

[L. columna, pillar]
A cylindrical supporting structure.

anal column

Vertical folds of the mucous membrane in the anal canal.
SYN: SEE: rectal column

anterior column

Ventral column.

column of Bertin

SEE: Bertin, Exupère

column of Burdach

SEE: Burdach, Karl

Clarke column

SEE: Clarke, Jacob A.L.

dorsal column

The triangular (in cross-section) sector of white matter demarcated by the dorsal (posterior) midline (the dorsal median sulcus) and the dorsal horn on each side of the spinal cord.
SYN: SEE: dorsal funiculus; SEE: posterior column (2); SEE: posterior funiculus

column of fornix

Either of two arched bands of fibers that form the anterior body of the fornix. The fibers lead to the mammillary body.

column of Goll

SEE: Goll, Friedrich

gray column

Gray matter in the anterior and posterior horns of the spinal cord.

intermediolateral cell column

SEE: Lateral horn.

lateral column

1. A column in the lateral portion of the gray matter of the spinal cord. It contains cell bodies of preganglionic neurons of the sympathetic nervous system.
2. The triangular (in cross-section) sector of white matter demarcated by the dorsal (posterior) and ventral (anterior) horns on each side of the spinal cord. The lateral column contains axons of neurons with cell bodies inside the brain or spinal cord, not axons from the dorsal (posterior) root ganglia.
SYN: SEE: lateral funiculus
3. The articulation in the midfoot between the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones and the cuboid.

motor column

In the brainstem and spinal cord, a group of functionally analogous motor nuclei that are aligned longitudinally and occupy a stereotyped position in cross-sections. The three motor columns, which run in the medial and ventral quadrants of the brainstem and spinal cord, comprise the pharyngeal (branchial) motor column (the nucleus ambiguus, the facial motor nucleus, and the trigeminal motor nucleus), the somatic motor column (the ventral horns of the spinal cord and the hypoglossal, abducens, trochlear, and oculomotor nuclei), and the visceral motor column (the lateral horns of the spinal cord and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, the salivatory nucleus, and the Edinger-Westphal nucleus).

posterior column

1. The posterior horn of the gray matter of the spinal cord. It consists of an expanded portion or caput connected by a narrower cervix to the main portion of the gray matter.SEE: 2. Dorsal column.

rectal column

SEE: Anal column.

renal column

Cortical material of the kidney that extends centrally, separating the pyramids.

sensory column

In the brainstem and spinal cord, a group of functionally analogous secondary sensory nuclei that are aligned longitudinally and that occupy a stereotyped position in cross-sections. The three sensory columns, which run in the lateral and dorsal quadrants of the brainstem and spinal cord, comprise the general somatic sensory column (the dorsal horns of the spinal cord and the mesencephalic, principal sensory, and spinal trigeminal nuclei), the special somatic sensory column (the cochlear and vestibular nuclei), and the visceral sensory column (the nucleus of the solitary tract).

spinal column

SEE: Vertebral column.

ventral column

The triangular (in cross-section) sector of white matter demarcated by the ventral horn and the ventral midline (the ventral median fissure) on each side of the spinal cord. It contains the motor neuron cell bodies for the somatic nervous system.
SYN: SEE: anterior column; SEE: ventral funiculus

vertebral column

The portion of the axial skeleton consisting of vertebrae (7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, the sacrum, and the coccyx) joined together by intervertebral disks and fibrous tissue. It forms the main supporting axis of the body, encloses and protects the spinal cord, and attaches the appendicular skeleton and muscles for moving the various body parts.
SYN: SEE: spinal column

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VERTEBRAL COLUMN View from left is anterior view.