Taber's Medical Dictionary
- H
- H, h
- h/o
- h.d.
- H.D.
- h.s.
- H.S.
- H (1)
- H (2)
- H (3)
- H+
- [H+], cH+
- H2CO3
- H2O
- H2O2
- H2S
- H2SO3
- H2SO4
- H3PO2
- H3PO3
- H3PO4
- H3 receptor
- H3receptor, histamine H3receptor
- H3-receptor antagonist
- H3receptor antagonists
- H4P2O6
- Ha
- HA
- Haab striae
- HAAg
- HAART attack
- Haas effect
- habena
- habenae
- habenula
- habenulae
- habenular
- habenular commissure
- habenular nucleus
- habenular trigone
- habenula urethralis
- habenulo-interpeduncular tract
- Haber-Weiss reaction
- habilitation
- habilitative services
- habit
- habitat
- habitat imaging
- habit deformity nail
- habit disorder
- habit scoliosis
- habit spasm
- habit tic
- habit-tic deformity
- habit training
- habitual abortion
- habitual centric occlusion
- habitual dislocation
- habitual occlusion
- habituation
- habitus
- hachement
- hack
- hacker
- hacking
- hacking cough
- hactivism
- hactivist
- hadron
- hadron therapy
- Haeckel's law
- Haeckel law
- haem-
- Haemadipsa
- Haemagogus
- Haemaphysalis
- haemat-
- haemato-, haemat-
- Haemophilus
- Haemophilus aegyptius
- Haemophilus aphrophilus
- Haemophilus ducreyi
- Haemophilus influenzae
- Haemophilus influenzae type b
- Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine
- Haemophilus parainfluenzae
- Haemophilus vaginalis
- Haemosporidia
- Haff disease
- hafnium
- Hageman factor
- hag phenomenon
- Hahnemann, Samuel
- hahnium
- Hailey-Hailey disease
- hair
- hair analysis
- hair ball
- hairball, hair ball
- hair bulb
- hair cell
- hair collar sign
- hair follicle
- hair germ
- hairline fracture
- hair prosthesis
- hair shaft
- hair sinus
- hair transplantation
- hairy cell leukemia
- hairy nevus
- hairy tongue
- Hajdu-Cheney syndrome
- Hakim-Adams syndrome
- halal
- halation
- halazone
- Haldane effect
- half and half nail
- half-arm span
- half-life
- half pack
- half sibling
- half-value thickness, half-value layer
- half vision
- halfway house
- halibut liver oil
- halide
- halisteretic pelvis
- halitophobia
- halitosis
- halitus
- Hallervorden-Spatz disease
- hallex
- hallices
- Hallpike-Dix maneuver
- Hallpike maneuver, Hallpike-Dix maneuver
- halluces
- hallucination
- hallucinatory neuralgia
- hallucinogen
- hallucinogen persisting perception disorder
- hallucinosis
- hallus
- hallux, hallus
- hallux dolorosus
- hallux limitus
- hallux malleus
- hallux rigidus
- hallux valgus
- hallux varus
- halo
- halodermia
- halo effect, expert halo effect
- halogen
- halogen acne
- haloid
- halo nevus
- haloperidol
- halophilic
- halo symptom
- halothane
- halotherapy
- halo vest
- halo vest orthosis
- Halsted, William Stewart
- halzoun
- ham
- Hamamelis water
- hamartoma
- hamartomatosis
- hamate
- hamate bone
- hamatum
- hamaxophobia, amaxophobia
- hamburger sign
- Hamman, Louis
- Hamman's disease
- Hamman's syndrome
- hammer
- hammer finger
- hammer nose
- hammer toe
- hammertoe, hammer toe
- hamster
- Hamster zona-free ovum test
- hamstring
- hamstring muscle
- hamstring tendon
- Ham test
- hamular
- hamuli
- hamulus
- hamulus cochleae
- hamulus lacrimalis
- hamulus pterygoideus
- hand
- hand-arm vibration syndrome
- hand bandage
- HAND complex
- hand decontamination
- H and E
- hand eczema
- handedness
- hand-eye coordination
- hand feeding
- hand field
- hand-foot-and-mouth disease
- hand-held
- handheld, hand-held
- hand hygiene
- handicap
- hand ischemic steal
- hand muscle
- handoff
- handover
- handrim
- handrub
- Hand-Schüller-Christian disease
- handsock
- hands-on assistance
- hands-only CPR
- hand syringe
- handwashing
- handwriting
- hanging block culture
- hanging drop
- hanging drop culture
- hangman's fracture
- hangnail, hang nail
- hangover
- Hansch analysis
- Hansen, Gerhard Henrik Armauer
- Hansen disease
- Hantavirus
- hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome
- hantavirus pulmonary syndrome
- H antigen
- Hapalochlaena
- hapalonychia
- haphalgesia
- haphephobia
- haplo-compatible
- haplodont
- haploid
- haploid nucleus
- haploidy
- haploinsufficiency
- haploinsufficient
- haplopia
- haplo-transplant
- haplotype
- HapMap
- happiness
- happy life expectancy
- Hapsburg lip
- hapten, haptene, haptin
- haptene
- haptic
- haptic hallucination
- haptics
- haptin
- haptoglobin
- hard cancer
- Hardcastle syndrome
- hard chancre
- hard contact lens
- hard drug
- hardening
- hardening of the arteries
- hard exudate
- hardiness
- hard keratin
- hard metal disease
- hardness
- hardness number
- hardness test
- hard-of-hearing
- hard of hearing, hard-of-hearing
- hard palate
- hard papilloma
- hard paraffin
- hard ray
- hard service
- hard solder
- hard sore
- hard stop
- hard tissue
- hardware
- hard water
- hardy
- harelip
- harelip suture
- Hare psychopathy checklist
- harlequin fetus
- harm
- harmaline
- harmful algal bloom
- harmful drinking
- Harmonia axyridis
- harmonic
- harmonic scalpel
- harmonic suture
- harmony
- harness
- Harpagophytum procumbens
- harpoon
- Harrison Narcotic Act
- harsh cough
- Hartnup disease
- harvest
- harvest mite
- Harvey, William
- Harvoni
- hashish
- hatching
- Hatha yoga
- haunch
- haustra
- haustral
- haustration
- haustrum
- Haverhill fever
- Havers, Clopton
- haversian lamella
- haversian system
- Havrix
- Hawkins test
- hawthorn
- Hawthorne effect
- hazard
- hazard characterization
- hazard function
- hazardous material
- hazardous waste
- hazard quotient
- hazard ratio
- hazcom
- haze
- hazelnut
- hazmat
- Hb
- HB Ag
- H band
- HbCo
- Hbg
- hCG
- HCG, hCG
- HCI index
- HCl
- HCO3-
- Hct
- hcy
- HDAg
- H disease
- He
- HE-4
- head
- headache
- head and neck cancer
- head bandage
- head-banging
- head banging, head-banging
- head control
- head-down position
- head drop
- headgear
- head hood
- head immobilization device
- head impulse test
- head louse
- head nurse
- head process
- headrest
- head thrust test
- head-tilt chin-lift maneuver
- head traction
- head trauma
- head upright tilt test
- heal
- healer
- healing
- healing by first intention
- healing by second intention
- healing by third intention
- healing touch
- health
- health anxiety disorder
- health behavior, risk-prone
- Health Belief Model
- health belief theory
- Health Canada
- health care agent
- health-care associated infection
- healthcare-associated pneumonia
- health care-associated pneumonia
- Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
- health care facility
- Health Care Financing Administration
- health care fraud
- health care gap
- health care informatics
- health care proxy
- health care system
- health care system recovery
- health care worker
- health certificate
- health coach
- health disparity
- health education
- health educator
- health-enhancing physical activity and exercise
- health exchange
- health expectancy
- healthful
- health hazard
- health information technician
- Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009
- health insurance
- health insurance marketplace
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
- health literacy
- health literacy, readiness for enhanced
- health maintenance, ineffective
- health maintenance organization
- health nurse
- health officer
- Health On the Net Foundation
- health physics
- health plan
- Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set
- health promotion
- Health Promotion Model
- health-related quality of life
- Health Resources and Services Administration
- health risk appraisal
- health savings account
- health screening
- health status
- health tourism
- healthy
- healthy life expectancy
- Healthy People 2020
- healthy persons, medical evaluation of
- healthy worker effect
- hearing
- hearing distance
- hearing dog
- hearing hallucination
- hearing-impaired
- hearing impaired, hearing-impaired
- hearing loss
- hearing loss, transmissive
- hearing protection
- hearing threshold level
- hearsay
- heart
- heartbeat
- heart-beating directed donor
- heartburn
- heart dilatation
- heart disease
- heart failure cell
- heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
- heart field
- heartland virus
- heart-lung machine
- heart-lung preparation
- heart murmur
- heart pump, nuclear-powered
- heart rate
- heart rate, target zone
- heart rate recovery
- heart rate reserve
- heart rate variability
- heart reflex
- heart sac
- heart size
- heart sounds
- heart transplantation
- heart valve, prosthetic
- heat
- heat and moisture exchanger
- heater probe
- heat exhaustion
- heat gun
- heat illness
- heat-labile
- heat-labile enterotoxin
- heat-labile toxin
- heat of evaporation
- heat of passion
- heat prostration
- heat rash
- heat ray
- heat-regulating center
- heat shock protein
- heat-stable
- heat-stable enterotoxin
- heat-stable toxin
- heatstroke
- heat unit
- heat wave
- heaves
- heavy chain disease
- heavy chains
- heavy hydrogen
- heavy metal
- heavy metal poisoning
- heavy metals
- heavy water
- hebetude
- hebotomy
- Hebra disease
- hecateromeric, hecatomeric
- hecatomeric
- Hecht-Beals syndrome
- Hecht pneumonia
- hecto-
- hectogram
- hectoliter
- hectometer
- hedonic
- hedonism
- heel
- heel bandage
- heel bone
- heel jar
- heel pad syndrome
- heel puncture
- heel spur
- heel tendon
- Heerfordt disease
- Hegar's dilator
- Heidenhain, Rudolph P.
- Heidenhain demilunes
- height
- height of contour
- height velocity
- Heimlich, Henry Jay
- Heimlich flutter valve
- Heimlich maneuver
- Heimlich valve
- Heiner syndrome
- Heinz, Robert
- Heinz bodies
- Heinz body anemia
- Heister, spiral valve of
- HeLa cell
- HeLa cells
- helcoid
- helcology
- helcoma
- helcosis
- helianthine
- helical
- helical computed tomography
- helicase
- helicase-primase inhibitor
- helicine
- helicine arteries
- Helicobacter pylori
- helicoid
- helicopod gait
- helicopodia
- helicotrema
- heliophobia
- heliotherapy
- heliotrope
- heliotropic
- heliotropism
- heliox
- helipad
- heliport
- helium
- helium 3
- helium speech
- helix
- helixes
- Heller dementia
- Heller test
- Hellerwork
- HELLP syndrome
- helminth
- helminthagogue
- helminthemesis
- helminthiasis
- helminthic abscess
- helminthicide
- helminthoid
- helminthologist
- helminthology
- helminthoma
- helminthophobia
- heloderma
- heloma
- helper cell
- helper T cell
- helper T cells
- helper virus
- helplessness
- Helweg bundle
- hem-, hema-, hemo-
- hema-
- hemachrosis
- hemacytometer
- hemacytozoon, hematocytozoon, hematozoon, hemocytozoon, hemozoon
- hemad
- hemadsorption
- hemagglutination, hemoagglutination
- hemagglutination inhibition
- hemagglutinin
- hemagogue
- hemal
- hemal arch
- hemal node
- hemal spine
- hemangiectasis
- hemangioblast
- hemangioblastoma
- hemangioendothelioblastoma
- hemangioendothelioma
- hemangiofibroma
- hemangioma
- hemangiomata
- hemangiomatosis
- hemangiopericytoma
- hemangiosarcoma
- hemapheresis
- hemapophysis
- hemarthros, hemarthrosis
- hemarthrosis
- hemat-, hemato-
- hematapostema
- hematemesis
- hematencephalon
- hemathidrosis, hematidrosis
- hematic
- hematidrosis
- hematin
- hematinemia
- hematinic
- hematobilia
- hematobium
- hematoblast
- hematocele
- hematocelia
- hematochezia
- hematochromatosis
- hematochyluria
- hematocolpos
- hematocrit
- hematocyst
- hematocytoblast
- hematocytozoon
- hematocyturia
- hematogenesis
- hematogenic, hematogenous
- hematogenous
- hematogenous jaundice
- hematogenous pigment
- hematogenous pigmentation
- hematogenous tuberculosis
- hematohidrosis
- hematoidin
- hematological response
- hematologist
- hematology
- hematolymphangioma
- hematolytic
- hematoma
- hematoma auris
- hematomediastinum
- hematometra
- hematomphalocele
- hematomyelia
- hematomyelitis
- hematonephrosis
- hematopathology
- hematopericardium
- hematophagia
- hematophagous
- hematophilia
- hematophobia
- hematophyte
- hematoplastic
- hematopoiesis
- hematopoietic
- hematopoietic growth factor
- hematopoietic malignancy
- hematopoietic stem cell
- hematopoietic system
- hematopoietin
- hematoporphyrin
- hematoporphyrinuria
- hematorrhachis
- hematosalpinx
- hematoscheocele
- hematospermatocele
- hematospermia
- hematospermia spuria
- hematospermia vera
- hematostatic
- hematosteon
- hematothorax
- hematotoxic
- hematotropic
- hematotympanum
- hematoxylin
- hematoxylin-eosin stain
- hematozoon
- hematozymosis
- hematuria
- heme
- heme oxygenase
- hemeralopia
- heme synthetase
- hemi-
- hemiacephalus
- hemiachromatopsia
- hemiageusia
- hemialbumin
- hemialbumose
- hemialbumosuria
- hemialgia
- hemiamaurosis
- hemiamblyopia
- hemiamyosthenia
- hemianacusia
- hemianalgesia
- hemianencephaly
- hemianesthesia
- hemianopia, hemianopsia
- hemianopic reaction
- hemianopsia
- hemianoptic
- hemianosmia
- hemiapraxia
- hemiarthroplasty
- hemiarthrosis
- hemiasynergia
- hemiataxia
- hemiathetosis
- hemiatrophy
- hemiazygos vein
- hemiballism
- hemiblock
- hemic
- hemicanities
- hemicardia
- hemicastration
- hemicellulose
- hemicentrum
- hemicephalia
- hemicephalus
- hemicerebrum
- hemichorea
- hemichromatopsia
- hemic murmur
- hemicolectomy
- hemicorporectomy
- hemicrania
- hemicrania continua
- hemicranial
- hemicraniectomy
- hemicraniosis
- hemidesmosome
- Hemidesmus indicus
- hemidiaphoresis
- hemidiaphragm
- hemidysergia
- hemidysesthesia
- hemidystrophy
- hemiectromelia
- hemiepilepsy
- hemifacial
- hemifacial microsomia
- hemifacial spasm
- hemigastrectomy
- hemigeusia
- hemiglossal
- hemiglossectomy
- hemiglossitis
- hemignathia
- hemihepatectomy
- hemihidrosis
- hemihydrate
- hemihypalgesia
- hemihyperesthesia
- hemihyperhidrosis
- hemihyperidrosis, hemihyperhidrosis
- hemihyperplasia
- hemihypesthesia, hemihypoesthesia
- hemihypoesthesia
- hemi-inattention
- hemikaryon
- hemilaminectomy
- hemilaryngectomy
- hemilateral
- hemilesion
- hemilingual
- hemimacroglossia
- hemimandibulectomy
- hemimelus
- hemin
- heminephrectomy
- hemineurasthenia
- hemiopalgia
- hemiopia
- hemiopic
- hemiopic pupillary reaction
- hemipagus
- hemiparalysis
- hemiparaplegia
- hemiparesis
- hemiparesthesia
- hemipelvectomy
- hemiplegia
- hemiplegic
- hemiplegic gait
- Hemiptera
- hemipyocyanin
- hemirachischisis
- hemisacralization
- Hemiscorpius
- hemisection
- hemisomus
- hemispasm
- hemispatial neglect
- hemisphere
- hemispherectomy
- hemispheric
- hemispheric specialization
- hemispherotomy
- hemisyndrome
- hemithermoanesthesia
- hemithorax
- hemithyroidectomy
- hemitremor
- hemivertebra
- hemiwalker
- hemizygosity
- hemlock
- hemlock poisoning
- Hemlock Society
- hemo-
- hemoagglutinin
- hemobilia
- hemobilinuria
- hemochorial placenta
- hemochromatosis
- hemochromogen
- hemochromoprotein
- hemoclip
- hemoconcentration
- hemoconia
- hemoconiosis
- hemoculture
- hemocuprein
- hemocyte
- hemocytoblast
- hemocytology
- hemocytometer, hemacytometer, hematocytometer
- hemocytophagia
- hemocytotripsis
- hemocytozoon
- hemodiafiltration
- hemodiagnosis
- hemodialyses
- hemodialysis
- hemodialyzer
- hemodilution
- hemodynamic
- hemodynamically
- hemodynamic monitoring
- hemodynamics
- hemoendothelial
- hemoendothelial placenta
- hemofiltration
- hemoflagellate
- hemofuscin
- hemoglobin
- hemoglobin A
- hemoglobin A1c
- hemoglobin C
- hemoglobin C disease
- hemoglobin E
- hemoglobin E disease
- hemoglobinemia
- hemoglobin H disease
- hemoglobin Lepore
- hemoglobin M disorder
- hemoglobinocholia
- hemoglobinolysis
- hemoglobinometer
- hemoglobinopathy
- hemoglobinophilic
- hemoglobinous
- hemoglobin SC disease
- hemoglobin S disease
- hemoglobinuria
- hemoglobinuric
- hemolacria
- hemolith
- hemolymph
- hemolymphangioma
- hemolysate
- hemolysin
- hemolysin BL
- hemolysis
- hemolytic
- hemolytic anemia
- hemolytic disease of the newborn
- hemolytic icterus
- hemolytic jaundice
- hemolytic splenomegaly
- hemolytic transfusion reaction
- hemolytic unit
- hemolytic uremic syndrome
- hemolyze
- hemomediastinum
- hemometra
- hemonephrosis, hematonephrosis
- hemopathic
- hemopathology
- hemopathy
- hemoperfusion
- hemopericardium
- hemoperitoneum, hematoperitoneum
- hemopexin
- hemophage
- hemophagocyte
- hemophagocytic
- hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
- hemophagocytic syndrome
- hemophagocytosis
- hemophil
- hemophilia
- hemophilia A
- hemophilia B
- hemophiliac
- hemophilia C
- hemophilic
- hemophilic joint
- Hemophilus
- hemophobia
- hemophthalmia, hemophthalmus
- hemophthalmus
- hemopleura
- hemopneumopericardium
- hemopneumothorax
- hemopoiesis
- hemoprecipitin
- hemoprotein
- hemopsonin
- hemoptysis
- hemorrhage
- hemorrhagenic
- hemorrhage of the knee
- hemorrhagic
- hemorrhagic abscess
- hemorrhagic ascites
- hemorrhagic disease of the newborn
- hemorrhagic encephalitis
- hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
- hemorrhagic infarct
- hemorrhagic jaundice
- hemorrhagic myelitis
- hemorrhagic nephrosonephritis
- hemorrhagic pericarditis
- hemorrhagic periostitis
- hemorrhagic plague
- hemorrhagic pleurisy
- hemorrhagic purpura
- hemorrhagic rash
- hemorrhagic retinitis
- hemorrhagic shock
- hemorrhagic stroke
- hemorrhagic transformation
- hemorrhoid
- hemorrhoidal
- hemorrhoidal artery
- hemorrhoidal plexus
- hemorrhoidal prolapse
- hemorrhoidal tag
- hemorrhoidal vein
- hemorrhoidectomy
- hemorrhoidopexy
- hemosalpinx
- hemosiderin
- hemosiderin stain
- hemosiderosis
- hemospermia
- Hemosporida, Hemosporidia
- Hemosporidia
- hemostasis
- hemostat
- hemostatic
- hemostatic scalpel
- hemostyptic
- hemosuccus pancreaticus
- hemotherapy
- hemothorax
- hemotoxin
- hemotrophe
- hemotrophic
- hemotrophic nutrition
- hemotropic
- hemotympanum
- hemovigilance
- hemozoon
- Henderson, Virginia
- Henderson's definition of nursing
- hen flea
- henipavirus
- Henle, Friedrich G. J.
- Henle sheath
- Henle spine
- Henle tubule
- Henle tubules
- Henoch-Schönlein disease
- henry
- Hensen, Christian Andreas Victor
- Hensen body
- Hensen cell
- Hensen node
- Hensen stripe
- hepacivirus
- hepadnavirus
- HEPA filter
- hepar
- heparan sulfate
- heparin
- heparin-binding epidermal growth factor
- heparin-binding protein
- heparin-bonded catheter
- heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
- heparinize
- heparin lock, hep lock
- heparin lock flush solution
- heparinoid
- heparitin sulfate
- hepat-
- hepatalgia
- hepatalgic
- hepatatrophia
- hepatectomy
- hepatic
- hepatic abscess
- hepatic amebiasis
- hepatic artery
- hepatic bile
- hepatic cirrhosis
- hepatic coma
- hepatic duct
- hepatic encephalopathy
- hepatic flexure
- hepatic gland
- hepatic hydrothorax
- hepatic insufficiency
- hepatic lobe
- hepatic lobule
- hepatic nerve
- hepaticoduodenal ligament
- hepaticoduodenostomy
- hepaticoenterostomy
- hepaticogastrostomy
- hepaticojejunostomy
- hepaticolithotomy
- hepaticolithotripsy
- hepaticostomy
- hepaticotomy
- hepatic portoenterostomy
- hepatic pulse
- hepatic segment
- hepatic sequestration
- hepatic siderosis
- hepatic vein
- hepatic vein thrombosis
- hepatitis
- hepatitis A
- hepatitis antigen
- hepatitis B
- hepatitis B core antigen
- hepatitis B e antigen
- hepatitis B immune globulin
- hepatitis B surface antigen
- hepatitis B vaccine
- hepatitis B virus vaccine
- hepatitis C
- hepatitis C core antigen
- hepatitis D
- hepatitis E
- hepatization
- hepato-, hepat-
- hepatoblastoma
- hepatocarcinogen
- hepatocarcinoma
- hepatocele
- hepatocellular
- hepatocellular adenoma
- hepatocellular carcinoma
- hepatocellular jaundice
- hepatocerebral degeneration
- hepatocholangiocystoduodenostomy
- hepatocholangioduodenostomy
- hepatocholangioenterostomy
- hepatocholangiogastrostomy
- hepatocholangiostomy
- hepatocholangitis
- hepatocolic
- hepatocystic
- hepatocyte
- hepatocyte growth factor
- hepatocyte stimulatory factor
- hepatoduodenostomy
- hepatoenteric
- hepatofugal
- hepatogastric
- hepatogenous
- hepatogenous pigment
- hepatography
- hepatojugular
- hepatojugular reflux
- hepatolenticular
- hepatolenticular degeneration
- hepatolienography
- hepatolienomegaly
- hepatolithectomy
- hepatolithiasis
- hepatologist
- hepatology
- hepatolytic
- hepatoma
- hepatomalacia
- hepatomegaly
- hepatomelanosis
- hepatomphalocele
- hepatonecrosis
- hepatonephric
- hepatonephritis
- hepatonephromegaly
- hepatopancreatic ampulla
- hepatopancreatic sphincter
- hepatoperitonitis
- hepatopetal
- hepatopexy
- hepatopleural
- hepatopneumonic
- hepatoportoenterostomy
- hepatoportogram
- hepatoptosia, hepatoptosis
- hepatoptosis
- hepatopulmonary
- hepatopulmonary syndrome
- hepatorenal
- hepatorenal pouch
- hepatorenal recess
- hepatorenal syndrome
- hepatorrhaphy
- hepatorrhexis
- hepatoscan
- hepatoscopy
- hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma
- hepatosplenography
- hepatosplenomegaly
- hepatosplenopathy
- hepatotherapy
- hepatotomy
- hepatotoxemia
- hepatotoxic
- hepatotoxin
- hepcidin
- Hepevirus
- Heplisav-B
- hep lock
- hept-, hepta-
- hepta-
- heptachromic
- heptapeptide
- heptaploidy
- heptose
- heptosuria
- HER2
- herald bleeding
- herald patch
- herb
- herbal
- herbalism
- herbalist
- herbal medicine
- Herbaspirillum
- herb bath
- herbicide
- herbicide poisoning
- herbivorous
- herbology
- herb tea
- herd
- herd immunity
- herd instinct
- hereditary
- hereditary aceruloplasminemia
- hereditary angioedema
- hereditary arthro-ophthalmopathy, hereditary progressive arthro-ophthalmopathy
- hereditary chorea
- hereditary coproporphyria
- hereditary deafness
- hereditary disease
- hereditary ectodermal dysplasia
- hereditary elliptocytosis
- hereditary ferritinopathy
- hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
- hereditary nephritis
- hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer
- hereditary progressive arthro-ophthalmopathy
- hereditary spastic paraplegia
- hereditary spherocytosis
- hereditary thrombophilia
- hereditary xerocytosis
- heredity
- heredo-
- heredoataxia
- heredodegeneration
- heredofamilial
- heredopathia atactica polyneuritiformis
- Hering, Heinrich Ewald
- Hering nerves
- Hering reflex
- heritable
- heritage
- heritage diet
- Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome
- hermaphrodism
- hermaphrodite
- hermaphroditism
- hermetic
- hernia
- hernia inguinalis
- hernial
- hernial sac
- herniated
- herniated disk
- herniated intervertebral disk
- herniation
- herniation of nucleus pulposus
- hernioenterotomy
- herniography
- hernioid
- herniolaparotomy
- hernioplasty
- herniopuncture
- herniorrhaphy
- herniotomy
- heroic measures
- heroin
- heroinism
- heroin nephropathy
- heroin toxicity
- herpangina
- herpes
- herpes corneae
- herpes facialis
- herpes febrilis
- herpes gestationis
- herpes labialis
- herpes menstrualis
- herpes simplex
- herpes simplex encephalitis
- herpes simplex virus
- herpes simplex virus-3
- Herpesviridae
- herpesvirus, herpes virus
- herpesvirus B
- herpesvirus hominis
- herpesvirus simiae
- herpes zoster
- herpes zoster ophthalmicus
- herpes zoster oticus
- herpetic
- herpetic encephalitis
- herpetic geometric glossitis
- herpetic keratitis
- herpetic sore throat
- herpetic stomatitis
- herpetic sycosis
- herpetic whitlow
- herpetiform
- Herring bodies
- herring worm
- hersage
- Herter infantilism
- Hertwig root sheath
- hertz
- hesitancy
- hesperidin
- Hesselbach, Franz
- Hesselbach hernia
- hetastarch
- heter-
- heteradelphia
- heteradenoma
- heteradenomata
- heteresthesia
- hetero-, heter-
- heteroagglutination
- heteroagglutinin
- heteroalbumose
- heteroantibody
- heteroantigen
- heteroblastic
- heterocellular
- heterocephalus
- heterochiral
- heterochromatin
- heterochromatosis
- heterochromia
- heterochromia iridis
- heterochromic iridocyclitis
- heterochromosome
- heterochromous
- heterochronia
- heterochronic
- heterochronic parabiosis
- heterochthonous
- heterocinesia
- heterocladic anastomosis
- heterocyclic
- heterodermic
- heterodermic graft
- heterodont
- heterodont dentition
- heterodromus
- heterogametic
- heterogamy
- heterogeneity
- heterogeneous
- heterogeneous radiation
- heterogeneous system
- heterogeneous vaccine
- heterogenesis
- heterogenetic
- heterogeusia
- heterograft
- heterography
- heterohemagglutination
- heterohemagglutinin
- heterohypnosis
- heteroimmunity
- heterokeratoplasty
- heteroliteral
- heterologous
- heterologous artificial insemination
- heterologous fertilization
- heterologous tumor
- heterologous vaccine
- heterolysin
- heteromeric
- heterometaplasia
- heterometropia
- heteromorphosis
- heteromorphous
- heteronomous
- heteronymous hemianopia
- heteronymous parallax
- heterophagous vacuole
- heterophil(e)
- heterophile antibody test
- heterophilic
- heterophilic leukocyte
- heterophonia
- heterophoria
- Heterophyes
- Heterophyes heterophyes
- heterophyiasis
- Heterophyidae
- heteroplasia
- heteroplasmy
- heteroplastic
- heteroplastic graft
- heteroplastic transplantation
- heteroploid
- heteroprosopus
- heteropsia
- heteroptics
- heteropyknosis
- heteroreceptor
- heteroresistance
- heteroresistant
- heterosexual
- heterosexuality
- heterosis
- heterosmia
- heterotaxia
- heterotherm
- heterothermy
- heterotopia, heterotopy
- heterotopic
- heterotopic graft
- heterotopic ossification
- heterotopic pain
- heterotopic pregnancy
- heterotopic transplantation
- heterotoxin
- heterotransplant
- heterotransplantation
- heterotrichosis
- heterotroph
- heterotrophic bacteria
- heterotropia
- heterotypic
- heterotypic mitosis
- heterovaccine
- heteroxenous
- heterozygosis
- heterozygote
- heterozygous
- Heubner, Johann Otto L.
- Heubner's disease
- Heubner-Herter disease
- heuristic
- hevein
- hex-, hexa-
- hexa-
- hexabasic
- hexacanth
- hexachlorophene
- hexachromic
- hexad
- hexadactylism
- hexadecimal
- hexafluorosilicic acid
- hexamethonium
- hexaploidy
- Hexapoda
- hexatomic
- hexavalent
- hexavitamin
- hexokinase
- hexosamine
- hexose
- hexosephosphate
- hexylresorcinol
- Heyde syndrome
- Hey ligament
- Hf
- HF
- Hg
- Hg2Cl2
- Hgb
- HgCl
- HgCl2
- HgI2
- HgO
- HgS
- HgSO4
- HHb
- HHH syndrome
- 5-HIAA
- hiatal hernia
- hiatus
- hiatus aorticus
- hiatus canalis facialis
- hiatus esophageus
- hiatus fallopii
- hiatus maxillaris
- hiatus semilunaris
- Hib
- hibernate
- hibernation
- hibernoma
- hiccough
- hiccup, hiccough
- Hickam dictum
- hidden depression
- hidebound skin
- hidr-, hidro-
- hidradenitis
- hidradenitis suppurativa
- hidradenoma
- hidro-
- hidrocystoma
- hidropoiesis
- hidropoietic
- hidrosadenitis
- hidrosis
- hidrotic
- hierarchy
- hierolisthesis
- hierophobia
- high
- high air flow with oxygen enrichment mask
- high-altitude periodic breathing
- high-altitude pulmonary edema
- high ankle sprain
- high blood pressure
- high-calorie diet
- high-carbohydrate diet
- high-cellulose diet
- high colonic
- high-density lipoprotein
- high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
- high-dose-rate remote brachytherapy
- high douche
- high efficiency particulate air filter
- high endothelial venule
- high enema
- higher center
- high-fiber diet
- high-field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry
- high-frequency antigen
- high-frequency chest compressions
- high-frequency deafness
- high-frequency jet ventilation
- high-frequency oscillatory ventilation
- high-frequency percussive ventilation
- high-frequency ultrasound
- high-index lens
- high-intensity interval training
- high-level disinfection
- high lithotomy
- highly active antiretroviral therapy
- highly reliable organization
- high-molecular-weight kininogen
- Highmore, Nathaniel
- high-order multifetal gestation
- high-osmolarity contrast medium
- high-output heart failure
- high-performance liquid chromatography
- high-power field
- high-pressure irrigation
- high pressure liquid chromatography
- high-quality CPR
- high-residue diet
- high-resolution anoscopy
- high-risk pregnancy
- high-risk smoker
- high-risk surgery
- high-speed dental handpiece
- high-speed engine
- high-takeoff coronary artery
- high-tech medicine
- high threshold substance
- high-throughput screening
- hilar
- hili
- hilitis
- hillock
- Hilton, John
- Hilton's sac
- Hilton sac
- hilum
- hilus
- himantosis
- hindbrain
- hind foot
- hindfoot, hind foot
- hindgut
- hind-kidney
- hind milk
- hindsight
- hinge axis
- hinge joint
- hinge movement
- Hinman-Allen syndrome
- Hinman syndrome, Hinman-Allen syndrome
- hip
- hip bandage
- hip bath
- hip bone
- hip fracture
- hip joint
- Hippel disease, von Hippel-Lindau disease
- hippocampal
- hippocampal atrophy
- hippocampal avoidance
- hippocampal commissure
- hippocampal convolution
- hippocampal digitation
- hippocampal field
- hippocampal fissure
- hippocampal formation
- hippocampal gyrus
- hippocampal sulcus
- hippocampi
- hippocampus
- hippocampus minor
- Hippocrates
- Hippocratic finger
- Hippocratic oath
- hip pointer
- hip protector
- hippurase
- hippuria
- hippuricase
- hippus
- Hirayama syndrome
- hirci
- hircismus
- hircus
- Hirschsprung disease
- hirsute
- hirsuties
- hirsutism
- hirudicide
- hirudin
- Hirudinea
- hirudiniasis
- Hirudo
- Hirudo medicinalis
- His, Wilhelm Jr.
- His disease
- hist-
- histaffine
- histaminase
- histamine
- histamine blocking agent
- histamine equivalent in prick testing
- histamine H3receptor
- histamine H3 receptor
- histamine headache
- histaminemia
- histamine phosphate
- histamine-proved achlorhydria
- histamine test
- histenzyme
- histi-
- histidase
- histidine
- histidine ammonia-lyase
- histidinemia
- histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate solution
- histidinuria
- histio-, histi-
- histioblast
- histiocyte
- histiocytic medullary reticulosis
- histiocytoma
- histiocytosis
- histiogenic
- histo-, hist-
- histoblast
- histo-blood group antigen
- histochemistry
- histoclastic
- histocompatibility
- histocompatibility allele
- histocompatibility gene
- histocompatibility locus antigen
- histocyte
- histodiagnosis
- histodifferentiation
- histogenesis
- histogenetic
- histogenous
- histogram
- histohematin
- histohematogenous
- histoid neoplasm
- histoincompatible
- histokinesis
- histological
- histological technician
- histological technologist
- histologist
- histology
- histolysis
- histolytic
- histoma
- histomorphometry
- histone
- histone deacetylase
- histone deacetylase inhibitor
- histonuria
- histopathology
- histophysiology
- Histoplasma
- Histoplasma capsulatum
- Histoplasma capsulatum var. duboisii
- histoplasmin
- histoplasmosis
- historadiography
- history
- histotechnology
- histothrombin
- histotoxic
- histotoxic hypoxia
- histotropic
- histotype
- histozoic
- histozyme
- histrionic mania
- histrionic personality disorder
- hit
- hitching
- hitting bottom
- HIV-associated lipodystrophy
- HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder
- HIV-associated non-AIDS
- HIV encephalopathy
- hives
- HIV positive
- HIV-related fat redistribution syndrome
- hL
- HL
- HLA mismatch, human leukocyte antigen mismatch
- HLA-mismatched related donor
- Hm
- HMG CoA enzyme inhibitor
- HNO2
- HNO3
- hnRNA
- Ho
- hoarding
- hoarseness
- hobnail liver
- hobo spider
- Hodge, Hugh Lennox
- Hodge pessary
- Hodgkin, Thomas
- Hodgkin disease
- Hodgson disease
- Hoehn and Yahr staging scale
- Hofbauer cell
- Hoffa syndrome
- Hoffmann, Johann
- Hoffmann sign
- hol-, holo-
- holandric
- holandric gene
- holandric inheritance
- hold
- Holden line
- holding area
- holiday heart syndrome
- holism
- holistic
- holistic healing
- holistic medicine
- holistic nursing
- Hollenhorst bodies
- Hollenhorst plaques, Hollenhorst bodies
- hollow
- hollow-back
- hollow skull phenomenon
- holly leaf cell
- Holmgren test
- holmium
- holo-
- holoacardius
- holoblastic ovum
- holocrine
- holocrine gland
- holocrine secretion
- holodiastolic
- holoenzyme
- holography
- hologynic
- hologynic inheritance
- holophrase
- holophytic
- holoprosencephaly
- holorachischisis
- holosystolic
- holosystolic murmur
- holotetanus, holotonia
- holotonia
- holotrichous
- holozoic
- holster sign
- Holthouse hernia
- Holt-Oram syndrome
- holy anorexia
- holy basil
- hom-
- homalocephalus
- homaxial
- home
- home assessment, home safety assessment
- home-based medical service
- homebound
- home drug infusion therapy
- home evaluation
- home health nurse
- homeless
- homelessness
- home maintenance, impaired
- homeo-
- homeobox gene
- homeodynamics
- homeomorphous
- homeo-osteoplasty
- homeopath
- homeopathic
- homeopathy
- homeoplasia
- homeoplastic
- homeostasis
- homeostatic
- homeotherapy
- homeotherm, homoiotherm
- homeothermal
- homeothermic
- homeotypical
- homeotypic mitosis
- home remedy
- home safety assessment
- home safety checklist
- home schooling
- homesharing
- homesickness
- home visitation
- homework
- homicidal
- homicide
- homing
- homing receptor
- hominid
- Hominidae
- Homo
- homo-, hom-
- homoblastic
- homocentric
- homochronous
- homocladic anastomosis
- homocysteine
- homocystine
- homocystinuria
- homocytotropic
- homodromous
- homoeo-
- homoerotic
- homogametic
- homogenate
- homogeneous
- homogeneous catalyst
- homogeneous immersion
- homogeneous membrane
- homogeneous radiation
- homogeneous system
- homogenesis
- homogenize
- homogenized milk
- homogentisic acid
- homogentisuria
- homograft
- homoio-
- homoiopodal
- homokeratoplasty
- homolateral
- homolog, homologue
- homologous
- homologous artificial insemination
- homologous chromosome
- homologous fertilization
- homologous graft
- homologous series
- homologous stimulus
- homologous tissues
- homologous tumor
- homologous vaccine
- homologue
- homology
- homolysin
- homonomous
- homonymous
- homonymous diplopia
- homonymous hemianopia
- homonymous parallax
- homophil
- homophile
- homophily
- homophobe
- homophobia
- homoplastic
- Homo sapiens
- homoserine lactone
- homosexual
- homosexuality
- homosexual panic
- homostimulant
- homotetramer
- homotherm
- homothermal
- homotopic
- homotopic pain
- homotopic transplantation
- homotransplantation
- homotype
- homotypic
- homovanillic acid
- homozygosis
- homozygote
- homozygous
- homunculus
- honey
- honeycomb lung
- honeymoon
- hong jing tian
- honorific
- Hoodia gordonii
- hook
- hookah
- hookworm
- hope
- hope, readiness for enhanced
- hopelessness
- Hopkins Verbal Learning Test (Revised)
- Hopmann, Carl Melchior
- hop test
- hordeolum
- horizontal
- horizontal abdominal position
- horizontal angulation
- horizontal cell
- horizontal fissure
- horizontal plane
- horizontal position
- horizontal process
- horizontal strabismus
- horizontal transmission
- horizontal vertigo
- hormesis
- hormion
- hormonagogue
- hormonal
- hormonal manipulation
- hormone
- hormone assay
- hormone replacement therapy
- hormonogenesis
- hormonogenic
- hormonology
- hormonopoiesis
- hormonopoietic
- hormonotherapy
- horn
- horned viper
- Horner syndrome
- hornet sting
- horn of Ammon
- horny layer
- horopter
- horripilation
- horror
- horse chestnut
- horsepower
- horseradish peroxidase
- horseshoe crab
- horseshoe fistula
- horseshoe kidney
- horseshoe placenta
- horsetail
- Hortaea werneckii
- Horton disease
- hospice
- hospital
- hospital-acquired infection
- hospital-based practice
- hospital bed entrapment
- hospital case management
- hospital consumer assessment of health care providers and systems
- hospital cost-to-charge ratio
- hospital deeming authority
- hospital dentistry
- hospital discharge
- hospital gangrene
- hospital information system
- hospitalism
- hospitalist
- hospitalization
- hospital network
- hospital-onset infection
- Hospital Quality Alliance
- hospital referral region
- hospital rounds
- hospital twinning
- hospital volume
- host
- host defense mechanism
- hostile work environment
- hostility
- host of predilection
- host uterus
- hot
- hot abscess
- hot air bath
- hot bath
- hot-cathode roentgen-ray tube
- hot-cathode tube
- hot compress
- hot debriefing
- hot flash
- hot flush
- hot foot syndrome
- hot key
- hotline
- hot pack
- hot point
- hot stage
- Hottentot apron
- hot tub folliculitis
- hot water bottle
- hot zone
- Hounsfield unit
- 24-hour clock
- hourglass contraction
- hourglass stomach
- house dust
- housefly
- Household Products Database
- household system of measurement
- housekeeping gene
- housemaid's knee
- house-mouse mite
- house staff
- housing
- housing instability
- Houston, John
- Houston muscle
- Houston valve
- Howel-Evans syndrome
- Howell-Jolly bodies
- Howship, John
- Howship-Romberg sign
- Hp
- (HPO3)n
- HpSA
- HPV4
- HPV DNA test
- HPV vaccine
- HQ
- hr
- HR
- 24-hr dietary recall
- ht
- Ht
- HT
- 5-HT
- HTLV-1-associated myelopathy
- HTLV-1 induced lymphoproliferative syndrome
- Huang Di, Huang Ti
- Huang Ti
- hub
- Hubbard tank
- huddle
- huff
- huffing
- Hufner number
- Huhner test
- hum
- human
- human albumin
- human astrovirus
- human betaherpesvirus
- human bite
- human bocavirus
- human centrifuge
- human challenge study
- human chorionic gonadotropin
- human chorionic somatomammotropin
- human dignity, risk for compromised
- human diploid cell rabies vaccine
- human flea
- Human Genome Project
- human growth hormone
- human hemochromatosis protein
- human herpesvirus 1
- human herpesvirus 2
- human herpesvirus 3
- human herpesvirus 4
- human herpesvirus 5
- human herpesvirus 6
- human herpesvirus 7
- human herpesvirus 8
- human insulin
- human intestinal spirochetosis
- humanism
- humanistic psychology
- humanitarian device exemption
- humanitarian use device
- humanize
- humanized
- human leukocyte antigen
- human leukocyte antigen matched unrelated donor
- human leukocyte antigen matching
- human leukocyte antigen mismatch
- human menopausal gonadotropin
- human milk bank
- human milk fortifier
- human ovum
- human papillomavirus
- human papilloma virus
- human parainfluenza virus
- human parechovirus
- human pegivirus
- human performance
- human placental lactogen
- human placental lactogen hormone
- human rabies immune globulin
- human repeated patch insult
- human seminal plasma allergy
- human skin equivalent
- human T-lymphotropic virus type 1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis
- human-to-human relationship theory
- human trafficking
- Humby knife
- humectant
- humeral
- humeri
- humeroradial
- humeroradial ratio
- humeroscapular
- humeroulnar
- humeroulnar ratio
- humerus
- humid
- humidifier
- humidifier lung
- humidity
- humor
- humoral
- humoral immunity
- humoral pathology
- humor therapy
- humpback
- hump-nosed pit viper
- Humulin 50/50
- Humulin 70/30
- hunchback
- hunger
- hunger pain
- hungry bone syndrome
- hung-up reflex
- Hunter canal
- Hunter disease
- hunterian chancre
- Huntington disease
- Hunt neuralgia
- Hunt neuralgia, Hunt syndrome
- Hunt syndrome
- Huperzia
- Huperzia serrata
- huperzine
- Hurler-Scheie syndrome
- Hurler syndrome
- Hurter and Driffield curve
- Hürthle, Karl W.
- husband artificial insemination
- Hutchinson, Sir Jonathan
- Hutchinson-Gilford disease
- Hutchinson incisors
- Hutchinson pupil
- Hutchinson sign
- Hutchinson teeth
- Huxley, Thomas H.
- Hx
- hy-
- hyal-
- hyalin
- hyaline
- hyaline cartilage
- hyaline cast
- hyaline degeneration
- hyaline membrane
- hyaline membrane disease
- hyaline thrombus
- hyalinization
- hyalinosis
- hyalinuria
- hyalitis
- hyalitis punctata
- hyalitis suppurativa
- hyalo-, hyal-
- hyaloenchondroma
- hyalogen
- hyalohyphomycosis
- hyaloid
- hyaloid artery
- hyaloid canal
- hyaloid fossa
- hyaloiditis
- hyaloid membrane
- hyalomere
- Hyalomma
- hyalomucoid
- hyalonyxis
- hyalophagia, hyalophagy
- hyalophagy
- hyalophobia
- hyaloplasm
- hyalosis
- hyalosome
- hyaluronan
- hyaluronic acid
- hyaluronidase
- H-Y antigen
- hybrid
- hybrid capture test
- hybrid contact lens
- hybridization
- hybridoma
- hybridoma cell
- hybrid operating room
- hydantoin
- hydatid
- hydatid cyst
- hydatid disease
- hydatid fremitus
- hydatid mole
- hydatidocele
- hydatid of Morgagni
- hydatidoma
- hydatidosis
- hydatidostomy
- hydatid polyp
- hydatid pregnancy
- hydatid tapeworm
- hydatid thrill
- hydatiform
- hydatism
- hydr-
- hydradenitis
- hydradenoma
- hydraeroperitoneum
- hydramnion, hydramnios
- hydramnios
- hydranencephaly
- hydrargyrum
- hydrarthrosis
- hydrase
- hydrate
- hydrated
- hydration
- hydraulics
- hydrazine
- hydrazine sulfate
- hydremia
- hydrencephalocele, hydroencephalocele
- hydrencephalomeningocele
- hydrencephalus
- hydrepigastrium
- hydride
- hydriodic acid
- hydrion
- hydro-, hydr-
- hydroa
- hydroappendix
- hydroa vacciniforme
- hydroa vacciniforme-like T-cell lymphoma
- hydrobilirubin
- hydrobromate
- hydrocalycosis
- hydrocarbon
- hydrocele
- hydrocelectomy
- hydrocele feminae
- hydrocele hernialis
- hydrocele muliebris
- hydrocele spinalis
- hydrocephalic
- hydrocephalocele
- hydrocephaloid
- hydrocephaloid disease
- hydrocephalus
- hydrocephalus ex vacuo
- hydrochlorate
- hydrochloric acid
- hydrochloride
- hydrochloroquine sulfate
- hydrochlorothiazide
- hydrocholeretic
- hydrocirsocele
- hydrocodone bitartrate
- hydrocollator
- hydrocolloid
- hydrocolloid dressing
- hydrocolpos
- hydrocortisone
- hydrocortisone acetate
- hydrocyanic acid
- hydrocyst
- hydrocystoma
- hydrodensitometry
- hydrodiascope
- hydrodictiotomy
- hydrodissection
- hydrodynamics
- hydroencephalocele
- hydroflumethiazide
- hydrofluoric acid
- hydrogel
- hydrogen
- hydrogen acceptor
- hydrogenase
- hydrogenate
- hydrogenation
- hydrogen bond
- hydrogen cyanide
- hydrogen dioxide
- hydrogen donor
- hydrogen electrode
- hydrogen fluoride
- hydrogen iodide
- hydrogen ion
- hydrogen ion concentration
- hydrogen ion scale
- hydrogen peroxide
- hydrogen peroxide gas plasma sterilization
- hydrogen phosphide
- hydrogen sulfide
- hydroglossa
- hydrogymnastics
- hydrohematonephrosis
- hydrokinetics
- hydrolabile
- hydrolase
- hydrology
- hydrolysate
- hydrolysis
- hydrolytic
- hydrolytic decomposition
- hydrolytic enzyme
- hydrolyze
- hydroma
- hydromassage
- hydromeiosis
- hydromeningitis
- hydromeningocele
- hydrometer
- hydrometra
- hydrometrocolpos
- hydromicrocephaly
- hydromorphone hydrochloride
- hydromphalus
- hydromyelia
- hydromyelocele
- hydromyelomeningocele
- hydromyoma
- hydronephrosis
- hydroparasalpinx
- hydroparotitis
- hydropenia
- hydropericarditis
- hydropericardium
- hydroperinephrosis
- hydroperitoneum
- Hydrophiidae
- hydrophilia, hydrophilism
- hydrophilic
- hydrophilic lens
- hydrophilic ointment
- hydrophilism
- hydrophilous
- hydrophobia
- hydrophobic
- hydrophobic tetanus
- hydrophobophobia
- hydrophthalmos
- hydrophysometra
- hydropic
- hydropic degeneration
- hydroplasty
- hydropneumatosis
- hydropneumopericardium
- hydropneumoperitoneum
- hydropneumothorax
- hydrops, hydropsy
- hydrops abdominis
- hydrops fetalis
- hydrops folliculi
- hydrops gravidarum
- hydrops tubae
- hydrops tubae profluens
- hydropsy
- hydropyonephrosis
- hydroquinone
- hydrorheostat
- hydrorrhachis
- hydrorrhachitis
- hydrorrhea
- hydrorrhea gravidarum
- hydrorubeanic acid
- hydrosalpinx
- hydrosarcocele
- hydroscheocele
- hydrosol
- hydrostat
- hydrostatic
- hydrostatic bed
- hydrostatic densitometry
- hydrostatics
- hydrostatic test
- hydrostatic weighing
- hydrosulfuric acid
- hydrosurgery
- hydrosyringomyelia
- hydrotaxis
- hydrotherapist
- hydrotherapy
- hydrothermal
- hydrothermally
- hydrothionammonemia
- hydrothionemia
- hydrothionuria
- hydrothoraces
- hydrothorax
- hydrotis
- hydrotropism
- hydrotubation
- hydrotympanum
- hydroureter
- hydrous
- hydrovarium
- hydroxide
- hydroxocobalamin
- hydroxy
- hydroxy acid
- hydroxyamphetamine hydrobromide
- hydroxyapatite, hydroxylapatite
- hydroxybenzene
- 3-hydroxybutanone
- hydroxybutyric dehydrogenase
- hydroxychloroquine sulfate
- 25-hydroxycholecalciferol
- hydroxycitric acid
- 17-hydroxycorticosterone
- hydroxyethyl starch
- hydroxy-iminodiacetic acid
- hydroxyl
- hydroxylapatite
- hydroxylase
- hydroxylysine
- hydroxyproline
- hydroxypropyl methylcellulose
- 5-hydroxytryptamine
- 5-hydroxytryptophan
- hydroxyurea
- hydroxyzine hydrochloride
- hyfrecation
- hyfrecator
- hygiene
- hygiene
- hygienic
- hygienist
- hygr-
- hygro-, hygr-
- hygroblepharic
- hygroma
- hygroma renale
- hygromata
- hygrometer
- hygroscopic
- hygroscopic dilator
- hygroscopic heat and moisture exchanger
- hygroscopy
- hygrostomia
- hyla
- hyloma
- hymen
- hymenal
- hymen biforis
- hymen denticulatus
- hymenectomy
- hymenitis
- Hymenolepis
- Hymenolepis nana
- hymenology
- Hymenoptera
- hymenoptera sting
- hymenorrhaphy
- hymenotome
- hymenotomy
- hyo-, hy-
- hyobasioglossus
- hyoepiglottic, hyoepiglottidean
- hyoepiglottidean
- hyoglossal
- hyoglossal membrane
- hyoglossus
- hyoglossus muscle
- hyoid
- hyoid arch
- hyoid bone
- hyomental distance
- hyopharyngeus
- hyoscine chorea
- hyoscine hydrobromide
- hyoscyamus
- hyp-
- hypacousia, hypacusia, hypacusis
- hypacusia, hypacusis
- hypalgesia
- hypamnios
- hypaxial
- hype
- hyper-
- hyperabduction
- hyperacid
- hyperacidity
- hyperactive child syndrome
- hyperactivity
- hyperacuity
- hyperacusis
- hyperacute
- hyperacute rejection
- hyperadiposis
- hyperadiposity
- hyperadrenalism
- hyperadrenocorticalism
- hyperalbuminemia
- hyperaldosteronism
- hyperalgesia
- hyperalgia
- hyperalimentation
- hyperalkalinity
- hyperaminoacidemia
- hyperaminoaciduria
- hyperammonemia
- hyperamylasemia
- hyperandrogenic
- hyperandrogenic anovulation
- hyperandrogenism
- hyperaphia
- hyperaphic
- hyperarousal
- hyperazotemia
- hyperazoturia
- hyperbaric
- hyperbaric chamber
- hyperbaric oxygen
- hyperbaric oxygenation
- hyperbaric solution
- hyperbarism
- hyperbetalipoproteinemia
- hyperbilirubinemia
- hyperbrachycephaly
- hypercalcemia
- hypercalcemic nephropathy
- hypercalciuria
- hypercapnia
- hypercapnic
- hypercapnic acidosis
- hypercarbia
- hypercellular
- hypercementosis
- hyperchloremia
- hyperchloremic acidosis
- hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis
- hyperchlorhydria
- hyperchloridation
- hypercholesterolemia
- hypercholesterolia
- hyperchromatic
- hyperchromatic cell
- hyperchromatism
- hyperchromia
- hyperchromic
- hyperchromic anemia
- hyperchylia
- hyperchylomicronemia
- hyperCKemia
- hypercoagulability
- hypercoagulable
- hyperconcentrated
- hypercorticism
- hypercortisolemia
- hypercortisolism, hypercortisolemia
- hypercrinism
- hypercryalgesia
- hypercryesthesia
- hypercupremia
- Hyper CVAD
- hypercyanotic
- hyperdactylia
- hyperdefecation
- hyperdicrotic
- hyperdynamia
- hyperdynamia uteri
- hyperdynamic
- hypereccrisia, hypereccrisis
- hypereccrisis
- hypereccritic
- hyperechoic
- hyperekplexia, hyperexplexia
- hyperemeses
- hyperemesis
- hyperemesis gravidarum
- hyperemia
- hyperemotivity
- hyperenzymemia
- hypereosinophilia
- hyperequilibrium
- hypererethism
- hyperergasia
- hyperergia
- hyperergy, hyperergia
- hyperesophoria
- hyperesthesia
- hyperesthesia sexualis
- hyperesthetic
- hyperexophoria
- hyperexplexia
- hyperextension
- hyperfibrinogenemia
- hyperflexion
- hyperfractionation
- hyperfunction
- hyperfunctional
- hypergalactia
- hypergammaglobulinemia
- hypergamy
- hypergenesis
- hypergenic teratism
- hypergenitalism
- hypergeusesthesia, hypergeusia
- hypergeusia
- hyperglandular
- hyperglobulinemia
- hyperglycemia
- hyperglycemic
- hyperglyceridemia
- hyperglycinemia
- hyperglycogenolysis
- hyperglycorrhachia
- hypergnosia
- hypergonadism
- hypergraphia
- hyperguanidinemia
- hyperhedonia, hyperhedonism
- hyperhedonism
- hyperhemolysis
- hyperhidrosis, hyperhydrosis
- hyperhomocysteinemia
- hyperhydration
- hyperhydrosis
- Hypericum perforatum
- hyperimmune
- hyperimmune globulin
- hyperimmune plasma
- hyperimmunity
- hyperimmunoglobulinemia E syndrome
- hyperinflation
- hyperinosemia
- hyperinsulinemia
- hyperinsulinemic euglycemia
- hyperinsulinism
- hyperinvolution
- hyperinvolution uteri
- hyperirritability
- hyperisotonic
- hyperkalemia
- hyperkalemic paralysis
- hyperkeratinization
- hyperkeratomycosis
- hyperkeratoses
- hyperkeratosis
- hyperkeratosis congenitalis
- hyperkeratotic
- hyperketonemia
- hyperketonuria
- hyperkinesia, hyperkinesis
- hyperkinesis
- hyperkinetic disorder
- hyperkulturemia
- hyperlactatemia, hyperlactemia
- hyperlactation
- hyperlactemia
- hyperleptinemia
- hyperleukocytosis
- hyperlexia
- hyperlexic
- hyperlipemia
- hyperlipidemia
- hyperlipoproteinemia
- hyperliposis
- hyperlordotic posture
- hyperlucency
- hypermagnesemia
- hypermastia
- hypermature
- hypermature cataract
- hypermelanosis
- hypermenorrhea
- hypermetabolic
- hypermetabolic state
- hypermetabolism
- hypermetaplasia
- hypermetria
- hypermetrope
- hypermetropia
- hypermetropic
- hypermnesia
- hypermobile
- hypermobile kidney
- hypermobile patella
- hypermobility
- hypermorph
- hypermotility
- hypermutability
- hypermyesthesia
- hypermyotonia
- hypermyotrophy
- hypernatremia
- hypernephroma
- hyperneurotization
- hypernutrition
- hyperonychia
- hyperope
- hyperopia
- hyperoral
- hyperorality
- hyperorchidism
- hyperorexia
- hyperornithinemia-hyperammonemia-homocitrullinuria syndrome
- hyperorthocytosis
- hyperosmia
- hyperosmolar
- hyperosmolarity
- hyperosmolar nonketotic coma
- hyperostosis
- hyperovaria
- hyperovulation
- hyperoxaluria
- hyperoxemia
- hyperoxia
- hyperoxia test
- hyperoxygenation
- hyperpancreatism
- hyperparasitism
- hyperparathyroidism
- hyperpathia
- hyperphagia
- hyperphalangism
- hyperphasia
- hyperphenylalaninemia
- hyperphonia
- hyperphoria
- hyperphosphatasemia
- hyperphosphatemia
- hyperphosphaturia
- hyperphospheremia
- hyperpigmentation
- hyperpituitarism
- hyperplasia
- hyperplastic
- hyperplastic gingivitis
- hyperplastic inflammation
- hyperplastic sclerosis
- hyperploidy
- hyperpnea
- hyperpolarization
- hyperpolarized helium
- hyperprolactinemia
- hyperprolactinemic amenorrhea
- hyperprolinemia
- hyperproteinemia
- hyperproteinuria
- hyperpselaphesia
- hyperptyalism
- hyperpyrexia
- hyperreactio luteinalis
- hyperreactive
- hyperreflexia
- hyperresonance
- hypersalivation
- hyperschematia
- hypersecretion
- hypersensibility
- hypersensitive
- hypersensitive tooth
- hypersensitivity
- hypersensitivity pneumonitis
- hypersensitivity reaction
- hypersensitization
- hypersomnia
- hypersplenism
- hypersthenia
- hypersthenic
- hypersthenuria
- hypersusceptibility
- hypersystole
- hypersystolic
- hypertelorism
- hypertensinogen
- hypertension
- hypertensive crisis
- hypertensive encephalopathy
- hypertensive retinopathy
- hyperthecosis
- hyperthelia
- hyperthermal bath
- hyperthermalgesia
- hyperthermia
- hyperthermia treatment
- hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy
- hyperthermoesthesia
- hyperthrombinemia
- hyperthymia
- hyperthyroidism
- hyperthyrosis
- hyperthyroxinemia
- hypertonia
- hypertonic
- hypertonic bladder
- hypertonicity
- hypertonic labor
- hypertonic saline
- hypertonic solution
- hypertonic uterine dysfunction
- hypertonus
- hypertrichophrydia
- hypertrichosis
- hypertriglyceridemia
- hypertrophia
- hypertrophic
- hypertrophic arthritis
- hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- hypertrophic cirrhosis
- hypertrophic gastropathy
- hypertrophic mononeuropathy
- hypertrophic pharyngitis
- hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy
- hypertrophic rhinitis
- hypertrophic spondylitis
- hypertrophy
- hypertrophy of the heart
- hypertropia
- hyperuricemia
- hyperuricuria
- hypervalinemia
- hypervascular
- hyperventilation
- hyperventilation tetany
- hypervigilance
- hypervigilant
- hypervirulent
- hyperviscosity
- hypervitaminosis
- hypervolemia
- hypesthesia
- hypha
- hyphae
- hyphedonia, hypohedonia
- hyphema
- Hyphomycetes
- hypn-
- hypnagogic, hypnogogic
- hypnagogic hallucination
- hypnagogic state
- hypnagogue
- Hypnale hypnale
- hypnic headache
- hypno-, hypn-
- hypnoanalysis
- hypnoanesthesia
- hypnodontics
- hypnogenic
- hypnogenic spot
- hypnogenic zone
- hypnogogic
- hypnogram
- hypnoid
- hypnoidal, hypnoid
- hypnoidization
- hypnolepsy
- hypnophobia
- hypnopompic
- hypnosis
- hypnotherapy
- hypnotic
- hypnotic analgesia
- hypnotic-dependent sleep disorder
- hypnotic sleep
- hypnotism
- hypnotist
- hypnotize
- hypnozoite
- hypo
- hypo-, hyp-
- hypoacidity
- hypoactive
- hypoactive delirium
- hypoactive sexual desire disorder
- hypoactivity
- hypoacusis
- hypoadrenalism
- hypoadrenocorticism
- hypoalbuminemia
- hypoaldosteronism
- hypoallergenic
- hypoazoturia
- hypobaric
- hypoblast
- hypoblastic
- hypobranchial eminence
- hypocalcemia
- hypocalcemic
- hypocalcemic tetany
- hypocalciuria
- hypocaloric
- hypocapnia
- hypocarbia
- hypocellular
- hypocellularity
- hypochloremia
- hypochloremic alkalosis
- hypochlorhydria
- hypochlorite
- hypochlorite salt
- hypochlorization
- hypochlorous acid
- hypochloruria
- hypocholesteremia
- hypochondria
- hypochondriac
- hypochondriacal
- hypochondriac region
- hypochondrial reflex
- hypochondriasis
- hypochondrium
- hypochromasia
- hypochromatism
- hypochromatosis
- hypochromia
- hypochromic
- hypochromic anemia
- hypochylia
- hypocitraturia
- hypocomplementemia
- hypocondylar
- hypocone
- hypoconid
- hypocontractile
- hypoconulid
- hypocorticism
- hypocretin
- hypocrinism
- hypocupremia
- hypocyclosis
- hypocythemia
- hypodactylia
- Hypoderma
- hypodermatomy
- hypodermiasis
- hypodermic
- hypodermic implantation
- hypodermic injection
- hypodermic medication
- hypodermic needle
- hypodermic syringe
- hypodermic tablet
- hypodermis
- hypodermoclysis
- hypodipsia
- hypodontia
- hypodynamia
- hypodysplasia
- hypodysplastic
- hypoeccrisia
- hypoeccritic
- hypoechoic
- hypoechoic rim
- hypoeosinophilia
- hypoergasia
- hypoergia
- hypoergic
- hypoesophoria
- hypoesthesia, hypesthesia
- hypoexophoria
- hypoferremia
- hypofibrinogenemia
- hypofunction
- hypogalactia
- hypogammaglobulinemia
- hypogastric
- hypogastric artery
- hypogastric region
- hypogastrium
- hypogenesis
- hypogenitalism
- hypogeusia
- hypoglossal
- hypoglossal alternating hemiplegia
- hypoglossal canal
- hypoglossal nerve
- hypoglossal nucleus
- hypoglottis
- hypoglycemia
- hypoglycemia-associated autonomic failure
- hypoglycemia unawareness
- hypoglycemic
- hypoglycemic coma
- hypoglycemic shock
- hypoglycogenolysis
- hypoglycorrhachia
- hypognathous
- hypogonadism
- hypogonadotropic
- hypogonadotropism
- hypohedonia
- hypohepatia
- hypohidrosis
- hypohydration
- hypohyloma
- hypoinsulinism
- hypoisotonic
- hypokalemia
- hypokalemic
- hypokalemic alkalosis
- hypokalemic nephropathy
- hypokalemic periodic paralysis
- hypokinesia
- hypokinetic
- hypokinetic hypoxia
- hypokinetic movement disorder
- hypolactasia
- hypolemmal
- hypoleydigism
- hypolipidemic
- hypoliposis
- hypolymphemia
- hypomagnesemia
- hypomania
- hypomanic
- hypomanic episode mood disorder
- hypomastia
- hypomazia
- hypomelanosis
- hypomenorrhea
- hypomere
- hypometabolism
- hypomethylation
- hypometria
- hypometropia
- hypomimia
- hypomnesia, hypomnesis
- hypomnesis
- hypomobile
- hypomobile patella
- hypomobility
- hypomorph
- hypomotility
- hypomyotonia
- hypomyxia
- hyponanosoma
- hyponatremia
- hyponatremic
- hyponatremic encephalopathy
- hyponeocytosis
- hyponoia
- hyponychium
- hyponychon
- hypo-orthocytosis
- hypoosmolar
- hypo-osmolar
- hypo-osmolarity
- hypoosmolarity, hypo-osmolarity, hyposmolarity
- hypopallesthesia
- hypopancreatism
- hypoparathyreosis
- hypoparathyroidism
- hypopepsia
- hypopepsinia
- hypoperfusion
- hypoperistalsis
- hypophalangism
- hypopharynx
- hypophonesis
- hypophonia
- hypophoria
- hypophosphatasia
- hypophosphatemia
- hypophosphatemic
- hypophosphaturia
- hypophrenia
- hypophrenic
- hypophyseal, hypophysial
- hypophyseal artery
- hypophyseal circulation
- hypophyseal fossa
- hypophyseal infantilism
- hypophysectomy
- hypophyseoportal
- hypophyseoportal system
- hypophyseoprivic, hypophysioprivic
- hypophyses
- hypophysial
- hypophysioprivic
- hypophysis
- hypophysis cerebri
- hypophysitis
- hypopigmentation
- hypopinealism
- hypopituitarism
- hypopituitary dwarf
- hypoplasia
- hypoplastic
- hypoplastic anemia
- hypopnea
- hypoporosis
- hypoposia
- hypopotassemia
- hypoproliferative thrombocytopenia
- hypoproteinemia
- hypoprothrombinemia
- hypopselaphesia
- hypoptyalism
- hypopyon
- hypopyon keratitis
- hyporeactive
- hyporeflexia
- hyporeninemia
- hyporeninemic
- hyposalivation
- hyposcleral
- hyposecretion
- hyposensitive
- hyposensitivity
- hyposensitization
- hyposialadenitis
- hyposmia
- hyposmolar
- hyposmolarity
- hyposomnia
- hypospadia, hypospadias
- hypospadias
- hypospermatogenesis
- hypostasis
- hypostatic
- hypostatic abscess
- hypostatic ectasia
- hypostatic pneumonia
- hyposteatolysis
- hyposthenic
- hyposthenuria
- hypostomia
- hypostosis
- hypostypsis
- hypostyptic
- hyposynergia
- hypotelorism
- hypotension
- hypotensive
- hypotensive anesthesia
- hypotensive resuscitation
- hypothalamic amenorrhea
- hypothalamic infundibulum
- hypothalamic nucleus
- hypothalamic obesity
- hypothalamic sulcus
- hypothalamus
- hypothenar
- hypothenar eminence
- hypothenar hammer syndrome
- hypothenar-hammer syndrome
- hypothermal
- hypothermia
- hypothermia, risk for
- hypothermia, risk for perioperative
- hypothermia blanket
- hypothermia therapy
- hypothermic anesthesia
- hypotheses
- hypothesis
- hypothrombinemia
- hypothymia
- hypothymism
- hypothyroid
- hypothyroidism
- hypotonia
- hypotonic
- hypotonic duodenography
- hypotonic labor
- hypotonic saline
- hypotonic solution
- hypotonic uterine dysfunction
- hypotony maculopathy
- hypotrichosis
- hypotrophy
- hypotropia
- hypotympanotomy
- hypotympanum
- hypouricuria
- hypovenosity
- hypoventilation
- hypovitaminosis
- hypovolemia
- hypovolemic
- hypovolemic shock
- hypovolia
- hypoxanthine
- hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency
- hypoxemia
- hypoxemic
- hypoxia
- hypoxia inhalation test
- hypoxic
- hypoxic burden
- hypoxic challenge test
- hypoxic encephalopathy
- hypoxic hepatitis
- hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
- hypoxic lap swimming
- hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
- hypsarrhythmia
- hypsibrachycephalic
- hypsicephalic
- hypsicephaly
- hypsiconchous
- hypsiloid
- hypsiloid ligament
- hypsistenocephalic
- hypsocephalous
- hypsokinesis
- hypsophobia
- hyssop
- Hyssopus officinalis
- hyster-
- hysteralgia
- hysterectomy
- hysteresis
- hystereurynter
- hysteria
- hysteric
- hysterical
- hysterical anesthesia
- hysterical aphonia
- hysterical ataxia
- hysterical blindness
- hysterical convulsion
- hysterical mutism
- hysterical paralysis
- hysterical stigma
- hysterical syncope
- hysterical tremor
- hysterical vertigo
- hysteric chorea
- hystero-, hyster-
- hysterobubonocele
- hysterocele
- hysterocystocleisis
- hysterodynia
- hysterogastrorrhaphy
- hysterogenic
- hysterogenic point
- hysterogram
- hysterography
- hysteroid
- hysterolaparotomy
- hysterolith
- hysterolysis
- hysterometer
- hysterometry
- hysteromyoma
- hysteromyomectomy
- hysteromyotomy
- hystero-oophorectomy
- hysteropathy
- hysteroptosia, hysteroptosis
- hysteroptosis
- hysterorrhaphy
- hysterorrhexis
- hysterosalpingectomy
- hysterosalpingography
- hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy
- hysterosalpingostomy
- hysteroscope
- hysteroscopy
- hysterospasm
- hysterostomatocleisis
- hysterostomatomy
- hysterotomy
- hysterotracheloplasty
- hysterotrachelorrhaphy
- hysterotrachelotomy
- hysterovagino-enterocele
- Hz
- H zone