Taber's Medical Dictionary
- r
- R
- R-
- R.D.A.
- R.D.P.
- R+
- R0
- Ra
- RA
- RabAvert
- rabbetting
- rabbit fever
- rabbitpox
- rabiate
- rabic
- rabicidal
- rabid
- rabies
- rabies immune globulin, human rabies immune globulin
- rabies vaccine
- rabiform
- raccoon ascaris
- raccoon eye
- raccoon roundworm encephalitis
- race
- racemase
- racemate
- racemic
- racemic epinephrine
- racemization
- racemose
- racemose aneurysm
- racemose gland
- rachi-, rachio-
- rachial
- rachicele
- rachidial
- rachidian
- rachilysis
- rachio-
- rachiometer
- rachiopagus
- rachiotome
- rachis
- rachischisis
- rachises
- rachitic
- rachitic beads
- rachitic dwarf
- rachitic pelvis
- rachitic rosary
- rachitic scoliosis
- rachitic tetany
- rachitis
- rachitis fetalis annularis
- rachitis fetalis micromelica
- rachitome
- rachitomy
- racial discrimination
- racial profiling
- raclage
- rad
- radiability
- radiable
- radiad
- radial artery
- radial fossa of humerus
- radial glial cell
- radial groove
- radial head subluxation
- radialis
- radial keratotomy
- radial nerve
- radial notch
- radial paralysis
- radial pulse
- radial reflex
- radial symmetry
- radial tuberosity
- radial vein
- radian
- radiant
- radiant energy
- radiant heat
- radiant warmer
- radiate
- radiatio
- radiation
- radiation absorbed dose
- radiation accident
- radiation biology
- radiation burn
- radiation caries
- radiation cataract
- radiation colitis
- radiation contamination
- radiation dermatitis
- radiation detector
- radiation dose
- radiation-emitting products
- radiation enteritis
- radiation enteropathy
- radiation-induced mucositis
- radiation isocenter
- radiation maculopathy
- radiation necrosis
- radiation of corpus callosum
- radiation oncology
- radiation protection
- radiation recall
- radiation recall dermatitis
- radiation sickness
- radiation symbol
- radiation syndrome
- radiation therapist
- radiation therapy
- radiation therapy technologist
- radiation tolerance
- radiation treatment
- radiation window
- radiator
- radical
- radical cure
- radical hysterectomy
- radical mastectomy
- radical neck dissection
- radical surgery
- radical treatment
- radiciform
- radicle
- radicotomy
- radicul-, radiculo-
- radicula
- radiculalgia
- radicular
- radicular artery
- radicular cyst
- radicular odontoma
- radicular pain
- radicular pulp
- radicular vessel
- radiculectomy
- radiculitis
- radiculo-
- radiculoganglionitis
- radiculomedullary
- radiculomeningomyelitis
- radiculoneuritis
- radiculopathy
- radio-
- radioactinium
- radioactive
- radioactive decay
- radioactive implant
- radioactive iodine
- radioactiveiridium
- radioactive isotope
- radioactive patient
- radioactive spill
- radioactive tag
- radioactivity
- radioallergosorbent test
- radioantibody
- radioautograph
- radiobicipital
- radiobiological
- radiobiology
- radiocalcium
- radiocarbon
- radiocardiogram
- radiocardiography
- radiocarpal
- radiochemistry
- radioconjugate
- radiocontrast
- radiocontrast-induced nephropathy
- radiocurable
- radiocystitis
- radiodense
- radiodensity
- radiodermatitis
- radiodiagnosis
- radiodigital
- radiodontia
- radioecology
- radioelectrocardiogram
- radioelectrocardiography
- radioelement
- radioembolization
- radioencephalogram
- radioencephalography
- radioepidermitis
- radioepithelitis
- radiofrequency
- radiofrequency ablation
- radiofrequency electrophrenic respiration
- radiofrequency identification
- radiofrequency resurfacing
- radiogenic
- radiogold
- radiograph
- radiographer
- radiographic diagnosis
- radiographic image
- radiographic landmark
- radiographic window
- radiography
- radiohumeral
- radioimmunity
- radioimmunoassay
- radioimmunoconjugate
- radioimmunodiffusion
- radioimmunoelectrophoresis
- radioimmunoimaging
- radioimmunosorbent test
- radioimmunotherapy
- radioiodine
- radioiron
- radioisotope
- radioisotope scanning
- radiolabel
- radiolead
- radiolesion
- radioligand
- radiological anatomy
- radiological dispersal device
- radiological examination
- radiological guidance
- radiologically isolated syndrome
- radiological technologist
- radiologic emergency assistance
- radiologist
- radiologist assistant
- radiology
- radiology information system
- radiolucency
- radiolucent
- radiolucent medium
- radiolus
- radiometer
- radiometric culture
- radiomicrometer
- radiomics
- radiomimetic
- radiomuscular
- radiomutation
- radionecrosis
- radioneuritis
- radionitrogen
- radionuclide
- radionuclide angiography
- radionuclide cineangiocardiography
- radionuclide-linked monoclonal antibody
- radionuclide reflux imaging
- radionuclide ventriculogram
- radiopacity
- radiopaque
- radiopaque medium
- radioparency
- radioparent
- radiopathology
- radiopelvimetry
- radiopharmaceutical
- radiophobia
- radiophosphorus
- radiopotassium
- radiopotentiation
- radioprotective drug
- radiopulmonography
- radioreaction
- radioreceptor
- radioresistant
- radioresponsive
- radioscopy
- radiosensibility
- radiosensitive
- radiosensitivity
- radiosensitize
- radiosodium
- radiostrontium
- radiosulfur
- radiosurgery
- radiosurgical
- radiotelemetry
- radiotherapeutics
- radiotherapist
- radiotherapy
- radiothermy
- radiothorium
- radiotoxemia
- radiotracer
- radiotransparent
- radioulnar
- radio wave
- radium
- radium beam therapy
- radium emanation
- radius
- radix
- radon
- radon seed
- radura
- Raeder paratrigeminal syndrome
- raffinose
- raft
- rage
- ragsorter's disease
- ragweed
- Raillietina
- Raimiste phenomenon
- Raimiste sign
- raised
- raised toilet seat
- rale
- raloxifene
- ram's head
- ramicotomy
- ramification
- ramify
- ramisection
- ramisectomy
- ramitis
- ramose
- ramp
- rampant caries
- ramp up
- Ramsay Hunt syndrome
- ramulus
- ramus
- ramus communicans
- Rancho Los Amigos Guide to Cognitive Levels
- rancid
- rancidity
- random
- random error
- randomization
- random mating
- random practice
- random sampling
- random-zero sphygmomanometer
- range
- range of accommodation
- range of motion
- range-of-motion exercise
- ranine
- ranitidine
- Rankin scale, Rankin score
- Rankin score
- RANKL, RANK ligand
- RANK ligand
- ranula
- rape
- rape counseling
- rapeseed
- rape-trauma syndrome
- raphania, rhaphania
- raphe
- raphenucleus
- raphe of penis
- raphe of scrotum
- raphe of tongue
- rapid alternating movement test
- rapid antigen detection test
- rapid antigen test
- rapid cyclic hormone therapy
- rapid cycling
- rapid eye movement
- rapid eye movement sleep
- rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder, REM sleep behavior disorder
- rapid eye movement sleep disorder
- rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test
- rapid hormone cycling
- rapidly progressive dementia
- rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
- rapidly recurrent cholestatic hepatitis C
- rapidly recurring cholestatic hepatitis C
- rapid maxillary expansion
- rapid plasma reagin
- rapid pulse
- rapid response team
- rapid-sequence induction
- rapid sequence intubation
- rapid strep test
- rapid surfactant test
- rapid trauma assessment
- rapid trauma exam
- rappel
- rapport
- rapture
- Rapunzel syndrome
- rare earth element
- rare-earth phosphor
- rarefaction
- rarefaction of bone
- rarefy
- rarefying osteitis
- rasayana
- rash
- rasion
- raspatory
- raspberry tongue
- Rastafarian
- rasura
- rat
- rate
- rate constant
- rate-determining step
- rate of perceived exertion
- rate-responsive pacemaker
- rat flea
- rating
- ratio
- ration
- rational
- rational drug design
- rationale
- rationalization
- rational symptom
- rational treatment
- rationing
- rat lungworm
- rat-tailed maggot
- rat tapeworm
- rattle
- rattlesnake
- rattlesnake root
- rat unit
- raucous
- rauschpfeffer
- Rauvolfia serpentina
- Rauwolfia serpentina, Rauvolfia serpentina
- rave
- raving
- raw
- raw egg
- raw milk
- ray
- Raynaud, Maurice
- Raynaud disease
- Raynaud phenomenon
- rayon, purified
- razor bumps
- Rb
- rbc
- RBC, rbc
- RB gene
- Re
- RE
- re-
- reabsorb
- reabsorption
- reacher
- react
- reactance
- reactant
- reaction
- reaction of degeneration
- reaction time
- reactivate
- reactivation
- reactive
- reactive airway disease
- reactive airways dysfunction syndrome
- reactive arthritis
- reactive attachment disorder
- reactive case detection
- reactive depression
- reactive hyperemia
- reactive hypoglycemia
- reactive lymphocyte
- reactive oxygen species
- reactive tracing
- reactivity
- reactogenic
- reactogenicity
- read
- read back
- readiness
- reading
- reading difficulty
- reading disability
- reading disorder
- reading epilepsy
- reading machine for the blind
- readmission
- readmit
- readout
- ready-to-use
- reagent
- reagent strip
- reagin
- reaginic
- real focus
- real image
- reality
- reality orientation
- reality testing
- reality therapy
- real-time
- real-time ultrasound
- real world data
- reamer
- reanastomosis, surgical
- reanimate
- reanimation`
- reapers' keratitis
- rear foot
- rearfoot, rear foot
- reasonable accommodation
- reasonable and customary fee
- reasonable care
- reasonable certainty
- reasonable cost
- reasonable patient standard
- reasonable physician standard
- reasoning
- reasoning, narrative
- reassessment
- reassortant vaccine
- reassortant virus
- reattachment
- reauthorization
- rebase
- rebleed
- rebound
- rebound hypertension
- rebound nystagmus
- rebound phenomenon
- rebound scurvy
- rebound tenderness
- rebreathing
- Rebuck skin window test
- rebut
- rebuttal
- recalcification
- recalcification test
- recalcitrant
- recall
- recall bias
- recall rate
- recanalizae
- recanalization
- recapitulation theory
- receiver
- receiver operating characteristic
- receiver operating curve
- recency bias
- recency effect
- recent dislocation
- recent obesity
- receptacula
- receptaculum
- receptaculum chyli
- receptive field
- receptive joint
- receptor
- receptor-binding screening
- receptor-operated channel
- receptor site
- receptor trafficking
- receptor tyrosine kinase
- receptosome
- recess
- recession
- recessive
- recessive characteristic
- recessive disorder
- recessive gene
- recessus
- recidivation
- recidivism
- recidivist
- recidivity
- recipe
- recipient
- recipient site
- reciprocal
- reciprocal innervation
- reciprocation
- reciprocity
- reciprocity law
- Recklinghausen, Friedrich D. von
- Recklinghausen canal
- Recklinghausen disease
- reclination
- recline
- reclining position
- Reclus disease
- recognition
- recoil
- recombinant
- recombinant tPA
- recombinase
- recombination
- recombinational
- Recombivax HB
- recommended energy and nutrient intake
- recommended practice
- recomposition
- recompression
- reconcentration
- reconditioning
- reconstitute
- reconstituted blood
- reconstitution
- reconstruction
- reconstruction of the knee
- reconstructive ladder
- reconstructive surgery
- recontamination
- record
- recording thermometer
- recover
- recovered memory
- recovery
- recovery house
- recovery room
- recovery time
- recreation
- recreational drug
- recredentialing
- recrement
- recrudescence
- recrudescent
- recrudescent typhus
- recruitment
- recruitment maneuver
- recruitment of end organs
- rectal
- rectal abscess
- rectal alimentation
- rectal anesthesia
- rectal artery
- rectal column
- rectal crisis
- rectal feeding
- rectalgia
- rectal injection
- rectal lithotomy
- rectal plexus
- rectal temperature
- rectal thermometer
- rectal valve
- rectal vein
- recti-, rect-
- rectification
- rectified
- rectifier
- rectitis
- recto-, rect-
- rectoabdominal
- rectoabdominal examination
- rectocele
- rectoclysis
- rectococcygeal
- rectococcypexia
- rectocolitis
- rectocystotomy
- rectolabial
- rectopexy
- rectophobia
- rectoplasty
- rectorrhaphy
- rectoscope
- rectoscopy
- rectosigmoid
- rectosigmoidectomy
- rectostenosis
- rectostomy
- rectotomy
- rectourethral
- rectouterine
- rectouterine excavation
- rectouterine fold
- rectouterine pouch
- rectovaginal
- rectovaginal fistula
- rectovaginal septum
- rectovesical
- rectovesical pouch
- rectovesical septum
- rectovestibular
- rectovulvar
- rectum
- rectus
- rectus abdominis muscle
- rectus femoris muscle
- rectus sheath
- recumbency
- recumbent
- recuperation
- recurrence
- recurrent
- recurrent abortion
- recurrent anterior compartment syndrome
- recurrent apical ballooning syndrome
- recurrent bandage
- recurrent caries
- recurrent compartment syndrome
- recurrent hypersomnia
- recurrent laryngeal nerve
- recurrent meningeal nerve
- recurrent miscarriage
- recurrent polyserositis
- recurrent stroke
- recurvation
- recurvatum
- recurve
- red
- red. in pulv.
- red band gingivitis
- red blood cell cast
- red blood cell enzyme evaluation
- red blood cell scan
- red blood cell substitute
- red blood corpuscle
- redbug
- red bug
- red cell
- red cell ghost
- red clover
- red contracted kidney
- red corpuscle
- Red Cross
- red eye reflex
- Red Flag Law
- red-green blindness
- red-green color blindness
- redia
- rediae
- redifferentiation
- red induration
- red infarct
- redintegration
- redistribution
- red lead
- red man (neck) syndrome
- red milk
- red mite
- red muscle
- red nucleus
- redo
- re-do
- redose
- redosing
- red-out
- redox
- redox enzyme
- red poppy
- red pulp
- red rash
- red raspberry
- red reflex
- red rice yeast extract
- red rule
- red scorpion
- red stone
- red-top tube
- red top tube, red-top tube
- reduce
- reduced enamel epithelium
- reduced glutathione
- reduced intensity transplant
- reduced pelvis
- reduced ventilation
- reducible
- reducible hernia
- reducing diet
- reducing enzyme
- reducing substance
- reducing valve
- reductant
- reductase
- reduction
- reduction division
- reduction mammaplasty
- redundant
- reduplicated
- reduplication
- reduplicative paramnesia
- reduviid
- Reduviidae
- Reduvius
- Reduvius personatus
- red wale markings
- red wine
- red yeast rice extract
- Reed-Sternberg cell
- reeducation
- reedy nail
- reef
- reentry
- reexpansion pulmonary edema
- re-experience
- refection
- refeeding syndrome
- refer
- reference
- reference delusion
- reference electrode
- reference group
- reference laboratory
- reference man
- reference pricing
- reference standard
- reference value
- reference woman
- referral
- referral bias
- referred pain
- referred sensation
- refine
- reflectance
- reflectance photometer
- reflected light
- reflection
- reflectometer
- reflectometry
- reflector
- reflex
- reflex action
- reflex arc
- reflex center
- reflex cough
- reflex decay test
- reflex epilepsy
- reflex excitability
- reflex hammer
- reflex iridoplegia
- reflexive testing
- reflexogenic
- reflexogenous
- reflexograph
- reflexology
- reflexometer
- reflexophil
- reflexotherapy
- reflex seizure
- reflex sensation
- reflex tachycardia
- reflex testing, reflexive testing
- reflex urinary incontinence
- reflex vasodilatation
- reflux
- refluxate
- reflux disease
- reflux esophagitis
- reflux laryngitis
- reflux nephropathy
- reformulate
- reformulation
- refract
- refracta dosi
- refracted light
- refracting medium
- refraction
- refractionist
- refraction of eye
- refractive
- refractive amblyopia
- refractive index
- refractive keratoplasty
- refractive media
- refractive power
- refractive surgery
- refractive visual impairment
- refractivity
- refractometer
- refractometry
- refractory
- refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia
- refractory epilepsy
- refractory shock
- refracture
- refrangible
- refresh
- refrigerant
- refrigeration
- refrigeration anesthesia
- refringent
- Refsum disease
- refuge
- refugee
- refusal of therapy
- refusal to treat
- refuse
- regainer
- Regan isoenzyme
- regeneration
- regenerative medicine
- regimen
- regimen simplification
- regio
- region
- regional
- regional anesthesia
- regional enteritis
- regional ileitis
- region of interest
- register
- registered dietitian
- Registered Health Information Administrator
- Registered Health Information Technician
- registered nurse
- registered nurse first assistant
- registered pulmonary function technologist
- registrant
- registrar
- registration
- registry
- regression
- regression to the mean
- regressive
- regressive autism
- regressive resistive exercise
- regret
- regular
- regular astigmatism
- regularity
- regular pulse
- regulated secretion
- regulation
- regulative
- regulator
- regulator gene
- regulatory B cell
- regulatory mutation
- regulatory sequence
- regulatory T cell
- regulon
- regurgitant
- regurgitant murmur
- regurgitation
- regurgitation jaundice
- rehabilitation
- rehabilitation engineering
- Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America.
- rehabilitation engineering technologist
- rehabilitation psychology
- rehabilitee
- rehab sector
- rehearsal imagery
- rehearse
- rehydration
- Reid base line
- Reifenstein syndrome
- Reiki
- reimbursement
- reimplantation
- reimportation
- reincarnation
- reinfarction
- reinfection
- reinforcement
- reinforcer
- reinfusion
- Reinke, Friedrich Berthold
- Reinke space
- reinnervation
- reinoculation
- reintegration
- reinversion
- Reiter syndrome
- rejection
- rejection vasculitis
- rejuvenation
- rejuvenescence
- relapse
- relapsing
- relapsing febrile nodular nonsuppurative panniculitis
- relapsing fever
- relapsing polychondritis
- related HLA-identical donor
- relation
- relational disorder
- relationship-centered care
- relative accommodation
- relative biological effect
- relative biological effectiveness, relative biological effect
- relative bradycardia
- relative contraindication
- relative density
- relative flexibility
- relative humidity
- relative hyperopia
- relative incompetence
- relative infectivity
- relative polycythemia
- relative risk
- relatives
- relative scotoma
- relative sterility
- relator
- relax
- relaxant
- relaxation
- relaxation exercise
- relaxation suture
- relaxed movement
- relaxin
- relaxing incision
- relaxometry
- relearning
- release
- release hallucination
- releasing hormone
- reliability
- relief
- relief suture
- relieve
- religiosity, impaired
- religiosity, readiness for enhanced
- religiosity, risk for impaired
- religious mania
- reline
- relocation stress syndrome
- relocation test
- rem
- Remak, Robert
- Remak axis cylinder
- Remak band
- Remak fiber
- REM behavior disorder, rapid eye movement sleep disorder, REM sleep behavior disorder
- remedial
- remedy
- remineralization
- reminiscence therapy
- reminiscent neuralgia
- remission
- remittance
- remittent
- remittent fever
- remittent pain
- remnant
- remnant radiation
- remnant removal disease
- remodeling
- remote
- remote access
- remote cause
- remote ischemic preconditioning
- remote memory
- remote monitoring
- remote patient monitoring, remote monitoring
- remote surgeon
- remote surgery
- removable bridgework
- removal of tattooing
- ren
- ren-
- renal
- renal abscess
- renal acidosis
- renal artery
- renal artery stenosis
- renal calculus
- renal capsule
- renal cell carcinoma
- renal clearance test
- renal colic
- renal column
- renal corpuscle
- renal cortex
- renal decortication
- renal denervation
- renal diabetes
- renal dialysis
- renal dwarf
- renal failure
- renal Fanconi syndrome
- renal fascia
- renal ganglion
- renal glycosuria
- renal hematuria
- renal hypertension
- renal infantilism
- renal insufficiency
- renal nerve
- renal osteodystrophy
- renal papilla
- renal papillary necrosis
- renal pelvis
- renal plexus
- renal pyramid
- renal rickets
- renal sclerosis
- renal scoop
- renal sinus
- renal threshold
- renal transplantation
- renal tubule
- renal vein
- renaturation
- renature
- renatured
- Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome
- renes
- renewable resource
- reniculus
- renifleur
- reniform
- reniform pelvis
- reniform placenta
- renin
- renin substrate
- renipelvic
- reniportal
- renipuncture
- rennet
- rennin
- renninogen
- reno-, ren-
- renocutaneous
- renogastric
- renogram
- renography
- renointestinal
- renoprival
- renoprotective
- renovascular
- renovascular hypertension
- reocclusion
- Reoviridae
- reovirus
- rep
- repackaging
- repair
- repair solution
- repeatability
- repeat open application test
- repellent
- repercolation
- repercussion
- repercussive
- reperfusion
- reperfusion arrhythmia
- reperfusion injury
- repetition maximum
- repetitive strain injury
- replacement
- replacement bone
- replacement disease
- replacement level fertility
- replacement of knee
- replacement therapy
- replacement transfusion
- replantation
- repletion
- replication
- replicative senescence
- replicon
- repolarization
- report
- reporter
- reporter gene, reporter
- reporting
- repose
- reposition
- repositioning
- repositor
- repository
- repression
- repressor
- reprimand
- reprocessing
- reprocessing of endoscopes
- reproducibility
- reproduction
- reproductive
- reproductive age
- reproductive nucleus
- reproductive number of an infectious disease
- reproductive organ
- reproductive system
- reproductive tract
- reproximation
- repulsion
- request for nondisclosure of medical information
- request for production of documents and things
- request for proposal
- required service
- requisition
- requisition slip
- rescinnamine
- rescue
- rescue angioplasty
- rescue breathing
- rescue collapse
- rescue tool
- research
- resect
- resectable
- resection
- resectoscope
- resectoscopy
- resedation
- reserpine
- reserve
- reserve air
- reserve day
- reserve force
- reservoir
- reservoir host
- reservoir of infectious agents
- reservoir-targeted vaccine
- residence
- residency
- residency matching
- resident
- resident flora
- residential
- residential care
- resident physician
- residua
- residual
- residual disease
- residual function
- residual hearing
- residual impairment
- residual limb
- residual schizophrenia
- residual urine
- residual urine volume
- residual volume
- residue
- residue-free diet
- residuum
- resignation syndrome
- resilience
- resilient
- resin
- resinoid
- resinous
- res ipsa loquitur
- resistance
- resistance index
- resistance to thyroid hormone
- resistance training
- resistant
- resistant hypertension
- resistin
- resistive exercise
- resolution
- resolve
- resolvin
- resonance
- resonant
- resonating
- resonating cavities
- resonator
- resorb
- resorbent
- resorcin
- resorcinol
- resorcinolphthalein
- resorption
- resorption atelectasis
- resource
- Resource, Conservation, and Recovery Act
- resource allocation
- resource depletion
- resource utilization group
- respirable
- respirasome
- respiration
- respiration calorimeter
- respiration rate
- respirator
- respirator dependent
- respirator fit testing
- respiratory
- respiratory acidosis
- respiratory alkalosis
- respiratory anemometer
- respiratory apparatus
- respiratory arrest
- respiratory bronchiole
- respiratory burn
- respiratory burst
- respiratory care
- respiratory defense mechanisms
- respiratory depressant
- respiratory depression
- respiratory distress syndrome of the neonate
- respiratory distress syndrome of the preterm infant, respiratory distress syndrome of the neonate
- respiratory disturbance index
- respiratory-effort related arousal
- respiratory enzyme
- respiratory exchange ratio
- respiratory failure
- respiratory frequency
- respiratory frequency to tidal volume ratio
- respiratory function monitoring
- respiratory gating
- respiratory high dependency care unit
- respiratory hippus
- respiratory index
- respiratory insufficiency
- respiratory membrane
- respiratory monitor
- respiratory movement
- respiratory myoclonus
- respiratory pigment
- respiratory protective device
- respiratory pulse
- respiratory quotient
- respiratory sound
- respiratory standstill
- respiratory syncytial virus
- respiratory system
- respiratory therapist
- respiratory therapy
- respiratory therapy technician
- respiratory tract
- respiratory triggering
- respire
- respirocyte
- respirologist
- respirology
- respirometer
- respirophasic
- respite
- respite care
- respite sedation
- respondeat superior
- responder-relapser
- response
- Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors
- response-guided therapy
- response latency
- response time
- responsibility
- responsible party
- rest
- restaging
- restenosis
- REST factor
- rest home
- restiform
- resting
- resting energy expenditure
- resting hand splint
- resting line
- resting pan splint
- resting position
- resting position of hand
- resting potential
- resting pulse
- resting stage
- restitutio ad integrum
- restitution
- restless leg
- restless legs syndrome
- restoration
- restorative
- restorative care
- rest pain
- rest position
- restraining order
- restraint
- restraint in bed
- restraint of lower extremities
- restricted-use pesticide
- restriction endonuclease
- restriction enzyme
- restriction fragment length polymorphism
- restrictive cardiomyopathy
- restrictive covenant
- restrictive eating
- restrictive lung disease
- rest seat
- rest station
- rest tremor
- resurfacing
- Resusci Anne
- resuscitation
- resuscitation fluid
- resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta
- resuscitative ultrasonography
- resuscitator
- resveratrol
- resynchronization therapy
- retained foreign object (surgical)
- retained placenta
- retainer
- retainer medicine
- retainer practice
- retardate
- retardation
- retarder
- retch
- retching
- rete
- rete cutaneum
- rete mirabile
- retention
- retention cyst
- retention enema
- retention jaundice
- retention of staff
- retention polyp
- retention toxicosis
- retention with overflow
- rete olecrani
- rete ovarii
- rete patellae
- rete peg
- reteplase
- rete ridge
- rete subpapillare
- rete testis
- rete venosum
- retial
- reticul-
- reticular
- reticular activating system
- reticular cell
- reticular formation
- reticular layer
- reticular membrane
- reticular nucleus
- reticular substance
- reticular tissue
- reticulate
- reticulated, reticulate
- reticulated corpuscle
- reticulated platelet
- reticulation
- reticuli-
- reticulin
- reticulo-, reticul-, reticuli-
- reticulocyte
- reticulocyte hemoglobin content
- reticulocyte response
- reticulocytopenia
- reticulocytosis
- reticuloendothelial
- reticuloendothelial cell
- reticuloendothelial system
- reticuloendothelioma
- reticuloendotheliosis
- reticuloendothelium
- reticulohistiocytoma
- reticulohistiocytosis
- reticuloid
- reticuloma
- reticulopenia
- reticulopodium
- reticulosarcoma
- reticulosis
- reticulospinal tract
- reticulotegmental nucleus
- reticulum
- reticulum cell sarcoma
- reticulum of nucleus
- retiform
- retina
- retinacula
- retinaculum
- retinaculum cutis
- retinaculum mammae
- retinaculum of hip joint
- retinaculum tendinum
- retinae
- retinal adaptation
- retinal break
- retinal cone
- retinal correspondence
- retinal cryopexy
- retinal detachment
- retinal isomerase
- retinal mapping
- retinal rivalry
- retinal rod
- retinene
- retinitis
- retinitis of prematurity
- retinitis pigmentosa
- retinitis proliferans
- retinitis punctata albescens
- retinoblastoma
- retinochoroid
- retinochoroiditis
- retinochoroiditis juxtapapillaris
- retinocochleocerebral vasculopathy
- retinocystoma
- retinodialysis
- retinohypothalamic tract
- retinoic acid-inducible gene-I
- retinoid
- retinol
- retinopapillitis
- retinopathy
- retinopathy of prematurity
- retinopexy
- retinoschisis
- retinoscope
- retinoscopy
- retinosis
- retinotomy
- retire
- retisolution
- retispersion
- retoperithelium
- retort
- retothelium
- retract
- retractable
- retracted nipple
- retractile
- retraction
- retraction nystagmus
- retractor
- retrad
- retrain
- retraining
- retreat
- retrenchment
- retrievable stent
- retrieval
- retriever
- retro-
- retroaction
- retroauricular
- retrobuccal
- retrobulbar
- retrobulbar neuritis
- retrocalcaneal bursitis
- retrocalcaneal exostosis
- retrocecal
- retrocecal abscess
- retrocedent
- retrocervical
- retrocession
- retroclination
- retrocolic
- retrocollic
- retrocollis
- retroconduction
- retrocursive
- retrodeviation
- retrodisplacement
- retroesophageal
- retrofilling
- retroflexed
- retroflexion
- retroflexion of uterus
- retrogasserian
- retrognathia
- retrognathism
- retrograde
- retrograde amnesia
- retrograde aortography
- retrograde ejaculation
- retrograde flow
- retrograde massage
- retrograde memory
- retrograde menstruation
- retrograde pyelography
- retrograde urography
- retrography
- retrogression
- retroinfection
- retroinsular
- retroiridian
- retrojection
- retrolabyrinthine
- retrolental
- retrolental fibroplasia
- retrolenticular
- retrolingual
- retromammary
- retromammary abscess
- retromandibular
- retromandibular vein
- retromastoid
- retromolar trigone
- retromorphosis
- retronasal
- retro-ocular
- retroparotid
- retroperitoneal
- retroperitoneal abscess
- retroperitoneal hemorrhage
- retroperitoneal hernia
- retroperitoneal space
- retroperitoneum
- retroperitonitis
- retropharyngeal
- retropharyngeal abscess
- retropharyngeal space
- retropharyngitis
- retropharynx
- retroplacental
- retroplasia
- retroposed
- retroposition
- retropubic
- retropubic prostatectomy
- retropulsion
- retropulsive gait
- retrorunning
- retrospective
- retrospective falsification
- retrospectoscope
- retrospondylolisthesis
- retrosternal
- retrotarsal
- retrotransposon
- retrouterine
- retrovascular goiter
- retroversioflexion
- retroversion
- retroversion of uterus
- retrovesical abscess
- retroviral
- retrovirus
- retrude
- retrusion
- Rett syndrome
- return of spontaneous circulation
- return to play
- Retzius, Anders Adolf
- Retzius, Magnus Gustaf
- reunient
- Reuss color charts
- revaccination
- revascularization
- reverberation
- reversal
- reversal agent
- reversal line
- reverse causation
- reversed bandage
- reversed shunt
- reversed triangular sling
- reverse herbology
- reverse isolation
- reverse osmosis
- reverse peristalsis
- reverse PRN dosing
- reverse smoker's palate
- reverse transcriptase
- reverse transcriptase inhibitor
- reverse Trendelenburg position
- reverse vaccinology
- reverse zoonosis
- reversibility
- reversible
- reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome
- reversible contraception
- reversion
- revert
- revertant
- review of systems
- revise
- Revised Knox Preschool Play Scale
- revised trauma scale
- revised trauma score
- revision surgery
- revivification
- revulsant
- revulsion
- revulsive
- reward
- rewarming
- Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test
- Reye syndrome
- Reynolds pentad
- Reynolds risk score
- Rey-Osterrieth complex figure test
- RF
- Rh
- RH
- rhabd-
- Rhabditis
- rhabdo-, rhabd-
- rhabdoid
- rhabdomyoblastoma
- rhabdomyolyses
- rhabdomyolysis
- rhabdomyoma
- rhabdomyosarcoma
- rhabdophobia
- rhabdosarcoma, embryonal
- rhabdovirus
- rhachialgia
- rhachiocampsis
- rhachioplegia
- rhachioscoliosis
- rhachis
- rhachischisis
- Rhadinovirus
- rhagades
- rhagadiform
- -rhage, -rhagia, -rhagy
- -rhage
- Rh agglutinogen
- rhagiocrine vacuole
- Rh antiserum
- rhaphania
- rhaphe
- rhegmatogenous
- rhenium
- rheo-
- rheobase
- rheobasic
- rheology
- rheolytic embolectomy
- rheopheresis
- rheophoresis, rheopheresis
- rheostat
- rheostosis
- rheotaxis
- rheum, rheuma
- rheuma
- rheumatic
- rheumatic arteritis
- rheumatic carditis
- rheumatic endocarditis
- rheumaticfever
- rheumatic fever
- rheumatic neuritis
- rheumatic nodules
- rheumatid
- rheumatism
- rheumatoid
- rheumatoid arthritis
- rheumatoid pneumoconiosis
- rheumatoid spondylitis
- rheumatoid vasculitis
- rheumatologist
- rheumatology
- rhexis
- -rhexis
- Rh gene
- rhigosis
- Rh immune globulin
- rhin-
- rhinal
- rhinalgia
- rhinedema
- rhinencephalic
- rhinencephalon
- rhinencephalus
- rhinenchysis
- rhinesthesia
- rhineurynter
- rhinion
- rhinitis
- rhinitis caseosa
- rhino-, rhin-
- rhinoanemometer
- rhinoantritis
- rhinocanthectomy
- rhinocele
- rhinocephalus
- rhinocephaly
- rhinocheiloplasty
- rhinodacryolith
- Rhinoestrus
- Rhinoestrus purpureus
- rhinogenic deafness
- rhinogenous
- rhinokyphosis
- rhinolalia
- rhinolalia aperta
- rhinolalia clausa
- rhinolaryngitis
- rhinolith
- rhinolithiasis
- rhinologist
- rhinology
- rhinomanometry
- rhinometer
- rhinomiosis
- rhinommectomy
- rhinomycosis
- rhinonecrosis
- rhinopathy
- rhinopharyngeal
- rhinopharyngitis
- rhinopharyngocele
- rhinopharyngolith
- rhinopharynx
- rhinophonia
- rhinophycomycosis
- rhinophyma
- rhinoplasty
- rhinopneumonitis
- rhinopolypus
- rhinorrhagia
- rhinorrhea
- rhinosalpingitis
- rhinoscleroma
- rhinoscope
- rhinoscopic
- rhinoscopy
- rhinosporidiosis
- Rhinosporidium
- Rhinosporidium seeberi
- rhinostenosis
- rhinotomy
- rhinotracheitis
- rhinovirus
- Rhipicephalus
- rhitidectomy
- rhitidosis
- rhiz-
- rhizo-, rhiz-
- Rhizobium radiobacter
- rhizoid
- rhizome
- rhizomelic
- rhizomelic spondylosis
- rhizomeningomyelitis
- Rhizopoda
- Rhizopus
- rhizosphere
- rhizotomy
- Rho(D) immune globulin
- rhod-
- rhodanine
- Rhodiola rosea
- rhodium
- Rhodnius prolixus
- rhodo-, rhod-
- rhodogenesis
- rhodophylaxis
- rhodopsin
- Rhodotorula
- Rho kinase inhibitor
- rhombencephalitis, rhomboencephalitis
- rhombencephalon
- rhombic groove
- rhombocele
- rhomboencephalitis
- rhomboid
- rhomboideus
- rhomboid fossa
- rhomboid ligament of clavicle
- rhomboid muscle
- rhomboid sinus
- rhombomere
- rhoncal, rhonchial
- rhonchial
- rhonchus
- rhopheocytosis
- rhotacism
- rHu-
- rhubarb
- rHuEPO
- Rhus
- rhus dermatitis
- rhyme
- rhypophobia
- rhythm
- rhythm control
- rhythmic
- rhythmic initiation
- rhythmicity
- rhythmic nystagmus
- rhytide
- rhytidectomy, rhitidectomy
- rhytidoplasty
- rhytidosis
- RI
- rib
- ribavirin
- ribbon
- rib cage
- rib notching
- riboflavin
- ribonuclease
- ribonucleic acid
- ribonucleoprotein
- ribonucleotide
- riboprobe
- ribose
- ribosomal RNA
- ribosome
- ribosyl
- ribozyme
- rice water stool
- Richter syndrome
- Richter transformation, Richter syndrome
- ricin
- ricinine
- rickets
- rickettsia
- Rickettsia
- Rickettsia africae
- Rickettsia akari
- Rickettsia conorii
- rickettsiae
- Rickettsia helvetica
- Rickettsia honei
- Rickettsia japonica
- rickettsial disease
- rickettsialpox
- Rickettsia massiliae
- Rickettsia prowazekii
- Rickettsia rickettsii
- Rickettsia sibirica
- Rickettsia slovaca
- Rickettsia typhi
- rickettsicidal
- rickettsiosis
- rickettsiostatic
- rider's painful patella
- rider bone
- riders' strain
- ridge
- ridge augmentation
- ridgel
- Riedel, Bernhard M. K. L.
- rifampin
- rifamycin
- Riga-Fede disease
- Riggs disease
- right
- right angle
- right-angled suture
- right-angle technique
- right anterior cardinal vein
- right atrioventricular valve
- right bundle branch block
- right colic artery
- right colic flexure
- right colon
- right common carotid artery
- right coronary artery
- right gastric artery
- right gastroepiploic artery
- right-handedness
- right heart
- right hepatic duct
- righting reflex
- right main coronary artery
- right-sided endocarditis
- right to die
- right-to-know law
- right-to-left shunt
- right ventricle
- right ventricular dysfunction
- right ventricular heart failure
- rigid
- rigid cervical collar
- rigid gas-permeable lens
- rigidity
- rigid spine syndrome
- rigor
- rigor mortis
- rim
- rima
- rima cornealis
- rimae
- rima glottidis
- rimantadine hydrochloride
- rima oris
- rima palpebrarum
- rima pudendi
- rima respiratoria
- rima vestibuli
- rima vocalis
- rimmed lesion
- rimose
- rimula
- rimulae
- rind
- ring
- Ringer, Sydney
- Ringer's solution
- Ringer solution
- ring pessary
- ring removal from swollen finger
- ring scotoma
- ringworm
- Rinne test
- rinse
- Riolan
- Riolan's arch
- Riolan's bouquet
- Riolan's muscle
- ripa
- ripening
- rippling muscle disease
- risk
- risk analysis
- risk assessment
- risk based screening
- risk-benefit analysis
- risk communication
- Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy
- risk factors for ischemic heart disease
- risk for delayed development
- risk for infection
- risk for injury
- risk for other-directed violence
- risk for poisoning
- risk for posttrauma syndrome
- risk for self-directed violence
- risk for spiritual distress
- risk for trauma
- risk management
- risk marker
- risk mitigation
- risk officer
- risk ratio
- risk-reducing mastectomy
- risk reduction
- risk stratification
- risk-taker
- risky food
- Risley rotary prism
- risorius
- Risperdal
- risperidone
- ristocetin
- risus
- risus sardonicus
- Ritgen maneuver
- Ritter disease
- ritual
- ritual circumcision
- rivalry
- rivalry strife
- rivaroxaban
- river blindness
- Rivermead Motor Assessment
- Rivinus, August
- Rivinus ligament
- rivus lacrimalis
- riziform
- rMPI
- Rn
- RN
- RNA (1)
- RNA (2)
- RNAi
- RNA interference
- RNA polymerase
- RNase
- RNA virus
- Robert pelvis
- robotic aid
- robotics
- ROC curve
- Rochalimaea
- Rochalimaea quintana
- Rocio
- Rockall score
- rocker fork
- rocker switch
- rocking
- rocking bed
- rock salt
- rock wool
- rod
- rod cell
- rod-cone dystrophy
- rodent
- rodenticide
- rodent ulcer
- rod granule
- rods and cones
- Roederer obliquity
- roentgen
- Roentgen, Wilhelm Konrad
- roentgen equivalent (in) man
- Roentgenium
- roentgenocinematography
- roentgenogram
- roentgenography
- roentgenology
- roentgenometer
- roentgenotherapy, roentgentherapy
- roentgen ray
- roentgentherapy
- roeteln, roetheln
- roetheln
- Roger, Henri L.
- Roger disease
- Rogers, Martha
- Rokitansky disease
- Rokitansky syndrome
- Rolando, Luigi
- Rolando area
- role
- role balance
- role competence
- role conflict, parental
- role delineation study
- role model
- role performance, ineffective
- role playing
- role spillover
- role transition
- Rolfing
- roll
- rollator
- roller
- roller bandage
- rolling timeframe
- rolling vein
- roll-in phase
- roll out
- roll-plate culture
- Romana sign
- Romaña sign
- Romana sign, Romaña sign
- Roman numeral
- romanoscope
- rombergism
- rongeur
- rongeur forceps
- Rönne step
- Röntgen, Wilhelm Konrad, Roentgen, Wilhelm Konrad
- roof nucleus
- room
- room air
- rooming-in
- room search
- room temperature
- root
- root abscess
- root apex
- root artery
- root canal
- root canal spreader
- root caries
- root cause
- root cause analysis
- root coverage
- root-end cyst
- root formation
- rooting reflex
- root of mesentery
- root of nose
- root pain
- root pick
- root planing
- root resorption of teeth
- root sheath
- root syndrome
- rootwork
- root zone
- rope graft
- rope ladder
- Roper-Logan-Tierney Model of Nursing
- ropeway
- ropy milk
- Rorschach test
- Rosa
- Rosa canina
- rosacea
- Rosaceae
- Rosai-Dorfman disease
- rosaniline
- rosary
- rose
- rose bengal sodium 131I
- rose gardener's disease
- rose-handler's disease
- rose hip
- rosehip cell
- rosemary
- Rosenbach, Ottomar
- Rosenbach test
- Rosenmüller, Johann Christian
- Rosenmüller cavity
- Rosenthal syndrome
- roseo-
- roseola
- roseola idiopathica
- roseola infantum
- roseolous
- roseolovirus
- roseomonas mucosa
- Rose position
- rose spots
- rosette
- rosette cell
- rose water ointment
- rosiglitazone
- rosin
- Rosmarinus officinalis
- rostella
- rostellum
- rostra
- rostral
- rostral lamina
- rostrate
- rostrate pelvis
- rostriform
- rostrocaudal
- rostrum
- rostrums
- rosulate
- Roswell Park Memorial Institute medium
- rot
- rotablation
- rotameter
- Rotarix
- rotary joint
- rotary microtome
- rotary receptor
- rotary vertigo
- Rotashield
- rotate
- RotaTeq
- rotating disk oxygenator
- rotating tourniquet
- rotation
- rotational movement
- rotational radiograph
- rotator
- rotator cuff
- rotator cuff muscle
- rotator cuff tendinitis
- rotatores
- rotatory nystagmus
- rotavirus
- rotenone
- Roth-Bielschowsky syndrome
- Rothmund-Thomson syndrome
- rotoablation
- rotoblation, rotablation, rotoablation
- rotor
- Rotor syndrome
- rototome
- Rouget cell
- Rouget cells
- rough
- roughage
- rouleau
- rouleaux
- round
- round ligament of femur
- round ligament of liver
- round ligament of uterus
- round pelvis
- rounds
- round window
- roundworm
- routine
- Roux-en-Y
- Roxicodone
- Roxicodone SR
- Roy, Callista
- Roy Adaptation Model
- Royal Free disease
- royal jelly
- RP
- RPh
- rpm
- RQ
- -rrhage
- -rrhagia, -rhagia, -rhage, -rrhage, -rhagy, -rrhagy
- -rrhagy
- -rrhaphy
- -rrhea, -rhea
- -rrhexis, -rhexis
- -rrhoea
- R-R interval
- rRNA
- RScA
- RScP
- RT
- RT(T)
- Ru
- RU
- RU 486
- rub
- rubber bandage
- rubber-band ligation
- rubber dam
- rubber dam clamp
- rubbing alcohol
- rubeanic acid
- rubedo
- rubefacient
- rubella
- rubella titer
- rubella virus vaccine, live
- rubeola
- rubeosis iridis
- ruber
- rubescent
- Rubiaceae
- rubidium
- rubiginous
- rubigo
- Rubin, Reva
- Rubin test
- Rubner, Max
- Rubner test
- rubor
- rubriblast
- rubricyte
- rubrospinal
- rubrospinal tract
- rubrothalamic
- rubrum
- rubrum scarlatinum
- Rubus idaeus
- ruby spot
- rudiment
- rudimentary
- rudimentum
- Ruffini, Angelo
- rufous
- ruga
- rugae
- ruga of vagina
- rugine
- rugose, rugous
- rugosity
- rugous
- rule
- rule in
- rule of nines
- rule of rescue
- rule of ten
- rule of thirds
- rule out
- rule utilitarianism
- rum
- Rumack nomogram
- Rumex acetosella
- rum fits
- ruminant
- rumination
- Ruminococcus
- rummaging
- rump
- Rumpel-Leede sign
- Rumpel-Leede test
- run
- runaround, runround
- runaround abscess
- run chart
- runner's anemia
- runner's knee
- runners' high
- running pulse
- running suture
- runround
- rupia
- rupioid
- rupioid psoriasis
- rupophobia
- rupture
- ruptured hymen
- rupture of membranes
- rupture of perineum
- rupture of the Achilles tendon
- rupture of the tympanic membrane
- rural
- rural health clinic
- rush
- rush immunotherapy
- Russell viper venom
- Russian electrical stimulation
- Russian forceps
- Russian gadfly
- Russian ginseng
- Russian spring-summer encephalitis
- rust
- Rust disease
- rusty
- rusty sputum
- rut-formation
- ruthenium
- rutherford
- Rutherford Classification, Rutherford Stages
- Rutherford Stages
- rutidosis, rhitidosis, rhytidosis, rytidosis
- rutilism
- rutin
- RV
- RV1
- RV5
- R wave
- Rx
- ryanodine receptor
- rye
- rytidosis