[Gr. choreia, dance]
Involuntary dancing or writhing of a limb or of the facial muscles.
choreal (kō-rē′al) (kō′rē-ăl), adj.
acute chorea
SEE: Sydenham chorea.
Bergeron chorea
SEE: Electric chorea.
chronic chorea
SEE: Huntington chorea.
electric chorea
Sudden, rhythmic, involuntary contractions, in rapid succession, of a group or groups of muscles, starting at an extremity or half of the face, and covering a large part or all of the body. This causes violent movements as if the patient had been stimulated by an electric current. It is usually fatal.
SYN: SEE: Bergeron chorea; SEE: Dubini disease; SEE: spasmus Dubini
epidemic mania
SEE: Dancing mania.
chorea gravidarum
A form of Sydenham chorea seen in some pregnant women, usually in those who have had chorea before, esp. in their first pregnancy.
SEE: Sydenham chorea
Henoch chorea
SEE: Henoch chorea
hereditary chorea
SEE: Huntington disease.
Huntington chorea
SEE: Huntington disease.
hyoscine chorea
Movements simulating chorea and sometimes accompanied by delirium, seen in acute scopolamine intoxication.
hysteric chorea
A form of hysteria with choreiform movements.
mimetic chorea
Chorea caused by imitative movements.
chorea minor
SEE: Sydenham chorea.
posthemiplegic chorea
Chorea affecting partially paralyzed muscles subsequent to a hemiplegic attack.
sporadic chorea of the elderly
A mild, usually benign disorder of adults marked by chorea-like movements and mild cognitive deficits. It may be related to Huntington chorea.
SEE: Huntington chorea
Sydenham chorea
SEE: Sydenham chorea