life support
Any technique, therapy, or device that assists in sustaining life.
advanced cardiac life support
1. The resuscitation of dying patients. ACLS involves management of the airway, reestablishment of breathing, and the restoration of spontaneous heart rhythm, blood pressure, and organ perfusion. It begins with the recognition of cardiac or respiratory emergencies, and includes cardiopulmonary resuscitation, defibrillation, endotracheal intubation, oxygenation and ventilation, medications for restoring normal cardiac rhythms and cardiac output, cardiac pacing (when needed), and post-resuscitation care. It may begin in the out-of-hospital setting or take place in the hospital.
ADVANCED CARDIAC LIFE SUPPORT Mannequin used for training
SEE: Advanced Cardiac Life Support
SEE: basic cardiac life support; SEE: cardiopulmonary resuscitation; SEE: emergency cardiac care
Advanced Medical Life Support
advanced trauma life support
1. Treatment for managing a critically injured patient.
SEE: Advanced Trauma Life Support
basic cardiac life support
ABBR: BCLS The phase of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and emergency cardiac care that either (1) prevents circulatory or respiratory arrest or insufficiency by prompt recognition and early intervention or by early entry into the emergency care system or both; or (2) externally supports the circulation and respiration of a patient in cardiac arrest through CPR. When cardiac or respiratory arrest occurs, basic life support (BLS) should be initiated by anyone present who is familiar with CPR.
SEE: advanced cardiac life support; SEE: bag mask device; SEE: cardiopulmonary resuscitation; SEE: emergency cardiac care; SEE: Heimlich maneuver
basic life support
1. A level of out-of-hospital emergency service. SEE: 2. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
SEE: defibrillation; SEE: defibrillator
Basic Trauma Life Support
pediatric advanced life support
ABBR: PALS The treatment, including basic and advanced life support, for stabilizing a critically ill or injured child.