Taber's Medical Dictionary
- l
- l-
- L, l
- L/S ratio
- L+
- L0
- L1, L2, etc.
- L2Y
- L6M
- La
- LA
- lab
- label
- labeled use
- labeling
- la belle indifférence
- la belle indifference, la belle indifférence
- labetalol hydrochloride
- labial
- labial artery
- labial embrasure
- labial gingiva
- labial gland
- labial groove
- labial hernia
- labialism
- labial lamina
- labial notch
- labia majora
- labia minora
- labile
- labile cell
- labile factor
- lability
- labio-
- labioalveolar
- labiocervical
- labioclination
- labiodental
- labiogingival
- labioglossolaryngeal
- labioglossopharyngeal
- labiolingual diameter
- labiomental
- labiomental groove
- labiomycosis
- labionasal
- labiopalatine
- labioplasty
- labiotenacula
- labiotenaculum
- labiotenaculums
- labioversion
- labium
- labium cerebri
- labium inferius oris
- labium majus
- labium minus
- labium minus pudendi
- labium oris
- labium superius oris
- labium tympanicum
- labium urethrae
- labium uteri
- labium vestibulare
- lab on a chip
- labor
- laboratorian
- laboratory
- laboratory automation
- laboratory-developed test
- laboratory developed test, laboratory-developed test
- laboratory examination
- Laboratory Instrument Management System
- laboratory medicine
- laboratory research
- laboratory scientist
- labored respiration
- labor pain
- labor room
- labra
- Lábrea hepatitis
- labret
- labrocyte
- labrum
- labyrinth
- labyrinthectomy
- labyrinthi
- labyrinthine
- labyrinthine artery
- labyrinthine hydrops
- labyrinthine nystagmus
- labyrinthine righting reflex
- labyrinthine symptom
- labyrinthine vertigo
- labyrinthitis
- labyrinthotomy
- labyrinthus
- lac
- Lacazia loboi
- lacaziosis
- lacerable
- lacerate
- lacerated
- lacerated wound
- laceration
- laceration of cervix
- laceration of perineum
- lacertus
- lacertus cordis
- lacertus fibrosus
- Lachesis muta
- Lachman test
- lachryma
- lachrymal
- lachrymation
- lachrymator
- lachrymatory
- laciniate
- lacquer
- lacrima, lachryma
- lacrimal, lachrymal
- lacrimal abscess
- lacrimal apparatus
- lacrimal bone
- lacrimal canal
- lacrimal canaliculus
- lacrimal caruncle
- lacrimal duct
- lacrimal fossa
- lacrimal gland
- lacrimal groove
- lacrimal lake
- lacrimal nerve
- lacrimal papilla
- lacrimal plug
- lacrimal point
- lacrimal process
- lacrimal reflex
- lacrimal sac
- lacrimal tubercle
- lacrimation, lachrymation
- lacrimator, lachrymator
- lacrimatory
- lacrimonasal
- lacrimotome
- lacrimotomy
- lact-
- lactacid
- lactacidemia
- lactaciduria
- lactalbumin
- lactam
- β-lactamase-resistant antibiotic
- β-lactamase
- lactase
- lactase deficiency syndrome
- lactate (1)
- lactate (2)
- lactate clearance
- lactate dehydrogenase
- lactated Ringer's solution
- lactated Ringer solution
- lactation
- lactational amenorrhea
- lactational mastitis
- lactation amenorrhea method
- lactation mastitis
- lactation suppression
- lacteal
- lacteal vessel
- lacti-
- lactic
- lactic acid
- lactic acidemia
- lactic acid evaporated milk
- lactic acidosis
- lactic dehydrogenase
- lacticemia
- lactic fermentation
- lactiferous
- lactiferous duct
- lactiferous gland
- lactiferous sinus
- lactiferous tubule
- lactification
- lactifuge
- lactigenous
- lactigerous
- lactinated
- lactisole
- lactivorous
- lacto-, lacti-, lact-
- Lactobacillus
- Lactobacillus acidophilus
- Lactobacillus bulgaricus
- Lactobacillus casei
- Lactobacillus helveticus
- Lactobacillus iners
- lactocele
- Lactococcus
- lactoferrin
- lactogen
- lactogenic
- lactoglobulin
- lactogogue, lactagogue
- lactometer
- lacto-ovo-vegetarian
- lactophosphate
- lactoprotein
- lactorrhea
- lactose
- lactose intolerance
- lactose tolerance test
- lactosuria
- lactotherapy
- lactotroph
- lactotroph adenoma
- lactotroph cell
- lacto-vegetarian
- lactovegetarian, lacto-vegetarian
- lactulose
- lactulose-mannitol test
- lactulose to mannitol ratio
- lacuna
- lacunae
- lacuna lateralis
- lacuna magna
- lacuna of the urethra
- lacuna pharyngis
- lacunar amnesia
- lacunar infarction
- lacunar ligament
- lacunar stroke
- lacuna vasorum
- lacune
- lacunula, lacunule
- lacunule
- lacus
- lacus lacrimalis
- Laelapidae, Laelaptidae
- Laelaptidae
- Laënnec, René
- Laënnec pearls
- Laënnec thrombus
- Laetrile
- Lafora, Gonzalo R
- Lafora bodies
- Lafora disease
- lag
- lageniform
- Lagochilascaris
- lagophthalmic keratitis
- lagophthalmos, lagophthalmus
- lagophthalmus
- lag phase
- la grippe
- lag time to benefit
- laity
- LAK cell
- lake
- laked
- laking
- La Leche League International
- -lalia
- lallation
- lalopathy
- lalophobia
- laloplegia
- lambda, Λ, λ
- lambdacism
- lambdoid, lambdoidal
- lambdoidal
- lambdoid suture
- lambert
- Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, Eaton-Lambert syndrome
- lambskin condom
- lame
- lamella
- lamellae
- lamellar
- lamellar graft
- lamellar ichthyosis of newborn
- lamellar keratoplasty
- lamellar sheath
- lameness
- lamin
- lamina
- lamina basalis choroideae
- lamina basilaris ductus cochlearis
- lamina cartilaginis cricoideae
- lamina choriocapillaris
- lamina cribrosa
- lamina cribrosa sclerae
- lamina dura
- lamina fusca sclerae
- laminagram
- laminagraph
- laminagraphy
- lamina multiformis
- lamina of vertebral arch
- lamina papyracea
- lamina propria mucosae
- lamina quadrigemina
- laminar
- laminar air flow
- laminar flow
- Laminaria digitata
- laminaria tent
- laminarin
- lamina spiralis
- lamina suprachoroidea
- laminated
- laminated clot
- laminated epithelium
- lamina terminalis
- lamination
- lamina vitrea
- lamina zonalis
- laminectomy
- laminin
- laminitis
- laminopathy
- laminotomy
- lamivudine
- lamotrigine
- lamp
- Lamponidae
- lamprophonia, lamprophony
- lamprophonic
- lamprophony
- lanatoside C
- lance
- Lance-Adams syndrome
- lancet
- lancet fluke
- lancinating
- lancinating pain
- L and A
- Landau-Kleffner syndrome
- landmark
- land mine
- Landry-Guillain-Barré syndrome
- Landry paralysis
- Lane kinks
- Langat virus
- Langerhans, Paul
- Langerhans cell histiocytosis
- Langerhans islands
- Lange test
- language
- language assistance
- language barrier
- language bias
- languor
- laniary
- lanolin
- Lanoxin
- lansoprazole
- lanthanum
- lantibiotic
- lanuginous
- lanugo
- lanugo hair
- lapar-
- laparectomy
- laparo-, lapar-
- laparocele
- laparocholecystotomy
- laparocolectomy
- laparocolostomy
- laparocolotomy
- laparocystectomy
- laparocystidotomy
- laparocystotomy
- laparoenterostomy
- laparogastrostomy
- laparogastrotomy
- laparohepatotomy
- laparohystero-oophorectomy
- laparohysteropexy
- laparohysterosalpingo-oophorectomy
- laparohysterotomy
- laparomyitis
- laparonephrectomy
- laparorrhaphy
- laparosalpingectomy
- laparosalpingo-oophorectomy
- laparosalpingotomy
- laparoscope
- laparoscopic
- laparoscopic gastric banding
- laparoscopic laser cholecystectomy
- laparoscopic ovarian diathermy
- laparoscopic ovarian drilling
- laparoscopic sterilization
- laparoscopic surgery
- laparoscopic vertical gastrectomy
- laparoscopy
- laparosplenectomy
- laparotomy
- laparotomy pad
- laparotrachelotomy
- lapinization
- lard
- lardaceous
- lardaceous liver
- lardaceous spleen
- large calorie
- large-core biopsy
- large for gestational age
- large intestine
- large loop excision of the transformation zone
- large low-density lipoprotein particle
- large pneumothorax
- L-arginine
- Larmor frequency
- Laron, Zvi
- Laron dwarf
- Laron dwarfism
- Laron syndrome
- Larsen syndrome
- larva
- larva currens
- larvae
- larval
- larvate
- larvicide
- laryng-
- laryngalgia
- laryngeal
- laryngeal artery
- laryngeal cavity
- laryngeal diphtheria
- laryngeal edema
- laryngeal gland
- laryngeal mask airway
- laryngeal mucous membrane
- laryngeal muscle
- laryngeal nerve
- laryngeal nodule
- laryngeal paralysis
- laryngeal polyp
- laryngeal pouch
- laryngeal prominence
- laryngeal reflex
- laryngeal saccule
- laryngeal syncope
- laryngeal ventricle
- laryngeal vertigo
- laryngeal vestibule
- laryngectomee
- laryngectomy
- larynges
- laryngismal
- laryngismus
- laryngitic
- laryngitis
- laryngo-, laryng-
- laryngocele
- laryngocentesis
- laryngofissure
- laryngogram
- laryngograph
- laryngologist
- laryngology
- laryngomalacia
- laryngometry
- laryngoparalysis
- laryngopathy
- laryngopharyngeal
- laryngopharyngeal reflux
- laryngopharyngectomy
- laryngopharyngeus
- laryngopharyngitis
- laryngopharyngography
- laryngopharynx
- laryngophony
- laryngophthisis
- laryngoplasty
- laryngoplegia
- laryngorhinology
- laryngorrhagia
- laryngorrhea
- laryngoscleroma
- laryngoscope
- laryngoscopic
- laryngoscopist
- laryngoscopy
- laryngospasm
- laryngostenosis
- laryngostomy
- laryngostroboscope
- laryngotomy
- laryngotracheal
- laryngotracheal groove
- laryngotracheitis
- laryngotracheobronchitis
- laryngotracheotomy
- laryngoxerosis
- larynx
- laser
- laser-assisted angioplasty
- laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis
- laser capsulotomy
- laser capture microdissection
- laser film
- laser lipolysis
- laser lithotripter
- laser resurfacing of skin
- laser tissue welding
- laser treatment for kidney stone removal
- laser vaporization
- LASIK-associated neurotrophic epitheliopathy
- Lasix
- lassitude
- latah
- latanoprost
- latch, latch-on
- latchkey children
- latch-on
- LATCH score
- latch switch
- late effect normal tissue
- late effect of normal tissue, late effect normal tissue, late effect on normal tissue
- late effect on normal tissue
- late-inspiratory crackle
- late-life depression
- late-life mania
- late luteal phase dysphoric disorder
- late miscarriage
- latency
- latency period
- latent
- latent cancer
- latent content
- latent diabetes
- latent energy
- latent error
- latent heat of fusion
- latent heat of vaporization
- latent hyperopia
- latent image
- latent learning
- latent nystagmus
- latent period
- latent phase
- latent syphilis
- latent tetany
- latent trigger point
- latent tuberculosis
- latent virus
- late-onset Alzheimer disease
- late-onsetanxiety disorder
- late-onset mania
- late-phase reaction
- late potential
- late preterm
- later-
- laterad
- lateral
- lateral aberration
- lateral alveolar abscess
- lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve
- lateral brachial cutaneous nerve
- lateral canthal line
- lateral cephalometric radiograph
- lateral cervical region
- lateral column
- lateral cuneate nucleus
- lateral cutaneous nerve of the arm
- lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm
- lateral decubitus
- lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
- lateral fissure
- lateral flow test
- lateral funiculus
- lateral ganglion
- lateral gaze palsy
- lateral geniculate nucleus
- lateral hermaphroditism
- lateral hernia
- lateral horn
- lateral humeral epicondylitis
- lateral incisor
- lateralis
- laterality
- laterality disorder
- lateral jaw survey
- lateral lemniscus
- lateral ligament of liver
- lateral lithotomy
- lateral lobes of prostate
- lateral lobes of thyroid gland
- lateral malleolus
- lateral mass of the atlas
- lateral medullary infarct
- lateral medullary syndrome
- lateral meniscus
- lateral mesoderm
- lateral nystagmus
- lateral oblique radiograph
- lateral occipital sulcus
- lateral odontoid ligament
- lateral pectoral nerve
- lateral placenta
- lateral plantar artery
- lateral plantar nerve
- lateral position
- lateral posterior nucleus of the thalamus
- lateral pterygoid muscle
- lateral pulsion
- lateral raphe
- lateral recess of fourth ventricle
- lateral rectus muscle
- lateral recumbent
- lateral reticular nucleus
- lateral sclerosis
- lateral septal nucleus
- lateral sinus
- lateral skull projection
- lateral skull radiograph
- lateral sleeping position
- lateral spinal curvature
- lateral sulcus
- lateral supracondylar line
- lateral thoracic artery
- lateral thrombus
- lateral umbilical ligament
- lateral ventricle
- lateral vestibular nucleus
- lateri-
- latericeous, lateritious
- late rickets
- lateritious
- latero-, later-, lateri-
- lateroabdominal
- laterodeviation
- lateroduction
- lateroflexion
- laterognathism
- lateroposition
- lateropulsion
- laterosemiprone position
- laterotorsion
- lateroversion
- late syphilis
- late tester
- latex
- latex allergy
- latex allergy reaction
- latex allergy reaction, risk for
- lathyrism
- lathyrogen
- Latino
- latissimus
- latissimus dorsi muscle
- latitude
- latrine
- latrodectism
- Latrodectus
- Latrodectus hasselti
- Latrodectus mactans
- lattice
- latus (1)
- latus (2)
- laudable
- laudanum
- laugh
- laughing gas
- laughter
- laughter reflex
- laughter therapy
- launch
- Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome
- lavage
- Lavandula angustifolia Miller
- lavender
- lavender oil
- law
- lawn
- lawn-chair position
- law of Bergonié and Tribondeau
- law of contiguity
- law of definite proportions
- law of effect
- law of Grotthus-Draper
- law of mass action
- law of multiple proportions
- law of reciprocal proportions
- law of the heart
- law of the intestine
- lawrencium
- lax
- laxative
- laxative abuse
- laxative regimen
- laxator
- laxator tympani
- laxity
- lay
- layer
- layer of rods and cones
- layette
- lazy eye
- lb
- LC16m8
- LC50
- L cell
- LD
- LD50
- LDlo
- l-dopa
- LE
- leachate
- leaching
- lead (1)
- lead (2)
- lead acetate
- lead apron
- lead colic
- leaded glass
- lead encephalitis
- leaden paralysis
- lead extraction
- lead gout
- leading health indicator
- leadless
- leadless pacemaker
- lead line
- lead molecule
- lead monoxide
- lead optimization
- lead palsy
- lead paralysis
- lead pipe fracture
- lead-pipe rigidity
- lead poisoning, acute
- lead poisoning, chronic
- lead vegetation
- leaflet
- leak
- leakage channel
- leakage current
- lean
- lean body mass
- learned helplessness
- learned intermediary doctrine
- learned intermediary rule
- learned nonuse
- learning
- learning curve
- learning disability
- learning disorder
- learning health care system
- learning network
- learning theory
- least restrictive environment
- least squares analysis
- leather-bottle stomach
- leave, leave day
- leave day
- Leber, Theodor
- Leber disease
- Lecat gulf
- LE cell
- lecithal
- lecithin
- lecithin:sphingomyelin ratio
- lecithinase
- lecithoblast
- lecithoprotein
- lectin
- lectual
- leech
- Leeuwenhoek disease
- LeFort fracture
- left
- left anterior descending artery
- left anterior descending coronary artery
- left atrial appendage closure
- left atrial appendage occlusion
- left atrial appendages
- left atrioventricular valve
- left bundle branch block
- left circumflex artery
- left circumflex coronary artery
- left colic artery
- left colic flexure
- left colon
- left common carotid artery
- left coronary artery
- left descending artery
- left descending coronary artery
- left gastric artery
- left gastroepiploic artery
- left gastro-omental artery
- left-handedness
- left heart
- left hepatic duct
- left lateral recumbent position
- left main coronary artery
- left shift
- left-to-right shunt
- left ventricle
- left ventricular assist device
- left ventricular heart failure
- left ventricular hypertrophy
- left ventricular mass index
- left ventricular noncompaction
- leg
- legacy effect
- legacy system
- legal
- legal blindness
- legal high
- legally mandated treatment
- legal medicine
- legal nurse consultant
- leg bandage
- leg extender
- Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, Legg disease
- Legg disease
- leggings
- Legionella
- Legionella longbeachae
- Legionella pneumonia
- Legionella pneumophila
- legionellosis
- Legionnaires' disease
- leg lifter
- leg muscle
- legume
- legumelin
- legumin
- leguminous
- Leigh disease
- Leiner disease
- Leininger, Madeleine
- leio-, lio-
- leiodermia
- leiomyofibroma
- leiomyoma
- leiomyomas
- leiomyomata
- leiomyosarcoma
- leiotrichous
- Leishman, William Boog
- Leishman-Donovan body
- Leishmania
- Leishmania braziliensis
- Leishmania donovani
- Leishmania major
- Leishmania mexicana
- Leishmania mexicana complex
- leishmaniasis
- Leishmania tropica
- leisure activity
- lema
- lemmocyte
- lemnisci
- lemniscus
- lemon
- lemon balm
- lemon sign
- lemostenosis
- Lenègre disease
- length
- length-dependent
- length of stay
- lenient rate control
- Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome epilepsy
- lens
- lens capsule
- lensectomy, lentectomy
- lensometer
- lens pit
- lens placode
- lens star
- lens vesicle
- lentectomy
- lenticonus
- lenticular
- lenticular apophysis
- lenticular cataract
- lenticular fossa
- lenticular hypocyclosis
- lenticular papilla
- lenticular process
- lenticule
- lenticulostriate
- lenticulostriate artery
- lenticulothalamic
- lentiform
- lentiform nucleus
- lentigines
- lentiginosis
- lentiginous
- lentiglobus
- lentigo
- lentigo maligna
- lentigo senilis
- lentinus edodes
- lentitis
- lentivirus
- Leonard procedure
- leonine facies
- leontiasis
- leontiasis ossea
- Leopold maneuver
- leper
- lepid-
- lepidic
- lepido-, lepid-
- Lepidoptera
- lepidosis
- lepirudin
- lepothrix
- lepra
- lepra alba
- lepra Arabum
- lepra maculosa
- leprechaunism
- leprid
- leprology
- leproma
- lepromatous
- lepromin
- leprosarium
- leprostatic
- leprosy
- leprotic
- leprous, leprotic
- -lepsia
- -lepsy, -lepsia
- lept-
- leptin
- lepto-, lept-
- leptocephalia
- leptocephalus
- leptochromatic
- leptocyte
- leptocytosis
- leptodactyly
- leptomeningeal
- leptomeningeal hyperemia
- leptomeninges
- leptomeningitis
- leptomeningopathy
- leptomyxid ameba
- leptonema
- leptoprosopia
- leptorhine, leptorrhine
- leptorrhine
- leptoscope
- Leptospira
- Leptospira interrogans icterohaemorrhagiae
- leptospiral jaundice
- leptospire
- leptospirosis
- leptospiruria
- leptotene
- leptothricosis
- Leptus autumnalis
- Leq
- Leriche syndrome
- Leri pleonosteosis
- lesbian
- lesbianism
- Lesch-Nyhan disease, Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome
- Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome
- lesion
- lesional tremor
- lesionectomy
- lesioning
- lesion network mapping
- lesser occipital nerve
- lesser omentum
- lesser pancreas
- lesser peritoneal cavity
- lesser peritoneal sac
- lesser saphenous vein
- lesser sciatic foramen
- lesser sciatic notch
- Lesser triangle
- lesser trochanter
- letdown
- letdown reflex
- lethal
- lethal dose
- lethal dose low
- lethal gene
- lethality
- lethal multiple pterygium syndrome
- lethal synthesis
- lethargic
- lethargy
- lethe
- lethologica
- letter blindness
- Letterer-Siwe disease
- letter fluency test
- letter of intent
- letter of reprimand
- Leu
- leuc-
- leuc-, leuco-
- leucemia
- leucine
- leucine aminopeptidase
- leucine-rich repeat kinase 2
- leucinosis
- leucinuria
- leucitis
- Leuconostoc
- leucovorin, leukovorin
- leucovorin calcium
- leuk-
- leukapheresis, leukopheresis
- leukemia, leucemia
- leukemia cutis
- leukemia inhibitory factor
- leukemic
- leukemic hiatus
- leukemid
- leukemogenesis
- leukemoid reaction
- leukin
- leuko-, leuk-, leuc-, leuco-
- leukoagglutinin
- leukoareosis
- leukocidin
- leukocoria, leukokoria
- leukocyte
- leukocyte adhesion deficiency
- leukocyte common antigen
- leukocyte inhibitory factor
- leukocyte migration inhibition factor
- leukocyte reduced
- leukocyte trafficking
- leukocytic
- leukocytic pyrogen
- leukocytic series
- leukocytoblast
- leukocytogenesis
- leukocytoid
- leukocytolysin
- leukocytolysis
- leukocytoma
- leukocytopenia
- leukocytopoiesis
- leukocytosis
- leukocytospermia
- leukocytotaxis
- leukocytotoxin
- leukocyturia
- leukoderma
- leukoderma acquisitum centrifugum
- leukodystrophy
- leukoedema
- leukoencephalitis
- leukoencephalopathy
- leukoencephalopathy, progressive multifocal
- leukoencephalopathy, toxic
- leukoerythroblastosis
- leukokeratosis
- leukokoria
- leukokraurosis
- leukolymphosarcoma
- leukoma
- leukoma adherens
- leukomatous
- leukomyelitis
- leukomyelopathy
- leukonecrosis
- leukonychia
- leukopathia
- leukopathia unguium
- leukopedesis
- leukopenia
- leukopenic index
- leukopheresis
- leukoplakia
- leukoplakia buccalis
- leukoplakia vulvae
- leukoplakic vulvitis
- leukoplasia
- leukopoiesis
- leukopoietic
- leukopsin
- leukoreduced
- leukoreduction
- leukorrhagia
- leukorrhea
- leukosarcoma
- leukostasis
- leukotactic
- leukotaxis
- leukotomy
- leukotoxic
- leukotoxin
- leukotrichia
- leukotriene
- leukotriene-receptor antagonist
- leukous
- leukovorin
- leumorphin
- lev-
- levallorphan tartrate
- levamisole hydrochloride
- Levaquin
- levarterenol bitartrate
- levator
- levator ani
- levator ani muscle
- levator ani syndrome
- levatores
- levator palpebrae muscle
- levator palpebrae superioris
- LeVeen shunt
- level of activities
- level of health care
- levels of consciousness
- lever
- lever switch
- Levey-Jennings chart
- Levine, Myra
- Levine-Critchley syndrome
- Levin tube
- Levis splint
- Levisticum officinale
- levitation
- levo-, lev-
- levocardia
- levocarnitine
- levoclination
- levocycloduction
- levodopa
- levoduction
- levofloxacin
- levophobia
- levorotation
- levorotatory
- levorphanol tartrate
- levothyroxine sodium
- levotorsion, levoversion
- levoversion
- levulose
- levulosemia
- levulosuria
- Lewis, Gilbert Newton
- Lewis acid
- Lewis base
- lewisite
- lewisite gas
- lexical
- lexile level
- L-forms
- LH
- Li
- liability
- liaison
- Lian point
- libel
- liberation
- liberty interest
- Liberty Mutual elbow
- libidinous
- libido
- Libman-Sacks disease
- library
- lice
- licensed occupational therapist
- licensed practical nurse
- licensed vocational nurse
- licensing, compulsory
- licensure
- licentiate
- lichen
- lichen amyloidosis
- lichenification
- lichen nitidus
- lichenoid
- lichenoid eczema
- lichen pilaris
- lichen planopilaris
- lichen planus
- lichen ruber moniliformis
- lichen ruber planus
- lichen sclerosus et atrophicus
- lichen scrofulosus
- lichen simplex chronicus
- lichen spinulosus
- lichen striatus
- lichen tropicus
- Lichtheim syndrome
- licorice
- lid
- Liddle syndrome
- lid lag
- lidocaine
- lidocaine hydrochloride
- lid reflex
- Lieberkühn crypt
- Lieberkühn gland
- lie detector
- lien
- lien accessorius
- lienal
- lienitis
- lien mobilis
- lienocele
- lienography
- lienomalacia
- lienomedullary
- lienomyelogenous
- lienomyelomalacia
- lienopancreatic
- lienorenal
- lienteric diarrhea
- life
- life balance
- life care retirement community
- life closure
- life cycle
- life expectancy
- life extension
- lifelong learning
- life review therapy
- life satisfaction
- life satisfaction index
- life science
- life skill
- lifespace
- lifespan
- life span
- lifestyle
- lifestyle, sedentary
- lifestyle medicine
- lifestyle redesign
- life support
- life-sustaining intervention
- life-sustaining therapy
- lifetime reserve days
- Li-Fraumeni syndrome
- lift
- lift sheet
- lift team
- ligament
- ligamentopexis
- ligamentopexy, ligamentopexis
- ligamentous
- ligamentous ankylosis
- ligamentum
- ligamentum arteriosum
- ligamentum flavum
- ligamentum teres
- ligand
- ligase
- ligase chain reaction
- ligate
- ligating module
- ligation
- ligature
- ligature needle
- light
- light adaptation
- light-adapted eye
- light cast
- light chains
- light diet
- light difference
- light-emitting device
- lightening
- light-headedness
- light magnesia
- light microscope
- lightning
- lightning pain
- lightning safety rules
- light pointer
- light projection
- light reaction
- light reflex
- light scanning
- light sense
- light therapy
- light-touch palpation
- light unit
- lightwand
- light wave
- lignan
- ligneous conjunctivitis
- lignin
- lignocaine
- likelihood ratio
- likely benign variant
- likely pathogenic variant
- Likert scale
- LILACS database
- Lima syndrome
- limb
- limbal cell autograft
- limbal stem cell autograft
- limb apraxia
- limb ataxia
- limb bud
- limbi
- limbic
- limbic lobe
- limbic-predominant age-related encephalopathy
- limbic system
- limbi palpebrales anteriores
- limbi palpebrales posteriores
- limb-kinetic apraxia
- limb lead
- limb reimplantation
- limb replantation, limb reimplantation
- limbus
- limbus alveolaris
- limbus conjunctivae
- limbus corneae
- limbus fossae ovalis
- limbus laminae spiralis osseae
- limbus sphenoidalis
- lime
- lime (1)
- limen
- limen nasi
- limen of insula
- limes nul
- limes tod
- limestone
- limes zero
- limina
- liminal
- liminal stimulus
- limit
- limitans
- limitation
- limitation of motion
- limited access coronary artery surgery
- limited data set
- limited-stage
- limiting reactant
- limit of detection
- limit of flocculation
- limit of perception
- limit of quantitation
- limit of stability
- limnology
- limonene
- limp
- limulus amebocyte lysate test
- Limus family of drugs
- linac
- linagliptin
- lincomycin hydrochloride
- lincture
- lindane
- Lindau disease
- Lindau-von Hippel disease
- Lindsay nail
- line
- linea
- linea alba
- linea aspera
- linea costoarticularis
- lineae
- lineae albicantes
- lineage
- lineage-restricted
- linea nigra
- linear
- linear acceleration
- linear accelerator
- linear energy transfer
- linear gingival erythema
- linear growth
- linear immunoglobulin A disease
- linearity
- linear osteotomy
- linea semilunaris
- linea splendens
- linea sternalis
- linea striae atrophicae
- linea terminalis
- linea transversae ossis sacri
- line of demarcation
- line of Douglas
- line of fixation
- line of Owen
- line pairs per millimeter
- liner
- lines of Retzius
- lingonberry
- lingu-
- lingua
- lingua-
- linguae
- lingua frenata
- lingua geographica
- lingual
- lingual aponeurosis
- lingual artery
- lingual embrasure
- lingual foramen
- lingual gingiva
- lingual gland
- lingual gyrus
- lingual mucosa
- lingual mucous membrane
- lingual nerve
- lingual pain
- lingual papilla
- lingual septum
- lingual thyroid
- lingual titubation
- lingual tonsil
- lingual vein
- lingua nigra
- lingua plicata
- Linguatula serrata
- lingui-
- linguiform
- lingula
- lingula cerebelli
- lingulae
- lingula of lung
- lingula of mandible
- lingula of sphenoid
- lingulectomy
- linguo-, lingu-, lingua-, lingui-
- linguoclination
- linguodental
- linguodistal
- linguomesial
- linguo-occlusal
- linguopapillitis
- linguopulpal
- linguoversion
- liniment
- linimentum
- linitis
- linitis plastica
- linkage
- linkage map
- linker
- linoleic acid
- linolenic acid
- linseed
- lint
- lintin
- lio-
- liothyronine sodium
- lip
- lip-
- lipacidemia
- lipaciduria
- liparocele
- lipase
- lipasuria
- lip bumper
- lip cancer
- lipectomy
- lipedema
- lipemia
- lipemia retinalis
- lipemic
- lipid, lipide
- lipid-based nutrient supplement
- lipid bilayer
- lipid body
- lipid domain
- lipid droplet
- lipide
- lipidemia
- lipid emulsion
- lipid emulsion infusion
- lipid histiocytosis
- lipid infusion
- lipidization
- lipidomics
- lipidosis
- lipid raft
- lipid-soluble
- lipid storage disease
- lipiduria
- Lipitor
- lip line
- lipo-, lip-
- lipoaspirate
- lipoaspiration
- lipoatrophy
- lipoblast
- lipoblastoma
- lipocele
- lipochondrodystrophy
- lipochondroma
- lipochrome
- lipocyte
- lipodermatosclerosis
- lipodystrophy
- lipodystrophy syndrome
- lipofibroma
- lipofilling
- lipofuscin
- lipofuscinosis
- lipogenesis
- lipogenetic
- lipogenic
- lipogenous, lipogenic
- lipoglycopeptide
- lipogranuloma
- lipogranulomatosis
- lipohyalinosis
- lipoid
- lipoidal degeneration
- lipoid cell tumor of the ovary
- lipoid granuloma
- lipoid nephrosis
- lipoidosis
- lipoid pneumonia
- lipoid proteinosis
- lipoiduria
- lipolipoidosis
- lipolysis
- lipolytic
- lipolytic digestion
- lipolytic enzyme
- lipolytic hormone
- lipoma
- lipoma arborescens
- lipoma diffusum renis
- lipoma durum
- lipoma telangiectodes
- lipomatoid
- lipomatosis
- lipomatosis renis
- lipomatous
- lipomeningocele
- lipomeria
- lipometabolism
- lipomyelomeningocele
- lipomyoma
- lipomyxoma
- Liponyssoides sanguineus
- lipopenia
- lipopenic
- lipopeptide
- lipophagic granuloma
- lipophagy
- lipophanerosis
- lipophil
- lipophilia
- lipophilic
- lipoplasty
- lipopolysaccharide
- lipopolysaccharide-binding protein
- lipoprotein
- lipoprotein (a)
- lipoprotein glomerulopathy
- lipoprotein lipase
- liposarcoma
- liposculpture
- liposhaver
- liposis
- liposoluble
- liposomal
- liposome
- lipostomy
- lipostructure
- liposuction
- lipotoxicity
- lipotropic
- lipotropic factor
- lipotropism
- lipotropy
- lipovaccine
- lipoviral particle
- lipoxidase
- lipoxin
- lipoxygenase
- lipping
- lip-pit syndrome
- lippitude
- lip-read
- lip-reader
- lip reading
- lip reflex
- lipuria
- liquefacient
- liquefaction
- liquefactive necrosis
- liquescent
- liquid
- liquid air
- liquid air therapy
- liquid biopsy
- liquid crystal
- liquid crystal display
- liquid diet
- liquid glucose
- liquid junction
- liquid junction potential
- liquid measure
- liquid membrane electrode
- liquid nitrogen
- liquid paraffin
- liquid petrolatum
- liquid protein diet
- liquid ventilation
- liquor
- liquor amnii
- liquor folliculi
- liquor sanguinis
- liquor solution
- Lisch nodule
- lisdexamfetamine dimesylate
- Lisfranc de St. Martin, Jacques
- lisinopril
- lisp
- lissencephalic
- lissencephalous
- lissencephaly
- lissotrichous
- lissotrichy
- listening device
- Lister, Lord Baron Joseph
- Listeria
- Listeria monocytogenes
- listeriosis, listerosis
- listerosis
- -lite
- liter
- literacy
- literate
- lith-
- lithectasy
- lithectomy
- lithemia
- lithiasis
- lithiasis biliaris
- lithiasis nephritica
- lithiasis renalis
- lithium
- lithium carbonate
- litho-, lith-
- lithocenosis
- lithoclast
- lithoclasty
- lithocystotomy
- lithogenesis
- lithogenic bile
- lithokelyphopedion
- lithokelyphos
- litholabe
- litholapaxy
- lithology
- litholysis
- lithometer
- lithometra
- lithonephritis
- lithonephrotomy
- lithopedion
- lithotome
- lithotomy
- lithotomy position
- lithotomy scoop
- lithotony
- lithotresis
- lithotripsy
- lithotripter, lithotriptor
- lithotriptic
- lithotriptor
- lithotriptoscopy
- lithotrite
- lithotrity
- lithous
- lithoxiduria
- lithuria
- litigation
- litigious paranoia
- litmus
- litmus paper
- litter
- Little disease
- little league elbow
- littoral cell
- littritis
- live attenuated influenza vaccine
- live attenuated measles (rubeola) virus vaccine
- live birth
- lived experience
- livedo
- livedoid vasculitis
- livedo-like dermatitis
- livedo reticularis
- live measles, mumps, and rubella virus vaccine
- live measles and mumps virus vaccine
- live measles and rubella virus vaccine
- live measles virus vaccine
- live oral poliovirus vaccine
- liver
- liver abscess
- liver biopsy
- liver breath
- liver cancer
- liver cell
- liver extract
- liver failure
- liver flap
- liver fluke
- liver function, risk for impaired
- liver function test
- liver lobule
- liver spot
- live rubella virus vaccine
- livid
- lividity
- living donor
- living needs benefit
- living will
- livor
- livor mortis
- lixiviation
- LM
- LN34
- load
- loading
- loading dose
- loading test
- loaiasis
- Loa loa
- lob-
- lobar
- lobar artery
- lobar infiltrate
- lobar pneumonia
- lobar sclerosis
- lobate
- lobbying
- lobe
- lobectomy
- lobelia
- Lobelia
- Lobelia inflata
- lobeline
- lobe of lung
- lobe of mammary gland
- lobes of cerebrum
- lobes of prostate
- lobi-
- lobitis
- lobo-, lobi-, lob-
- Loboa loboi
- Lobo disease
- lobomycosis
- lobotomy
- Lobsteins disease
- lobster-claw hand
- lobular
- lobular involution
- lobulate, lobulated
- lobulated
- lobule
- lobule of epididymis
- lobule of kidney
- lobule of lung
- lobule of testis
- lobule of thymus
- lobuli
- lobulus
- lobus
- local
- local anaphylaxis
- local anesthesia
- local asphyxia
- local death
- local effect of a drug
- local exhaust ventilation
- local field potential
- local immunity
- local infection
- localization
- localized
- localized alveolar osteitis
- localized alveolar ridge augmentation
- localized amyloidosis
- localized morphea
- localized peritonitis
- localizer
- local lesion
- locally advanced
- local massage
- local paralysis
- local reaction
- local recurrence
- local reflex
- local relaxation
- local remedy
- local symptom
- local syncope
- local tetanus
- locator
- locavore
- lochia
- lochia alba
- lochia cruenta
- lochial
- lochial discharge
- lochia rubra
- lochia serosa
- lochiocolpos
- lochiometra
- lochiometritis
- lochiorrhagia
- lochiorrhea
- lochioschesis
- lochometritis
- lockdown
- locked-in state
- locked knee
- Locke solution, Locke-Ringer solution
- lock-in
- locking suture
- lockjaw
- lock-out
- lockout interval
- locomotion
- locomotor
- locomotor ataxia
- locoweed
- locular
- loculated
- loculi
- loculus
- locum tenens
- locum tenentes
- locus
- locus coeruleus
- locus niger
- locus of control
- lod score
- Loeys-Dietz syndrome
- Löfgren syndrome
- loft
- log
- log-, logo-
- -log, -logue
- logadectomy
- logaditis
- logagnosia
- logamnesia
- logaphasia
- logasthenia
- log book
- logo-
- logoklony
- logokophosis
- logomania
- logoneurosis
- logopathia
- logopedia
- logopedics, logopedia
- logopenia
- logopenic
- logoplegia
- logorrhea
- log roll
- -logue
- -logy
- loiasis, loaiasis
- loin
- lomustine
- lone atrial fibrillation
- loneliness
- loneliness, risk for
- long-acting beta agonist
- long-acting contraceptive
- long-acting muscarinic antagonist
- long-acting thyroid stimulator
- longanimity
- long axis
- long back board
- long bone
- long-cone technique
- longevity
- longevity extension
- longi
- longing
- longissimi
- longissimus
- longitudinal
- longitudinal aberration
- longitudinal fissure
- longitudinal presentation
- longitudinal relaxation time
- longitudinal research
- longitudinal section
- longitudinal suture
- long-lever manipulation
- long QT syndrome
- long reflex
- long saphenous vein
- long-scale contrast
- long sequence
- longsightedness
- long slow distance workout
- long-term care
- long-term care facility
- long-term memory
- long-term nonprogressor
- long thoracic nerve
- longus
- look-ahead
- look-alike/sound-alike drugs
- look-alike drug
- lookback
- loop
- loop electrosurgical excision procedure
- looping
- loop-mediated isothermal amplification
- loop recorder
- loose cast syndrome
- loosening
- loosening of association
- loose-packed position
- Looser zone
- Looser zones
- loose skin
- loose space
- lop ear
- loperamide hydrochloride
- lophotrichea
- lophotrichous
- loratadine
- lorazepam
- lordoscoliosis
- lordosis
- lordotic
- lordotic pelvis
- losartan
- loss
- loss aversion
- loss-of-function mutation
- lost to follow-up
- lot
- Lotensin
- lotion
- loudness
- loudness discomfort level
- Lou Gehrig disease
- Louis-Bar syndrome
- loupe
- louse
- louse-borne typhus
- lousiness
- lovage
- lovastatin
- love
- lover's fracture
- low air-loss bed
- low carbohydrate, hypocaloric diet
- low-copper diet
- low-density infection
- low-density lipoprotein
- low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
- low-density lipoprotein particle concentration
- low-density lipoprotein particle number
- low-energy emission therapy
- low-energy fall
- low-energy fracture
- Lowenstein-Jensen medium
- Löwenstein-Jensen medium
- lower center
- lower esophageal sphincter
- lower extremity
- lower gastrointestinal endoscopy
- lower limb ischemia
- lower motoneuron
- lower motor neuron
- lower motor neuron lesion
- lower ridge slope
- lowest observed adverse effect level
- lowest observed effect level
- Lowe syndrome
- low-fat diet
- low-fat milk 1%
- low-fat milk 2%
- low-FODMAP diet
- low-grade astrocytoma
- low-grade infection
- low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion
- low intensity laser therapy
- low level laser therapy
- low libido
- low molecular weight heparin
- low-osmolarity contrast medium
- low-output heart failure
- low PHE diet
- low-power field
- low-pressure chamber
- low-pressure irrigation
- low-protein diet
- low-risk surgery
- low-salt diet
- low-sodium diet
- low-speed dental handpiece
- low-tension glaucoma
- low threshold substance
- low transverse cesarean section
- low-value care
- low vision
- low-volume resuscitation
- lox, LOX
- loxarthron
- loxia
- Loxosceles
- loxoscelism
- loxotomy
- lozenge
- LP
- Lp(a)
- Lp(a) lipoprotein
- L-phase variants
- Lr
- LScA
- LScP
- Lu
- lubb-dupp, lub-dup, lub-dub
- lub-dub
- lub-dup
- lubiprostone
- lubricant
- lubricating enema
- Lucas-Championnière disease
- lucent
- lucid
- lucid interval
- lucidity
- luciferase
- luciferin
- lucifugal
- Lucilia sericata
- lucotherapy
- lues
- luetic
- luetic mask
- luetic pupil
- lukewarm bath
- lumb-
- lumbago
- lumbar
- lumbar abscess
- lumbar artery
- lumbar cistern
- lumbar curvature
- lumbar disk prolapse
- lumbar ganglion
- lumbar hernia
- lumbarization
- lumbar massage
- lumbar nerve
- lumbar plexus
- lumbar puncture
- lumbar reflex
- lumbar region
- lumbar rib
- lumbar roll
- lumbar spinal stenosis
- lumbar splanchnic nerve
- lumbar traction
- lumbar vein
- lumbar vertebra
- lumbi
- lumbo-, lumb-
- lumboabdominal
- lumbocolotomy
- lumbocostal
- lumbocostoabdominal triangle
- lumbodorsal fascia
- lumbodynia
- lumboiliac
- lumboinguinal
- lumboperitoneal shunt
- lumbosacral
- lumbosacral plexus
- lumbosacral trunk
- lumbrical
- lumbrical bar
- lumbricales
- lumbricalis
- lumbrical muscle
- lumbricide
- lumbricoid
- lumbricosis
- lumbricus
- Lumbricus
- lumbus
- lumen
- lumen-apposing stent
- lumen loss
- lumina
- luminal
- luminal breast cancer
- luminescence
- luminiferous
- luminometer
- luminophore
- luminous
- luminous heat
- luminous ray
- lumirhodopsin
- lumpectomy
- lumpy jaw
- lunacy
- lunar
- lunar hymen
- lunate
- lunate bone
- lunatic
- Lund-Browder chart
- lung
- lung abscess
- lung bud
- lung cancer
- lung contusion
- lung field
- lung fluke
- lung hemorrhage
- lung inflammation
- lung irritant gas
- lung pain
- lung-protective strategy
- lung-protective ventilatory mechanical ventilation
- lung surfactant
- lung torsion
- lung transplantation
- lung volume reduction surgery
- lungworm
- lungwort
- lung zone
- lunula
- lunulae
- lunula of valves of heart
- lupiform
- lupoid
- lupoid sycosis
- lupous
- lupus
- lupus erythematosus
- lupus-like syndrome
- lupus panniculitis
- lupus pernio
- lupus profundus
- lupus vulgaris
- lurasidone
- Luria-Bertani broth
- Luschka, Hubert von
- lusitropy
- lute
- luteal
- luteal hormone
- lutecium
- lutein
- lutein cell
- luteinic
- luteinization
- luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome
- luteinizing hormone
- luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone
- luteinizing hormone surge
- luteinizing hormone urine test
- Lutembacher syndrome
- luteolysin
- luteoma
- luteotropic hormone
- luteotropin
- lutetium, lutecium
- luteum
- luting agent
- Lutzomyia
- Lutz-Splendore-Almeida disease
- lux
- luxatio erecta
- luxation
- Luxol fast blue
- LV
- LVMi
- LY
- lyase
- lycanthropy
- lycopene
- lycopenemia
- lycoperdonosis
- lycopodium
- lye
- Lyell disease
- lying-in
- Lyme arthritis
- Lyme carditis
- Lyme disease
- Lyme disease vaccine
- LYMErix
- lymph
- lymph-, lympho-
- lymphadenectasis
- lymphadenectomy
- lymphadenitis
- lymphadenocele
- lymphadenogram
- lymphadenography
- lymphadenoid
- lymphadenoid tissue
- lymphadenopathy
- lymphadenosis benigna cutis
- lymphadenotomy
- lymphadenovarix
- lymphagogue
- lymphangial
- lymphangiectasis
- lymphangiectomy
- lymphangiitis
- lymphangioendothelioma
- lymphangiofibroma
- lymphangiography
- lymphangiology
- lymphangioma
- lymphangiophlebitis
- lymphangioplasty
- lymphangiosarcoma
- lymphangiotomy
- lymphangitis, lymphangiitis
- lymphatic
- lymphatic abscess
- lymphatic blockade
- lymphatic capillary
- lymphatic drainage
- lymphatic duct
- lymphatic mapping
- lymphatic organ
- lymphaticostomy
- lymphatic plexus
- lymphatic pumping
- lymphatic system
- lymphaticus varix
- lymphatic vessel
- lymphatitis
- lymphatolysis
- lymphatolytic
- lymph channel
- lymph circulation
- lymph corpuscle
- lymphectasia
- lymphedema
- lymphedema praecox
- lymphedema pump
- lymphendothelioma
- lymph follicle
- lymph gland
- lymphization
- lymph node
- lymph nodule
- lympho-
- lymphoblast
- lymphoblastic
- lymphoblastoma
- lymphoblastomatosis
- lymphoblastosis
- lymphocele
- lymphocytapheresis
- lymphocyte
- lymphocyte activation
- lymphocyte differentiation
- lymphocyte mitogenic factor
- lymphocytic choriomeningitis
- lymphocytic hypophysitis
- lymphocytic infiltration
- lymphocytoblast
- lymphocytopenia
- lymphocytopoiesis
- lymphocytosis
- lymphocytotoxin
- lymphoduct
- lymphoepithelioma
- lymphogenesis
- lymphogenous
- lymphoglandula
- lymphogranuloma inguinale
- lymphogranulomatosis
- lymphogranuloma venereum
- lymphogranuloma venereum antigen
- lymphography
- lymphoid
- lymphoid cell
- lymphoidectomy
- lymphoid follicle
- lymphoid irradiation
- lymphoid leukocyte
- lymphoid nodule
- lymphoid organs
- lymphoid polyp
- lymphoid tissue
- lymphokine
- lymphokine-activated killer cell
- lymphokinesis
- lymphology
- lymphoma
- lymphomata
- lymphomatoid
- lymphomatoid granulomatosis
- lymphomatosis
- lymphomatosis cerebri
- lymphomatous
- lymphomyxoma
- lymphopathia venerea
- lymphopathia venereum, lymphopathia venerea
- lymphopathy
- lymphopenia
- lymphoplasmapheresis
- lymphoplasty
- lymphopoiesis
- lymphopoietic
- lymphopoietin
- lymphopoietin 1
- lymphoproliferative
- lymphoreticular
- lymphoreticular disorder
- lymphorrhagia
- lymphorrhea
- lymphorrhoid
- lymphosarcoma
- lymphoscintigraphy
- lymphostasis
- lymphotaxis
- lymphotome
- lymphotoxin
- lymphotrophy
- lymphotropic
- lymphovascular
- lymph sinus
- lymphuria
- Lynch syndrome
- lyo-
- lyochrome
- lyoenzyme
- Lyon hypothesis
- lyophilization
- lyosorption
- lypressin
- lyra
- lys
- lys-
- lysate
- lyse
- lysemia
- lysergic acid
- lysergic acid diethylamide
- lysi-
- lysimeter
- lysin
- lysine
- lysine acetate
- lysine hydrochloride
- lysinogen
- lysis
- lysis-centrifugation
- -lysis
- lyso-, lysi-, lys-
- lysocephalin
- lysogen
- lysogenesis
- lysogenic
- lysogeny
- lysolecithin
- lysophosphatidic acid
- lysosomal
- lysosomal acid lipase deficiency
- lysosomal storage disease
- lysosome
- lysozyme
- lyssa
- Lyssavirus
- lyssoid
- lyssophobia
- -lyte
- lytic
- lytic cocktail
- -lytic
- lytic virus
- lyze
- LZ