
(ang″kĭ-los′tŏ-mă, an″sĭ-)

[Gr. ankylos, crooked + stoma, mouth]
A genus of nematodes of the family Ancylostomatidae whose members are intestinal parasites and include the hookworms.
SYN: SEE: Ankylostoma

Ancylostoma braziliense

A species of hookworm that infests dogs and cats and may cause cutaneous larva migrans in humans.
SEE: larva migrans, cutaneous

Ancylostoma caninum

A species of hookworm that infests dogs and cats and may cause cutaneous larva migrans in humans.
SEE: larva migrans, cutaneous

Ancylostoma duodenale

A species of hookworm widely found in the Caribbean, South America, Africa, and Asia that causes ancylostomiasis in humans.
SEE: Necator americanus