic
- folliculus
- Folling disease
- follistatin
- follitropin
- following physician
- follow-on biologic
- follow-up
- Folstein Mini Mental State Exam
- Folstein Mini Mental Status Exam, Folstein Mini Mental State Exam
- Folstein Mini Mental Status Examination
- fomentation
- fomepizole 4-methylpyrazole
- fomes, fomite
- fomite
- fontanel, fontanelle
- fontanelle
- fonticulus
- food
- food additive
- food adulterant
- food allergy
- Food and Drug Administration
- food ball
- food-borne disease
- food challenge
- food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis
- food efficiency
- food frequency questionnaire
- Food Guide Pyramid
- Food Guide Pyramid for the Elderly
- Food Guide Pyramid for Young Children
- food hypersensitivity reaction
- food impaction
- food intolerance
- food irradiation
- food label
- food neophobia
- food rendering
- food requirements
- foot
- foot and mouth disease
- foot bandage
- foot bath
- foot-candle
- foot drag
- footdrop
- footling presentation
- foot massage
- foot muscle
- footplate
- foot plugger
- foot-pound
- footprint
- foot switch
- forage
- foramen
- foramen cecum
- foramen lacerum
- foramen magnum
- foramen ovale
- foramen rotundum
- foramen spinosum
- foramina
- Forbes disease
- force
- force couple
- forced alimentation
- forced attitude
- forced beat
- forced diuresis
- forced duction test
- forced feeding
- forced medication
- forced oscillation technique
- forced respiration
- forced tremor
- forced vital capacity
- forceps
- forceps delivery
- force sensing
- forcible inspiration
- forcing function
- forcipate
- Fordyce disease, Fordyce spots
- Fordyce-Fox disease
- forearm
- forearm bandage
- forearm rolling test
- forebrain
- forecast
- forefinger
- forefoot
- foregut
- forehead
- foreign accent syndrome
- foreign bodies in bronchi
- foreign bodies in ear
- foreign bodies in the esophagus
- foreign bodies in the skin
- foreign bodies in the stomach
- foreign bodies in throat
- foreign bodies in vagina
- foreign body airway obstruction
- foreign body giant cell
- foreign body granuloma
- foreign body in larynx
- foreign body in the nose
- foreign body reaction
- foreign serum
- forelock
- fore milk
- forensic
- forensic dentistry
- forensic entomology
- forensic medicine
- forensic nursing
- forensic psychiatry
- foreplay
- foreskin
- forest plot
- forewaters
- forgetting
- fork
- forked tongue
- form
- formaldehyde
- formaldehyde poisoning
- formalin
- formant
- formate
- formatio
- formation
- formationes
- formatio reticularis
- formative assessment
- form constancy
- formed elements of blood
- forme fruste
- formes frustes
- -form
- formic
- formic acid
- formic aldehyde
- formication
- formiciasis
- Formicidae
- formilase
- formiminoglutamic acid
- formol
- form sense
- formula
- formula mass
- formulary
- formulate
- formulation
- formyl
- fornicate (1)
- fornicate (2)
- fornication
- fornicolumn
- fornicommissure
- fornix
- fornix conjunctivae
- fornix uteri
- fornix vaginae
- Fort Bragg fever
- fortification spectrum
- fortifier
- fortify
- forward heart failure
- forward surgical team
- fos
- Fosamax
- Foshay test
- fossa
- fossa incudis
- fossa of the vaginal vestibule
- fossa ovalis cordis
- fossa ovalis of heart
- fossa supratonsillaris
- fossette
- fossula
- fossulae
- Fothergill disease
- foulage
- found down
- founder mutation
- Fountain syndrome
- four-chamber view
- fourchet
- fourchette, fourchet
- four-dimensional, 4D
- four-handed dentistry
- Fournier disease
- Fournier gangrene
- Fournier gangrene, Fournier disease
- four-point gait
- four square step test
- four-tailed bandage
- fourth cranial nerve
- fourth disease
- fourth-generation cephalosporin
- fourth ventricle
- fovea
- fovea capitis
- fovea centralis retinae
- foveae
- foveate
- foveation
- foveola
- foveolae
- foveolar
- Fox-Fordyce disease
- foxglove
- Fox splint
- FP24
- FP-24
- Fr
- fraction
- fractional
- fractional ablation
- fractional distillation
- fractional dose
- fractional excretion of sodium
- fractional injection
- fractional oxyhemoglobin
- fractional shortening
- fractional sterilization
- fractional test meal
- fractionate
- fractionation
- fraction of inspired oxygen
- fracture
- fracture bedpan
- fractured skull
- fracture of clavicle
- fracture of patella
- fracture of radius
- fracture of skull
- fragile X syndrome
- fragilitas
- fragility
- fragility of red blood cells
- fragment
- fragment antigen binding
- fragmentation
- frail elderly
- frail elderly syndrome
- frail elderly syndrome, risk for
- frailty
- frambesia
- frambesioma
- frame
- frameshift mutation
- framily
- Framingham Heart Study
- Framingham Study
- Framingham Study, Framingham Heart Study
- Franceschetti syndrome
- Francisella
- Francisella novicida
- Francisella tularensis
- francium
- frangible
- frank
- frank effect level
- Franklin disease
- Franklin glasses
- fraternal twins
- fratricide
- fraud
- fraud and abuse law
- Fraunhofer lines
- freckle
- free
- free association
- free base
- freebasing
- free exercise
- free fatty acid
- free fetal nucleic acid
- free-floating anxiety
- free gingiva
- free gingival margin
- free graft
- Freeman-Sheldon syndrome
- free nucleus
- free plasma hemoglobin
- free radical
- free-running disorder
- free-text
- free water
- freeway space
- free weight
- freeze
- freeze-all cycle
- freeze ball
- freeze-drying
- freeze-hide behavior
- freezing
- freezing microtome
- freezing mixture
- freezing of gait, frozen gait
- freezing point
- Freiberg infraction
- fremitus
- frena
- frenal
- frenectomy
- frenetic, phrenetic
- frenotomy
- frenula
- frenuloplasty
- frenulum
- frenulum clitoridis
- frenulum labiorum pudendi
- frenulum linguae
- frenulum of ileocecal valve
- frenulum of the lips
- frenulum of the tongue
- frenulum preputii
- frenum
- frenzy
- Freon
- frequency
- frequency-dependent compliance
- frequency distribution
- frequency of breathing
- fresh blood
- fresh frozen plasma
- fresh water
- Fresnel lenses
- Fresnel membrane prism
- fretum
- Freud, Sigmund
- Freudian
- Freudian slip
- Freund, Jules Thomas
- Freund adjuvant
- Freund complete adjuvant
- Freund incomplete adjuvant
- Frey syndrome
- friable
- fricative
- friction
- frictional electricity
- friction melanosis
- friction murmur
- friction rub
- friction sound
- Friedewald equation
- Friedländer, Carl
- Friedländer disease
- Friedman test
- Friedreich, Nikolaus
- fright
- frigid
- frigidity
- frigolabile
- frigorific
- frigorism
- frigostabile
- frigotherapy
- fringe field
- frit
- frog breathing
- frog face
- frog-leg position
- Fröhlich syndrome
- Froin syndrome
- frolement
- Frommann lines
- frons
- frontad
- frontal
- frontal axis
- frontal bone
- frontal eminence
- frontal gait
- frontal internal hyperostosis
- frontalis muscle
- frontal lobe
- frontal lobe syndrome
- frontal nerve
- frontal notch
- frontal plane
- frontal pole
- frontal process
- frontal section
- frontal sinus
- frontal spine
- frontal sulcus
- frontal suture
- frontal triangle
- frontes
- frontier medicine
- fronto-
- frontolacrimal suture
- frontomalar
- frontomalar suture
- frontomaxillary
- frontomaxillary suture
- frontomental diameter
- frontonasal process
- frontonasal suture
- fronto-occipital fasciculus
- frontoparietal
- frontoparietal suture
- front-opening garment
- frontopontine tract
- frontosphenoidal process
- frontotemporal
- frontotemporal dementia
- frontotemporal lobar degeneration
- frontotemporal suture
- frost
- frostbite
- frostnip
- frottage
- frotteur
- frotteurism
- frown line
- frozen attitude
- frozen pelvis
- frozen section
- frozen semen
- frozen shoulder
- frozen watchfulness
- fructan
- fructofuranose
- fructokinase
- fructosamine
- fructose
- fructose intolerance
- fructosemia
- fructoside
- fructosuria
- fruit
- fruitarian
- fruit juice
- fruit sugar
- frumentaceous
- frustration
- frustule
- fry
- Frye's standard
- Fryns syndrome
- FSHoma
- ft
- Fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis
- fuchsin, fuchsine
- fuchsine
- fucose
- fucosidosis
- fucosyltransferase
- Fucus vesiculosus
- fuel source
- -fuge
- fugetaxis
- fugitive
- fugue
- Fukuda marching step test
- Fukuyama disease
- fulcrum
- fulgurant
- fulgurate
- fulguration
- full bath
- full blood count
- full body computed tomography
- full body CT scanning
- full denture
- fuller's earth
- full-field digital mammography
- fulling
- full inspiration
- full pack
- full-scale intelligence quotient
- full-term
- full-thickness
- full-thickness graft
- full width half maximum
- fulminant
- fulminant hepatic failure
- fulminant hepatitis
- fulminate
- fumagillin
- fumarase
- fume hood
- fumes
- fumigant
- fumigation
- fuming
- fuming nitric acid
- function
- functional
- functional ability
- functional aerobic impairment
- functional age
- functional albuminuria
- functional ambulation profile
- functional asplenia
- functional assessment
- functional bladder capacity
- functional bleeding
- functional blindness
- functional capacity
- functional chew-in record
- functional contracture
- functional death
- functional decline
- functional disease
- functional disorder
- functional dyspepsia
- functional electrical stimulation
- functional endoscopic sinus surgery
- functional fitness training
- functional food
- functional gait assessment
- functional health pattern
- functional illness
- functional impotence
- Functional Independence Measure
- functional iron deficiency
- functional layer
- functionally
- functional magnetic resonance imaging
- functional murmur
- functional neuroimaging
- functional neurological disorder
- functional occlusal harmony
- functional outcome
- functional pathology
- functional psychosis
- functional reach
- functional reach test
- functional regurgitation
- functional residual capacity
- functional restoration
- functional scoliosis
- functional somatic syndrome
- functional splint
- functional stricture
- functional test
- functional testing
- functional transcranial Doppler sonography
- functional urinary incontinence
- functional visual loss
- functioning tumor
- functome
- funda
- fundal
- fundal height
- fundal massage
- fundal placenta
- fundament
- fundamental fasciculus
- fundectomy
- fundic gland
- fundiform
- fundiform ligament of penis
- funding source
- fund of knowledge
- fundoplication
- fundoscope
- fundoscopic
- fundoscopy
- fundus
- fundus albipunctatus
- funduscope, fundoscope
- funduscopic
- funduscopy, fundoscopy
- fundusectomy
- fundus flavimaculatus
- fundus of bladder
- fundus of gallbladder
- fundus of stomach
- fundus of the uterus
- fundus tympani
- fundus uteri
- fungal
- fungal abscess
- fungal infection
- fungal septicemia
- fungal ulcer
- fungate
- fungating
- fungemia
- fungi
- Fungi
- fungicide
- fungiform
- fungiform papilla
- -fungin
- fungistasis
- fungistat
- fungistatic
- fungitoxic
- fungoid
- fungosity
- fungous,
- fungus
- funic
- funicle
- funic presentation
- funic souffle
- funicular
- funicular process
- funiculi
- funiculitis
- funiculopexy
- funiculus
- funiform
- funipuncture
- funis
- funisitis
- funnel
- funnel breast, funnel chest
- funnel-shaped pelvis
- funny bone
- funny current
- furan
- furca
- furcal
- furcation
- furcula
- furculae
- furfur
- furfuraceous
- furfuraceous desquamation
- furor
- furosemide
- furosemide stress test
- furred
- furred tongue
- furrow
- furuncle
- furuncular otitis
- furunculi
- furunculoid
- furunculosis
- furunculous
- furunculus
- fusariosis
- Fusarium
- fuscin
- fuse
- fused eyelid
- fused kidney
- fusible
- fusiform
- fusiform aneurysm
- fusiform gyrus
- fusiform muscle
- fusimotor
- fusin
- fusion
- fusion inhibitor
- fusion point
- fusion protein
- fusion toxin
- fusion transcript
- Fusobacterium
- Fusobacterium necrophorum
- fusocellular
- fusogen
- fusospirochetal
- fusospirochetosis
- fustigation
- f wave
- F wave