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[Ger. Zink]
SYMB: Zn A bluish-white, crystalline metallic element, atomic weight (mass) 65.37, atomic number 30, specific gravity 7.13, boiling point 906°C. It is found as a carbonate and silicate (calamine) and as a sulfide (blende). Dietary sources are red meat, esp. beef, lamb, and liver; eggs; seafood; and, to a lesser extent, grain products.
CAS # 7440-66-6

Zinc is an essential dietary element for animals, including humans. It is involved in most metabolic pathways. The recommended dietary intake is 12 to 15 mg of zinc daily for adults, 19 mg daily during the first 6 months of pregnancy, and 5 mg daily for infants.

Loss of appetite, growth retardation, hypogonadism and dwarfism, skin changes, immunological abnormalities, altered rate of wound healing, and impaired taste characterize this condition. Zinc deficiency during pregnancy may lead to developmental disorders in the child.

Zinc taken orally may reduce the duration, if not the severity, of upper respiratory infections (the common cold).

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