Varicella Testing


varicella-zoster antibodies, chicken pox, VZ.

To assist in confirming a diagnosis of a current, recent, or past varicella-zoster infection (chicken pox or shingles).

Patient Preparation
There are no food, fluid, activity, or medication restrictions unless by medical direction.

Normal Findings
Method: Enzyme immunoassay.

NegativeNo significant level of detectable varicella IgM antibodyNegativeNo significant level of detectable varicella IgG antibody; indicative of nonimmunity
IndeterminateEquivocal results; retest in 7–14 daysIndeterminateEquivocal results; retest in 7–14 days
PositiveVaricella IgM antibody detected; indicative of recent immunization, current or recent infectionPositiveVaricella IgG antibody detected; indicative of immunization, current or past infection

Critical Findings and Potential Interventions
Specific infectious organisms are required to be reported to local, state, and national departments of health. Lists of specific organisms may vary among facilities. State health departments provide information regarding reportable diseases, which can be accessed at each state health department website. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides information regarding national notifiable diseases at https://ndc

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