Taber's Medical Dictionary
- O
- O.L.
- o.u.
- O.U., o.u.
- O'Connor Finger Dexterity Test
- O'Connor Tweezer Dexterity Test
- O'nyong-nyong virus
- O'Sullivan-McLeod syndrome
- O2
- O3
- OA
- oak bark
- O antigen
- oarialgia
- oases
- oasis
- oasthouse urine disease
- oat
- oat cell carcinoma
- oath
- oatmeal
- oatmeal bath
- OB
- Obamacare
- obelia
- obelion
- Ober test
- obese
- obesity
- obesity hypoventilation syndrome
- obesogenic
- obesogenicity
- obex
- obfuscation
- object
- object blindness
- object-film distance
- object-image receptor distance
- objective
- objective pain
- objective psychobiology
- objective sign
- objective symptom
- objective vertigo
- object permanence
- object relations
- object span test
- obligate
- obligate aerobe
- obligate anaerobe
- obligate intracellular parasite
- obligate parasite
- oblique
- oblique bandage
- oblique hernia
- oblique illumination
- oblique light
- oblique line of fibula
- oblique line of mandible
- oblique line of radius
- oblique line of thyroid cartilage
- oblique position
- oblique presentation
- oblique vein
- oblique vein of the left atrium
- obliquimeter
- obliquity
- obliquity of the pelvis
- obliquus reflex
- obliteration
- obliterative arteriopathy
- obliterative phlebitis
- Oblomov syndrome
- oblongata
- obnubilation
- obscure
- observational learning
- observational trial
- observer bias
- obsession
- obsessional neurosis
- obsessive
- obsessive-compulsive disorder
- obsessive-compulsive personality
- obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
- obstetric
- obstetrical binder
- obstetrical conjugate
- obstetrical diameter of pelvic inlet
- obstetrical forceps
- obstetrical paralysis
- obstetrical position
- obstetric cholestasis
- obstetric fistula
- obstetrician
- obstetrician's hand
- obstetrics
- obstipation
- obstructed labor
- obstructing thrombus
- obstruction
- obstructive apnea
- obstructive azoospermia
- obstructive biliary cirrhosis
- obstructive constipation
- obstructive defecation syndrome
- obstructive hydrocephalus
- obstructive icterus
- obstructive jaundice
- obstructive nephropathy
- obstructive shock
- obstructive sleep apnea
- obstructive uropathy
- obstruent
- obtrusive
- obtrusiveness
- obtund
- obtunded
- obtundent
- obturation
- obturator
- obturator artery
- obturator canal
- obturator foramen
- obturator fossa
- obturator groove
- obturator hernia
- obturator membrane
- obturator muscle
- obturator needle
- obturator nerve
- obturator vein
- obtuse
- obtuse angle
- obtusion
- OC
- Occam's razor
- occasional parasite
- occipit-
- occipital
- occipital angle
- occipital area
- occipital artery
- occipital bone
- occipital eminence
- occipital gyrus
- occipitalis
- occipitalization
- occipital lobe
- occipital nerve
- occipital pachyderma
- occipital planum
- occipital point
- occipital pole
- occipital sinus
- occipital sulcus
- occipital suture
- occipital triangle of the neck
- occipital vein
- occipito-, occipit-
- occipitoatloid
- occipitoaxoid
- occipitobregmatic
- occipitocervical
- occipitofacial
- occipitofrontal
- occipitofrontal diameter
- occipitofrontalis muscle
- occipitomastoid
- occipitomastoid suture
- occipitomental
- occipitomental diameter
- occipitoparietal
- occipitoparietal fissure
- occipitoparietal suture
- occipitotemporal
- occipitotemporal convolution
- occipitotemporal gyrus
- occipitotemporal sulcus
- occipitothalamic
- occiput
- occlude
- occluder
- occluding thrombus
- occlusal
- occlusal adjustment
- occlusal contact
- occlusal embrasure
- occlusal equilibration
- occlusal guard
- occlusal jaw relation
- occlusal pattern
- occlusal pit
- occlusal plane
- occlusal rehabilitation
- occlusal splint
- occlusal surface
- occlusal template
- occlusal trauma
- occlusal wear
- occlusion
- occlusion laryngostenosis
- occlusion of the pupil
- occlusion rim
- occlusive
- occlusive cerebrovascular disease
- occlusometer
- occlusorehabilitation
- occult
- occult bleeding
- occult blood test
- occult fracture
- occult pneumothorax
- occult primary tumor
- occupation
- occupational
- occupational adaptation
- occupational alienation
- occupational and environmental medicine
- occupational asthma
- occupational cramp
- occupational deafness
- occupational deprivation
- occupational disease
- occupational history
- occupational illness
- occupational imbalance
- occupational injury, risk for
- occupational injustice
- occupational justice
- occupational performance
- occupational profile
- occupational science
- occupational siderosis
- occupational therapist
- occupational therapy
- occupational therapy aide
- occupational therapy assistant
- Occupational Therapy Practice Framework
- occupation-based
- occurrence report
- Ochlerotatus
- ochlophobia
- o-chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile
- ochronosis
- Ocimum sanctum
- Ockelbo disease
- oct-
- octa-, octo-, oct-
- octadecanoic acid
- octahedron
- octan
- octane
- octapeptide
- octaploid
- octaploidy
- octavalent
- octigravida
- octipara
- octo-
- octocrylene
- octogenarian
- octreotide acetate
- ocul-
- ocular
- ocular accommodation
- ocular cone
- ocular dominance
- ocular fundus
- ocular gymnastics
- ocular herpes
- ocular histoplasmosis syndrome
- ocular humor
- ocular hypertension
- ocular hypotensive agent
- ocular ischemic syndrome
- ocularist
- ocular masquerade syndrome
- ocular massage
- ocular migraine
- ocular myopathy
- ocular paralysis
- ocular prosthesis
- ocular pursuit
- ocular refraction
- ocular scoliosis
- ocular torticollis
- ocular vertigo
- oculist
- oculo-, ocul-
- oculoauricular vertebral dysplasia
- oculocardiac reflex
- oculocephalic reflex
- oculocerebrorenal syndrome
- oculocutaneous
- oculodermal melanocytosis
- oculodigital reflex
- oculofacial
- oculogyration
- oculogyria
- oculogyric
- oculogyric crisis
- oculomotor
- oculomotor complex
- oculomotor nerve
- oculomotor nucleus
- oculomycosis
- oculonasal
- oculoplastics
- oculopupillary
- oculoreaction
- oculovestibular test
- oculozygomatic
- oculozygomatic line
- oculus
- oculus dexter
- oculus sinister
- oculus uterque
- OD
- OD'd
- odaxesmus
- odaxetic
- odditis
- odds
- odds ratio
- -ode
- odont-, odonto-
- odontagra
- odontalgia
- odontalgic
- odontatrophy
- odontectomy
- odonterism
- odontia
- odontic
- odontitis
- odonto-
- odontoblast
- odontoblast cell
- odontoblastic layer
- odontoblastoma
- odontobothritis
- odontocele
- odontochirurgical
- odontoclasis
- odontodynia
- odontogenesis, odontogeny
- odontogenesis imperfecta
- odontogenic
- odontogenic cyst
- odontogenic myxoma
- odontogeny
- odontograph
- odontography
- odontoid
- odontoid process
- odontoid vertebra
- odontolith
- odontolysis
- odontoma
- odontomas
- odontomata
- odontonecrosis
- odontonomy
- odontophobia
- odontoprisis
- odontoschism
- odontoscopy
- odontosis
- odontotherapy
- odor
- odorant
- odor identification deficit
- odoriferous
- odoriferous gland
- odorimetry
- odoriphore
- odorography
- odorous
- odynacusis
- -odynia
- odynometer
- odynophagia
- Oedipus complex
- oersted
- oesophago-
- oesophagostomiasis
- Oesophagostomum
- Oesophagostomum apiostomum
- Oestrus ovis
- offal
- off-gassing
- office
- office-based
- official
- official formula
- officinale
- officinalis, officinale
- off-label drug use
- off-load
- off-loading
- off-pump coronary artery bypass
- off-target effect
- Ofuji disease
- ogbanje
- Ogilvie syndrome
- Oguchi disease
- oHCM
- ohm
- Ohm's law
- ohmammeter
- Ohm law
- ohmmeter
- -OH
- Ohtahara syndrome
- OI
- -oid
- oikophobia
- oil
- oil immersion lens
- oil red-O
- ointment
- OKT3
- ol
- olanzapine
- old dislocation
- Older Americans Act
- Older Americans Resources and Services Scale-Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
- old-old
- old sight
- Old World
- ole-
- Olea europaea
- oleaginous
- oleander
- oleate
- oleatum
- olecranal
- olecranarthritis
- olecranarthrocace
- olecranarthropathy
- olecranoid
- olecranon
- olecranon bursa
- olecranon fossa
- olecranon process
- olei-
- oleic
- oleic acid
- olein
- oleo-, ole-, olei-
- oleogranuloma
- oleoresin
- oleosaccharum
- oleotherapy
- oleothorax
- oleovitamin
- oleovitamin A and D
- Olestra
- oleum
- oleum ricini
- olfaction
- olfactometer
- olfactory
- olfactory area
- olfactory bulb
- olfactory cell
- olfactory convolution
- olfactory cortex
- olfactory epithelium
- olfactory foramen
- olfactory gland
- olfactory glomerulus
- olfactory groove
- olfactory hallucination
- olfactory identification deficit
- olfactory imagery
- olfactory labyrinth
- olfactory lobe
- olfactory membrane
- olfactory nasal sulcus
- olfactory nerve
- olfactory neuroblastoma
- olfactory peduncle
- olfactory perception
- olfactory pit
- olfactory placode
- olfactory receptor
- olfactory receptor cell
- olfactory stria
- olfactory sulcus
- olfactory tract
- olfactory trigone
- olig-
- oligemic shock
- oligo
- oligo-, olig-
- oligoanalgesia
- oligoanovulatory
- oligoarthritis
- oligoclonal bands
- oligodactylia
- oligodendroblast
- oligodendroblastoma
- oligodendrocyte
- oligodendroglia
- oligodendroglial cell
- oligodendroglioma
- oligodontia
- oligogenic
- oligohydramnios
- oligomastigate
- oligomeganephronia
- oligomenorrhea
- oligometastasis
- oligonephronia
- oligonucleotide
- oligoovulation
- oligopnea
- oligoptyalism
- oligosaccharide
- oligospermia, oligozoospermatism
- oligotrichia
- oligotyping
- oligozoospermatism
- oliguria
- oliguric
- O-linked
- oliva
- olivae
- olivary
- olivary complex
- olivary eminence
- olivary nucleus
- olivary peduncle
- olive
- olive baboon
- Oliveros virus
- olivifugal
- olivipetal
- olivocerebellar tract
- olivocochlear bundle
- olivopontocerebellar
- olivopontocerebellar atrophy
- Ollier, Louis Xavier Edouard
- Ollier disease
- -ol
- -olol
- olsalazine
- om
- OM
- om-
- omagra
- omalgia
- -oma
- -omas
- -omata
- ombrophobia
- ombudsman
- omega-3 (ω3) fatty acids
- omega-3 fatty acid
- omega-6 fatty acid
- omega-9 fatty acid
- omenta
- omental
- omentalartery
- omental bursa
- omental foramen
- omental graft
- omental hernia
- omental recess
- omentectomy
- omentin
- omentitis
- omentopexy
- omentoplasty
- omentorrhaphy
- omentosplenopexy
- omentotomy
- omentovolvulus
- omentum
- -ome
- omeprazole
- -omic
- -omics
- OMIM number
- Ommaya reservoir
- omn. bih.
- omn. hor.
- omn. noct.
- omn. quad. hor.
- omnipotence of thought
- omnivorous
- omo-, om-
- omoclavicular
- omoclavicular triangle
- omodynia
- omohyoid
- omohyoid triangle
- omophagia
- omphal-
- omphalectomy
- omphalic
- omphalitis
- omphalo-, omphal-
- omphaloangiopagus
- omphalocele
- omphalochorion
- omphalomesenteric
- omphalomesenteric duct
- omphaloncus
- omphalopagus
- omphalophlebitis
- omphalorrhagia
- omphalorrhea
- omphalorrhexis
- omphalos
- omphalosite
- omphalospinous
- omphalotomy
- omphalotripsy
- on
- ON
- onanism
- Onchocerca, Oncocerca
- Onchocerca volvulus
- onchocerciases
- onchocerciasis
- onchosphere
- onco-
- Oncocerca
- oncocyte
- oncocytic change
- oncocytoma
- oncofetal
- oncofetal antigen
- oncofetal protein
- oncogene
- oncogenesis
- oncogenic
- oncogenic osteomalacia
- oncogenic virus
- oncogeriatric
- oncogeriatrics
- oncoides
- oncologist
- oncology
- Oncology Nursing Society
- oncolysate
- oncolysis
- oncolytic
- oncolytic virotherapy
- oncometry
- onconephrology
- oncoretrovirus
- oncornaviruses
- oncosphere, onchosphere
- oncotherapy
- oncothlipsis
- oncotic
- oncotomy
- oncovirus
- on-demand treatment
- Ondine's curse
- one-and-a-half syndrome
- oneiric
- oneirism
- oneirology
- -one
- one-person assist
- one-point discrimination
- one-port umbilical surgery
- oniomania
- onion
- onion skin periosteal reaction
- on-label
- onlay
- online database
- Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
- on-off phenomenon
- onomastics
- onomatology
- onomatomania
- onomatopoeia
- onomatopoeic
- onomatopoiesis, onomatopoeia
- onomatopoietic
- onset of action
- onset of puberty
- on site
- ontogeny
- onych-
- onychalgia
- onychalgia nervosa
- onychatrophia
- onychauxis
- onychectomy
- onychia
- onychitis
- onycho-, onych-
- onychodystrophy
- onychogenic
- onychograph
- onychogryposis
- onychoheterotopia
- onychoid
- onycholysis
- onychoma
- onychomadeses
- onychomadesis
- onychomalacia
- onychomycosis
- onycho-osteodysplasia
- onychopathology
- onychopathy
- onychophagy
- onychophosis
- onychophyma
- onychoptosis
- onychorrhexis
- onychoschizia
- onychosis
- onychotillomania
- onychotomy
- onychotrophy
- onyx
- onyxitis
- oo-
- ooblast
- oocyesis
- oocyst
- oocyte
- oocyte retrieval
- oogenesis
- oogenetic
- oogonia
- oogonium
- ookinesis
- ookinete
- oolemma
- oophagy
- oophor-
- oophorectomy
- oophoritis
- oophoro-, oophor-
- oophorocystectomy
- oophorocystosis
- oophorohysterectomy
- oophoroma
- oophoropexy
- oophoroplasty
- oophorosalpingectomy
- oophorosalpingitis
- oophorotomy
- oophorrhagia
- oophorrhaphy
- ooplasm
- ooplasmic transfer
- oosporangium
- oospore
- ootid
- OP
- opacification
- opacity
- opalescent
- opaque
- open
- open account
- open anesthesia
- open bed
- open biopsy
- open-book fracture
- open chain exercise
- open charting
- open dislocation
- open drainage
- open-ended question
- open enrollment
- open fracture
- open globe
- open-heart surgery
- opening
- opening snap
- open medical record
- openness
- open notes
- open-packed position
- open pneumothorax
- open reduction of fractures
- open set speech recognition
- open sling
- open source
- open-source
- open suction
- open tuberculosis
- open wound
- operable
- opera-glass hand
- operant
- operant conditioning chamber
- operate
- operating microscope
- operating room
- operation
- operational
- operative
- operative delivery
- operative myxedema
- operative vaginal delivery
- operator dependent
- operator gene
- opercula
- opercular
- operculitis
- operculum
- operomics
- operon
- ophiasis
- ophidiophobia
- ophidism
- Ophiophagus
- ophritis, ophryitis
- ophryitis
- ophryon
- ophryosis
- ophryospinal angle
- ophryplasty
- ophthalm-
- ophthalmagra
- ophthalmalgia
- ophthalmatrophia
- ophthalmatrophy, ophthalmatrophia
- ophthalmectomy
- ophthalmencephalon
- ophthalmia
- ophthalmia neonatorum
- ophthalmia nodosa
- ophthalmic
- ophthalmic artery
- ophthalmic biometry
- ophthalmic laboratory technician
- ophthalmic nerve
- ophthalmic reaction
- ophthalmic solution
- ophthalmic sonographer
- ophthalmic vein
- ophthalmitis
- ophthalmo-, ophthalm-
- ophthalmoblennorrhea
- ophthalmocopia
- ophthalmodesmitis
- ophthalmodiaphanoscope
- ophthalmodonesis
- ophthalmodynamometer
- ophthalmodynamometry
- ophthalmodynia
- ophthalmoeikonometer
- ophthalmofundoscope
- ophthalmography
- ophthalmolith
- ophthalmologist
- ophthalmology
- ophthalmomalacia
- ophthalmometer
- ophthalmomycosis
- ophthalmomyiasis
- ophthalmomyitis
- ophthalmomyotomy
- ophthalmoneuritis
- ophthalmopathy
- ophthalmophlebotomy
- ophthalmoplasty
- ophthalmoplegia
- ophthalmoplegia externa
- ophthalmoplegia interna
- ophthalmoplegia partialis
- ophthalmoplegia progressiva
- ophthalmoplegia totalis
- ophthalmorrhagia
- ophthalmorrhea
- ophthalmorrhexis
- ophthalmoscope
- ophthalmoscopic
- ophthalmoscopy
- ophthalmospasm
- ophthalmostat
- ophthalmostatometer
- ophthalmosynchysis
- ophthalmotomy
- ophthalmotonometer
- ophthalmotoxin
- ophthalmotropometer
- ophthalmovascular
- ophthalmoxyster
- -opia, -opy
- opiate
- opiate perinatal withdrawal syndrome
- opiate poisoning
- opiate treatment agreement
- opiate withdrawal syndrome
- opioid
- Opioid-agonist therapy
- opioid analgesic overdose
- opioid rotation
- opiophobia
- opisth-
- opisthenar
- opisthiobasial
- opisthion
- opisthionasial
- opistho-, opisth-
- opisthoglyphous
- opisthognathism
- opisthoporeia
- opisthorchiasis
- Opisthorchis
- Opisthorchis felineus
- Opisthorchis sinensis
- Opisthorchis tenuicollis
- Opisthorchis viverrini
- opisthotic
- opisthotonic
- opisthotonos
- opium
- opium poisoning
- opium poppy
- opo- (1)
- opo- (2)
- opocephalus
- opodidymus
- Oppenheim, Hermann
- Oppenheim's disease
- Oppenheim's gait
- opponens
- opponens pollicis muscle
- opponens splint
- opponentes
- opportunistic drug user
- opportunistic pathogen
- opportunistic salpingectomy
- opportunistic screening
- opposition
- -opsia, -opsy
- opsialgia
- opsin
- opsinogen
- -opsis
- opsoclonus
- opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome
- opsonic
- opsonic index
- opsonic therapy
- opsonification
- opsonin
- opsonization
- opsonocytophagic
- opsonophilia
- opsonophilic
- opsonotherapy
- opt
- optic
- optic agnosia
- optic agraphia
- optical
- optical absorbance
- optical activity
- optical biopsy
- optical blink reflex
- optical coherence tomography
- optical defocus
- optical density
- optical detector
- optic alexia
- optical filter
- optical illusion
- optical righting reflex
- optical rotation
- optical transmission
- optical tweezers
- optic aphasia
- optic ataxia
- optic atrophy
- optic axis
- optic canal
- optic capsule
- optic chiasm
- optic cup
- optic decussation
- optic disk
- optic foramen
- optic hyperesthesia
- optician
- optic keratoplasty
- optic nerve
- optic nerve head
- optic nerve head drusen
- optic nerve head examination
- optic neuritis
- optic neuropathy
- optico-
- opticociliary
- opticokinetic
- opticokinetic nystagmus
- opticonasion
- opticopupillary
- optic papilla
- optic pit
- optic radiation
- optic receptor
- optic recess
- optics
- optic stalk
- optic tract
- optic vesicle
- optima
- optimism
- optimistic bias
- optimum
- optimum temperature
- opto-
- optogenetics
- optogram
- optokinetic
- optometer
- optometric
- optometrical
- optometric cylinder
- optometric sphere
- optometric tablet
- optometrist
- optometry
- optomyometer
- optostriate
- optotype
- opt-out
- -opy
- OR
- ora
- ora (1)
- ora (2)
- orad
- orae
- oral
- oral agent
- oral allergy syndrome
- oral cavity
- oral cavity cancer
- oral contraceptive
- oral diagnosis
- oral digestion
- orale
- oral eroticism
- oral fat load test
- oral glucose tolerance test
- oral hairy leukoplakia
- oral hygiene
- oral hygiene index
- oral immunotherapy
- oral irrigation
- oralism
- orality
- oral keratosis
- oral lips
- orally
- orally disintegrating
- oral mandibular advancement device
- oral membrane
- oral mucosa
- oral nutritional supplement
- oral pathology
- oral phase dysphagia
- oral prophylaxis
- oral rehabilitation
- oral rehydration therapy
- oral resuscitation
- oral sex
- oral surgery
- oral syringe
- oral temperature
- oral tolerance
- oral vestibule
- orange book
- ora serrata retinae
- orb
- orbicular
- orbiculares
- orbicularis
- orbicularis oculi muscle
- orbicularis oris muscle
- orbicular muscle
- orbicular process
- orbicular sign
- orbiculi
- orbiculus
- orbiculus ciliaris
- orbiculus oris
- orbit
- orbital abscess
- orbital artery
- orbital blow-out fracture
- orbital cellulitis
- orbital convolution
- orbitale
- orbital gyrus
- orbital landmark
- orbital lobes
- orbital planum
- orbital process
- orbital rim
- orbital septum
- orbitomeatal line
- orbitonasal
- orbitopagus
- orbitopathy
- orbitotomy
- orcein
- orchectomy
- orcheoplasty
- orchialgia
- orchichorea
- orchid-
- orchidectomy
- orchidic
- orchiditis
- orchido-, orchid-, orchio-, orchi-
- orchidoncus
- orchidopexy
- orchidoplasty
- orchidoptosis
- orchidorrhaphy
- orchidotomy
- orchiectomy, orchectomy
- orchiepididymitis
- orchilytic
- orchio-
- orchio-, orchi-
- orchiodynia
- orchioncus
- orchiopathy
- orchiopexy
- orchioplasty
- orchiorrhaphy
- orchioscheocele
- orchioscirrhus
- orchiotomy
- orchis
- orchitic
- orchitis
- orchitolytic
- orchotomy
- orcin, orcinol
- orcinol
- order
- orderly
- order set
- ordinary negligence
- ordinate
- ordure
- Orem, Dorothea
- orexigen
- orexigenic
- orexin
- orf
- organ
- organ-confined disease
- organ donation
- organelle
- organ failure
- organic
- organic acid
- organic anion transporters
- organic brain syndrome
- organic chemistry
- organic compound
- organic disease
- organic dust toxicity syndrome
- organic dust toxic syndrome, organic dust toxicity syndrome
- organic food
- organic murmur
- organic psychosis
- organic vertigo
- organification
- organified
- organism
- organization
- organizational development
- organization center
- organize
- organized medicine
- organo-
- organoferric
- organ of Giraldés
- organ of Jacobson
- organogel
- organogenesis
- organogenetic
- organoid
- organoid neoplasm
- organoleptic
- organoma
- organomegaly
- organometallic
- organomicria
- organopexy
- organophosphate
- organotherapy
- organotrope, organotropic
- organotropic
- organotropism
- organ perfusion system
- organ preservation
- organ procurement organization
- organ recovery
- organ space
- organ-specific
- organ system
- organ trade
- organ trafficking, organ trade
- organum
- organum auditus
- organum gustus
- organum olfactus
- organum spirale
- organum vestibulocochleare
- organum visus
- organum vomeronasale
- orgasm
- oriental cockroach
- Oriental sore
- orientation
- Orientia tsutsugamushi
- orifice
- orificial
- origin
- original antigenic sin, antigenic sin
- Orlando, Ida Jean
- Ormond disease
- ornithine
- ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency
- Ornithodoros
- Ornithonyssus
- Ornithonyssus bacoti
- Ornithonyssus sylviarum
- ornithosis
- oro-
- oroantral fistula
- orodiagnosis
- orofacial
- orofacial apraxia
- orofaciodigital syndrome
- orolingual
- oromandibular sleep movement disorder
- oronasal
- oronasal membrane
- oropharyngeal candidiasis
- oropharyngeal dysphagia
- oropharynx
- orosomucoid
- orotic acid
- orotracheal
- orphan
- orphan disease
- orphan drug
- orphan virus
- orphenadrine citrate
- orrhomeningitis
- orth-
- ortho-, orth-
- orthoacid
- orthobiosis
- orthocephalic
- orthochorea
- orthochromatic
- orthochromatic erythrocyte
- orthochromophil
- orthodentin
- orthodeoxia
- orthodiagraph
- orthodigita
- orthodontia, orthodontics
- orthodontic movement
- orthodontics
- orthodontist
- orthodox
- orthodox medicine
- orthodromic
- orthogenesis
- orthogenic
- orthogenics
- orthograde
- orthograde position
- orthokeratology
- orthokinetics
- ortholog
- orthomelic
- orthomolecular
- orthomolecular psychiatry
- orthomyxovirus
- orthopaedic
- orthopaedics
- orthopaedist
- orthopantogram
- orthopantograph
- orthopedic, orthopaedic
- orthopedics, orthopaedics
- orthopedic stretcher
- orthopedic surgery
- orthopedic technician
- orthopedist, orthopaedist
- orthopercussion
- orthophoria
- orthophthalaldehyde
- orthopnea
- orthopnea posture
- orthopneic position
- Orthopoxvirus
- orthopraxis
- orthopsychiatry
- orthoptic
- orthoptics
- orthoptist
- Orthoreovirus
- orthorexia, orthorexia nervosa
- orthorexia nervosa
- orthoroentgenography
- orthoses
- orthosis
- orthostatic
- orthostatic albuminuria
- orthostatic hypotension
- orthostatic intolerance
- orthostatic proteinuria
- orthostatic vital signs determination
- orthotast
- orthotics
- orthotist
- orthotonos, orthotonus
- orthotonos posture
- orthotonus
- orthotopic
- orthotopic bladder replacement
- orthotripsy
- orthovoltage
- orthropsia
- Ortner syndrome
- Ortolani maneuver
- -ory
- oryza sativa
- os
- Os
- OS, os
- os (1)
- os (2)
- osazone
- Osborne wave
- os calcis
- oscheal
- oscheitis
- oschelephantiasis
- oscheo-
- oscheocele
- oscheohydrocele
- oscheolith
- oscheoncus
- oscheoplasty
- oscillate
- oscillating vision
- oscillation
- oscillator
- oscillogram
- oscillograph
- oscillometer
- oscillometry
- oscillopsia
- oscilloscope
- Oscinidae
- os coxae
- oscula
- osculation
- osculum
- -ose (1)
- -ose (2)
- Osgood-Schlatter disease
- os hamatum
- os hyoideum
- os ilium
- os innominatum
- -osis
- Osler, Sir William
- Osler maneuver
- osm- (2)
- os magnum
- osmatic
- osmesis
- osmesthesia
- -osmia
- osmic acid
- osmicate
- osmidrosis
- osmiophilic
- osmiophobic
- osmium
- osmium tetroxide
- osmo- (1), osm- (2)
- osmo- (2)
- osmol, osmole
- osmolagnia
- osmolal gap
- osmolality
- osmolar
- osmolarity
- osmole
- osmology
- osmolyte
- osmometry
- osmonosology
- osmophore
- osmoreceptor (1)
- osmoreceptor (2)
- osmoregulation
- osmose
- osmosis
- osmostat
- osmotherapy
- osmotic
- osmotic concentration
- osmotic demyelination syndrome
- osmotic diarrhea
- osmotic diuresis
- osmotic pressure
- osmotoxicity
- os orbiculare
- OspA
- os peroneum
- osphresiolagnia
- osphresiology
- osphresiometer
- osphresis
- osphretic
- osphyalgia
- osphyitis
- osphyomyelitis
- os planum
- os pubis
- os scaphoideum
- ossein
- osseocartilaginous
- osseofibrous
- osseointegration
- osseous
- osseous labyrinth
- osseous lipoma
- osseous system
- ossicle
- ossicula
- ossicular
- ossiculectomy
- ossiculotomy
- ossiculum
- ossific
- ossificans
- ossification
- ossification center
- ossiform
- ossify
- ostalgia
- oste-
- osteal
- osteanagenesis
- ostearthrotomy
- ostectomy, osteectomy
- osteectomy
- osteectopia
- osteitis
- osteitis deformans
- osteitis fibrosa cystica
- osteitis fragilitans
- osteitis pubis
- ostembryon
- os temporale
- ostempyesis
- ostensible agency
- ostensible authority
- osteo-, oste-
- osteoanagenesis
- osteoanesthesia
- osteoaneurysm
- osteoarthritis
- osteoarthropathy
- osteoarthrotomy
- osteoblast
- osteoblastoma
- osteocalcin
- osteocampsia
- osteocarcinoma
- osteocartilaginous
- osteocele
- osteochondral, osteochondrous
- osteochondritis
- osteochondritis deformans juvenilis
- osteochondritis dissecans
- osteochondritis of the tibial tubercle
- osteochondrodysplasia
- osteochondrodystrophy
- osteochondrolysis
- osteochondroma
- osteochondromas
- osteochondromata
- osteochondromatosis
- osteochondrosarcoma
- osteochondrosis
- osteochondrosis deformans tibiae
- osteochondrous
- osteoclasia, osteoclasis
- osteoclasis
- osteoclast
- osteoclastic
- osteoclastogenesis
- osteoclastoma
- osteocope
- osteocopic
- osteocranium
- osteocystoma
- osteocyte
- osteodensitometer
- osteodentin
- osteodermia
- osteodesmosis
- osteodiastasis
- osteodynia
- osteodystrophy
- osteoepiphysis
- osteofibroma
- osteofibrous dysplasia
- osteogen
- osteogenesis, osteogeny
- osteogenesis imperfecta
- osteogenetic
- osteogenic
- osteogenic, osteogenetic
- osteogenic layer
- osteogenic sarcoma
- osteogeny
- osteography
- osteohalisteresis
- osteoid
- osteoid osteoma
- osteokinematic
- osteokinematic motion
- osteokinematics
- osteolipochondroma
- osteologist
- osteology
- osteolysis
- osteolytic
- osteoma
- osteoma cutis
- osteoma durum
- osteomalacia
- osteomalacic
- osteomalacic pelvis
- osteoma medullare
- osteomas
- osteoma spongiosum
- osteomata
- osteomatosis
- osteomere
- osteometry
- osteomuscular
- osteomyelitis
- osteon, osteone
- osteone
- osteonecrosis
- osteonectin
- osteoneuralgia
- osteopath
- osteopathia
- osteopathic
- osteopathic scoliosis
- osteopathology
- osteopathy
- osteopedion
- osteopenia
- osteoperiosteal
- osteoperiostitis
- osteopetrosis
- osteophage
- osteophlebitis
- osteophone
- osteophony
- osteophore
- osteophyte
- osteoplaque
- osteoplast
- osteoplastic
- osteopoikilosis
- osteopontin
- osteoporosis
- osteoporosis circumscripta cranii
- osteoporosis of disuse
- osteoporosis risk assessment instrument
- osteoporosis self-assessment tool
- osteoporotic
- osteoprogenitor cell
- osteoprotegerin
- osteoradionecrosis
- osteorrhaphy
- osteosarcoma
- osteosclerosis
- osteosclerosis fragilis
- osteoseptum
- osteosis
- osteosis cutis
- osteospongioma
- osteostatin
- osteosteatoma
- osteosuture
- osteosynovitis
- osteosynthesis
- osteotelangiectasia
- osteothrombosis
- osteotome
- osteotomoclasis
- osteotomy
- osteotribe
- osteotrite
- osteotylus
- ostia
- ostial
- ostitis
- ostium
- ostium abdominale tubae uterinae
- ostium arteriosum
- ostium internum
- ostium pharyngeum
- ostium primum
- ostium primum defect
- ostium secundum
- ostium secundum defect
- ostium tympanicum
- ostium urethrae externum
- ostium uteri
- ostium uterinum tubae
- ostium vaginae
- ostomate
- ostomy
- ostosis
- ostraceous
- ostreotoxism
- os trigonum
- os unguis
- os uteri
- os uteri externum
- os uteri internum
- os ventriculi
- os vesalianum
- Oswestry Disability Scale
- OT
- ot-
- OT(C)
- otalgia
- otantritis
- otectomy
- Othello syndrome
- othematoma
- otic
- otic capsule
- otic ganglion
- otic neuralgia
- otic vesicle
- otitic
- otitis
- otitis externa
- otitis interna
- otitis labyrinthica
- otitis mastoidea
- otitis media
- otitis media with effusion
- otitis mycotica
- otitis parasitica
- otitis sclerotica
- oto-, ot-
- otoacoustic
- otoacoustic emissions test
- otoantritis
- otocephalus
- otocephaly
- otocyst
- otodynia
- otogenic, otogenous
- otogenous
- otolaryngologist
- otolaryngology
- otolith
- otolithic membrane
- otological
- otologist
- otology
- otomucormycosis
- otomyces
- otomycosis
- otoncus
- otonecrectomy, otonecronectomy
- otonecronectomy
- otoneurology
- otopharyngeal
- otopharyngeal tube
- otoplasty
- otorhinolaryngology
- otorhinology
- otorrhea
- otoscleronectomy
- otosclerosis
- otoscope
- otoscopy
- otospongiosis
- otosteal
- ototomy
- ototopical
- ototoxic
- ototoxic deafness
- Ottawa knee rules
- ouabain
- oulitis
- oulorrhagia
- ounce
- -ous
- outborn
- outbreak
- outbreeding
- outcome
- outcome and assessment information set
- outcome criterion
- outcome error
- outcome measure
- outcomes research
- outcrossing
- outer ear
- outer hamstring
- outer nuclear layer
- outflow
- outflow tract
- outlay
- outlet
- outlier
- out-of-body experience
- out-of-hospital
- out-of-hospital birth
- out-of-network
- out-of-pocket medical expenses
- outpatient
- outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy
- outpocketing
- output
- outreach
- outrigger
- outsource
- outsourcing
- outstretched
- ov-
- oval
- ovalbumin
- ovalocyte
- ovalocytosis
- oval window
- ovaralgia, ovarialgia
- ovari-
- ovaria
- ovarialgia
- ovarian
- ovarian artery
- ovarian cancer
- ovarian dwarf
- ovarian failure
- ovarian follicle
- ovarian fossa
- ovarian graft
- ovarian hernia
- ovarian hormone
- ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
- ovarian plexus
- ovarian pregnancy
- ovarian remnant syndrome
- ovarian suppression
- ovarian varicocele
- ovarian vein
- ovariectomy
- ovario-, ovari-
- ovariocele
- ovariocentesis
- ovariocyesis
- ovariogenic
- ovariopexy
- ovariorrhexis
- ovariosalpingectomy
- ovariostomy
- ovariotomy
- ovariotubal
- ovariprival
- ovaritis
- ovarium
- ovary
- overactive bladder
- overbite
- overclosure
- overcompensation
- overcorrection
- overcrowded
- overdenture
- overdetection
- overdetermination
- overdiagnosis
- overdistention
- overdose
- overdrive pacing
- overeruption
- overexertion
- overexposure
- overexpress
- overexpression
- overextension
- overfamiliarity
- overfitting
- overflow
- overflow incontinence
- overflow proteinuria
- overflow urinary incontinence
- overgrowth
- overgrowth syndrome
- overhang
- overhead arm raise test
- overhydration
- overjet
- overlap
- overlap syndrome
- overlay
- overlaying
- overload
- overmedication
- overpressure
- overproduction
- overprotection
- over-response
- overriding
- overriding fracture
- overshoot
- overt
- over-the-counter
- overtoe
- overtone
- overtreatment
- overtriage
- overt thyroid disease
- overuse syndrome
- overweight
- overweight, risk for
- ovi-, ovo-, ov-
- ovicide
- oviduct
- oviferous
- oviform
- ovigenesis
- ovigerm
- ovine
- oviparity
- oviparous
- oviposition
- ovipositor
- ovo-
- ovocenter
- ovocyte
- ovoflavin
- ovogenesis, ovigenesis
- ovoglobulin
- ovoid
- ovomucin
- ovomucoid
- ovoplasm
- ovotesticular disorder of sex development
- ovotestis
- ovovitellin
- ovoviviparous
- ovular
- ovulation
- ovulation age
- ovulation prediction test
- ovulatory
- ovulatory factor
- ovule
- ovulogenous
- ovum
- Owren disease
- ox
- ox-
- oxa-, ox-
- oxacillin
- oxacillin sodium
- oxal-, oxalo-
- oxalate
- oxalate nephropathy
- oxalemia
- oxalic acid
- oxalic acid fermentation
- oxalism
- oxalo-
- Oxalobacter formigenes
- oxalosis
- oxaluria
- oxandrolone
- oxazepam
- oxazolidinone
- Oxford Sleep Resistance test
- oxidant
- oxidase
- oxidation
- oxidation-reduction reaction
- oxidative burst
- oxidative stress
- oxide
- oxidize
- oxidized cellulose
- oxidized low-density cholesterol lipoprotein
- oxidizing enzyme
- oxidoreductase
- oxim, oxime
- oxime
- oximeter
- oximetry
- oxindole
- oxoacid
- 5-oxoproline
- oxy- (1)
- oxy- (2)
- oxyacusis
- oxybenzene
- oxyblepsia
- oxycellulose
- oxycephalous
- oxycephaly
- oxychloride
- oxychromatic
- oxychromatin
- oxycodone
- Oxycontin
- oxyecoia
- oxyesthesia
- oxygen
- oxygen-15
- oxygen acceptor
- oxygenase
- oxygenate
- oxygenated blood
- oxygenation
- oxygenator
- oxygen bath
- oxygen capacity
- oxygen concentrator
- oxygen consumption
- oxygen content
- oxygen delivery
- oxygen delivery system
- oxygen-derived free radical
- oxygen desaturation index
- oxygen electrode
- oxygen enricher
- oxygen extraction
- oxygen hood
- oxygenic
- oxygenize
- oxygen mask
- oxygen pulse
- oxygen-reduction test
- oxygen saturation
- oxygen tent
- oxygen therapy
- oxygeusia
- oxyhematin
- oxyhematoporphyrin
- oxyhemoglobin
- oxyhemoglobin fraction
- oxyhemoglobin saturation
- oxyhydrocephalus
- oxyimino beta lactam antibiotic
- oxyiodide
- OxyIR
- oxymetazoline hydrochloride
- oxymetholone
- oxymorphone hydrochloride
- oxymyoglobin
- oxyntic
- oxyntic cell
- oxyntic gland
- oxyntomodulin
- oxyopia
- oxyopter
- oxyosmia
- oxyosphresia
- oxypathia, oxypathy
- oxypathy
- oxyperitoneum
- oxyphil, oxyphile
- oxyphile
- oxyphonia
- oxypurine
- oxyrhine
- oxytalan
- oxytalan fiber
- oxytetracycline
- oxytocic
- oxytocic principle
- oxytocin
- oxytocin challenge test
- Oxyuranus
- oxyuriasis
- oxyuricide
- Oxyuris vermicularis
- Oxyuroidea
- oyster
- oyster mushroom
- oz
- oz. ap.
- oz. av.
- ozena
- ozonation
- ozone
- ozone therapy
- ozonize
- ozostomia