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[1in- + toxi-]

1. Poisoning by a drug or toxic substance.
2. Cognitive impairment from alcoholic beverages; drunkenness.
The determination of alcohol content of the blood, i.e., ethyl alcohol or the alcohol present in commercial beverages such as beer, wine, and whiskey, is sometimes of value in the diagnosis of alcohol intoxication, esp. in differentiating it from other disorders. Normally the alcohol content of body tissues and fluids is negligible. When ingested, alcohols are absorbed slowly or quickly depending upon the amount swallowed, presence of food in the stomach, the drinker's gender (women become inebriated more easily with the same amount of alcohol consumption as men), and rate of gastric emptying. The amount of alcohol found in each milliliter of blood also depends on body size.

The amount of alcohol present in the blood does not provide valid information about the degree of intoxication because of the ability of the central nervous system, liver, and other organs to adapt to alcohol.
SEE: alcoholism
SYN: SEE: inebriation

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