[agglutin- + -gen]
An antigen that stimulates the production of an agglutinin. Agglutinogens are used primarily in laboratory testing for antibodies against specific blood types.
SEE: blood group
agglutinogenicagglutogenic (ă-gloot″ĭn-ŏ-jen′ĭk) (ă-gloot″ŏ-jen′ik), adj.
A and B agglutinogens
SEE: blood group; SEE: ABO incompatibility
M and N agglutinogens
Antigenic substances found on the membranes of human red blood cells. Anti-M and anti-N agglutinins are rarely found in normal serum. The red blood cells may contain M or N, or both M and N agglutinogens, resulting in blood types M, N, or MN, respectively.
SEE: blood group
Rh agglutinogen
SEE: Rh factor