Taber's Medical Dictionary
- t-
- t, T
- T.A.
- T.A.T.
- T.E.D.
- t.i.d.
- T.L.R.
- T.U.
- T1, T2, etc.
- t1/2
- T1/2, t1/2
- T-1824
- T1 time
- T-2
- T2 time
- T3
- T4
- Ta
- TA
- tabacosis
- tabanid
- Tabanidae
- tabanka
- Tabanus
- tabardillo
- tabatière anatomique
- tabella
- tabellae
- tabes
- tabes dorsalis
- tabes ergotica
- tabes mesenterica
- tabetic
- tabetic crisis
- tabetic foot
- tabetic gait
- tabetic neuritis
- tabetic neurosyphilis
- tabetiform
- tablature
- table
- table salt
- tables of the skull
- tablespoon
- tablet
- tablet count
- tabletop drill
- table travel speed
- tablet splitting
- tablet triturate
- tablier
- taboo, tabu
- taboparalysis
- taboparesis
- tabophobia
- tabu
- tabular
- tabular bone
- tabun
- Tacaribe complex virus
- tache
- tache bleuâtre
- tache cérébrale
- tache motrice
- tache noire
- tachetic
- tachistoscope
- tacho-
- tachy-
- tachyarrhythmia
- tachybrady syndrome
- tachycardia
- tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome
- tachycardiac
- tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy
- tachygastria
- tachykinin
- tachylalia
- tachyphasia
- tachyphrasia
- tachyphrenia
- tachyphylaxis
- tachypnea
- tachyrhythmia
- tachysterol
- tachysystole
- tacrine
- tacrolimus
- tactical emergency medical services
- tactical emergency medical support
- tactile
- tactile agnosia
- tactile amnesia
- tactile anesthesia
- tactile corpuscle
- tactile defensiveness
- tactile discrimination
- tactile elevation
- tactile fremitus
- tactile hair
- tactile hallucination
- tactile hyperesthesia
- tactile imagery
- tactile localization
- tactile papilla
- tactile perception
- tactile sensation
- tactile system
- taction
- tactometer
- tactual
- tactus
- tactus eruditus
- taedium vitae
- taen-, taeni-, taenio-, ten-, teni-
- taeni-
- taenia, tenia
- Taenia, Tenia
- Taenia asiatica
- taeniacide, tenicide
- taenia coli
- taenia fimbriae
- taeniafuge, taenifuge, tenifuge
- taenia pontis
- Taenia saginata
- taenia semicircularis
- taeniasis, teniasis
- Taenia solium
- taenia thalami
- taenia ventriculi tertii
- taeniform
- taenifuge
- taenio-
- taeniophobia, teniophobia
- tag
- tagged atom
- tagging
- tagliacotian flap
- tai chi, tai ji
- tai ji
- taijin kyofusho
- tail
- tail bud
- tailed bandage
- tailgut
- tailor's bunion
- taint
- tainted
- taipan
- take
- take-down
- take-home point
- takotsubo cardiomyopathy
- talalgia
- talar
- talaromycosis
- talar tilt test
- talc
- talcosis
- talc peritonitis
- talcum
- talipes
- talipes arcuatus
- talipes calcaneus
- talipes cavus
- talipes equinovarus
- talipes equinus
- talipes valgus
- talipes varus
- talipomanus
- talking device
- tallow
- tall stature
- talocalcaneal
- talocrural
- talocrural joint
- talofibular
- talon
- talonavicular
- talonid
- talon noir
- taloscaphoid
- talotibial
- talus
- tambour
- Tamias dorsalis
- tamoxifen citrate
- tampon
- tamponade, tamponage
- tamponage
- tamponing, tamponment
- tamponment
- Tanacetum parthenium
- tanapox virus
- tandem
- tandem mass spectrometry
- tandem repeat
- tandem transplantation
- tang
- tangential position
- tangent screen
- Tangier disease
- Tannerella
- Tannerella forsythia
- tannic acid
- tannin
- tanning salon
- tantalum
- tanycyte
- tap (1)
- tap (2)
- tape
- tapeinocephalic, tapinocephalic
- tapeinocephaly, tapinocephaly
- tape mount
- taper
- tapetum
- tapetum choroideae
- tapetum lucidum
- tapeworm
- taphephobia
- taphophilia
- Tapia syndrome
- tapinocephalic
- tapinocephaly
- tapotement
- tapping (1)
- tapping (2)
- tap water
- tar
- tarantism, tarentism
- tarantula
- Taraxacum officinale
- tardive
- tardive cyanosis
- tardive dyskinesia
- tardive dystonia
- TAR DNA binding protein
- tare
- tared
- tarentism
- target
- target cell
- target disorder
- targeted drug
- targeted mutation
- targeted temperature management
- target gland
- target height
- targeting efficiency
- target nucleus
- target organ
- target sign
- target-skin distance
- target theory
- tarichatoxin
- tarnish
- tars-
- tarsadenitis
- tarsal
- tarsal arch
- tarsal bone
- tarsale
- tarsalgia
- tarsal gland
- tarsalia
- tarsalis
- tarsal plate
- tarsal sinus
- tarsal tunnel
- tarsal tunnel syndrome
- tarsectomy
- tarsectopia
- tarsi
- tarsitis
- tarso-, tars-
- tarsocheiloplasty
- tarsoclasia, tarsoclasis
- tarsoclasis
- tarsomalacia
- tarsomegaly
- tarsometatarsal
- tarsometatarsal joint
- tarso-orbital
- tarsophyma
- tarsoplasty
- tarsorrhaphy
- tarsotarsal
- tarsotibial
- tarsotomy
- tarsus
- tarsus inferior palpebrae
- tarsus superior palpebrae
- tartar
- tartar control toothpaste
- tartar emetic
- tartaric acid
- tart cell
- tartrate
- tartrazine
- Tarui disease
- task analysis
- taste
- taste area
- taste blindness
- taste bud
- taste cell
- taste center
- taste hair
- taste imagery
- taste papilla
- taste pore
- taster
- taste receptor
- taste receptor cell
- tattooing
- tau
- tauopathy
- taurine
- taurocholate
- taurocholemia
- taurocholic acid
- taurodontism
- Taussig-Bing syndrome
- taut-
- tauto-, taut-
- tautomer
- tautomeral, tautomeric
- tautomerase
- tautomeric
- tautomerism
- tautorotation
- Tawara node, node of Tawara
- taxa
- taxane
- taxes
- taxis
- Taxol
- taxon
- taxonomic
- taxonomy
- Tay, Warren
- Taylor, Euphemia Jane
- Tay-Sachs disease
- tb
- Tb
- TB
- T bandage
- T-bar
- T binder
- Tbs
- Tbsp
- Tc
- TcB measurement
- T cell
- T-cell activation inhibitor
- T-cell exhaustion
- T-cell growth factor
- T-cell growth factor II
- T-cell-mediated immunity
- TCID50
- tcMMEP
- Tdap
- T-dependent antigen
- tds
- Te
- tea
- teachable
- teachable moment
- teachback
- teach-back
- teach back, teach-back, teachback
- teaching hospital
- tea kombucha
- team
- team-based care
- tear (1)
- tear (2)
- tear break-up test
- tear-drop cell
- tear duct
- tear film
- tear gas
- tear of the perineum
- tease
- teaspoon
- teat
- tea tree oil
- technetium
- technetium-99m
- technetium 99m (methoxyisonitrile) MIBI
- technetium Tc 99m albumin aggregated injection
- technetium Tc 99m hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime
- technetium Tc 99m methylene diphosphonate
- technetium Tc 99m RBC
- technetium Tc 99m sestamibi
- technetium Tc 99m sulfur colloid
- technical
- technical efficiency
- technician
- technique
- techno-
- technologic
- technological
- technologist
- technology
- technology-enabled active learning
- technology-enabled problem-based learning
- tectal commissure
- tectonic keratoplasty
- tectoria
- tectorial membrane
- tectorium
- tectospinal
- tectum
- tectum mesencephali
- TED stockings
- teenage
- teething
- teething ring
- Teff
- tegmen
- tegmenmastoideum
- tegmentum
- tegmen tympani
- tegmen ventriculi quarti
- tegmina
- tegument
- tegumental, tegumentary
- tegumentary
- tegumentary leishmaniasis
- teichopsia
- teinodynia
- tejo
- tel-
- tel-, tele-, telo-, teleo-
- tela
- tela choroidea
- tela conjunctiva
- telae
- tela elastica
- telalgia
- telangiectasia, telangiectasis
- telangiectasia lymphatica
- telangiectasis
- telangiectatic
- telangiectatic angioma
- telangiectatic myxoma
- telangiectatic nevus
- telangiectodes, telangiectoides
- telangiectoides
- telangiitis
- telangioma
- telangion
- telangiosis
- tela subcutanea
- tela submucosa
- tele-
- tele-, tel-, telo-
- telecanthus
- telecardiogram
- telecardiography
- telecardiophone
- telecare
- teleceptive
- teleceptor, teloceptor
- telecommunication CPR
- telecommunication device for the deaf
- teleconference
- teleconferencing
- telecurietherapy
- teledendrite, teledendron, telodendron
- teledendron
- telediagnosis
- telediastolic
- telefluoroscopy
- telegraphic speech
- telehealth
- telekinesis
- telekinetic
- telelectrocardiogram
- telemanipulate
- telemanipulation
- telemanipulator
- telemedicine
- telemeter
- telemetry
- telencephala
- telencephalic
- telencephalization
- telencephalon
- teleneurite
- teleneuron
- teleological
- teleology
- teleomitosis
- teleomorph
- teleomorphic
- teleonomic
- teleonomy
- teleoperator
- teleopsia
- teleotherapeutics
- telepath
- telepathic
- telepathology
- telepathy
- telephone triage
- telephony
- telepresence
- teleradiogram
- teleradiography
- teleradiology
- teleradium
- telerehabilitation
- teleroentgenogram
- teleroentgenography
- telesthesia
- telesthetic
- telesurgery
- telesystolic
- teletherapy
- telethonin
- teletypewriter
- Tell-Me-A-Story
- telluric
- tellurium
- telocentric
- teloceptor
- telodendron
- telogen
- teloglia
- telolecithal
- telolecithal ovum
- telolemma
- telomerase
- telomere
- telomeric
- telomerictheory of aging
- telomeric theory of aging
- telophase
- telophragma
- telosynapsis
- telson
- temoradiation
- tempeh
- temper
- temperament
- temperance
- temperate
- temperature
- temperature center
- temperature monitor
- temperature-pulse dissociation
- temperature receptor
- temperature regulation in the hypothalamus
- tempered glass
- temper tantrum
- TEMPI syndrome
- template
- templatebleeding time
- template bleeding time
- temple
- tempolabile
- tempora
- temporal (1)
- temporal (2)
- temporal apophysis
- temporal arteritis
- temporal artery
- temporal artery thermometer
- temporal average intensity
- temporal bone
- temporal cortex
- temporal fossa
- temporal ganglion
- temporal gyrus
- temporalis
- temporalis muscle
- temporal line
- temporal line of frontal bone
- temporal lobe epilepsy
- temporal nerve
- temporal planum
- temporal pole
- temporal-sequential organization
- temporal sulcus
- temporary colostomy
- temporary menopause
- temporary pacemaker
- temporary removable splint
- temporary restoration
- temporary restraining order
- temporary threshold shift
- temporo-
- temporoauricular
- temporohyoid
- temporomalar
- temporomandibular
- temporomandibular joint
- temporomandibular joint capsule
- temporomandibular joint remodeling
- temporomandibular joint syndrome
- temporomandibular ligament
- temporomaxillary
- temporo-occipital
- temporo-occipital suture
- temporoparietal
- temporoparietal suture
- temporopontine
- temporosphenoid
- temporozygomatic
- tempostabile
- ten-
- ten-, teni-
- tenacious
- tenacity
- tenaculum
- tenalgia
- tenalgia crepitans
- tenascin
- tenascin-C
- ten-ase
- tenase, ten-ase, Xase, X-ase
- Tenckhoff peritoneal catheter
- Tenckhoff peritoneal dialysis catheter
- tenderness
- tender point
- tendinitis, tendonitis
- tendinopathy, tendonopathy
- tendinoplasty
- tendinosis
- tendinosuture
- tendinotrochanteric ligament
- tendinous
- tendinous synovitis
- tendo
- tendo calcaneus
- tendolysis
- tendon
- tendon action
- tendon divulsor
- tendon failure
- tendonitis
- tendon jerk
- tendon of Todaro
- tendonopathy
- tendon reflex
- tendon sheath
- tendon spindle
- tendon suspension
- tendoplasty
- tendosynovitis
- tendotome
- tendotomy
- tendovaginal
- tendovaginitis
- Tenebrio
- tenectomy
- tenesmic
- tenesmic pain
- tenesmus
- tenia
- Tenia
- teniasis
- tenicide
- tenifuge
- teniophobia
- Tenivac
- ten-meter walk test, 10-meter walk test
- tennis thumb
- teno-
- tenocyte
- tenodesis
- tenodesis splint
- tenodynia
- tenofibril
- tenolysis
- tenometer
- tenomyoplasty
- tenomyotomy
- Tenon, Jacques R.
- tenonectomy
- tenonitis
- tenonometer
- tenont-
- tenontitis
- tenontodynia
- tenontography
- tenontolemmitis
- tenontology
- tenontomyoplasty
- tenontomyotomy
- tenontoplasty
- tenontothecitis
- tenontothecitis stenosans
- tenophyte
- tenoplastic
- tenoplasty
- tenoreceptor
- Tenormin
- tenorrhaphy
- tenositis
- tenostosis
- tenosuspension
- tenosuture
- tenosynovectomy
- tenosynovitis
- tenosynovitis hyperplastica
- tenotome
- tenotomist
- tenotomy
- tenovaginitis
- tense
- tense pulse
- Tensilon test
- tensiometer
- tension
- tension-free transvaginal tape sling
- tension headache
- tension myalgia
- tension of gases
- tension pneumothorax
- tension suture
- tensometer
- tensor
- tensor fasciae latae muscle
- tensor tympani muscle
- tent
- tentacle
- tentative
- tent dilator
- tenth cranial nerve
- tenting
- tenting of skin
- tentoria
- tentorial
- tentorial notch
- tentorial pressure cone
- tentorial ridge
- tentorial sinus
- tentorium
- tentorium cerebelli
- tenure
- tepid
- ter-
- tera-
- teracurie
- teramorphous
- teras
- terat-
- terata
- teratic
- teratic implantation
- teratism
- terato-, terat-
- teratoblastoma
- teratocarcinoma
- teratogen
- teratogenesis
- teratogenetic
- teratogenic
- Teratogen Information System
- teratoid
- teratoid tumor
- teratologic
- teratology
- teratoma
- teratomatous
- teratophobia
- teratosis
- teratospermia
- terazosin hydrochloride
- terbium
- terchloride
- terebrant
- teres
- teres major muscle
- teres minor muscle
- tergal
- tergum
- ter in die
- term
- terminal
- terminal arteriole
- terminal artery
- terminal bars
- terminal bronchiole
- terminal bulb of Krause
- terminal colostomy
- terminal component of complement
- terminal corpuscle
- terminal disinfection
- terminal dribble
- terminal duct lobular unit
- terminal ganglia
- terminal ganglion
- terminal hair
- terminal insomnia
- terminally differentiated cell
- terminal phalanx
- terminal prophylaxis
- terminal reservoir syndrome
- terminal sinus
- terminal vein
- terminal ventricle
- terminal weaning
- terminal web
- terminatio
- termination
- termination provision
- terminator sequence
- term infant
- Terminologia Anatomica
- terminology
- terminoterminal anastomosis
- terminus
- Ternidens deminutus
- terpene
- terpin hydrate
- terra
- terra alba
- terrain park
- territoriality
- territorial matrix
- terror
- Terry nails
- Terson syndrome
- tertian
- tertian malaria
- tertiary
- tertiary medical care
- tertiary prevention
- tertiary trauma survey
- tertigravida
- tertipara
- tesamorelin
- tesla
- tessellated
- test
- testa
- testalgia
- testamentary capacity
- test dose
- testectomy
- test for lacrimation
- testicle
- testicond
- testicular
- testicular/epididymal sperm aspiration
- testicular artery
- testicular cancer
- testicular cancer, germ-cell
- testicular duct
- testicular feminization
- testicular hormone
- testicular microlithiasis
- testicular self-examination
- testicular vein
- testis
- testitis
- test meal
- testoid
- testolactone
- testopathy
- testosterone
- testosterone-binding globulin
- testotoxicosis
- test paper
- test set
- test solution
- test strip
- test tube
- test type
- tetanic
- tetanic contraction
- tetanic spasm
- tetaniform
- tetanigenous
- tetanism
- tetanization
- tetanize
- tetanode
- tetanoid paraplegia
- tetanolysin
- tetanomotor
- tetanophil, tetanophilic
- tetanophilic
- tetanospasmin
- tetanus
- tetanus anticus
- tetanus antitoxin
- tetanus dorsalis
- tetanus infantum
- tetanus lateralis
- tetanus neonatorum
- tetanus paradoxus
- tetanus vaccine
- tetany
- tetartanopia
- tethering
- tetr-
- tetra-, tetr-
- tetrabasic
- tetrablastic
- tetrabrachius
- tetrabromofluorescein
- tetrabromophenol blue
- tetracaine hydrochloride
- tetracarbonyl nickel
- tetrachirus
- tetrachlorethylene, tetrachloroethylene, tetrachloroethene
- tetrachloride
- tetrachloroethene
- tetrachloroethylene
- tetracid
- Tetracoccus
- tetracosactide
- tetracrotic
- tetracyclic antidepressant
- tetracycline
- tetrad
- tetradactyly
- tetraethylpyrophosphate
- tetrahydrocannabinol
- tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride
- tetraiodothyronine
- tetralogy
- tetralogy of Fallot
- tetramastia, tetramazia
- tetramastigote
- tetramazia
- tetramer
- tetrameric
- tetramerous
- tetraotus
- tetraparesis
- tetrapeptide
- tetraplegia
- tetraploid
- tetrapus
- tetrasaccharide
- tetrascelus
- tetrasomic
- tetraster
- tetrastichiasis
- tetratomic
- tetravalent
- tetrodotoxin
- tetrotus
- tetroxide
- tet spell
- textarin
- textiform
- textiloma
- texting
- text messaging
- textoblastic
- text string
- textural
- texture
- textured food
- textus
- T fracture
- Th
- thalam-
- thalamencephalon
- thalami
- thalamic
- thalamic fasciculus
- thalamic nucleus
- thalamic pain
- thalamic pain syndrome
- thalamic radiation
- thalamo-, thalam-
- thalamocortical
- thalamolenticular
- thalamostriate vein
- thalamotomy
- thalamus
- thalassemia
- thalassemia intermedia
- thalassemia major
- thalassemia minor
- thalassemic facies
- thalassophobia
- thalassotherapy
- thalidomide
- thallitoxicosis
- thallium
- thallium 201
- thallium poisoning
- thallium sulfate
- thallotoxicosis
- thanat-
- thanato-, thanat-
- thanatobiological
- thanatognomonic
- thanatology
- thanatomania
- thanatophidia
- thanatophobia
- thanatophoric dwarf
- thanatophoric dwarfism
- theaism
- thebaine
- The Benton
- thebesian valve
- thec-
- theca
- theca cordis
- thecae
- theca folliculi
- thecal
- thecal abscess
- theca-lutein cyst
- theci-
- thecitis
- theco-, thec-, theci-
- thecodont
- thecoma
- thecomatosis
- thecostegnosia
- thecostegnosis
- thel-, thelo-
- thelalgia
- thelarche
- Thelazia
- thelaziasis
- theleplasty
- thelerethism
- thelia
- thelitis
- thelium
- thelo-
- theloncus
- thelophlebostemma
- thelorrhagia
- thelygenic
- thematic apperception test
- thenad
- thenal
- thenar
- thenar cleft
- thenar eminence
- thenar fascia
- thenar muscle
- thenar space
- theobromine
- theomania
- theophobia
- theophylline
- theophylline ethylenediamine
- theorem
- theory
- Theory of Adaptation During Childbearing
- theory of aging
- Theory of Clinical Nursing
- Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality
- Theory of Goal Attainment
- Theory of Group Outcome Attainment with Organizations
- Theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness
- Theory of Human Becoming
- Theory of Human Caring
- theory of infinitesimals
- Theory of Interpersonal Relations
- Theory of Modeling and Role Modeling
- Theory of Power as Knowing Participation in Change
- theory of psora
- Theory of the Deliberative Nursing Process
- Theory of Uncertainty in Illness
- Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms
- theotherapy
- thèque
- theragnostics
- theranostics
- therapeutic
- therapeutic abortion
- therapeutic amniocentesis
- therapeutic class
- therapeutic cloning
- therapeutic communication
- therapeutic donor insemination
- therapeutic dose
- therapeutic drug monitoring
- therapeutic electrode
- therapeutic embolization
- therapeutic exercise
- therapeutic humor
- therapeutic hyperventilation
- therapeutic hypothermia
- therapeutic index
- therapeutic inertia
- therapeutic leave day
- therapeutic lifestyle changes diet
- therapeutic misadventure
- therapeutic misconception
- therapeutic obstinacy
- therapeutic oligonucleotide
- therapeutic penetrating keratoplasty
- therapeutic pessimism
- therapeutic profile
- therapeutic radiology
- therapeutic ratio
- therapeutic recreation
- therapeutic relationship
- therapeutics
- therapeutic touch
- therapeutic use of self
- therapeutic window
- Theraphosidae
- therapia sterilisans magna
- therapist
- therapist-driven protocol
- therapy
- therapy putty
- Theridiidae
- therm
- therm-
- thermacogenesis
- thermal
- thermal ablation
- thermal agent
- thermal balloon
- thermal biofeedback
- thermal burn
- thermal death time
- thermal diffusion flowmetry
- thermal equilibrium
- thermalgesia
- thermalgesic pain
- thermalgia
- thermally insulated glove
- thermal radiation
- thermal sense
- thermal spread
- thermal stimulus
- thermanesthesia
- thermatology
- thermelometer
- thermesthesia
- thermesthesiometer
- thermic
- thermic effect of food
- thermic sense
- thermionic emission
- thermistor
- thermo-, therm-
- thermoalgesia
- thermoanesthesia, thermanesthesia
- thermobiosis
- thermobiotic
- thermocautery
- thermochemistry
- thermochroic
- thermochroism
- thermocoagulation
- thermocouple
- thermocurrent
- thermocycler
- thermode
- thermodiffusion
- thermodilution
- thermoduric
- thermodynamics
- thermoelasticity
- thermoelectric
- thermoelectricity
- thermoesthesia
- thermoexcitatory
- thermogenesis
- thermogenic action
- thermograph
- thermography
- thermohyperalgesia
- thermohyperesthesia
- thermohypesthesia
- thermoinhibitory
- thermolabile
- thermolamp
- thermology
- thermoluminescent dosimeter
- thermolysis
- thermolytic
- thermomassage
- thermometer
- thermometric
- thermometry
- thermoneurosis
- thermoneutral environment
- thermonuclear
- thermopenetration
- thermophile
- thermophilic, thermophylic
- thermophobia
- thermophore
- thermophylic
- thermopile
- thermoplastic
- thermopolypnea
- thermoradiotherapy
- thermoreception
- thermoreceptor
- thermoregulation
- thermoregulation, risk for ineffective
- thermoregulatory
- thermoresistant
- thermostabile
- thermostat
- thermosterilization
- thermotaxis
- thermotherapy
- thermotolerant
- thermotonometer
- theroid
- theta burst stimulation
- theta rhythm
- theta wave
- Thevetia peruviana
- thi-
- thiabendazole
- thiaminase
- thiamine hydrochloride
- thiamine pyrophosphate
- thiazole orange
- thiazolidinedione
- thickened liquids
- thick-split graft
- thienopyridine
- thiethylperazine maleate
- thigh
- thigh bone
- thigh hemorrhage
- thigh muscle
- thigmesthesia
- thigmotaxis
- thigmotropism
- thimerosal
- thin basement membrane disease
- thin client
- Thinker sign
- thinking
- thin-layer chromatography
- thin skin
- thio-, thi-
- thioamide, thionamide
- thiocyanate
- thioflavin-t
- thiogenic
- thioglucosidase
- thionamide
- thiopectic, thiopexic
- thiopental sodium
- thiopexic
- thiophil, thiophilic
- thiophilic
- thiopurine
- thiopurine s-methyltransferase
- thioredoxin
- thioridazine hydrochloride
- thiosulfate
- thiotepa
- thiothixene
- thiourea
- thiram poisoning
- third cranial nerve
- third-degree heart block
- third disease
- third-generation cephalosporin
- third intention
- third molar
- third-party payer
- third spacing
- third trimester
- third trochanter
- third ventricle
- thirst
- thirteenth step
- thixolabile
- thixotropy
- thlipsencephalus
- thogotovirus
- Thomas, Hugh Owen
- Thomas heel
- Thomas test
- Thomas-White hypothesis
- Thompson ligament
- Thompson test
- Thomsen disease
- thorac-
- thoracalgia
- thoracectomy
- thoracentesis, thoracocentesis
- thoraces
- thoraci-
- thoracic
- thoracic aortic plexus
- thoracic artery
- thoracic cage
- thoracic cavity
- thoracic curvature
- thoracic diaphragm muscle
- thoracic endometriosis
- thoracic expansion
- thoracic ganglion
- thoracic impedance
- thoracic index
- thoracic nerve
- thoracic nucleus
- thoracicoabdominal
- thoracicohumeral
- thoracic outlet compression syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome
- thoracic outlet syndrome
- thoracic pain
- thoracic respiration
- thoracic squeeze
- thoracic stomach
- thoracic vertebra
- thoraco-, thorac-, thoraci-
- thoracoabdominal
- thoracoacromial
- thoracoacromial artery
- thoracocautery
- thoracoceloschisis
- thoracocentesis
- thoracodelphus
- thoracodidymus
- thoracodorsal artery
- thoracodorsal bundle
- thoracodorsal nerve
- thoracodynia
- thoracogastroschisis
- thoracograph
- thoracohumeral
- thoracolumbar
- thoracolumbar fascia
- thoracolumbar orthosis
- thoracolumbar outflow
- thoracolysis
- thoracomelus
- thoracometer
- thoracometry
- thoracomyodynia
- thoracopagus
- thoracoparacephalus
- thoracopathy
- thoracoplasty
- thoracopneumoplasty
- thoracoschisis
- thoracoscope
- thoracoscopy
- thoracostenosis
- thoracostomy
- thoracostomy tube
- thoracotomy
- thorax
- thoraxes
- thorax paralyticus
- Thorel bundle
- thorium
- thorium emanation
- thorny-headed worm
- thoron
- thought
- thought-action fusion
- thought blocking
- thought broadcasting
- thought suppression
- thr
- thread
- threadworm
- thready pulse
- threatened abortion
- three-day fever
- three-day measles
- three-dimensional, 3D
- three-dimensional perception
- three-dimensional sonography
- three-dimensional ultrasonography
- three-dimensional ultrasonography, three-dimensional sonography, three-dimensional ultrasound, 3D ultrasonography, 3D sonography, 3D ultrasound
- three-dimensional ultrasound
- three-glass test
- three-point gait
- thremmatology
- threonine
- threshold
- threshold dose
- threshold limit value
- threshold of consciousness
- threshold percussion
- threshold resistance
- threshold stimulus
- threshold substance
- thrifty
- thrill
- thrix
- thrix annulata
- -thrix
- throat
- throb
- throbbing
- throbbing pain
- thromb-
- thrombase
- thrombasthenia
- thrombectomy
- thrombin
- thrombo-, thromb-
- thromboangiitis
- thromboangiitis obliterans
- thromboarteritis
- thromboclasis
- thromboclastic
- thrombocyst
- thrombocystis
- thrombocyte
- thrombocythemia
- thrombocytic series
- thrombocytocrit
- thrombocytolysis
- thrombocytopathy
- thrombocytopenia
- thrombocytopenic purpura
- thrombocytopoiesis
- thrombocytosis
- thromboelastogram
- thromboelastography
- thromboelastometry
- thromboembolic
- thromboembolism
- thromboembolism, risk for venous
- thromboendarterectomy
- thromboendarteritis
- thromboendocarditis
- thromboerythrocyte
- thrombogenesis
- thrombogenic
- thrombogenicity
- thromboid
- thrombokinase
- thrombokinesis
- thrombolectomy
- thrombolymphangitis
- thrombolysis
- thrombolysis in myocardial infarction
- thrombolytic
- thrombolytic agent
- thrombolytic therapy
- thrombomodulin
- thrombon
- thrombopathy
- thrombopenia
- thrombopenic purpura
- thrombophilia
- thrombophlebitis
- thrombophlebitis migrans
- thromboplastic
- thromboplastid
- thromboplastin
- thromboplastinogen
- thrombopoiesis
- thrombopoietin
- thrombopoietin mimetic agent
- thrombopoietin receptor agonist
- thromboprophylactic
- thromboprophylaxis
- thrombosed
- thrombosinusitis
- thrombosis
- thrombosphere
- thrombospondin
- thrombostasis
- thrombosthenin
- thrombotic
- thrombotic microangiopathy
- thrombotic necrosis
- thrombotic stroke
- thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
- thromboxane A2
- thrombus
- thromobopoietin agonist
- through-and-through drainage
- throughput
- throwback
- thrush
- thrust
- thrypsis
- Thuja plicata
- thulium
- thumb
- thumb forceps
- thumb sucking
- thump
- thunderclap headache
- Thunder God vine
- Thygeson disease
- thymectomy
- thymelcosis
- -thymia
- thymic
- thymic alymphoplasia
- thymic aplasia
- thymic carcinoma
- thymic epithelial cell
- thymic hormone
- thymicolymphatic
- thymic stromal lymphopoietin
- thymidine
- thymine
- thymitis
- thymo- (1), thym-
- thymo- (2), thym-
- thymocyte
- thymokesis
- thymokinetic
- thymol
- thymolytic
- thymoma
- thymopathy
- thymopoietin
- thymoprivic
- thymosin
- thymotoxic
- thymulin
- thymus
- thymus abscess
- thymus cell
- thymus-dependent antigen
- thymusectomy
- thymus gland
- thymus-independent antigen
- thyr-
- thyreo-
- thyreoplasia
- thyreoprival tetany
- thyro-, thyr-
- thyroadenitis
- thyroaplasia
- thyroarytenoid
- thyroarytenoid muscle
- thyroblast
- thyrocalcitonin
- thyrocardiac
- thyrocele
- thyrocervical trunk
- thyrochondrotomy
- thyrocolloid
- thyrocricotomy
- thyrocyte
- thyroepiglottic
- thyroepiglottic muscle
- thyrofissure
- thyrogenic, thyrogenous
- thyrogenous
- thyroglobulin
- thyroglossal
- thyroglossal duct
- thyroglossal fistula
- thyrohyal
- thyrohyoid
- thyrohyoid arch
- thyrohyoid membrane
- thyroid
- thyroid artery
- thyroid cachexia
- thyroid cell
- thyroid crisis
- thyroidea accessoria, thyroidea ima
- thyroidea ima
- thyroidectomy
- thyroid follicle
- thyroid function test
- thyroid hormone
- thyroid insufficiency
- thyroidism
- thyroiditis
- thyroid nodule
- thyroid notch
- thyroidomania
- thyroidotomy
- thyroidotoxin
- thyroid-stimulating hormone
- thyroid-stimulating hormone-releasing factor
- thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin
- thyroid vein
- thyrolysin
- thyrolytic
- thyromegaly
- thyromental distance
- thyroparathyroidectomy
- thyropathy
- thyroplasty
- thyroprival
- thyroprivia
- thyroptosis
- thyrotherapy
- thyrotome
- thyrotomy
- thyrotoxic
- thyrotoxic crisis
- thyrotoxic heart disease
- thyrotoxic myopathy
- thyrotoxicosis
- thyrotroph
- thyrotrophin
- thyrotropic
- thyrotropic hormone
- thyrotropin, thyrotrophin
- thyrotropin-releasing hormone
- thyrotropism
- thyroxine
- thyroxine-binding globulin
- Ti
- TI
- TI, TI
- Tibetan medicine
- tibia
- tibiad
- tibial
- tibial artery
- tibialgia
- tibialis
- tibialis anterior muscle
- tibialis posterior muscle
- tibial nerve
- tibial vein
- tibia valga
- tibia vara
- tibiocalcanean
- tibiofemoral
- tibiofibular
- tibionavicular
- tibioperoneal
- tibioscaphoid
- tibiotarsal
- tic
- ticarcillin disodium, sterile
- tic douloureux
- tick
- tick bite
- tick-bite paralysis
- tick-borne encephalitis
- tick-borne relapsing fever
- tick-borne rickettsiosis
- tickle
- tickling
- tic rotatoire
- tidal
- tidal drainage
- tidal volume
- tide
- tidiness
- -tidine
- tie-down
- tier
- tie tapes
- Tietze syndrome
- tigering
- tight control of diabetes
- tight junction
- tigretier
- tigroid
- tigroid bodies
- tigroid retina
- tigrolysis
- tilmus
- tiltometer
- tilt table
- timbre
- time
- time agnosia
- time crunch
- time-dependent
- time diary
- timed up-and-go test
- timed vital capacity
- time frame
- time in the therapeutic range
- time inventory
- time-motion mode ultrasound
- time-out
- time pressure
- timer
- time sense
- time squeeze
- time-temperature cooling curve
- time-to-event analysis
- time to pregnancy
- time to progression
- time-to-treatment failure
- time to treatment failure, time-to-treatment failure
- time use survey
- time zero
- time zone change syndrome
- timothy grass
- tin
- tinct
- tinctable
- tinction
- tinctorial
- tinctura
- tincturae
- tincturation
- tincture
- tincture of iodine poisoning
- T-independent antigen
- tine
- tinea
- tinea amiantacea
- tinea barbae
- tinea capitis
- tinea corporis
- tinea cruris
- tinea imbricata
- tinea incognita
- tinea kerion
- tinea nigra
- tinea nodosa
- tinea pedis
- tinea profunda
- tinea sycosis
- tinea tonsurans
- tinea unguium
- tinea versicolor
- tine test
- Tinetti test
- tingibility
- tingible
- tingle
- tinnitus
- tin poisoning
- tintometer
- tintometric
- tintometry
- tip
- tip appendicitis
- tipped scapula
- tipping
- tipping movement
- tiqueur
- tire
- tires
- tiring
- Tis
- tissue
- tissue ablation
- tissue agnostic
- tissue air ratio
- tissue culture
- tissue culture infective dose
- tissue-engineered skin
- tissue engineering
- tissue establishment
- tissue factor-bearing microparticle
- tissue filler
- tissue forceps
- tissue integrity, impaired
- tissue integrity, risk for impaired
- tissue oxygenation
- tissue perfusion, ineffective (specify type): renal, cerebral, cardiopulmonary, gastrointestinal, peripheral
- tissue processor
- tissue reaction
- tissue respiration
- tissue restoration
- tissue space
- tissue tension
- tissue tolerance
- tissue tolerance dose
- tissue typing
- tissue valve
- tissular
- titanium
- titanium dioxide
- titer
- titillation
- titin
- titratable acidity
- titrate
- titration
- titre
- titrimetric
- titrimetry
- titubation
- Tityus
- Tl
- T lymphocyte
- Tmax
- Tn
- TNF receptor-associated periodic syndrome
- TO
- toad skin
- toadstool
- toadstool poisoning
- to-and-fro murmur
- to-and-fro sound
- toasted skin syndrome
- tobacco
- tobacco abuse
- tobacco pouch keratosis
- Tobias syndrome
- tobramycin
- tocainide
- toco-, toko-
- tocodynagraph
- tocodynamometer, tokodynamometer
- tocodynamometry
- tocograph
- tocography
- tocology
- tocolysis
- tocolytic
- tocopherol
- tocophobia
- tocus
- Todd-Hewitt broth
- toddler
- toddler's diarrhea
- toddler's fracture
- Todd syndrome
- Todd unit
- toe
- toenail
- toe-off
- tofu
- Togaviridae
- toilet
- -toin
- token economy system
- tokodynamometer
- tolazamide
- tolazoline hydrochloride
- tolbutamide
- tolerable daily intake
- tolerable upper intake level
- tolerance
- tolerance dose
- tolerance test
- tolerant
- tolerogen
- toll
- toll-like receptor
- tollwut
- tolnaftate
- toluene
- toluidine
- tomaculous neuropathy
- tomatine
- Tomes granular layer
- -tome
- Tomlin, Evelyn Malcolm
- tomo-
- tomodensitometry
- tomogram
- tomograph
- tomography
- tomosynthesis
- -tomy
- ton-
- tonal discrimination
- tonaphasia
- tone
- tone sense
- tonga
- tongue
- tongue depressor
- tongue diagnosis
- tongue pain
- tongue swallowing
- tongue-swallowing
- tongue-tie
- tongue worm
- tonic
- tonic contraction
- tonic convulsion
- tonicity
- tonic labyrinthine reflex
- tonic muscle
- tonic neck reflex
- tonic pupil
- tonic spasm
- tonic vibration reflex
- tono-, ton-
- tonofibril
- tonofilament
- tonogram
- tonograph
- tonography
- tonometer
- tonometry
- tonoplast
- tonsil
- tonsilla
- tonsillar
- tonsillar abscess
- tonsillar area
- tonsillar bed
- tonsillar herniation
- tonsillar recess
- tonsillar sinus
- tonsillectomy
- tonsillitis
- tonsillolith
- tonsillopathy
- tonsilloscopy
- tonsillotome
- tonsillotomy
- tonus
- tool kit
- toolkit, tool kit
- tooth
- tooth abscess
- toothache
- tooth and nail syndrome
- tooth bleaching
- toothbrushing
- toothbrush trauma
- tooth bud
- tooth decay
- tooth implant
- tooth malformation
- tooth migration
- tooth movement
- tooth numbering system
- tooth numbering system International Standards Organization
- tooth numbering system Universal/National
- toothpaste
- tooth perforation
- toothpick
- toothpick weed
- tooth pulp
- tooth rash
- tooth repair
- tooth rotation
- tooth socket
- top-, topo-
- topagnosis
- topalgia
- top-down therapy
- topectomy
- topesthesia
- tophaceous
- tophaceous gout
- tophi
- tophus
- tophyperidrosis
- topical
- topical anesthesia
- topical hemostatic agent
- topical hemostatic agents
- topical stressor
- topical thrombin
- topo-
- topoalgia
- topoanesthesia
- topognosia, topognosis
- topognosis
- topographical
- topographical disorientation
- topographic anatomy
- topography
- topoisomerase
- topology
- toponeurosis
- toponomics
- toponym
- toponymy
- topophobia
- topothermesthesiometer
- toppling gait
- Toprol-XL
- torcula
- torcular
- torcular herophili
- torcular Herophili, torcular herophili
- Torg ratio
- tori
- toric
- tormen
- tormina
- torose, torous
- torous
- torpedo
- torpedo maculopathy
- torpent
- torpid
- torpidity
- torpor
- torpor retinae
- torque
- torr
- torrefaction
- Torre-Muir syndrome
- torsade de pointes
- torsades de pointes
- torsadogenic
- torsiometer
- torsion
- torsionometer
- torsion spasm
- torsive
- torsiversion
- torso
- torsoclusion
- tort
- torticollar
- torticollis
- tortipelvis
- tort reform
- tortuous
- torture
- Torula
- toruloid
- toruloma
- Torulopsis glabrata
- torulosis
- torulus
- torulus tactilis
- torus
- torus fracture
- torus mandibularis
- torus palatinus
- Toscana virus
- toss
- toss up
- total abdominal hysterectomy
- total active motion
- total allergy syndrome
- total anomalous pulmonary venous connection
- total cholesterol
- total clearance
- total contact cast
- total enteral nutrition
- total fertility rate
- total hip replacement
- total hyperopia
- total hyperosmia
- total intravenous anesthesia
- totality paradigm
- total joint replacement
- total lung capacity
- total lymphocyte count
- total mesorectal excision
- total necrosis
- total nutrient admixture
- total ossicular replacement
- total oxygen content of blood
- total parenteral nutrition
- total serum calcium
- total staphyloma
- total synechia
- total urinary incontinence
- totipotent
- totipotent cell
- touch
- touchdown sign
- touch prep
- touch print
- touch receptor
- touch up procedure
- tour de maître
- Tourette disorder
- Tourette syndrome
- tourist syndrome
- tourniquet
- tourniquet paralysis
- tourniquet syndrome
- tourniquet test
- Touton cell
- Touton giant cell
- towel bath
- towel binder
- towelette
- towel forceps
- tox
- tox-
- toxalbumin
- toxanemia
- toxemia
- toxemia of pregnancy
- toxemic
- toxenzyme
- toxi-, tox-, toxo-
- toxic
- toxic-
- toxic algal bloom
- toxic amblyopia
- toxicant
- toxic cloud
- toxic convulsion
- toxic delirium
- toxic dementia
- toxic dilatation of colon
- toxic dose
- toxicemic
- toxic encephalitis
- toxic epidermal necrolysis
- toxic erythema
- toxic gastritis
- toxic goiter
- toxic granulation
- toxic hemoglobinuria
- toxic hepatitis
- toxicide
- toxicity
- toxicity equivalent
- toxic jaundice
- toxic lesion
- toxic megacolon
- toxic neuritis
- toxic-nutritional optic neuropathy
- toxico-, toxic-
- Toxicodendron
- toxicoderma
- toxicodermatitis
- toxicodermatosis
- toxicodynamics
- toxicogenic
- toxicoid
- toxicokinetics
- toxicologist
- toxicology
- toxicology screen
- toxicopathy
- toxicophidia
- toxicophobia
- toxicosis
- toxic polyneuritis
- toxic psychosis
- toxic shock-like syndrome
- toxic shock syndrome
- toxic spasm
- toxic tetanus
- toxic vertigo
- toxidermitis
- toxidrome
- toxigenic
- toxigenicity
- toxin
- toxin-antitoxin
- toxinicide
- toxin-linked monoclonal antibody
- toxinologist
- toxinology
- toxinosis
- toxipathy
- toxiphobia
- toxisterol
- toxitherapy
- toxituberculid
- toxo-
- toxocariasis
- toxoid
- toxolecithin
- toxolysin
- toxomucin
- toxonosis
- toxopeptone
- toxophil, toxophile
- toxophile
- toxophilic
- toxophore
- toxophorous
- toxophylaxin
- Toxoplasma
- Toxoplasma gondii
- toxoplasmin
- toxoplasmosis
- Toynbee maneuver
- TP
- TP53
- tPA, TPA
- T-piece
- TP interval
- TPI test
- tr
- TRAb
- trabecula
- trabecula carneae
- trabeculae
- trabecular
- trabecular cancer
- trabecular meshwork
- trabecular pattern
- trabeculate
- trabeculectomy
- trabeculoplasty
- trace
- traceability
- trace amine
- trace-back
- traceback, trace-back
- trace-forward
- traceforward, trace-forward
- tracer
- trach
- trache-
- trachea
- tracheae
- tracheaectasy
- tracheal
- tracheal bronchus
- trachealgia
- tracheal gland
- trachealis
- tracheal pain
- tracheal sound
- tracheal tickle
- tracheal tube
- tracheitis, trachitis
- trachelectomy
- trachelematoma
- trachelism, trachelismus
- trachelismus
- trachelitis
- trachelo-
- trachelobregmatic
- trachelocele
- trachelocyrtosis
- trachelocystitis
- trachelodynia
- trachelokyphosis
- trachelology
- trachelomastoid
- trachelomyitis
- trachelopexy
- tracheloplasty
- trachelorrhaphy
- tracheloschisis
- trachelotomy
- tracheo-, trache-
- tracheoaerocele
- tracheobronchial
- tracheobronchial prosthesis
- tracheobronchial suction
- tracheobronchial tree
- tracheobronchomegaly
- tracheobronchoscopy
- tracheocele
- tracheoesophageal
- tracheoesophageal fistula
- tracheoesophageal septum
- tracheolaryngeal
- tracheolaryngotomy
- tracheomalacia
- tracheopathia, tracheopathy
- tracheopathy
- tracheopharyngeal
- tracheophony
- tracheoplasty
- tracheopyosis
- tracheorrhagia
- tracheoschisis
- tracheoscopy
- tracheostenosis
- tracheostoma
- tracheostomize
- tracheostomy
- tracheostomy button
- tracheostomy tube
- tracheotome
- tracheotomy
- tracheotomy tube
- trachitis
- trachoma
- trachoma deformans
- trachomatous
- trachomatous keratitis
- trachychromatic
- trachyphonia
- tracing
- track
- tracking
- tract
- tractellum
- traction
- traction splint
- tractography
- tractor
- tractotomy
- tractus
- tractus diagonalis
- tractus solitarius
- tradename
- traditional birth attendant
- traditional Chinese medicine
- traditional Medicare
- tragacanth
- tragal
- tragicus
- tragion
- tragomaschalia
- tragophonia, tragophony
- tragophony
- tragopodia
- tragus
- train
- trainable
- trainee
- training
- training effect
- train-of-four
- trait
- trajector
- tramadol
- trance
- tranquilizer
- trans-
- transabdominal
- transacetylation
- transaction
- transactional analysis
- transamidination
- transaminase
- transamination
- transanal irrigation
- transaortic
- transatrial
- transaudient
- transaxial
- transbronchial
- transbronchial lung biopsy
- transbronchial needle aspiration
- transcalent
- transcapillary
- transcatheter arterial chemoembolization
- transcatheter mitral valve repair
- transcellular
- transcendental meditation
- transcervical
- transcervical balloon tuboplasty
- transcervical fracture
- transchest pacing
- transcortical
- transcortical aphasia
- transcortin
- transcranial direct current stimulation
- transcranial magnetic motor-evoked potential
- transcranial magnetic stimulation
- transcranial radiograph
- transcriptase
- transcription
- transcriptional
- transcriptional profiling
- transcriptome
- transcultural
- transcultural psychiatry
- transcutaneous
- transcutaneous bilirubin measurement
- transcutaneous oxygen monitoring
- transcutaneous pacemaker
- transcutaneous pacing
- transcytosis
- transdermal infusion system
- transdermal scopolamine
- transdifferentiation
- transducer
- transduction
- transduodenal
- transection, transsection
- transesophageal echocardiography
- transfection
- transfeminine
- transfer
- transfer ability, impaired
- transferase
- transfer dysphagia
- transference
- transfer host
- transfer of learning
- transferrin
- transferring
- transferring enzyme
- transfer RNA
- transfer vesicle
- transfix
- transfixion
- transforation
- transforator
- transformant
- transformation
- transformation zone
- transformer
- Transforming Care at the Bedside initiative
- transforming growth factor
- transfuse
- transfusion
- transfusion-associated bacterial infection
- transfusion-dependent anemia
- transfusion nephritis
- transfusion reaction
- transfusion-related acute lung injury
- transfusion-related immunomodulation
- transfusion syndrome, multiple
- transfusion-transmissible virus
- transfusion trigger
- transgastric
- transgendered
- transgene
- transgenerational
- transgenerational design
- transgenerationally
- transgenerational therapy
- transgenesis
- transgenic
- transglutaminase
- transient
- transient abnormal myelopoiesis, transient myeloproliferative disorder
- transient aplastic crisis
- transient flora
- transient global amnesia
- transient hypoglobulinemia
- transient left ventricular apical ballooning
- transient monocular blindness
- transient myeloproliferative disorder
- transient myopia
- transient proteinuria
- transient quadriplegia
- transient tachypnea of the newborn
- transiliac
- transilient
- transillumination
- transinsular
- transischiac
- transisthmian
- transition
- transitional
- transitional care
- transitional cell
- transitional cell carcinoma
- transitional epithelium
- transitional milk
- transitional research
- transitional year
- transitional zone of the eye
- transition lens
- transition metal
- transition state
- transition zone
- transition zone of the prostate
- transitory mania
- transjugular
- transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt
- transkaryotic
- transkaryotic implantation
- translabial
- translation
- translational research
- translator
- translocation
- translucent
- translumbar aortography
- transluminal
- transmasculine
- transmethylase
- transmethylation
- transmigration
- transmissible
- transmissible spongiform encephalopathy
- transmission
- transmission-based precautions
- transmission control protocol/internet protocol
- transmitted light
- transmitted light illumination
- transmitted resistance
- transmural
- transmutation
- transmyocardial revascularization
- transnasal tube
- transocular
- transonance
- transoral robotic surgery
- transorbital
- transosteal implant
- transovarial passage
- transovarial transmission
- transpapillary
- transparency
- transparent
- transparent mutation
- transparent synthetic dressing
- transparietal
- transpeptidase
- transperitoneal
- trans person
- trans-person
- transperson, trans person, trans-person
- transphosphorylase
- transphosphorylation
- transpirable
- transpiration
- transpire
- transplacental
- transplant
- transplantar
- transplantation
- transplantation antigen
- transplantation endometriosis
- transplantation of the pancreas
- transplant commercialism
- transplant tourism
- transplant trafficking
- transplant vasculopathy
- transpleural
- transport
- transportation of the injured
- transporter associated with antigen processing
- transport medium
- transport protein
- transport sector
- transpose
- transposition
- transposition of the great vessels
- transposon
- transpulmonary pressure
- transpupillary
- transpupillary thermal therapy
- transpupillary thermotherapy, transpupillary thermal therapy
- transradial
- transrectal
- transrectal transducer
- transrectal ultrasonography of the prostate
- transrenal DNA
- trans-retinal
- transsection
- transsegmental
- transseptal
- transseptal fiber
- transsexual
- transsexualism
- transsphenoidal
- transsphincteric
- transstadial
- transstadially
- transtemporal
- transtentorial herniation
- transthalamic
- transthoracic
- transthoracic echocardiography
- transthoracic pacemaker
- transthoracic resistance
- transthoracotomy
- transthyretin
- transtracheal
- transtracheal catheter ventilation
- transtracheal insufflation
- transtracheal oxygen
- transtracheal oxygenation
- transtracheal oxygen therapy
- transtrochanteric osteotomy
- transtubular potassium gradient
- transtympanic neurectomy
- transtympanic perfusion of medication
- transubstantiation
- transudate
- transudation
- transuranic
- transuranic, transuranium
- transuranium
- transureteroureterostomy
- transurethral
- transurethral needle ablation
- transvaginal
- transvaginal contraception
- transvaginal ultrasonography
- transvector
- transvenous
- transversalis
- transverse
- transverse arch
- transverse axis
- transverse cervical artery
- transverse crural ligament
- transversectomy
- transverse facial artery
- transverse fissure
- transverse fracture
- transverse hermaphroditism
- transverse humeral ligament
- transverse lie
- transverse ligament of atlas
- transverse ligament of knee
- transverse mandibular axis
- transverse myelitis
- transverse myelopathy
- transverse occipital sulcus
- transverse orbital convolution
- transverse plane
- transverse presentation
- transverse process
- transverse relaxation time
- transverse sinus
- transverse tarsal joint
- transverse temporal gyrus
- transverse tubule
- transversion
- transversocostal
- transversospinalis
- transversourethralis
- transversus
- transvesical
- transvestism, transvestitism
- transvestite
- transvestitism
- Trantas dots
- trapezial
- trapeziform
- trapeziometacarpal
- trapezium
- trapezius
- trapezius muscle
- trapezoid
- trapezoid body
- trapezoid bone
- trapezoidocephaly-synostosis syndrome
- trapezoid ridge
- trapped lung
- trauma
- trauma injury severity score
- Trauma Score
- traumat-
- traumata
- traumatic
- traumatic amnesia
- traumatic amputation
- traumatic anesthesia
- traumatic aphasia
- traumatic brain injury
- traumatic delirium
- traumatic dislocation
- traumatic edema
- traumatic epilepsy
- traumatic gangrene
- traumatic herpes
- traumatic hypersomnia
- traumatic keratitis
- traumatic lumbar puncture
- traumatic meningitis
- traumatic myelitis
- traumatic myelopathy
- traumatic myositis
- traumatic neuritis
- traumatic neuroma
- traumatic occlusion
- traumatic peritonitis
- traumatic proctitis
- traumatic psychosis
- traumatic rhabdomyolysis
- traumatic shock
- traumatic stomatitis
- traumatic tattooing
- traumatic thrombosis
- traumatic ulcer
- traumatism
- traumato-, traumat-
- traumatology
- traumatopathy
- traumatophilia
- traumatopnea
- traumatotherapy
- trauma X
- travel
- travel aid
- travelers' diarrhea
- travel for transplantation
- tray
- trazodone
- Trazon
- Treacher Collins syndrome
- treadmill
- treatment
- treatment burden
- treatment card
- treatment cycle
- treatment-experienced
- treatment matching
- treatment-naive
- treatment plan
- treatment plane
- treatment protocol
- treatment-refractory shock
- treatment-resistant depression
- treatment sector
- treatment simplification
- tree
- tree nut
- tree pollen
- Treg
- trehalase
- trehalose
- Trematoda
- trematode
- trematodiasis
- tremble
- trembles
- tremelloid, tremellose
- tremellose
- tremetol
- tremolabile
- tremophobia
- tremor
- tremulor
- tremulous
- tremulous pulse
- trench foot
- trench mouth
- trend
- Trendelenburg, Friedrich
- Trendelenburg gait
- Trendelenburg limp
- Trendelenburg test
- trepan
- trepanation
- trephination
- trephine
- trephocyte
- trepidant
- trepidatio
- trepidation
- Treponema
- Treponema carateum
- Treponema denticola
- Treponema endemicum
- Treponema pallidum
- Treponema pertenue
- Treponemataceae
- treponematosis
- treponeme
- treponemiasis
- treponemicidal
- trepopnea
- treppe
- tretinoin
- tri-
- triacetate
- triacetin
- triacidic
- triacylglycerol
- triad
- triad syndrome
- triage
- triage sector
- trial
- trial frame
- trial lens
- Trialodine
- trial of labor
- triamcinolone
- triamterene
- triangle
- triangle of elbow
- triangle of necessity
- triangle of Petit
- triangular bandage
- triangular fibrocartilage complex
- triangularis
- triangular lamella
- triangular ligament
- triangular ligament of liver
- triangular muscle
- triangular sling
- triangulation
- Triatoma
- triatomic
- tribade
- tribadism
- tribasic
- tribasilar
- tribasilar synostosis
- tribe
- tribology
- triboluminescence
- tribrachia
- tribrachius
- tribromide
- tricellular
- tricephalus
- triceps
- triceps brachii
- triceps brachii muscle
- triceps muscle
- triceps reflex
- triceps skin fold
- triceps surae
- triceps surae jerk
- triceps surae reflex
- Tricercomonas
- trich-
- trichalgia
- trichangiectasia, trichangiectasis
- trichangiectasis
- trichatrophia
- trichiasis
- trichilemma cyst
- trichilemmoma
- trichina
- Trichina
- trichinae
- Trichinella
- Trichinella spiralis
- trichinellosis
- trichinophobia
- trichinosis
- trichinous
- trichinous myositis
- trichion
- trichitis
- trichloride
- trichloroethylene
- tricho-, trich-
- trichoanesthesia
- trichobacteria
- trichobezoar
- trichoclasia, trichoclasis
- trichoclasis
- trichocryptosis
- trichocyst
- Trichodectes
- trichoepithelioma
- trichoesthesia
- trichogen
- trichogenous
- trichoglossia
- trichohyalin
- trichoid
- trichokryptomania
- tricholith
- trichology
- trichoma
- trichomatosis
- trichomatous
- trichome
- trichomegaly
- trichomonacide
- trichomonad
- trichomonal
- Trichomonas
- Trichomonas hominis
- Trichomonas tenax
- Trichomonas vaginalis
- Trichomonas vaginalis vaginitis
- trichomoniasis
- trichomycosis
- trichomycosis axillaris
- trichomycosis nodosa
- trichonosis
- trichopathophobia
- trichopathy
- trichophagia, trichophagy
- trichophagy
- trichophobia
- trichophytic
- trichophytic granuloma
- trichophytic granulosa
- trichophytid
- trichophytin
- trichophytobezoar
- Trichophyton
- Trichophyton mentagrophytes
- Trichophyton schoenleinii
- Trichophyton tonsurans
- Trichophyton violaceum
- trichophytosis
- trichoptilosis
- trichorrhexis nodosa
- trichoscopy
- trichosiderin
- trichosis
- trichosis decolor
- trichosis setosa
- Trichosporon
- Trichosporon beigelii
- trichosporosis
- trichostasis spinulosa
- trichostrongyliasis
- trichostrongylosis
- Trichostrongylus
- trichotillomania
- trichotomous
- trichotomy
- trichotoxin
- trichotrophy
- trichroic
- trichroism
- trichromatic
- trichromatism
- trichromatopsia
- trichrome stain
- trichromic
- trichuriasis
- Trichuris
- Trichuris suis
- Trichuris trichiura
- tricipital
- tricipital muscle
- tricitrates oral solution
- trickle
- triclosan
- tricornic, tricornute
- tricornute
- tricrotic
- tricrotic pulse
- tricrotism
- tricuspid
- tricuspid area
- tricuspid atresia
- tricuspid murmur
- tricuspid orifice
- tricuspid regurgitation
- tricuspid stenosis
- tricuspid tooth
- tricyclic antidepressant
- trident, tridentate
- tridentate
- tridermic
- tridermoma
- trielcon
- triencephalus
- triennial
- trier of fact
- triethylenethiophosphoramide
- trifacial
- trifacial neuralgia
- trifid
- trifluoperazine hydrochloride
- triflupromazine
- trifocal
- trifocal glasses
- trifocal lens
- Trifolium pratense
- trifurcation
- trigastric
- trigeminal
- trigeminal cough
- trigeminal ganglion
- trigeminal lemniscus
- trigeminal mesencephalic nucleus
- trigeminal mesencephalic tract
- trigeminal motor nucleus
- trigeminal nerve
- trigeminal neuralgia
- trigeminal pulse
- trigeminal sensory nucleus
- trigeminal spinal nucleus
- trigeminal spinal tract
- trigeminothalamic tract
- trigeminy
- trigenic
- trigger
- triggering
- trigger zone
- triglyceride
- trigonal
- trigone
- trigonectomy
- Trigonella foenum graecum
- trigone of bladder
- trigonid
- trigonitis
- trigonocephalic
- trigonocephalus
- trigonocephaly
- trihexyphenidyl hydrochloride
- trihybrid
- triiniodymus
- tri-iodinated contrast medium
- triiodothyronine
- trikates
- trilabe
- trilaminar
- trilateral
- trilineage
- trill
- trilobate
- trilobate placenta
- trilocular
- trilogy
- trimalleolar fracture
- trimanual
- trimensual
- Trimeresurus
- trimester
- trimester-specific
- trimethaphan camsylate
- trimethoprim
- trimethylamine-N-oxide
- trimethylaminuria
- trimethylene
- trimmer
- trimorphous
- Trimox
- trinitrophenol
- trinitrotoluene
- trinucleotide repeat disorder
- triocephalus
- triolein
- triolism
- Triological Society
- triophthalmos
- triopodymus
- triorchid, triorchis
- triorchidism
- triorchis
- triose
- triotus
- trioxsalen
- trip
- tripara
- tripartite placenta
- Tripedia
- tripe palm
- tripeptide
- triphalangia
- triphammer pulse
- triphasic
- triphenylmethane
- triplanar movement
- triple
- Triple C
- triple contrast
- triplegia
- triple-lumen catheter
- triple-marker test
- triple negative breast cancer
- triple negative disease
- triple phosphate
- triple placenta
- triple point
- Triple-P positive parenting program
- triple quartan malaria
- triple response
- triplet
- triplet code
- triple-vessel disease
- triplex
- triploblastic
- triploid
- triploidy
- triplokoria
- triplopia
- tripod
- tripod fracture
- tripodia
- tripoding
- tripod position
- triprosopus
- tripsis
- -tripsy
- triptan
- Tripterygium wilfordii
- -triptyline
- triquetra
- triquetral bone
- triquetrous
- triquetrum
- triradial, triradiate
- triradiate
- triradiate pelvis
- triradius
- trisaccharide
- trisectionectomy
- triskaidekaphobia
- trismic
- trismoid
- trismus
- trisomic
- trisomy
- trisomy 13
- trisomy 18
- trisomy 21
- trisplanchnic
- tristichia
- tristimania
- trisulcate
- trisulfate
- trisulfide
- tritanomalopia
- tritanomaly
- tritanopia
- tritiate
- tritiated thymidine
- triticeous
- triticeous cartilage
- tritium
- triturable
- triturate
- trituration
- trivalence
- trivalent
- trivalve
- trivial name
- trizonal
- tRNA
- trocar
- troch
- trochanter
- trochanterian
- trochanteric
- trochanteric fossa
- trochanter major
- trochanterplasty
- trochanter roll
- trochanter trochanter
- trochantin
- trochantinian
- troche, troch
- trochiscus
- trochlea
- trochleae
- trochlea of the elbow
- trochlear
- trochlear fovea
- trochleariform
- trochlearis
- trochlear nerve
- trochlear notch
- trochlear nucleus
- trochocardia
- trochocephalia, trochocephaly
- trochocephaly
- trochoid
- trochoides
- trochoid joint
- Troglotrematidae
- trogocytosis
- trohoc
- Trojan horse
- trolamine
- troland
- troleandomycin
- Trombicula
- Trombicula akamushi
- Trombicula alfreddugesi
- trombiculiasis
- Trombiculidae
- tromethamine
- trop-, tropo-
- -trope
- troph-
- trophectoderm
- trophedema
- Tropheryma whippeli
- trophic
- -trophic, -trophous
- trophic factor
- trophic ulcer
- trophic ulceration of eye
- -trophin
- trophism
- tropho-, troph-
- trophoblast
- trophoblast cell
- trophoblastic
- trophoblastic disease
- trophoblastic lacuna
- trophoblastic operculum
- trophoblastoma
- trophocyte
- trophoneurosis
- trophopathia
- -trophous
- trophozoite
- -troph
- -trophy
- tropia
- -tropia
- tropical
- tropical abscess
- tropical acne
- tropical enteropathy
- tropical eye fly
- tropical medicine
- tropical pancreatitis
- tropical pulmonary eosinophilia
- tropical pyoderma
- tropical rat mite
- tropical sore
- tropical spastic paraparesis
- tropical sprue
- tropical ulcer
- tropicamide
- tropic hormone
- -tropic
- tropine
- -tropin
- tropism
- tropo-
- tropocollagen
- tropometer
- tropomyosin
- troponin
- troponin I
- troponin leak
- troponin T
- Trotter syndrome
- trough
- trough FEV1
- Trousseau, Armand
- Trousseausyndrome
- Troyer syndrome
- troy pound
- trp
- true
- true ankylosis
- true autonomic reflex
- true chancre
- true conjugate
- true conjugate diameter of pelvic inlet
- true crisis
- true diabetes
- true diverticulum
- true fungi
- true hermaphroditism
- true hypertrophy
- true intersex
- true knot
- true mole
- true north
- true pelvis
- true rib
- true skin
- true twins
- true vertebra
- Trumenba
- truncal
- truncate
- truncated exponential waveform
- truncus
- truncus arteriosus
- truncus brachiocephalicus
- truncus celiacus
- truncus pulmonalis
- trunk
- trusion
- truss
- trust
- truth serum
- trybutyrase
- try-in
- trypanocidal
- trypanocide
- trypanolysis
- Trypanoplasma
- Trypanosoma
- Trypanosoma brucei
- Trypanosoma cruzi
- trypanosomal
- trypanosome
- trypanosomiasis
- trypanosomic
- trypanosomicide
- trypanosomid
- tryparsamide
- trypomastigote
- trypsin
- trypsinogen
- tryptamine
- tryptase
- tryptic
- tryptolysis
- tryptone
- tryptophan
- tryptophanase
- tryptophanuria
- TS
- T score
- TSHoma
- TSH-receptor antibody
- tsp
- tsutsugamushi disease
- TT
- T-tube
- tub
- tuba
- tubal
- tubal abortion
- tubal factor infertility
- tubal gestation
- tubal insufflation
- tubal ligation
- tubal nephritis
- tubal occlusion
- tubal pregnancy
- tubal reflux
- tubal rupture
- tubal tonsil
- tubatorsion
- tubba, tubboe
- tubboe
- tube
- tubectomy
- tube feeding
- tube flap
- tubeless
- tubeless test
- tuber
- tubera
- tuberal nucleus
- tuber cinereum
- tubercle
- tubercle of the upper lip
- tubercular
- tuberculate, tuberculated
- tuberculated
- tuberculation
- tuberculid, tuberculide
- tuberculide
- tuberculin
- tuberculin skin test
- tuberculin tine test
- tuberculitis
- tuberculocele
- tuberculocidal
- tuberculocidal disinfectant
- tuberculoderma
- tuberculofibroid
- tuberculoid
- tuberculoma
- tuberculophobia
- tuberculoprotein
- tuberculosilicosis
- tuberculosis
- tuberculosis luposa
- tuberculostatic
- tuberculotic
- tuberculous
- tuberculous abscess
- tuberculous arthritis
- tuberculous endocarditis
- tuberculous laryngitis
- tuberculous lymphadenitis
- tuberculous meningitis
- tuberculous orchitis
- tuberculous peritonitis
- tuberculous pleurisy
- tuberculous pneumonia
- tuberculous spondylitis
- tuberculum
- tuberculum acusticum
- tuberculum impar
- tuberculum majus humeri
- tuberculum minus humeri
- tuberomammillary nucleus
- tuberosis
- tuberositas
- tuberositates
- tuberosity
- tuberous
- tuberous sclerosis
- tuberous sclerosis complex
- tubes tied
- tubi-
- tubing compliance
- tubing forceps
- tuboabdominal
- tuboabdominal gestation
- tuboabdominal pregnancy
- tubocurarine chloride
- tuboligamentary pregnancy
- tuboligamentous
- tubo-ovarian
- tubo-ovarian abscess
- tubo-ovarian cyst
- tubo-ovarian gestation
- tubo-ovarian pregnancy
- tubo-ovariotomy
- tubo-ovaritis
- tuboperitoneal
- tuboplasty
- tuborrhea
- tubotorsion
- tubotympanal
- tubouterine
- tubovaginal
- tubular
- tubular gland
- tubular hyposthenuria
- tubular proteinuria
- tubular sound
- tubule
- tubuli
- tubulin
- tubulin inhibitor
- tubulization
- tubuloalveolar
- tubulocyst
- tubulodermoid
- tubulointerstitial nephritis
- tubuloracemose
- tubulorrhexis
- tubulus
- tubus
- tubus digestorius
- tuft
- tufted cell
- tugging
- tuina
- tui-na
- tui na, tui-na, tuina
- tularemia
- tularemic pneumonia
- tulasi, tulsi
- Tullio phenomenon
- tulsi
- tumefacient
- tumefaction
- tumentia
- tumescence
- tumescent anesthesia
- tumor
- tumor ablation
- tumoraffin
- tumor board
- tumor burden
- tumor evasion
- tumor heterogeneity
- tumoricidal
- tumorigenesis
- tumor-induced osteomalacia
- tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte
- tumorlet
- tumor lysis syndrome
- tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitor
- tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome
- tumorous
- tumor pseudocapsule
- tumor-reactive zone
- tumor seeding
- tumor-specific antigen
- tumor stain
- tumor suppressor gene
- tumor vaccine
- tumor virus
- tumultus
- tumultus cordis
- tune deafness
- Tunga
- Tunga penetrans
- tungiasis
- tungsten
- tungsten carbide
- tunic
- tunica
- tunica adventitia
- tunica albuginea
- tunica conjunctiva
- tunica dartos
- tunicae
- tunica externa
- tunica interna
- tunica intima
- tunica media
- tunica mucosa
- tunica muscularis
- tunica serosa
- tunica vaginalis
- tunica vasculosa
- tunnel
- tunneled
- tunneled central venous catheter
- tunneling
- tunnel vision
- tunnel wound
- turban tumor
- turbid
- turbidimeter
- turbidimetry
- turbidity
- turbinal
- turbinal varix
- turbinate
- turbinated
- turbinate reduction surgery
- turbinectomy
- turbine dental handpiece
- turbinoplasty
- turbinotome
- turbinotomy
- turbulent flow
- Turcot syndrome
- turf toe
- turgescence
- turgescent
- turgid
- turgometer
- turgor
- turgor vitalis
- turista
- turmeric
- turn-around time
- Turner syndrome
- turning
- turnover
- turns
- turpentine
- turpentine poisoning
- TURP syndrome
- Turridae
- turunda
- tussal
- tussicular
- tussiculation
- tussis
- tussive
- tussive fremitus
- tussive syncope
- tutamen
- tutamen oculi
- tutamina
- TV
- T wave
- T-wave inversion
- Twelve-Item Short-Form Health Survey
- twiddler syndrome
- twig
- twilight anesthesia
- twilight sleep
- twilight state
- twin
- twinge
- twinning
- Twinrix
- twin-twin transfusion
- twisted hair
- twisted suture
- twitch
- twitching
- twitch muscle
- two-person assist
- two-point discrimination
- two-point discrimination test
- two-point gait
- two-way interactive television
- two-wheeled rolling walker
- TXA2
- tybamate
- tylectomy
- tylion
- tyloma
- tylosis
- tylosis palmaris et plantaris
- tyloxapol
- tympan-
- tympanal
- tympanectomy
- tympanic
- tympanic antrum
- tympanic artery
- tympanic cavity
- tympanic ganglion
- tympanic groove
- tympanic lip
- tympanic membrane
- tympanic membrane recess
- tympanic nerve
- tympanic plate
- tympanic plexus
- tympanic resonance
- tympanic ring
- tympanic temperature
- tympanic thermometer
- tympanism
- tympanites
- tympanitic
- tympanitic abscess
- tympanitic resonance
- tympanitis
- tympano-, tympan-
- tympanocentesis
- tympanocervical abscess
- tympanoeustachian
- tympanography
- tympanohyal
- tympanomalleal
- tympanomandibular
- tympanomastoid abscess
- tympanomastoiditis
- tympanometry
- tympanoplasty
- tympanosclerosis
- tympanosis
- tympanosquamosal
- tympanostapedial
- tympanostomy
- tympanostomy tube
- tympanotemporal
- tympanotomy
- tympanous
- tympanum
- tympanum perforator
- tympany
- Tyndall effect
- typ-
- Typbar-TCV
- type
- type 1.5 diabetes
- type 1a diabetes mellitus
- type 1b diabetes mellitus
- type 1 diabetes
- type 1 myofiber
- type 1 neurofibromatosis
- type 1 polyglandular autoimmune syndrome
- type 2 diabetes
- type 2 neurofibromatosis
- type 2 polyglandular autoimmune syndrome
- type 3 diabetes mellitus
- type A behavior
- type A personality
- type B behavior
- type B personality
- type culture
- type D personality
- Type D personality
- type I error
- type II error
- type II myofiber
- type II osteoporosis
- type I osteoporosis
- typhlectasis
- typhlectomy
- typhlenteritis
- typhlitis
- typhlo-
- typhlodicliditis
- typhloempyema
- typhloenteritis
- typhlolithiasis
- typhlomegaly
- typhlon
- typhlopexy
- typhlorrhaphy
- typhlospasm
- typhlostenosis
- typhlostomy
- typhlotomy
- typhloureterostomy
- typho-
- typhoid
- typhoid carrier
- typhoid hemorrhage
- typhoid nodules
- typhoid pleurisy
- typhoid spine
- typhoid vaccine
- typholysin
- typhomalarial
- typhomania
- typhopneumonia
- typhous
- typhus
- typhus nodules
- typhus vaccine
- typical
- typing
- typo-, typ-
- typodont
- typoscope
- typus
- tyr
- tyramine
- tyramine-free diet
- tyrannism
- tyrogenous
- Tyroglyphus
- tyroid
- tyroma
- tyromatosis
- tyrosinase
- tyrosine
- tyrosine kinase
- tyrosinemia
- tyrosinosis
- tyrosinuria
- tyrosis
- tyrosyluria
- tyrotoxism
- Tyrrell fascia
- tysonitis
- tyvelose
- Tzanck, Arnault
- Tzanck test