pl. specula [L. speculum, a mirror]
1. An instrument for examination of canals or hollow organs. VAR: eyelid speculum.
2. The membrane separating the anterior cornua of lateral ventricles of the brain.
SYN: SEE: septum pellucidum
bivalve speculum
A speculum with two opposed blades that can be separated or closed.
SEE: vaginal speculum
duck-bill speculum
A bivalve speculum with wide blades, used to inspect the vagina and cervix.
ear speculum
A short, funnel-shaped tube, tubular or bivalve (the former being preferable), used to examine the external auditory canal and eardrum.
eye speculum
A device for separating the eyelids. Plated steel wire, plain, Luer, Von Graefe, and Steven are the most common types.
Pedersen speculum
A small vaginal speculum for examining prepubertal patients or others with small vaginal orifices.
vaginal speculum
A speculum, usually with two opposing portions that, after being inserted, can be pushed apart for examining the vagina and cervix. It should be warmed before use.
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