pl. bursae [L. bursa, a leather sack fr. Gr. byrsa, a hide]
1. A padlike sac or cavity found in connective tissue usually near a joint. It is lined with synovial membrane and contains a fluid (synovia) that reduces friction between tendon and bone, tendon and ligament, or between other structures where friction is likely to occur.
2. A blind sac or cavity.
Achilles bursa
SEE: Calcaneal bursa
adventitious bursa
A bursa not usually present but developing in response to friction or pressure.
calcaneal bursa
A bursa between the Achilles tendon and the calcaneus.
SYN: SEE: Achilles bursa
olecranon bursa
A bursa at the elbow joint lying between the olecranon process and the skin.
omental bursa
The bursa of the great omentum. It communicates with the greater or true peritoneal cavity via the vestibule and the foramen of Winslow.
SYN: SEE: lesser peritoneal cavity
patellar bursa
The bursa formed by several bursae in the region of the patella, including the suprapatellar, infrapatellar, and prepatellar bursae. Some communicate with the cavity of the knee joint.
pharyngeal bursa
A small median blind bursa found in the lower portion of the pharyngeal tonsil.
subacromial bursa
A large bursa lying between the acromion and the coracoacromial ligament.
SYN: SEE: subdeltoid bursa
subdeltoid bursa
SEE: Subacromial bursa