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[albumen + -uria]
The presence of easily detectable amounts of albumin in the urine. Albuminuria is a common sign of renal impairment, e.g., nephrotic syndrome; it also occurs in fever, malignant hypertension, and in healthy people after vigorous exercise.
SEE: microalbuminuria; SEE: nephritis; SEE: nephrosis
albuminuretic (al-bū-mĭ-noo-rĕt″ik)
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, adj.
albuminuric (al-bū-mĭ-noor′ik)
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, adj.
STAGING: The ratio of albumin to creatinine (ACR) in a urinary sample determines the severity of albumin loss in urine. Stage A1 is an ACR of < 30 mg/g; A2 = 30-300 mg/g; and Stage 3 > 300 mg/g.

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